"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! April 28th - 30th, 2023 [closed]

+30 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Another wonderful Chat! See you sooner than you think!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard
Cousin D, this was my first trip to the Outer Banks in some 50+ years. Dad took us when the three of us were kids and living outside of Charlotte and I loved it then. It really is beautiful, just a loooong way off.
As busy as your schedule is right now, Eileen, you can allowed to take some time off from greeting. Hop in when you can!
From one side of North Carolina to the far side, it can't be longer than driving across Texas!! El Paso is closer to Los Angeles than to Houston! Hard to believe but so true. And, the drive from Dallas to El Paso is no breeze either!
Thanks once again Chatman.
LOL, Ginny, true enough. A drive from Nacogdoches to El Paso is interminable, even at the mad speeds Texans drive at!

Oh, no. Driving across Texas is like driving from one side of Russia to the other. 11 times zones! laugh

Pip, I will go someday soon. Also want to visit the Gullah-Geechee community. Fascinating culture and traditions.
Amen, cuz ! ;P

Oh, you really need to do just that, D. St. Helena Island in South Carolina is where you'll want to visit. Penn Center has some great stuff to see and hear. Superior cultural preservation!

Thanks, Pip, it's now on my bucket list. Brave, resilient people with strong spiritual roots who have had to weather pressure from land developers, climate change and who knows what else.

My BFF Liz and I visited the Pin Point Heritage Center outside Savannah last fall - very interesting.

Glad you got the shot. They can be a real bear, but way better than the alternative.

34 Answers

+24 votes

This song was scheduled for last week, and during this week Harry Belafonte became part of the ages.  This is for you Harry!crying

Add To The Line 

Sung to the tune of Jump In the LIne

  • Composed by Lord Kitchener
    • AKA Aldwyn Roberts (1922 - 2000)
      • WikiTree profile: Roberts-28601
  • Sung by Harry Belafonte, Originally recorded 1961
  • Unauthorized Parody by Dave Draper
  • Here is the music:
  • Click on the video, then click back here and the music should play while you try to sing along! Enjoy! (This song is 3:41 minutes long)
  • Add, Add, Add, Senora
  • To your family line
  • Merge, merge, merge Senora
  • Duplicates you find
  • Work, work, work, Senora
  • Add your family line
  • Work, work, work, Senora
  • Then help me with mine!
  • A Wiki girl named Senora
  • All the members adore her
  • When she contributes, oh brother
  • She finds the facts so hard to uncover
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time!
  • OK, I believe you!
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time!
  • Ok, I believe you!
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time!
  • OK, I believe you!
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time!
  • Add, Add. Add, Senora
  • To your family line, whoa
  • Merge, merge, merge Senora
  • Duplicates you find
  • Work, work, work, Senora
  • Work your family line
  • Work, work, work, Senora
  • Then help me with mine!
  • You can talk about searches
  • In Ancestry or the counties
  • Senora finds all the titles
  • She jumps right in and adds to the profiles
  • Work on the line
  • Further back into time!
  • OK, I believe you!
  • Work on the line
  • Further back into time!
  • Rock that profile, child!
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time!
  • Somebody, help me!
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time! Whoa
  • Add, add, add, Senora
  • To your family line
  • Take, take, take-it, Senora
  • Then help me with mine! Whoa
  • Work, work, work, Senora
  • On your family line, Yep
  • Work, work, work, Senora
  • Work it back in time
  • Senora, she's a sensation
  • In G2G aviation
  • And members, you got to watch it
  • She’s an “Astronaut”, flies like a rocket
  • Work on the line
  • Further back into time!
  • OK, I believe you!
  • Work on the line
  • Further back into time!
  • Hoist that source a little higher!
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time!
  • Up the quality!
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time! Whoa
  • Music
  • Add, add, add, Senora
  • Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!
  • To your family line
  • Merge, merge, merge Senora
  • Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!
  • Duplicates you find!
  • Source, source, source, Senora
  • Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!
  • Source it all the time
  • Merge, merge, merge, Senora
  • Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!
  • Duplicates you find!
  • Senora searches the grave stones
  • Left to right from the tombstones
  • And when she gets the sensation
  • She go up on the forum with investigations
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time!
  • Ok, I believe you!
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time!
  • Somebody, help me!
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time!
  • Ok, I believe you!
  • Add to the line
  • Further back into time! Whoa
  • Add, add, add, Senora
  • To your family line
  • Merge, merge, merge, Senora
  • Then help me with mine
  • Work, work work, Senora! (Abrupt End)

More of my Song Parodies are here:



by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Can I play the drums in your band? I have absolutely zero experience but I like making things go "BANG!"

Hi Cousin Chris and Dave! I loved Beetlejuice and Deyo, for me, made the film! Speaking of films, my kid sister has NEVER seen Young Frankenstein! And Gene Wilder is from our hometown of Wisconsin. So...I am makeing her watch it tonight! Why? A bunch of chicks in our family are going to dinner and a live musical tomorrow night. What will we see set to song? Young Frankenstein (and Mel Brooks has a byline so it has to be based on the movie. Should be interesting and fun! "Elevate me!"

I will never see cans of spray-paint the same way again. I love Beetlejuice.
Oh, David! You're so talented. I am beginning to look forward to your musical parodies just as much as I look forward to Chris' blog each week. I'm sure that for a lot of us whenever we hear the actual song now we immediately think of your delightful parody.

Sorry, was out taphophile - ing  today in a small rural central Illinois cemetery trying to find my wife's grand parents.  Anyway...Thanks Carol, Keren and Candyce!  There are more parodies in the works!  However, I'm not talented!  I'm insane.  There is a fine line between the two, and I crossed that line a long time ago!surprise

Next: The Gilligan's Island theme parody.

