"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! July 28th - 30th, 2023 [closed]

+30 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Be safe! See you in a few days!!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard

This Weekend Chat is for YOU, so welcome to it, my fellow WikiChatterboxes! And greetings from Cathey’s Creek where the rains have stopped (mostly), and we finally broke 90°F for the first time this summer yesterday.

On the Home Front: It’s been a busy week for appointments. I usually have two PT days but had to cancel one as my wife had a doctor’s appointment at the same time yesterday (plus a periodontal appointment last Wednesday). I could not make it up later in the day as we had our yearly termite inspection. Today was out for a make-up, too, as I’ll have to be at the church this morning (there’s a three-hour window, so I’ll have to sit and wait for an inspection of a newly installed system dehumidifier. Some days, I don’t know which direction to turn!

On the Genealogy Front: What a week of discoveries this has been. I usually don’t have much to post about these kinds of things. I hope you can follow what comes next. Knowing the genealogists you are, I bet you will…

I went on Ancestry to look for DNA connections, using their Thrulines thingy. I found one, but not where I expected. The connection came through a distant aunt, a Mary Neel, that I did not know existed in my Paw Creek Neel line. How did I miss her??

I created her profile using a marriage record and a restored gravestone from the church. Her husband was a John Cathey, so that made him a cousin of mine as well as an uncle since I am also descended from that family twice.

Looking at their children on Family Search, I saw an Alfred Cathey and remembered that one such married an Underwood aunt, Caroline. Yep, it was him, making him a Neel cousin, a Cathey cousin, and an uncle by marriage. They had one daughter, Mary Elizabeth, and she married a Lester Dameron. This person had no father on WikiTree, but his grandfather was there, so I created a profile for the father and connected him.

This Dameron family also provided a husband for another Underwood aunt, Rosanna, so there are two collateral lines of Damerons in my tree.

The two main families here that I have worked extensively over the years were the Neels and the Underwoods. My grandfather was Ralph Sidney Underwood and Beatrice Reamer Neal. They were second cousins, once removed, both descended from the Moore family.

I haven’t fully worked through all of the descendants of Mary Neel and John Cathey. Since they lived in the Paw Creek section where I grew up, I am sure that there are gong to be plenty more.

I haven’t had this much fun since I can’t remember, but I will tell you this: my grandparents would have been sucking this up. They were the ones who got me started in genealogy, not directly, but by taking me out to the Paw Creek Church cemetery and telling em the stories of the people buried there.

I can’t wait to hear how all of you are doing and what amazing research you are pulling off. Be blessed immeasurably, my dear ones!

Enjoy the Chat!

I had deep cleaning before for periodontal care. Not fun.

I'm glad PT is going well. Keep it up!!

The Thrulines application on Ancestry is interesting! Apparently, I'm related to a lot more Europeans than ever on my paternal side.
Morning Pip, thanks as always for the chat, Chatman!
Hi Pip! Congratulations on all these family finds/connections! And 'Fun' is the right word for genealogy and working on WikiTree. Hope your shoulder (and you) are doing well. Sending hugs from hot hot Tucson but not as hot as Phoenix!
What exciting genealogy!! I love untangling puzzles.
Wow! Those are some pretty awesome discoveries! Keep up the good work and thanks for hosting! Wanna take on some of my puzzles? =D

Hope your shoulder is doing better. Stay cool! Literally. It's a scorcha out there!

41 Answers

+27 votes

I'll be the first to squawk...

Place: Rochester, Minnesota USA

Temp: 70°F  (21°C)

Humidity: 85%

Air Quality Index: 34

Clinical Life: Off until August 5th

Nursing School: Begins on August 21st

Health: Stable for the moment. Need to exercise and lose a little more fat. 

Genealogy: I've looked at my Ancestry DNA Matches and I'm slowly trying to connect the dots to my relatives which is a big feat.

Camp: I'm going to a local Catholic camp in Southeast Minnesota tomorrow and be off the grid till Thursday. I'll be a camp nurse to preteens. This will be interesting. Last time I dealt with preteens/teenagers was when I was preparing to become a middle school/high school English teacher. That was a couple of decades ago. But this will be different. I'll be working with other responsible and fun adults!

Drink water, wear sunscreen, hat and sunglasses if you are outside at all. Enjoy your weekend folks!

by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (208k points)
edited by Eileen Robinson

Hi Cousin!  Why is trimming down so hard? I eat one donut and gain 3 lbs!  I don't eat, and lose 2 ounces!angry

Hi Eileen, you have a great time woking as a camp nurse with those pre/teens. It's a great experience as you enter nursing school! Well done, you!
I'm in the same boat. I can just walk by a bakery and take a deep breath and gain 5 pounds. I wonder sometimes...
Camp sounds fun! Hope it's not too hot for you. Good luck with preps for school
@Erin: It will be a Midwest Summer for sure. The air quality will be checked daily. I'll keep an eye on the temperatures and nasty allergens. I just did a NasoNeb to clear my sinus.

Suggestions: Nutrition and exercise will help. Fruits and dark chocolate are better than donuts and scones including gluten free scones. Find some dark chocolate blueberries. Have baby carrots as a snack.

Footnote: Drink water. Less sugar.
Eileen, it's only 85 here right now, but you can bet I am staying inside. Too old for that kind of heat.

How cool you are goin\g to work at a camp! IO never went to camp as a child, except for maybe church retreats. Not the same. I hope you enjoy yourself!
I've been to church camp as a teen. It was pretty interesting.
+21 votes

