I'd like help with a German family please

+3 votes
I have a 3rd cousin DNA match. He has the same last name as my 2nd great grandmother's maiden name, Lampe. The problem is that he knows absolutely nothing about his parent's past other than his father was married before and this cousin had a step brother who is now deceased but has living children who he is not in contact with. His mother he has no information on her past at all. We do know their birth and death dates and places of birth and death. Both were on the older side when he was born, dad was 52 and mom was 37, married in 1959. My cousin was born in 1961. I have looked high and low, everywhere I can think of online for these folks in order to be able to connect the families with absolutely no success. I haven't been able to locate any church records on either of them. Thanks for any ideas.
WikiTree profile: Robert Lampe
in Genealogy Help by Patricia Frye G2G Crew (530 points)

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
  1. Could you please first provide all dates and locations you have.
  2. In Germany there are church records the oficial records before 1875 (Prussia); the other states have more or less the same date - some a few years earlier. After that date the civil registry office certificates are the official records.
  3. Due to the German data protection guidelines, you will only find certificates / records available online after the following protection periods have expired:
    • birth records after 110 (old)/120 (planned) years
    • marriage records after 80 years
    • death records after 30 years
  4. If the records you look for are younger than the dates above, you must write to the responsible registry office and explain why you want to have them (Descendant)

by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Yes, thank you for responding! Robert Lampe, the father was born Feb 9, 1909 in Magdeburg and died May 20, 1984 in Aschersleben. The mother, Irmgard Elise Wiess was born July 21, 1922 in Aschersleben and died July 18, 1996 in Aschersleben. Both are buried there. I suppose those birth dates are too recent to find any records going by the timetable you mention. Since I don't have a proven connection to the couple, would that prohibit me from obtaining any records results?
Baptism records Magdeburg are online until 1906. The burial records in Aschersleben are online until 1876, 1879, 1897 depending on the church.

All other dates are in the locking period. That means the only way is to write to the registry offices in Magdeburg and Aschersleben.

Explain them the situation and then you will normally get the info. But ask before what the costs will be.
Well that explains why I can't find anything...it's not available because of the restrictions.

I'll look up the registry offices and write to them explaining why I am looking for the information. Thank you for the updated information sir. I greatly appreciate it!!
...and you need proof that you are a relative or have other legit interest, so better have birth/death certificates of you/relatives ready when you apply for the data or write up a nice adressing letter...
+5 votes
Heinz Lampe findagrave ID 238935313
by Chris Mckinnon G2G6 Pilot (651k points)

Thank you very much! I'll take a screenshot and pass it along to my cousin. Hopefully he can verify that it's his step-brother blush

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