I just listened to this song a couple of days ago. It's a great walking song!
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a guy named Pip....

He liked to wear his new kilts on the back of a rocking ship....

Chris, that's pretty good!  You and I are 10th cousins!wink It's in the blood!

Cool! You can collaborate!

@Chris: Oh, nooooo! My kilts would be covered with vomit! laugh

+25 votes

Last Tuesday 'Dawg' got pruned at the groomer's home and here she is, just down the road, in the Chilliwack River Valley......no longer a 'sheep dog' and ready for the hot spell building for this weekend.

Kathy also got her claws done......no, not at the groomer's......she asked me, "What color?".....I suggested Emerald or British Racing Green......they came back Starbuck's Green.

by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (363k points)

Oh, man, can I come for a visit?  That looks so nice!laugh

Thanks David.....glad to share.....especially after the cooler and wetter period since the last Chat!
Oh, that is such a beautiful sight, John (and the dog, too)!
Just lovely! Thanks for sharing
John, Kamloops is the closest we will be to you on our trip.
And 'Cousin Frank' is also tugging at his leash, Pip.....he wants to take us out and find interesting sites.
Erin, I asked Kathy to point her camera in the direction of the river and her second take captured the dog up closer and all the river I had hoped for.
Well John, You Can't Always Get What You Want, but I would say you and Dawg made a pretty good compromise. I say run w/ Starbuck green.

Hi John! How beautiful! A perfect place for meditation and relaxation! Makes me think of the movie location in Montana for 'A River Runs Through It."

M, I was aware you were planning to visit British Columbia......I lived in Kamloops twice, '49/'50 and '76 to '80......with it's dry climate it can be an out door paradise for up to a 200 mile radius.   Have you been to Kamloops before?
K, Kathy got a 'cat's eye' stripe down the center of her Starbuck's nails.

Carol, I'm aware of 'A River Runs Through It', but have never looked into it.....now I will. smiley

John, no we haven't, the last major BC road trip we did was 1999, we drove from Ontario to Banff then up to Jasper, took the Yellowhead highway to Prince Rupert, then the ferry to Port Hardy, drove home across Hwy 3 visiting Osoyoos on the way. One sister used to live somewhere south of Vernon on the lake.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of the interior.
@John...Wonderful and compelling story. You can read the novella by Norman MacLean, or see the movie (very well done) directed by Robert Redford.
Looks like Dawg is being walked by the Invisible Man.
M, my paternal grandfather moved his family to Okanagan Centre, south of Vernon on the east side, after 1908.
Carol, now I remember.....Robert Redford was involved as director.

K, you noticed.....have to keep a low profile, being related to all those gang members. angel

A picture truly is worth a thousand words. If I had to guess, I would say you were walking west base on the photo.
You are correct, K, the river flows west and is parallel and about 6 miles north of the U.S. border.   At mid-day Friday, the temperature being 89F on the deck, Kathy and I were taking turns sweeping the lawns with the tractor, from yesterday's mowing, when I noticed huge shadows circulating the yard......looking up into the sun I counted at least 11 Eagles soaring in the updrafts.
Your dog is adorable! What breed is it? I'm having such trouble getting into my groomers. Poor Einstein will be a wooly mess by the time he finally gets in at the end of May.

Jody, our dog is a Shih Tzu, although not purebred......she was just a ball of fluff when we got her and fit in a large mug.

We are lucky to see a pair together. About three weeks ago, I did have one fly over my barn about thirty feet high. Don't know what brought him down so low. My neighbor has 4 or 5 chi-wa-waz.

The flow of the river was a little more difficult. I've only known rivers to flow south and east unless I'm on vacation.
+24 votes
Hails and horns, Wikipeeps! I hope everyone is doing well! For the Connect-a-thon, I hosted with our usual crew and had a great time as always. Team Italy did really well and I used my distant cousin Mary's tree for help. Everything turned out pretty well. =D

Mary is better known as "GesualdoGenie" and her monster of a tree has over 58k people on it. Most are from Gesualdo, Italy. She was quite impressed by my work and I managed to build the tree down to four of her great-grandparents on the Gesualdo side.

In other genealogical news, I posted two blogs. One is about a movie: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/04/52-ancestors-week-16-should-be-movie.html

And the other is about a DNA match:


Now, I am off to Haverhill city hall as they have some documents for me. Turns out the email they sent me got sent to my spam folder. Ugh. Nice work, Google...

I hope everyone is doing well! Have a great weekend, everyone!
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (785k points)

Oh my gosh. Why didn't I think of that? A movie about your family, Chris. Better start working on that script and picking your actors.

"As a genealogist one must remain calm like the summer breeze and...." Never going to happen with great discoveries, right? Like hearing from San Pietro which solves a mystery!

Yeah. Me being calm like a summer breeze would never, EVER happen in a million years!

But, yes. A movie about the family would be awesome. =D

Off to Haverhill City Hall!
Ciao Cousin Chris...felicitations on your Italian team's success during the Thon. I kept an eye on your team and saw you all were doing well. I will catch your blogs later. I have to work on figuring out the pre-1500 Baldwin tangle before family return from work.
I have a movie about many family members, but not me. It was done by a family friend while visiting from England in about 1977.

The occasion a house boat trip on the Trent Canal system in Ontario. It has been named the Trip to Toothache Lake, aka  Weedy and Stumpy.

My dad was steering, into and out of many areas of weeds and stumps. In one part of the movie, he is seen waving and shouting to other houseboats.

"Go Back, Go Back, Weedy and Stumpy". Then someone got a bad toothache and they had to put in at a tiny village and look for a dentist.