winkWe're On Weekend Chat (and we want to say: "HEY"devil

Sung to the tune of: I’m From The Country

  • Written by Marty Brown, Stan Webb and Richard Young,
  • Recorded by the American country music artist Tracy Byrd.
  • Released in February 1998
  • Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_from_the_Country_(song)
    • Parody by Dave Draper
  • Here is the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av659aawOsE
  • Click on the link then come back here, the music should play, and try to sing along!
  • Or Open the link in a new window
  • I'm on Weekend Chat and I wanna say: Hey!
  • Way back up in the country, back in the hills
  • Down in the hollows where this guy was real
  • He lived with the crazies and the old wildcats
  • Had sawed off shotguns and coon skin caps
  • That's who I profiled! I finished today!
  • I'm on Weekend Chat, and I wanna say "HEY":
  • Everybody knows everybody
  • Everybody calls you friend
  • You don't need an invitation
  • Click on the link and come on it
  • Yeah, we know how to source, but we wanna play
  • We’re all on Weekend Chat ‘til the end of Sunday!
  • All Weekend long, our lives will spill
  • And we chat back to bring the joy others feel
  • We chat ‘till Sunday, but we start on Friday first light
  • And when the chats are too long we just start a new page (hey)
  • We’re all on Weekend Chat and we wanna say, ”HEY”!
  • Everybody knows everybody
  • Everybody calls you friend
  • You don't need an invitation
  • Click on the link, come on in!
  • Yeah, we know how to profile, but we wanna play
  • We’re all on Weekend Chat,
  • It’s the Wikipeep way!
  • Everybody knows everybody
  • Everybody calls you friend
  • You don't need an invitation
  • Click on the link, come on in! (come on in!)
  • Yeah we know how to merge, but we wanna play
  • We’re on Weekend Chat! (Yeah!) We’re on Weekend Chat! (Lordy)
  • We’re on Weekend Chat, and we like what you say!

This makes Song Parody #25  (Two Albums and 1 Single) WOW!

Please leave a comment on my Free Space Page of which Parody you like the best! wink

Thanks Cousin Pip for all you do!yesyes

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
That was a new song for me, David. You words fit perfectly. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

Pip, get Sirus XM, they got EVERYTHING!  They have a Margaritaville channel with Jimmy Buffet songs....I forgot he made some "adult songs" so when the song  "Why don't we just get drunk and..(censored)  came on, I immediately switched to the Prime Country channel (I love music but that Buffet song ain't music) and that's when I heard Tracy Byrd's song and thus it became interesting to me to make a parody!surprise So, thank Jimmy Buffet for grossing me out?  Maybe?wink

I like that line,

When Chats are too long we just start another page.

i find I spend so much time reading other's chats and responding that I don't end up writing one myself.
Interestingly, my wife used to visit the bars in Mobile, Alabama, when she was attending school there. Saw Buffet many times before he became famous.
Me, I'm part Parrott-head, part Deadhead. Never been to a Buffett show but, been to more than my fare share of Dead shows. Was tempted to go to San Fran for what was billed as farewell to Dead and Company but, didn't want to contend with the current state of affairs of the City. An orchestra rendition of Grateful Dead music by Dark Star is coming to Kansas City. I might try and snag an accessible seat on the cheap the day of the show. I saw a couple Who shows where they had different symphonies backing them. "Who" knew symphonies rocked!
You reminded me that I have been to a Buffet concert,  about 10 years ago in Camden, New Jersey. It was in a venue with seating on a hill. Lots of pot smoke around, way before it was legal. Fun times. We got tickets and took a bus from our local credit union.

Nancy is my 18th cousin once removed!heart

My neighbor went to a Jimmy Show. He, who was about my age now, doubt if he had ever been to a concert before, said he would never go to a concert again because of all the dope smoking. I told him Pot-head was short for parrot-head, he gave me that look like I might know too much, I might be one of them. I'm not sure he had a clue to what I was talking about.


Laura, I did check it out!  Didn't find a blood connection yet, but we are connected.  Who knows, maybe that will change!wink

+27 votes
The weather is beautiful here in Colorado.  We have had more rain than any time in recent memory and we are green, green, green.  God forbid that the dryness returns because the fires will go crazy but it is pretty here now.  I went hiking in the mountains yesterday with my granddaughter. Almost ran into a big horn sheep coming down a 14-er then we went dipping in Clear Creek upstream of the Coors brewery.  Too shallow to call swimming.

On genealogy, I got tired of working on CC7 so I just started some random exploring. I ended up working on some Caribbean cemeteries just to see what is there. They definitely need some work.  I will probably play around there for this week and see what I find.
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (476k points)

Hi Cousin! (8th Cousin) trough the Deweese line.  You might be thrilled to know that when I profiled my great grandmother Ellen ''Deweese'' Draper and her father James Madison Deweese, the Deweese family got in touch with me and and told me these were the ones they didn't get documented! Pretty Kewl!wink

Hopefully, the fires will be under control in the Four States (AZ, UT, NM, CO). Y'all need rain badly!
Good for you building memories with your granddaughter, Gurney!
+24 votes
Top of the Morning from Lone Jack, Mo. Not much to report this week. Been connecting some dots and adding some profiles to some local civil war veterans, mostly Quantrill's men. I was surprised to find 'Lil Archie' had a brother that fought and died for the Union. I was also surprised to find out he is a third cousin four times removed. Other names on the roster include a couple Daltons, several Wilhoite/Wilhoit/Wilhite's and a few Akers. I wonder what I forgot to make room for that information.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)

2 things: run the connection finder between you and me and tell me if/how we are related (I can't because your privacy setting prevents me)

I was told by the Iowa Historical Society that the Knights of the Golden Circle were probably the ones who wanted my 2nd great grandfather and family assinated for their activity on the UGRR near Des Moines!  But I believe that they told me that Quantrill was a member of the Knignts of the GC, I think! Is that right?

Yeah, I went private due to some hate mail. Quantrill's named was associated with a lot of misdeeds of the day. Jesse James' notoriety was greatly embellished due to his connection to John Newman Edwards who was a Confederate that went on to be publisher of a paper in Kansas City. James helped mold his own public image. Like any good criminal, his self-reported information was to put him in the most favorable light to gain public support, and it worked. KGC included several members of the Buchanan administration. By virtue of favoring succession, and well known for his propensity for violence, I'm sure his name was associated with KGC. The boarder wars raged for years, before and after, the civil war where opposing political beliefs were enough to cause your demise. Knights of the Golden Circle - Wikipedia

As far as connection, we are 17c3r. I think I'm like 6cxxxr from John Brown.

Daltons, Daltons, Daltons. What a prolific family. I'm related to a bunch of people here on WikiTree through that family, K!
Aren't we all
Most of my Dalton ancestors were Union supporters. A lot of them married into Southern sympathizers. At least two Daltons served with Quantrill. The father of the Dalton Gang married Cole Youngers aunt. Cole's father, Henry Washington Younger was a slave owning Union supporter who opposed succession who was murdered by Union Bushwackers. Henry's father, Charles Lee Younger is said to have had a second family with a mulato slave named Elizabeth. These descendants, one of who would have been Cole's uncle, were said to give the James-Younger gang refuge when in the Osceola area.
+24 votes
Hello to the global WikiTree family...I hope everyone is having a relaxing time leading into the weekend. Just a quick update about my participation in WT; I have had to halt my contributions (Since March 2023) due to the 'law of diminsihing genealogy returns'. This basically means I have almost completely exhausted myself to this point in my research. Having said that; I am patiently regrouping my time and energy for another crack at some time in the future. I am still visitng WT when I can and want other members to know that I haven't 'abandoned ship' like a rat but am steeling myself for the REALLY hard yards that occur the deeper down the rabbit hole(s) we all travel. So; fear not !! I will return when I have some definite leads to add to the BIG TREE.

Happy reseraching everybody, and as they say in the classics; "It ain't over till it's over".
by William Maher G2G6 Pilot (645k points)

Well, cousin, just wanna say HEY!  Because of your deep searching we found out we are BLOOD! 15th cousin three times removedheart

Welcome back, Will.

Morning cousin William. I see you have relatives here from the epicenter of history in Henry Gragg. It seems his daughter married a Woodfin whose daughter in turn married a Dalton. North meets South.

William I almost wish I could get to the 'law of diminsihing genealogy returns'. It is never ending for me as there are so many collateral lines in my family yet to be entered!

Hi William. We are separated by 25 degrees. Have you done any challenges? I think it is fun to work on families unrelated to mine. It is satisfying to find a profile through a challenge and flesh out the family. I did it for [[Trbovich-10|Michael Trbovich (1920-1989)]]. He had no connections at the beginning of July. He is now connected to the big tree with 143 connections. I hope to add a few more before the end of the month.
+24 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7:00 am and 83F (28.3C) with an expected high of 108F (42.2C) with a 24% chance of rain and partly cloudy skies. We have another ‘Excessive Heat Warning for tomorrow. I thought it was hot in Tucson until I spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Phoenix. It was 117F (47.2C) and seemed even hotter without trees and all that cement from every-growing freeway.


I had a follow-up phone call with my colleague last evening regarding our chapter on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity for the 3rd edition of Women and Health textbook. We went through each section checking for typos, making sure each sentence made sense and that references (all 324) were in their proper place. We are doing one more read-through today, then will send the chapter to the editors. I will be so glad to get this off my plate! I spent roughly 6 hours last Saturday setting up two tables, one for subjective studies, the other for objective studies and listing the sources for each. This is very detailed work. I also created a list of acronyms. I saved the paper on my home page, set up an email, opened the chapter just to make sure the tables were in order and the entire thing was red-lined! Apparently, the references were set up for EndNote and this disrupted all the work I did. I sent the mess along with a message to my colleague that read ‘kill me now.’ I waited a day to bring my blood pressure down, then redid the work in an entirely separate file, just the two tables and acronyms and listed the numbers of the sources for each. Apparently, EndNote is very ‘twitchy.’


My sister, Bonny, works for a large law firm in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They have a suite of offices on the upper floor of a skyscraper. On a clear day, one can see Lake Michigan. She posted a video yesterday of the downtown area so thick with smoke that you can barely see buildings a block away, let alone the lake! All the smoke is drift from the fires in Canada. I posted the url (or whatever it is called) here. Hopefully, it will open: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02wXUkwLHecczRphoRXtF3ohuYLKTUMA131WkPv911UvtQmGJbjujYM8RFXjM3W77vl&id=1205756544&mibextid=Nif5oz


My youngest grandson, Luke, is celebrating his 19th birthday today! How did he get so old so fast? I remember changing his nappies, bottle-feeding him, attending his soccer games and choral concerts, and having him spend time with me in Tucson when he was 12 touring the Pima Air Museum. Now he is attending community college with a focus on cyber security. It is amazing how I don’t age, but everyone around me does! We will celebrate ‘in person’ when I am in Milwaukee in 2 weeks and can get real hugs.


Due to chapter and paper demands, I did not get around to posting a photo from ‘some place’ in East Asia as I had planned to start last week. I decided to do one per week with a little bit of history as an homage to M. Ross who set up the ‘photo space’ for me. A highlight for this past week was Bingo, especially seeing all that has been established for WikiTree members with Polish roots. WOW! Their work is awesome. I will have to see if I can find some of my photos from Poznan, Poland that I took when my sister, Bonny and I visited there in 2016-ish. That is where my maternal GGPs came from and add them to my ‘Some Place Chat Photo’.


I was able to contact at least two PMs for Baldwin profiles, who resided in Buckinghamshire in the early to mid-1500s. Several of these profiles not only need TLC, but they also need sources, and one flat out has misinformation. These two PMs have added me as co-PM and I will be taking on cleaning up and clarifying the profiles. The 1500 and forward Baldwins will be easy enough to write up and source. I am still struggling with the pre-1500 Baldwins (way pre-1500, like 1350, 1400, 1450) who have NO sourcing and at least two need to be merged. These are taking more work and I want to make sure that they are proper so that they don’t need yet another ‘do over.’ In the interim, I have done a great deal of work on John Baldwin’s line. He came to Massachusetts about 1650-ish and was an early settler of Billerica, MA. His brother, Henry, is PGM and an original signatory of Woburn, MA. And they are all getting Baldwin One Name Study Stickers that are very cool thanks to Sandy Patak’s sticker help!


Pip, as ever, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. And I wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great LAST weekend of July 2023. I will hold intention for all of you for a happy and healthy weekend!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Nice work on everything! Try to stay cool. That is entirely too warm! Yikes!

Now here's a question for ya. How would you pronounce "Billerica"?

It's one of those funny sounding Mass town names that, like Haverhill, sounds different from how it's spelled.
"Excessive Heat Warning"

Get your swamp cooler on.
Ciao Cousin Chris! OK, it's not 'Bell err ika' as many would say. It's more like, 'Bill rika.' I still have difficulty with Woobun (Woburn) being from the midwest (ya know?) and southwest (I've lived in Arizona longer than Wisconsin).
There ya go! =D Perfect!
@Cousin Chris...thanks a bunch, hon...ya know!
324 references for one chapter. Carol, I have read few books that had that many for the whole thing!