I had heard about this memorable trip, but it wasn't until I saw the movie that I realised how happy I was not to have been a part of it.


We were doing pretty well. I just wish more people talked on Discord. But, given time they will talk, I know it. Good luck with the pre-1500s Baldwin tangle!

Just got back from Haverhill City Hall. Grabbed lunch at Wendy's, went to the bank and got comics.

I'll have to update a few death dates in a bit. But, it turns out I have the wrong parents for Giovanni Coppola. I'll have to figure out the connection because 137 cMs is not a small number....

@ M: Toothache Lake, huh? Nice. Sounds like a fun movie. Watch out for those houseboats, though!

+25 votes

Good morning all, happy to be back. Pip I would have not loved that drive either, but glad you enjoyed the meetup and returned home safe and sound. I really have nothing much to report, weather is crazy in south central Virginia, heat in the morning and AC in the afternoon, rain rain and more rain. Good for the garden I suppose LOL. I did participate in the April Connector-Thon, Team Virginia. I was able to get 168 folks connected, mainly my Lynch family,  but some were my late husbands family. My CC7 almost doubled. I also found 4 new ancestors, 2 ships captains in the 1600s that sailed into the Virginia Colony and 2 new Revolutionary War Patriots, so I will be doing more research on these guys. No pictures this week 

I have one of my granddaughters (15 month old) starting tonight through Sunday. I'll be worn out by then. To all my Wiki Cousins, have a wonderful "Wikiend" heart

by Teresa Willis G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)
Teresa, my CC7 only creeped up during the Thon as I was working too far out on a collateral line. I need to get closer to home!

Enjoy your time with the grand. I know you'll be exhausted by the time that visit is over. I remember!
+24 votes

I hope everyone had a fun thon! I wasn’t able to do quite as much as I normally do, was just a busy in-real-life weekend, but still had fun seeing everyone at the hangouts and working on some connections. 

Had our school Library Extravaganza last night to celebrate library week, was able to use our new PTO cotton candy machine again (between this and the Kindness Carnival, has already paid for itself in smiles!) and we sent all our students home with new books. I love book giveaway events.

Scouts are ramping up for our big end of year advancement ceremony, but our campout scheduled this weekend got reduced to a field day and campfire (camping overnight canceled due to projected bad weather overnight into Sunday) so am disappointed but still looking forward to getting the kids outside and having fun. Will be testing out my new binoculars and helping the kids birdwatch for the first time.

WikiTree has been a whirl of greeting, thon-ing, and working Kentucky cemeteries for Appalachia. Will be doing thon clean up (polishing up profiles I created before I remove myself) for the foreseeable future. I know I only made a hundred but that’s still a good bit of spit shining to do. 

Hope everyone is enjoying good weather when they can get it. Have really appreciated being able to get the baby outside for sun and fun in the grass a few days this week.

Take care!

by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
Greeting, thonning, and Transylvania County cemeteries for me, Erin. Which reminds me, I need to get back to Shoal Creek Cemetery and cat them plus adding the Appalachian cat for those who don't have it yet.
+24 votes
Hello everyone from Ottawa, Ontario!

Sounds like you had a good trip Pip. I’m happy for you. I can sympathize with you about the driving - my body tires out quickly when I have to drive. I could have never driven the almost 10 hrs you did one way.

Most of my stuff was moved to my new place on the Saturday of the thon but I still managed to add 70 people. Now I need to go back and add the categories I forgot to add at the time . I still have some stuff at the old house but we don’t return the keys until 6 May so I still have a few days. Plus I need to buy a microwave and rake soon. My 24 year old son moves his stuff to his new place on Sunday. He has been a huge help to me this entire time.

It is sunny right now but we are expecting about 35 mm of rain this weekend. Have a great weekend/week everyone! Stay safe and healthy!
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (404k points)
Hey Liza, glad to hear your housing issues are working out for you. Enjoy the sun while you got it!
Liza, my wife can't handle the long drives either. About 4.5 hours is as much as she can take. If we can get out and about this summer, I'll be looking for shorter trips around our area.

Glad to hear you had some quality help for you move. I know it was a pain, but I hope you like your new place.
Glad the move went well, Liza. And you still were able to participate in the thon? Hope you enjoy your new place!
Of course D! I love participating in the thons! I did a bit Friday morning then the rest mostly on Sunday. I figured unpacking could wait
+22 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's happening here? We were in Ottawa for the weekend for my granddaughter’s 1st communion. She had what she described as a very puffy dress, it was very puffy! The Catholic church in Richmond-where the event was held, was probably the strangest Catholic church I have ever been in.

When we drove back from Ottawa on Monday the weather was……well strange, when we left it was about 10C and mostly sunny, on the way home we had torrential rain with hail, then thick mist as the sun came out, then brilliant sun, then more rain, then sun, and as we arrived home wet snow. 

The next 6 days are all rain, rain, rain! No sun until next Thursday. 

WikiTree: my brain has been mush recently so I have continued to work on my Short Biography suggestions. This has resulted in 52 short Biography suggestions going away.

What else: I spent a large portion of the last 2 days making salsa. I had 10, 10 by 10 inch freezer bags filled with frozen tomatillos from last summer. I made a small batch in January and it was far too hot, it probably didn’t help that I put cayenne pepper in the first batch. 

I have decided to back off on the extent of my involvement with the Hort Society plant sale, this year on May 27th or perhaps a better description is to change the activities I’m doing.  

Vacation planning, all accommodation is booked, including the 10 nights we are staying with friends and/or relatives, it does make a big difference to the cost. 