My grandson is also 19! He'll be 20 in a few months. He's in school in Charleston and working on an EMS truck. I rarely get to see him. He's not that far away, but finding the time amongst all these appointments is difficult.

You stay out of that heat, ya heah?
@M Ross...I will look into it. Looks like his ancestor came from Ireland, but with that last name, it has to be from somewhere in England...maybe Bucks!
@Pip, I know 324, which is why last weekend when I was adding sources to tables and went back to check and send it to colleague, the entire work was 'redlined.' She uses EndNote and the entire work got upended because of that ref program, which is why my email began, 'kill me now'

Best wishes on your grandson's birthday. Isn't it strange how they get old but we don't?
Wow, Carol, How do you have time for anything else. You are a busy woman. I live about 60 miles west of NYC and the first time we had Canadian smoke, it made national news. The Air Quality was almost off the charts. So now, we sometimes have less smoke but it still can be bad. Today, it is hot but the sky is actually blue.
+24 votes
Greetings everyone!

What's the old complaint?... "I wish winter would hurry up and get here so I can complain about the cold".  105 to 107 forecast for the next 7 days here in Oklahoma. I think I'll stay inside as much as possible.

Pip! I know you're dying to know if I cooked anything this week. Made a batch of Wienie Wraps (hotdogs, franks), my sister's recipe. Cut a long V in the frank, put in shredded cheese, pineapple, top with brown sugar, wrap with a strip of bacon. Bake at 325 (160C) for 40 minutes. I also did a baking dish full of pork chops smothered in pineapple and brown sugar. And last but not least, I made a meatloaf. Ground beef, onions, tomato sauce, green bell pepper, corn, cracker crumbs... the usual.

Since we have 5 Saturdays this month, I've been doing pretty good on the Saturday Sourcing Sprints. Some Wikitreers do a lot more than me but, hey, I do what I can.

I found some new relatives last week. I've been occasionally looking for the husband of a great aunt. All I had was the last name. I did a search on FS and lo and behold, I found her obituary that listed his full name and viola, I found him and added several family members. Yay...

I thought, therefore, I was...

And on we go...

Have a good day everyone.
by Luther Brown G2G6 Pilot (569k points)
I stayed in for most of the day yesterday. Heat index was 98°F. Yikes!
Hi Luther, you deserve a Congratulations for whatever you add during the Saturday Sprints! As everyone told me last week following the Thon, every single one counts! Have a great weekend with Wienie Wraps for sustenance while sourcing.
I swear, Luther. I'm just going to have to move to Oklahoma so I can get some of your good cooking. We'd have to eat inside. I wouldn't be able to take that kind of heat!

Luther, my granddaughter has graduated and moved to the City this month. I could still show up for dinner. The only meatloaf anyone is getting around here is at the Cherokee Casino in Ft. Gibson. wink

+26 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's happening here? Let’s start with weather, lots of rain, yesterday and today, hot and humid, temps up to 30C and 70% humidity, though it actually hasn’t seemed that hot. We close up the house in mid morning-you may remember we don’t have AC-and then open all the windows about 8pm, with 6 ceiling fans and every window in the house opens, we get great cross breezes.  The weeds in my garden are growing very well! 

We are expecting our new dryer to arrive in 2 weeks, hanging up clothes to dry in the basement while running the dehumidifier is getting tedious! My plan to dry laundry outside has been derailed by all the rain.

I spent a large portion of yesterday working on a spring flowering bulb order (wholesale) for the Hort Society members. Our October meeting is an Open House and bulb sale. 

WikiTree and family history: because it has been so rainy etc, I haven’t been working in the garden, which had left lots of time to WT. I have added 12 people to the Alton Cemetery category. I’ve also been working through some of the Hunters who are buried at Alton and many other local cemeteries. I’ve been trying to prove or disprove a relationship between a Hunter family that lived in Alton and a Hunter family who lived about 40 km away. Some extended family members from both families intermarried with other people in both communities, but I don’t see any actual immediate family relationships between family 1 and family 2.

And for many years I have wondered why one of Robbie’s GGU’s ended up in Illinois, the family arrived in Canada in 1830, with 7 children, the oldest child was Andrew Dods born 1809 in Scotland, he just disappeared, he is not on any records for the family after their arrival. He is found on the Dods family tree documented in the family bible which is currently in a local museum. Several years ago I found an Andrew Dods living in Shannon, Illinois. I would have dismissed him as someone with the same name except that most of his children have the same names as his siblings. Okay so after much research he is confirmed as the missing Andrew Dods. 

But I had no idea why he would have moved to Illinois. Which leads me to another topic, reading. One of the books I bought at the library book sale 2 weeks ago is a self published book named ‘From Bloody Beginnings’ by David Richard Beasley, published 2008. It is about the battles and conflicts during the Revolutionary War in the Mohawk Valley and surrounding areas. It is described as non-fiction, but is written as a story from the viewpoint of the author’s 3 x GGF including his move to Canada as a United Empire Loyalist. It’s badly sourced and what sources there are, are on the author’s website. Though after finishing reading the book it was interesting.

And it does describe the 1837 rebellion in Upper Canada in detail. Including much information about why many Canadian settlers moved to the U.S. in the late 1830s, nepotism, bribery, oligarchy, patronage, trying to create an Official Religion to be Anglican and many other issues.

My assumption is that Andrew Dods left for the same reasons that other Canadian settlers did. If you want to know more about the 1837 rebellion, you can Google it, but many websites are lacking in background details. 

What else: reading: another book I bought at the book sale is called ‘the boat people’, which I erroneously assumed was about the Vietnamese boat people, it isn’t its about several hundred Tamil refugees who arrived in Vancouver in 2010. So far it’s well written and very interesting. 

And I am a little concerned about our trip west, we will be driving through the British Columbia southern interior where forest fires are currently on the rise, most of the earlier fires were quite some distance north. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (760k points)

Hi M, I LOVE the story about Andrew Dods and awaited impatiently for today's chat to hear 'what up' with Andrew and Illinois. It makes a great deal of sense. I just added a Baldwin who was a loyalist and settled in Vermont. Apparently, that's where a number of 'loyalists' headed (and then many to Canada) during and after the American Revolution.

I posted my sister's video of smoke from the Canadian wildfires choking downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin on my Chat today. It opens and the smoke is stunning. 

The one upside of the heat here in Tucson is that I can hang out my sheets and they are dry and sterilized in 2 minutes!

As to books, I spent several hours at a small, privately owned bookstore, "Changing Hands" and read Madly, Deeply: The Diaries of Alan Rickman. It was a wonderful read and there were images of his writings and some of his drawings with his entries. What got me as I finish the book was his hospitalization and his entries had gone from paragraphs to single words, almost like metaphors of living and dying in words.

Did I ever mention that I saw a very young Alan Rickman in Shakespeare's Loves Labour's Lost at the Royal Shakespeare at Stratford-upon-Avon in 1978? He was one of Lord Berowne's buddies. I might still have that playbill somewhere! This was way before 'Hans Gruber'; however, his performance even back then stood out.

The link won't open for me again today, maybe because I'm in Canada, or perhaps more likely I'm not logged into Facebook.
Congrats on finding your missing Andrew Dods, M. Took some good detective work, but you did it!

If you don't have to cancel your trip out west, you still be careful on the drive.
Andrew also had a brother John who disappeared after the family's arrival, again the only source here is the family bible. I have the Scots baptism record but that's all.

I think my only chance of finding him will be another fluke. There are many John Dods of the right age both here and in the USA. He could have died in one of the cholera epidemics here, his sister Agnes did but there is a burial record for her.

He could have gone with Andrew to Illinois, he could have gone to any number of places. There are rumours that another John Dods and some siblings probably cousins or second cousins emigrated to Kentucky about 1780, but there just aren't enough records of the right sort to make any kind of educated guess.
@M Ross, It may not be opening for others, either. It is likely because I am on FB with her and the link just won't open. The amount of smoke is stunning. You can barely see beyond the next block, let along the shores of Lake Michigan!
+27 votes

Place:  Castle Rock, WA

Temp:  58°F with a high of 80°F today

Humidity: 87%

Air Quality Index: 16 Good

Work Life:  Headed to Portland today to pick up a new work phone, then headed to Boston early next week on travel for our teams "Annual" face to face that we haven't had since before pandemic.

Family Life:  My oldest turns 18 this weekend, then next weekend #2 turns 14, then the week after that the oldest leaves to go to San Jose State University and flies the coop.  Then we have a couple weeks to get ready to go back to school.  

Hobby Life:  My garden is starting to produce!  I harvested onions, garlic, potatoes, and cherry tomatoes this last week.  I entered a dozen different flowers in the Cowlitz County fair and won 6 blue ribbons (1st place) and one best in show award. :)  

Health: Having migraines lately, trying to reduce stress, not likely right now, simply too much going on. And same, Eileen, definitely need to get back into working out and lose some weight. 

Genealogy:  I have all the ADHD with genealogy right now.  I want to do all the things!!  Currently working the BioCheck back 7 generations to fix errors.  I have been working on [[Categories|Tribes]] also, I grew up on the Crow Indian Reservation as my dad is a member of the tribe, and I feel a calling to do that work and preserve that history. 

Thank you [[Bellamy-2127|Eileen (Bellamy) Robinson]] for the formatting idea! :) 

by Kirby Drake G2G6 Mach 2 (25.0k points)
You're welcome.

Congratulations on your accomplishments at the fair!! I miss being in Pacific Northwest.
Kirby, you sure have a full plate, don't you? When I get wound that tight because of the schedule, I get headaches, too, but not migraines. My ADHD keeps me from sitting at a computer too long, usually about 30 minutes a pop, sometimes less. Otherwise, I'd have more of my collateral lines completed by now.
Yes! Super hectic here right now, but I'll manage.  I usually get into genealogy mode to "escape" from thinking about the other stuff going on in my life. I get hyperfocused on it sometimes too, and have to remind myself to take breaks and do other things. Balances to be had either way.
+22 votes
Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

This week's blog  topic is about "In the News". Well, I wrote a blog about the times the motel my grandfather and others built was in the news. Check it out here: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/07/52-ancestors-week-30-in-news.html

Not much else going on on the genealogy front. I did sign up for yet another social media platform so I could better get the word out about the comic and blog. I really wish they'd integrate all social media platforms into one. That would make life so much easier. But, with humans being humans there's little chance of that happening.

It's been moderately warm here in the valley with temps in the 80s. Not as bad as the rest of the country. But, I suspect that'll change once we head into August.

I asked one of my friends in San Pietro a Maida to look up something for me. I hope he comes back with info, soon. He's been sending pictures from his time at the beach. It's been VERY hot in southern Italy and it's been hailing in the north. Wild weather everywhere, it seems. Crazy.

But, I hope people enjoy the blog. It's been a wild week in the news and I figured people could enjoy some positivity. Check it out! Thanks for hosting, Pip!
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (785k points)
You have a friend IN San Pietro?!? I'd be hitting him/her up all the time for info, Chris.
Several. And cousins. What ya think I've been doing, Pip?! =D
So, no more emailing the commune? I'd have the whole kit and kabootle working on your family history!
Oh, I'm still doing that. I can do more than one thing? =D
Yes, and we are requiring you to do 50 things. Your discoveries are just that interesting.
+23 votes
Howdy folks! Greetings from a Hotter-n-Hell central Oklahoma! As Luther pointed out, the heat has arrived with a vengeance. The good thing is the humidity has finally gone way down so it doesn't feel like you're walking around in a hot tub. The grass has slowed down growing, meaning I only have to mow once a week instead of twice. It's the little things...

I did pretty well during the Thon. My 127 profiles were almost 100 more than my previous best. Sunday night at 2130 hrs, I typed the same sentence three times in a bio, so I figured it was time to stop. Go Tree Nuts!

Genealogy wise it's mainly been Ranger duty and not much else.

Thanks Pip for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Until next time....

by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (224k points)
John, my granddaughter officially has an apartment in the City, so I will be making trips your way after things cool down.