Three of five ferries are booked (hmm 3 of 5 sounds like a Borg designation!) The other ferries are shorter and are not bookable, well one is short just across a river, the other is 56 minutes long and we will have to make sure we leave our B&B early enough to get that ferry at 8.25 so we can get to Powell River by 10ish in time to catch the next ferry at 10.40 to Comox, Vancouver Island. 

We have a 2 hour sightseeing flight booked over the Kootenay Range. And will be booking a 10 hour grizzly bear viewing trip from Vancouver Island. 

I’ve been watching the Life Sized City, a TVO (TVOntario somewhat like PBS) documentary series about the revitalization of local urban development and improvement projects that are changing and revitalizing city life. One episode focuses on the problems in Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario after Detroit declared bankruptcy in 2013 . It fits in very well with my interest in Urban Planning, Urban Agriculture and Ecological Sustainability. Some episodes or parts of them are available on You Tube

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (760k points)
Hi M, might the chuch and the weather have benefitted from an exorcism?

I can no longer have salsa on my very stringent diet; however, your salsa sounds absolutely delectable.

I swear, you are the mistress of organizers when it comes to planning vacations! Generally, we fly by the seat of our pants, but manage to still see and do a lot. On the other hand, I can only imaging how much more we could have seen had we planned better!

Thanks for the YouTube referral. The documentary sounds interesting and I might catch some of it when I return to Tucson.
There are I think 3 seasons of it, the 4th got delayed by the plague.

YouTube probably doesn't have complete episodes.

I feel for you about that weather, M. When we moved up here and were moving into our new home, it rained for 15 straight days in the middle of that. Wouldn't want to drive in all that you just drove through. 

Sounds like you are going to have a great time on your trip. Lots of photos of course! laugh

Hi M, you are so lucky to be going to Alaska! I look forward to seeing your pictures. Look out for the Borg...definitely not Swedish, and resistance is futile ;)

I would be curious to see your strange Catholic church! I'm pretty used to strange, though, and one of my dearest friends is a "strange" Catholic!

Sounds like an interesting documentary. Be well!
D, I'll download the pics from my camera of the church altar.

Vacation is British Columbia, I haven't been to Alaska, it will be added to my travel bucket list on page 2.
I'm curious to know what makes this Catholic parish... strange.

Please tell me that there wasn't rock music. That would make it super strange.
Okay. If it's the parish, Lift Jesus Higher...yep... that's very strange. I did a Google search.

The décor is unusual!  It has an interesting history,   St. Philip’s is the oldest English-speaking parish in the Archdiocese of Ottawa and since 1818, it has been the religious, social and cultural centre for Catholics in the area.

From their website 'Lift Jesus Higher, a Catholic charismatic community, based in Richmond, Ontario" 


​​​​​I see what you mean. Looks pink to me.

I saw a live streamed version through their YouTube and...the liturgical music seems flat.

I'm into organ music and acapella hymns.
Hi Eileen! I like Gregorian Chant! For me, that never goes out of style! Plus, it sometimes seemed like the chanting I heard at the Buddhist temples in Japan!
Ah...Charismatics. There are all flavors of Catholicism, apparently. One of my dearest friends (history stomping buddy) is ordained in the American Catholic Church. Similar to the German Old Catholics. And another friend of Portuguese/Azorean descent, whom I met at a party this weekend, was telling me about the cult of the Holy Spirit, a family tradition. They're Catholics...sort of.
+22 votes

Last week I got my "Pilot" license (WikiTree G2G wings) and posted back to everyone that those "wings" cost me $1100 (USA)  The funny story I shared was that my wife opposed me spending so much time on WikiTree, until I showed her how she is Mary Queen of Scots 1st cousin, and Robert the Bruce's great grand daughter (King of Scotland 1300's) and how she is related to the Royals today!   Everything changed!  That was the good news!

The bad news: I had to buy her a new computer (pictured on the left) and then we had to buy a new desk, then new chairs are coming today!  OUCH!  

If you can zoom up on the sign above the desk, it says: Gramma Cinny's Treehouse!   It was made 14 years ago by my # 3 son, Tim, as this room was a nursery for two of our grandchildren that we baby sat for.  The room was themed as a rain forest.   Now, 15 years later, the sign is totally appropriate for genealogy (family tree) and all we had to do was dust it off!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
As Bill Engvall might say, "Here's your sign".
You got a computer, desk, and chairs all for $1100? You did well! I've been watching the prices on computers lately because my laptop is 7 years old and gets the fits once in a while. Considering the prices, I think I'll just back up my work daily and push on til the end.

Welcome to the family!
Very, very cool, David. And yes, I too had to upgrade my computer and buy a new desk to keep up with WikiTreeing!
Cindy is pretty thrifty!  She found this unit, HP all in one (the monitor is the computer, no tower) originally $900 on sale for under $700, Amazon Prime, free shipping, had it in two days. My lap top is about 14 months old, and I attached an old monitor that is on it's last leg. so I have multiple views.
Cool sign, David, and congrats on the "wings"! Ha, you could tell my husband he was descended from the Margrave of Hesse or Frederick Barbarossa and he would say, "uh...ok..."
+19 votes

Buenos días a todos from Eagle, Wisconsin. It is 9am and 47F (8.3C) with an expected high of 52F (11.1 C). Meanwhile, it will be 92F (33.3C) in my beloved Tucson, Arizona. On the upside, I will be getting real hugs from my daughter, sister, brother and other family members so that will take the chill off.