Awesome! I hope we can get together at some point. I'm totally fine with waiting for a cool down. smiley

Well, not having to mow as much, I suppose that is a pretty decent trade off with the heat, John. In my case, it was usually hoping the rain would quit after three straight weeks, so could mow on the highest setting twice over.
+19 votes

So much to relate, so little time!

1. The air conditioner broke down a week ago on Thursday, new outside unit installed last Friday, but it didn't work because existing coils inside were not capable of functioning with the new outside unit!  So, they came back last Tuesday and got it running!  This was right at the start of this terrible heat wave and we were melting!  I was a puddle of goop on the carpet! Yeah, that bad!surprise

2. My Dewalt battey powered lawn mower hit a small rock and it broke the crank shaft!  Its trash!  The inside parts of the Dewalt lawn mower are plastic!  Even if the crank shaft didn't break, its days were numbered because the belt gets very hot and either melts or breaks the plastic pulley!angry I was told by customers that come into Home Depot (where I have a great retirement job) to next try a Greenworks mower, and wait until they bundle other things together with when its on sale. He told me his was 7 years old, no problems!

3. If you see an advertisement for Flex Focus Glasses, ignore it, and don't order them!  They are are terrible!  They claim they are suppose to replace subscription bi-focal glasses.  I tried them out while driving, everything is blurry except for the exact center.  When you look down at the odometer, you have to refocus the lenses, which takes forever, and you could crash the car!   I tried them out at work and I adjusted them to look at the computer, but when I looked up to talk to the customer, he was out of focus, and again it took so long to get them focused on him, then I had to refocus them to look back at the computer! angry

4. We bought a massage chair through Home Depot, it was $3000 off, free shipping, also bought a service plan!  The chair worked for 5 minutes, then nothing!  Called the manufacturer and they told me the nearest repair facility was in Chicago!  They told me they techs refused to come to Bloomington to fix the chair (135 miles) So what good is the $350 service warranty? angry The manufacturer said "Return it to Home Depot!"  (so now I have to rent a big truck to take it to the store)angry So I pleaded with them to send me a new motherboard (because that is probably all that is wrong with it) Two days went by and they agreed to send me a motherboard!  It arrived but we want our son to install it since he is very skilled at that stuff!  

5. August!  I have to start a makeover of our bedroom closet, fix the gutters and the deck on our house, and re-paint some of the house!  You will not see much of me the next four weeks!  For the Song Parodies, I will have to re-post some of the 25 songs we already have!

6. The new Samsung s23 ultra phones arrived!  WOW!  We have not upgraded our phones for 5 years!  What a difference!  I'm still watching YouTube videos to learn how to use it!  I sat it by the speaker of my digital piano to test record a song I wrote to upload to YouTube!  The sound and picture quality was amazing! No static white noise, but it does pick up the air-conditioner hum and the dogs barking, so to get clean sound, I'm going to have to figure out how to deal with that!  It will even let you edit the video to set a start and end of the video, so one can edit out the person turning on the camera, walking over to the piano, then walking back to the camera to turn it off...you can edit that out, and insert pictures through out the video! Very Kewl!

7.  Just found out there is a reunion of my mom's family next week in Missouri, a 5 hour drive away!  Most of them don't know anything about WikiTree or much about their ancestors.  I was making a list of all the things I could bring to the reunion to show them the family tree and what famous people they are related to.  I have not been to that reunion for 30 years and won't know any of the 40 that are supposed to attend!

8. My goal to weigh 160lbs by the end of July has just about come true!  I'm 161.5 today.  If I fast tomorrow or Sunday, I just might reach my goal!  I'm 5' 6".  I still have "love handles", so my new goal will be to take off another 4 pounds by September! ( I wanna eat a donut or a hotdog so bad! )

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Dewalt. I have come to the realization that I'd be better off buying another brand of anything they make, David. I almost got a battery-powered mower, but it could never have handled my mess of a yard (that was about two acres). Maybe the front and some detail work, but my Deere was for the back.

I am 97 lbs away from your goal. Mine is more modest: 220, but then I'm 6' 3" so it is spread out more.
Pip, I'm the full 160lbs. That extra inch is really fat.
Laura, I decided not to go to the reunion because Covid is breaking out agian and many at work are sick!  So to be safe, I told them I would just email some family discoveries for now.  So I have already got some "WOW! I didn't know that!"  Maybe they will join WikiTree.



+23 votes

"Photo journey: Some Place in East Asia." As mentioned last week and today, M. Ross was kind enough to set up a 'photo space' and her tutoring has led me to do a photo story each week (or so). I taught for the military though the University of Maryland - Asian Division from 1990-1993. My first year was in Korea. When I was 6 years old, my Uncle Ben was KIA during the Soyang River Battle (May Massacre) in Korea. He was 20 years of age and a MSgt. I remember him vividly as he babysat us and I recall him leaving for this 'place called Korea.' (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Baldwin-10671) I was pleased with this assignment as I always wondered what Korea looked like and wanted to add some 'presence' from home to the peninsula where Uncle Ben died. It was also a form of 'healing' and 'actualizing' for me at the loss of this beloved uncle. I also had the opportunity to meet several Korean War Veterans who returned during my time there and heard descriptions of what Korea looked like and was like during the conflict from these wonderful veterans. Several reunited with their KATUSA (S. Korean Army) fellow veterans to share stories of then and now.

I call this first photo "Kimchi Kids." I was living near Camp Henry military base in Daegu (대구). Each weekend, I would go 'some place' usually with a colleague to learn about the life and culture of Korea.

This photo was taken at Donghwasa Temple (동화사) just outside of Daegu during fall 1990. One open area of the temple had rows and rows of kimchi pots. I captured these children playing 'hide and seek' with me hiding behind the kimchi pots at Donghwasa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donghwasa

Thank you, M Ross, for helping me learn to do this!


by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

That is a great picture!heart

Darling photo, Carol!
Pipster: Imagine this...These adorable children are now pushing 40 years of age! Good thing you and I aren't gettin old!
Adorable children! You have had some interesting travels, Carol!