 I took the airport shuttle from Tucson to Phoenix on Wednesday, dropped my bags at the motel and had the clerks show me how to download the ‘Lyft’ app because they thought it was cheaper than Uber and the drivers nicer. I had a blast! I always chose the longer time wait because it was less expensive, but they always arrived sooner than their ETA. I went from the hotel to a mall and the first driver, it turns out, was originally from Wisconsin. She is part Ojibway, and her great grandmother is 102 years old and still lives on the Ojibway reservation. I went from the Barnes & Noble at the mall to a Starbucks across from my hairdresser. The driver was an African American woman who is retiring from Lyft in a month and writing a book about her experiences (online and publisher) titled Uber in Arizona. She will also be doing a speaking tour.

 I was at the hairdresser’s (Amber) for over an hour for highlights, lowlights and cut. I looked like Frankenstein’s bride walking in and strutted like a star walking out. I have had Amber do my hair for nearly 20 years and will continue with her until I absolutely cannot do it any longer. She works for a box/shipping company for a full income. It turns out that I must remove my books, certificates and awards from my office space at ASU because they need the room for new faculty. I have been looking into USPS to the tune of around $200 (book rate) from downtown Phoenix to my home in Tucson. FedEx and other places were closer to $400. I cannot really lift any longer due to lumbar stenosis. Amber said, “Let me talk with my boss and see if he can do anything.” She texted me last night and said that her boss will collect the boxes from ASU and bring them to my door for $125!!! I wrote back to tell her that I love them! I will arrange for everything next Thursday when I return from Wisconsin.

 Following my new hairdo, I took yet another Lyft and met a nice woman who helps take care of her grandmother, who has dementia, and supplements her income by driving for Lyft. I really met wonderful people and heard wonderful stories. I might even use Lyft in Tucson every now and then to and from Trader Joe’s just for the stories. Oh, and the reason I used Lyft was because it would have cost me around $175USD just to rent a car from 11am to 7pm through airport rental! And they don’t just rent for a few hours. I would have been charged for the full day. $50 versus $175? I’ll go with Lyft...no hassle with traffic and petrol, and meet great people with wonderful stories any day for $50!

I participated in the Thon last weekend with the Mighty Oaks. I did not rack up high numbers; however, every profile has a birth/death date, locations, birth location sticker, source and brief biography. I also connected several children with their parents (and wives with husbands) on Find-A-Grave. I just cannot seem to control my OCD even during a Thon! The organizers worked very hard and kudos to all of them for organizing this successful Thon with over 70K connections. I was able to live chat twice on Sunday night, my first time to do this in a Thon. I think Ales was busy during the wee hours Saturday morning because the Tracker stopped working and several folks, including myself, were emailing Mindy (poor woman) with concerns. Nevertheless, we all persisted. Oh, and FamilySearch changed their format once again, which made sourcing a bit unnerving during the Thon. I think they thought they made it easier when, to my mind, they mucked things up and made it more difficult to scan for what was needed, then copy and paste!

I have also adopted a passle of pre-1500 Baldwins in Buckinghamshire, printed their home pages and spent time on my flight from Phoenix to Milwaukee listing birth/death years, LNAB spellings, etc. in order to find duplicates that can be merged. I know they are in there! None of these pre-1500s is even sourced. Once I have them organized on hardcopy, I will ask for help from my England Teammates on Discord for assistance. My favorite description learned from Jo FitzHenry who is now spending a few well-earned days in Ireland…”These profiles are a crap-tangle!

 Pip, thank you as ever for wrangling the chat! I would like to keep in mind that we keep getting closer to your next visit to Tucson! And I want to wish everyone of my Chatter family a happy and healthy LAST weekend of April 2023!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Carol Baldwin
Carol, sounds like you have been very busy.

As I was away for the weekend I didn't participate in the Thon, though I do find it much more difficult than the Source-a-thon.
Carol, I get it. I have to add as many of the BMD plus burial information I can find on a profile before moving on to another. Slows me down, but there'll be something for others to work on if they decide to.

I had some merges to complete with the help of another WikiTreer, and also found many "in-laws" who were also cousins of either the spouse or just me. I left enough info about their ancestors on WikiTree if anyone wanted to extend those lines further back. Found quite a few of those, and I just have to add that kind of info.

I hope you thoroughly enjoy your trip to the Cheesehead State (Go, Packers). Trip to Tucson inching closer!
+20 votes
Top of the Morning from Lone Jack, Mo, I can't help but to think I know how a groundhog feels after hibernation. It seems like a long time since I have been outside regularly. Went down to the pond and was greeted by 30-40 catfish that were summoned by the sound of the approaching ATV/dinner bell. I guess they are ready to start eating. I wonder how much fish food went up! I guess for every 3 fish dinners I can justify a bag of food since I saved $$ by not eating beef or chicken. Checked on the bees and they seemed to be doing well. Return flights were purple, orange and yellow; I'm guessing henbit, dandelion and not sure of the bright orange pollen. Oh well, I'm pretty sure how it will taste.

 Genealogy wise, I've been working on my wife's family. She is a Hunter, same as my gr gr grandma. Never gave it much thought in the last 40 years, until now. Seems like her Hunter's moved to Jackson Co shortly after mine did. Hers from NC, mine from KY via NC. Both had some that went to Ohio and Indiana prior to the war of 1860. Either way, she is slowly turning into my mother-in-law who has Germanic roots. It won't be long before she sounds like the Terminator, then I'll get nervous. On the bright side, I have double the odds of connecting to the founders of Lone Jack and two of the six in "Six Man Cemetery". On my side, I have connected to Sam Yankee, an original resident through a marriage. Just by chance, I know where and have seen where Sam is buried. He is also buried on private property about a mile from Six Man.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)
K, there was an early Hunter settler (locally famous) from my area (Mecklenburg County, NC). I wonder.....
Who might that be Cousin Pip! Mecklenburg does ring a bell. I had several lines come thru NC as Richard Caswell III was a nephew of my 6th gr grandpa.
Oooo, you connect to Caswell! How cool!

Here's the famous Hunter: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hunter-6394
Not familiar with Humphrey but, the profile manager is a Bryson who seems to tie into my Hipp connection. I'll be looking for a connection. As far as Caswell III, he was orphaned at a young age and was raised by his mom's brother and his wife. When Wm Smith's wife died, Wm and Richard came to America around 1710ish and settled in Joppa Maryland. Smith, Dallam, Caswell and Paca's must have gotten along fairly well as untangling relationships can be confusing.
Gah! You have Hipps, too?!?!?
+24 votes

Yippie!  It's the weekend!

Who had fun with the Connect-A-Thon???   My CC7 went up almost by 200.  I had a chance to explore some lines that I never look into.  A family from West Virginia decided to move to Canada to try their luck as farmers there.  If not for the Thon and CC7, I doubt I would have ever worked on that line.

For work, I had a chance to talk to a retired Coal Miner from West Virginia.  He was a "Coal Miner for Life".   I also learned a bit more about West Viginia coal that was sent to the Navy during WII.  The coal produces high temperatures while emitting little to no visible smoke when burned. Using this type of “smokeless” coal makes it harder to spot coal burning ships on the open sea.  Itmann, WV OPS.

Don't forget that today is Friday Bingo!  Two great Projects:  US Civil War and the Anzacs Project.  BOTH were suggestions from fellow WikiTree'ers!


Noon (EST):  US Civil War - https://www.youtube.com/live/_2VVeb-SRbQ?feature=share

6pm (EST):  Anzacs Project - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg8Dd6Lo2ms

by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (246k points)
edited by Sandy Patak
I had fun with thon too. I think my CC7 improved by 600+ and then two days later, I noticed it had increased again. So, Thanks to everyone who assisted with my CC7. I have a long to-do list to work after thon. I think I will wait until May when points start again.

Happy Weekend!
Sandy, you did a terrific job as Pam's stand in on the Civil War. Really wonderful information and displays. And thank you so much for recognizing nurses. There was a series on PBS called Mercy Street that featured a nurse and a doctor (among others) that took place during the Civil War based on real events. See: http://www.pbs.org/mercy-street/home/#:~:text=Inspired%20by%20real%20events%2C%20Mercy,the%20early%20years%20of%20the

I absolutely loved Mercy Street.   I was crazy disappointed when it ended and there was not a Season 3.  As a matter of fact, we just binged watched it again about two months ago.

I was hoping you would be in Bingo so I could show off the Nurses of the Civil War era. smiley

I think we watched Mercy Street, or some of it, it sounds familiar.

Hate I missed the Civil War bingo!!! Things were just too busy around here at that time, Sandy. sad



My sister, daughter and I had breakfast at the local restaurant this morning. Bonny (my sister) and I stopped at the local Library (very small and quaint) because they wer having a book sale Sandy (in particular), what is the first book I come across? The Sentinels of Andersonville by Tracy Groot! I never heard of the book, but just reading the Forward Notes got me all verklempt and it is part of what was discussed at Friday's Civil War Bingo! There is even a map of the prison interior! Pip, if you haven't read it, I will gift it to you to read and then maybe you can gift it to Sandy. 

+22 votes
Ahh!  Tax season is over and I can wiki again.  Somehow I missed registering for the connect a thon but I participated anyway and cleared off about half of my unconnected list using 1950 census to finally discover what direction I needed to go.  It felt good to get that back log down.  

Now the weather is starting to get better even though it snowed just above us.  The mountains look nice this morning but the warmth feels even better.
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (476k points)
We missed you a lot on Team Virginia, Gurney!
Welcome back Gurney!
Tax season was over for us (non-tax-preparers that we are) back in March, Gurney. I bet you are glad of it, too.
+23 votes

Howdy folks! Greetings from a cool and cloudy Central Oklahoma! We've actually had the wet stuff falling from the sky this week!! Almost two inches so far, but we need a bunch more than that to bust the drought. We are thankful for what we've got so far. The garden and flowerbed is happy!

Last weekend was the Thon, and I was in SW Oklahoma on my buddy's 900 acre farm hunting feral pigs. Luckily they have Wifi in the farm house, and, while I didn't do nearly as many as I would have at home, I did pretty well with 30 profiles and the Tree Nuts finished 4th. The weather turned on us so we didn't see any pigs, but it was an all around great weekend!

Last week there was a big trash day in our town, so while out on my walk I just had to see what I can find. (Brook loves it when I do that.) I did find a little girls bike for the grandgirl. It needs a little work, but since she's only 4 months old, I think there's time to get it fixed up. I also found an old rocking chair that someone threw out. It was broken in a few places, and the previous owners did some really awful attempts at fixing it. I got it home, took it apart, sanded everything down, made the necessary repairs (had to get creative), put it back together and stained it a nice walnut color. It looks nice! Now I got to figure out what to do with it. laugh

Genealogy wise, there was a discussion on G2G yesterday about starting a project about United States Marshals. I mentioned that one of The Three Guardsman of Oklahoma, Chris Madsen, is buried just a few miles from my house. He didn't have a WT profile, so I spent most of the afternoon making one. The Three Guardsman are legendary in this part of the world, so I had fun creating his profile. Today I'm going to add his parents, wife, and children. Other than that, it's been wash, rinse, and repeat. smiley

Thanks Pip for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Until next time.....


by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (224k points)
Did you get a hog or pig?
Nope. The weather got squirrely and we never saw any. Not even on the trail cams overlooking the feeders.
I killed a 400 plus about 25 years ago (that's reality slapping in my face when I see it written) in Tishomingo. Used to come down annually to striper fish at Texoma. They considered a 10 pounder to be a good fish. First trip to Beaver Lake, we boated three over 20 lbs.
Surprisingly enough, this was my first pig hunt. There is a pond that was part of a sand excavating business years ago, that is full of crappie, blugill, and bass, and nobody hardly fishes it. We were going to jig for some crappie on Saturday, but the wind was about 40 mph out of the north and spitting rain. Most of our time was spent riding around in the Polaris, or napping in the farmhouse. It was a good time regardless. Look forward to the next trip.
I need to thin the herd in my pond. I built it for the nieces and nephews thinking back on how much fun I had fishing, swimming and frogging growing up. I guess it skipped a generation. Too many little ones. I guess they will make good fish food if cut up.