I made a quick stop the other day at a memorial park in Fitchburg, Massachusetts among the monuments I photographed (with my phone) was a brick path type of memorial they have there of nurses who have served in the different branches of the military going back to the 1860s.
This reminds me, I hope to one day get all my deployment photos digitized and organized. Years of great memories
@Anon...WOW that sounds like an awesome memorial. I seem to recall (I can be wrong and am a lot) that there is a memorial to nurses who served in the military in Washington, DC. I'll have to do a search as my kid sister and I are going to WDC in the spring.
@Erin, I thought of you and Mike Patak as I was posting this photo. You definitely should get your deployment photos digitized. All of my photos from Asia are on film and I need to do the same! There are a number, though, that I enlarged and the ones I am posting are android snaps of the enlargements. I am very grateful for my experiences teaching for the military. You take care!
+23 votes
Good morning once again - has it already been a week since the last chat? I guess time sometimes flies.

I have not accomplished a ton this week in the genealogy field but I have picked through some things. I cleared a stack of suggestions from my list. I had one that had lingered there for quite a while so I tackled it. A lady had that she was born in 1823; I pulled census records that confirmed she was born in 1833 and sent those to FindAGrave. Unfortunately, her memorial is managed by someone who has over 90,000 memorials and will never change anything. This was no exception. Yuk!

I see the registration is open for the new WikiTree games but I am not sure I am up for another Thon type activity right now. Monday I am getting a neck injection and in two weeks the second one. I am hoping this will alleviate the neck and upper back pain.

We were scheduled for a dinner out with our children on Saturday for our 55th anniversary. That has been postponed as my husband is not up to it right now. We will try for a belated celebration when his radiation treatments are done and he has had some recovery time.

Have a super weekend and week ahead. See all y'all next week!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Happy Anniversary!!
I had some pretty good luck with FindaGrave edits a couple of weeks ago during the Thon. Still getting emails that they are approved, Ginny.

How much longer on the radiation treatments? I hope your husband's recovery time is quick... for both of you.
Another 20 days - weekdays. The issue now is his fatigue is getting worse and that is normal but frustrating!

I have also had some really speedy results from edits to FindAGrave memorials except if they are managed by this one couple in Louisiana - they refuse everything, even when providing sources for the change.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, Virginia. Best wishes to your husband for healing with and from the radiation treatments!
I can't imagine not accepting edits, wouldn't you want everything to be as correct as possible?

Happy Anniversary and I hope your husband is feeling better soon.
+21 votes
Checking out a DNA matched cousin of mine (in Ontario) startled me when I noticed her (paternal side) 2nd ggf, Hugh McBurney (1831-1893) and his father, Hugh John McBurney, were from County Down, Ireland and our son-in-laws 2nd ggf, Hugh McBurney and his father, John McBurney (1811-1872) were, also, from County Down, Ireland and all moving to Ontario.......cousins or near miss?   Anyway, travelling up my DNA cousin's maternal side finds our common ancestor, 3rd ggf, Robert Moore (1811-1885), from Ireland and who acquired land in Ontario.   Robert has 4 sons, Joseph  with a son Robert, Sam with a son Robert, John with a son Robert and Robert.......4 Roberts all nicknamed Bob.   Now, the Moore boys were all tall and lean, looked similar and lived on adjacent farms, so how do you sort out any confusion that might develop and direct the mail to the correct person?   Modify the nicknames......."Texas Bob", "Long Bob" (his wife only came up to his shoulder), "Silver Bob" and "Grevious Bob" (It is said that in the middle of the night his wife requested that a midwife be sent for, as a child was about to be born, and his reply was, "Good grief women, can't you wait until morning?).
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (363k points)
edited by John Thompson
At least he didn't say till after you fix breakfast
I have a friend whose legal name is Wayne Steven then last name, in the small town where his family lived, his dad's name was Wayne, his GF name was Wayne plus several cousins were named Wayne.

He decided to use Steve as his first name, that is after he went to university.

When we went to his wedding, many people were talking about Wayne and what a lovely wedding it was, we had no idea who the people were talking about.

After asking Steve who Wayne was, he explained, and that was when he was renamed by his friends, new name Wayne slash Steve and now he is called Slash by many people.

His GG kids will have fun working that out

And how do we know they didn't have breakfast first, K, have you been talking to my long lost 2nd cousin, I found in Kansas City?   She and her husband had been traveling and researching the Moores when I found out about these ancestors.  laugh

Send them to the museum, we'll meet by proxy.
K, they're on Ancestry, I'm working on WikiTree and my wife communicates between us on Facebook......maybe we'll work this out.
Wayne/Steve = Slash.......did I get that right, M?  PS  I went  back and checked on "Grevious Bob's" wife, she had 14 children and lived to 86......must be a good farm life in Dunchurch, Ontario.

Yes, you did get it right. 

Did I miss who "Grevious Bob's" wife was? 

Dunchurch, Ontario is in what is often called the near North as opposed to the North. It's about 300 km north of us and there's a good chance I have driven through it as we have been to several nearby places. 

They didn't have electricity until after WW2 and didn't have a library until 1973. 

I'm not so sure about farming there, its on a lake, and the surrounding area is rock, part of the Canadian Shield 



There's also a Facebook Group called Historica Ontario, McKellar, Dunchurch and environs.


M, "Grevious Bob's" wife was Alice Catherine Dixon (I haven't entered her on WikiTree as yet).  Thankyou, thankyou for the link to Facebook.....I recognized many relative's names and photos......especially my great grandmother, Mary Jane (Dickson/Moore) Crisp. smileysmiley

Have I got the right person, Alice Catherine Dixon according to the marriage record was born in Garafraxa, Canada West, Ontario, badly mistranscribed on Ancestry as Sarafrasxi.

And Robert Grevious Moore was the son of Robert Moore and Sarah Parker North?

They got married in Chinguacousy, 7 Sep 1848 in what was then part of the Home District. The marriage record says both of Chinguacousy, now part of Peel County,

Home District is always mistranscribed on Ancestry as Homer, Niagara, quite how they got that I have no idea.

Some things to watch out for, Garafraxa, has also been named East and West Garafraxa, and been part of several counties or districts,


Also be careful of places listed/indexed as Wellington, Prince Edward County which is about 300km east of Wellington Township/County

Next practically all records for the Home District of Upper Canada or Canada West are indexed by FS as taking place in Algoma, which is north of Lake Superior and was not settled until much later.