"...but since she's only 4 months old, I think there's time to get it fixed up." No, you better get that done right away, John. Time will fly and she'll be asking for one before you know it!!!

She's already thinking cell phone and a car, don't kid yourself.
Hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Touché!
+22 votes

Howdely Doodely from my little corner of South Africa. It was my dog (Zoe) birthday on Sunday. She turned 8.

Sorry I wasn't here last week. Life happened. And life has just happened again. I was busy vacuuming and I smelt burning hair. So I turned my vacuum off, gave it a sniff and couldn't smell anything that shouldn't be there. So I took the filter out (it looks like a sponge-type thing) and dusted it off and took out the few dog hairs it had in there. I put everything back together and turned it on. And nothing happened. My vacuum has died. crying. And I'm having my flat inspected on Monday or Tuesday. no Very bad timing, vacuum.

On the weather side, for my city: Last week we all nearly died from the heat, the cold and then we were nearly blown away. This week, it has been pretty consistent.

And, for some reason, my area hasn't had any loadshedding. But we are still in the deadly grips of the drought that has been going on for 8 years! angry

On the family tree side of things: It's a bit confusing trying to add people to the tree, when multiple people have the same names. But I did discover that one of my dad's relatives, his great (times I don't know how many) grandpa moved to Canada, got married and died many years later. He actually looks very similar to another family member of mine. I also just discovered that my birthday is almost exactly 300 years after one of my great-great-great grandparents.

by Living Buttrum G2G6 Mach 1 (15.1k points)
Karen, you didn't miss that Chat last weekend. We don't run them during the thons, so you're all god on that score!

We've had two vacuum clearners die in the last year, so I feel your pain. I'm not a fixer, so we just toss the old one and buy a new one. Still, it IS frustrating. The timing is bad for you!
+22 votes

Virtual Vacation!

We visited the Skógar Museum in/on Iceland on 1 July 2019. It ‘preserves the cultural heritage of the Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla region in the form of old buildings, tools and equipment used at land and sea, crafts, books, manuscripts and documents.’

There is much more information and lots of great photos available online, for when you plan your own trip to Iceland.

The Pamphlet available at the Museum is very well done and contains much of the information below. I took all the photos.

It has three parts: a folk museum that has agricultural and fishery tools, boats and maritime gear, textiles and costumes, musical instruments, rare books and manuscripts, and natural history exhibits. Plus, artifacts from Viking days. It also has a marvellous very old fishing boat, I didn't get a photo of it because several people were in the way.

Tools in the folk museum


Traditional dress in the Folk Museum


Something odd in the Folk Museum, this is a whale vertebrae that was hollowed out and used as a cask.


An Open Air Museum, where you can both look at and go inside a traditional turf farmstead, a 19th-century gabled farm home, one of the first wooden buildings in Iceland, a home built from driftwood, a multidenominational church assembled from 16 regional churches, and a miniature turf home for elves.

It is really interesting to see how Icelanders lived all those centuries ago in buildings made from turf and stone.

The Museum of Transport and Communication has a collection of automobiles, trucks, highway machinery, and telecommunication, radio, and rescue team equipment used over the last century, it is fascinating, everything from early snowmobiles and radios to current technology.

The Turf Farm: as in houses built from turf, the parlor dates from 1896, bedroom from 1838, pantry from about 1850, kitchen from about 1880, baðstofa (communal room where the household slept, ate and worked) from 1895, storehouse from 1830, cattle shed from about 1880, smithy from about 1950.


Baðstofa, the communal room where the household slept, ate and worked, was built over the cattle shed to benefit from the warmth of the animals.  The kitchen and parlor are in the front section of the house. The storehouse, from Gröf, Skaftártunga, dates from about 1870


The Farmhouse from Skál, Síða, was built in 1919-20; it was reconstructed at Skógar Museum in 1989. The house was lived in until 1970.



The House of Holt was built entirely of driftwood in 1878 by the Regional Commissioner. It is the house on the left of the picture behind the turf shed was the first timber house in Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla. The wall panels in the west room are from the wreck of the hospital ship St. Paul, from 1899.  The house was lived in until 1974 and rebuilt at Skógar in 1980. 

Skógar was a church site from shortly after the adoption of Christianity in Iceland around 1000 AD; the first church was built in about 1100 and dedicated to St. Nicholas. In the early centuries, Skógar Church was wealthy, but after the Reformation of 1550, it declined. The last church at Skógar was a modest wooden church built in the mid-19th century and demolished in 1890.

This picture is from a different museum. Bed-boards were first used in the 17th century.  The board was placed at the side of the bed during the night.  As beds were usually shared by more than one person, they were crowded, and the bed-board ensured that no one fell out of bed.  In the communal living, sleeping and working room, there was no heating but body heat.  During the day, the bed-board was removed and the bed was used as seating.  Bed-boards were often carved with the owner’s initials, a date or a prayer, in ornamental “head lettering.”


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (760k points)

Great pics, M! I'm a big fan of cool, old houses. smiley

HI M, great photos and a very different look at a part of the world that I have not (yet) been to. What struck me most this time were the tools and, in particular, the bowl made from a whale vertebra. It is amazing a humans, as tool using animals, can creat things out of what are seemingly useless components, like a whae vertebra, into things like bowls! I love it. And I could actually see myself living in that house until 1870 or 1970 or 1670. Love it! Thanks!
The stories behind the photos are just fascinating, M. The bring the photos to life!
+21 votes

So, this week:

Jerry Springer died .

Carol Burnett honored in very boring "TV special".

My local county library does NOT have histories of Italy or New York City.

I made bean-a-roni for supper with a chick drumstick, dessert is strawberries & bananas topped with whipped cream. 

It's raining here all weekend & we're still under flood watch from last week's 4 day storm. 

Library disappointment & storm requires multiple pots of coffee. So, I bid y'all a sweet weekend watching the NFL Draft cheeky

by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (709k points)
Eddie, you can come to Eagle, Wisconsin, drink brewskis with my brother-in-law and watch the NFL draft together. It's not rainging here (yet)!
I don't drink alcohol. Would cat poop coffee be served? And bro-in-law MUST be an ardent & eternal 49ers fanatic fan.
The Panthers chose a good one, Eddie, but I have a feeling it's going to take a lot more to get that team turned around.
+21 votes
It is nice to have the chat back up and running again! The Thon was a success but, like Pip, I was not feeling well and did not accomplish what I usually do during a thon weekend. I hung in there for the Super Sweepers and am sorry I could not do as much.

For the past couple of weeks my blood pressure has not been cooperative. My meds were changed - again - and I have been referred to a cardiologist who I am seeing for the first time this afternoon. I am sure I won't know any more than I do now until more tests are run. One scary thing was that on my labs, my kidney function had deteriorated; I drank gallons of water and re-ran the tests and was back in normal ranges. I can hardly wait to see how many more appointments will be added to my calendar!!

Since the Thon, I have been working on completely sourcing the newly created profiles. Once done, a lot of them will be orphaned as they are not close family and I am pushing the 5000 mark on my watchlist.

On the weather front, we are still having very cool weather for north Texas for this time of year. Another cold front will be breezing through here later today and tonight - yes, accompanied by storms, hail and possible tornadoes. We plan to see my  new cardiologist and then scoot right on home and into the garage!

I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
I'm pushing 5000 on my watch list, too, Ginny, and I need to dump a lot of them. They're just to far out for me to keep an eye on all of them.

Sorry to hear about your health difficulties. My wife is going to see if she can get a change of blood pressure medicines next visit. She is having a rather uncomfortable reaction to them.
+20 votes
Good morning from Everett, Washington, and welcome to a sunny cloudless day. The lighthouse is in beautiful shape, ready for the opening tomorrow. No formalities this time, so I won't be in costume, but I will be there with daughter Isabella for her training as a gift shop sales associate. Her tech skills will be in high demand for the devices that process credit card payments.

I did not participate in the Connect-a-Thon at the rate I would have liked. I came down with a bad stomach bug Thursday night that kept me in bed most of the weekend. That is all gone now, and it's also been a while since I had one of those vertigo attacks.

On Wednesday I went to the Mukilteo Community Center to work on quilts for Project Linus. The mayor dropped by and I introduced him to the PL county coordinator. He was blown away by the fact that PL quilts are made with all volunteer labor.

One of those quilts is ready for quilting; another I need to get ready. There's an event on Saturday, but I'm not going as we're going to the lighthouse.

I am grinding away to reach 1000 contribution points at the end of the month. Work, work, work, Senora! I love it.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
Successfully reached 1000 points for April.
Margaret, I think a lot of folks weren't able to contribute as much this thon. Overall, we were down on the total number of profiles created. I certainly wasn't able to contribute as much this time around. But, congrats on your 1000 contributions for the month!
+19 votes

Currently, it's 17˚ C and cloudy in Fort Erie, although the weather radar promises rain imminently.

The light of my life and the delight of my eyes potted some potatoes. They outgrew their pots insanely fast, so I went out and bought one of those raised garden beds. We may have a better harvest this year.

An odd addition to our garden is a stick shooting up from the crack in the stump where there used to be an ash tree. (Drat those emerald ash borers! Or any other colour of ash borers!) It's budding, but we don't know yet whether it's the ash tree refusing to give up, or some other tree sprouting from a seed blown by the wind or dropped by birds. Maybe when it leafs out, we'll be able to tell.

I'm still plugging away at identifying, creating profiles, sourcing, and connecting former pastors from my
home church in Vancouver. I knew that much of the early impetus to plant the church in the first place came from south of the border, but it's been kind of weird finding sometimes extensive memorials for former pastors who moved to the United States after leaving Vancouver, and a vague mention that "he also pastored some churches in Canada". It makes it hard to triangulate. (I'm looking for independent confirmation that this person with this name who was a Baptist minister is actually the person with the same name who had been at our church. I'm holding off on a few candidates who seem likely, but I haven't been able to confirm yet.)

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (697k points)
Greg, I know that around here, Baptist (and other) pastors often went by initials + surname. I bet that makes it a little more difficult to track them down. My Baptist pastor cousin aways went by Rev. C. W. Farrar, but since I knew it and he was related, it was easy to profile him and connect him.
+19 votes
Welcome back, Pip.  It sounds like you had great time minus all that driving!  So sorry to hear about your Shingles vaccine reaction, but happy you are recovered.
by Karen Stewart G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
Thanks, Karen. It was a great trip, but like you said, except for the driving.

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