At the time of the records, the only way to get to Algoma was by canoe and took a week more likely longer. As suggested to FS why would people who lived in the Home District as shown on the marriage record, travel 600 miles by canoe to get married in a place where no one lived.

The home district including Peel county which includes  Chinguacousy, plus Garafraxa and many other places and surrounding areas are all places where a lot of people who are buried at Alton Cemetery were born. Many of their descendants married into Alton families.

It's possible that there some connection between the Moores and the Dixons and the families of people buried at Alton.

Thankyou, M, for your interest in the subject, as I have never travelled to Ontario and have only been cross referencing (Moore) relative's Ancestry trees for about 20 years (taking note of any discrepancies).   You found the correct wife, Alice Catherine Dixon-18727, the profile of whom I just now created.   There has been confusion about Sarah Parker North......I don't use the North part of the name, as her marriage took place in Ontario and references to Ireland seem to be an error that gets repeated.   There are Dickson and Dixon people married to the Moores and I do believe there could be connections to Alton Cemetery.

John, my interest is not entirely altruistic, there are many people in Garafraxa and Chinguacousy, that are connected to Alton area families and every extra bit of information about the families helps connect the scattered dots.

I agree about the Parker North name, and the Ireland error, some of the censuses, give Ireland as place of birth, you never know if the census taker asked what the person's ethnic origins and made an assumption that they were born in that place.

There are Norths living in the same area, and Sarah's sister Hannah married a North.

Its going to take some detective work to sort out this family.

If I can help with locations, just ask.
M, your offer regarding locations is appreciated, as I have become aware that place names have changed over time.   I will be expanding the Moores hoping to find other connections on WikiTree.
+22 votes
Another week sped right by, it sure was a hot one! Heat indexes solidly in the triple digits. Keeping the grass cut has been tricky. I finally did mine at 8:30 last night when it was "just" 95 degrees. But in between roasting sessions when I have to leave the house, I've been accomplishing a lot. With school starting in a month, PTO is ramping back up so I've been planning (almost said plotting but hopefully it's not that sinister) events for back to school. And popcorn season is about to start for scouts (our main fundraising push to cover dues and campouts for the year) so coordinating that with the rest of the committee is always a herculean effort. I remind myself (constantly) that it's worth it to make the program more accessible because fundraising sure isn't one of my favorite things to do.

     Successfully did pinecone bird feeders with the scouts this week, even though I worried we wouldn't have enough materials because I had very little notice. I wish I had a neighbor with a tree. I always had an abundance as a kid because my grandparents had huge twin pines that dropped all the needles and cones we could ever hope to collect. Ah, the bounty of the country.

     My Appalachian Notable has been connected to the tree and has gone from 0 connections to 851. I doubt I can get him to a thousand before month's end but I might get lucky and find another profile already on WT that I can get him some connections to. Otherwise I doubt I'll break 900. Well, a girl can dream. I'm still proud of having him linked in and can always work it later. I just get so swept up in the challenges!

    As August is almost here, I am SO excited for another RAWK! I love giving WikiTree Kindness to others, and it's extra fun to come together and focus on a few tree sections. I've got a fresh notebook page just awaitin' for some connection notes!

     I hope everyone is staying cool, hydrating, and taking good care of yourselves in between all the busy-ness of summer. Sending hugs.
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
I remember bringing huge pine cones home from Florida for my granddaughter's class to use to make Christmas trees for Christmas.  She was in a grade that was promoted from kindergarten to first grade as a whole with the same teacher.
It was a fairly short termed experiment that lost favor in about 4-5 years.  The teacher was very appreciative.
We did pine cone feeders when I was a child (way back...), and had forgotten about them until you mentioned it here, Erin. I'll have to try that!
+20 votes

Today is the 80th Anniversary of the loss of the Spook lll and all crew aboard her during Blitz week in WWll. Why is that important to me, or you? It's important to me because the turret gunner aboard that plane was my 1st Cousin once removed, SSGT William Francis Brunson V.  It's important to you because the Ultimate Sacrifice was paid by not only these ten men, but all those that fell during that bloody conflict to keep us all Free.

I chose to Honor Francis and the Crew of the Spook lll by putting them on the WikiTree as a group and creating a mini-Memorial for them by telling their story through Francis. To that end, Natalie (Durbin) Trott shared in creating this Memorial for them by inputting them while I concentrated on giving Francis the best Biography I could.

Without further adieu, I give you SSGT William Francis Brunson V and the Crew of the Spook lll; [[Brunson-1789|William Francis Brunson (1923-1943)]].

by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
Thankyou Pat and Natalie, for the Memorial, and especially to Francis, for his service.

Thank you cousin Pat for sharing my cousin William!  Loved the monkey story on your profile page!yesyes  And here is a heart cause we are blood!heart

Hi Pat, very nice profile! It turns out I am a distant (very distant 17th) cousin. You have also given me ideas for improving the profile for my Uncle Ben Baldwin. Thank you!

Thank you for acknowledging them. We were happy to do this work to show our appreciation.


Kudos are always appreciated, it's what makes WikiTree run; the Heart & Blood is what it's all about.


Thank you; you are very welcome. If the Memorial for Francis ignites the Spark in you, then the Memorial has done it's job; Remember.
Hi Pat, I just finished revising my uncle's profile and added medals, etc. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Baldwin-10671

Thank you!

That's a beautiful Tribute to Msgt Baldwin, I'm sure he appreciates being Remembered and Honored this way. Collaboration doesn't mean just working together to create a page or 50 like this. It's also when someone sees something another has created and been moved to make changes in their own projects; as you did.

But it also works back the other way too; I see things I missed and I'm going back to add them too. Francis has a last name and he was born somewhere, but yet I neglected to even think in that direction, thanks to you, now I am: thanks for that!

This Memorial to Francis & the Crew of the Spook lll is only the first step. They flew with the 336th Squad (not the squad that got lost, that I believe was the 412th; wiki link for Blitz) with the 95th Bombardment Group. Logical progression, next step is the next echelon above. And that's where our work is headed. All those neat little things that I wanted to do for Francis will fit right in here.

So thank you for engaging in an Act of Creativity with me! And your actions here are what WikiTree is all about; Collaboration & Creativity together. It's what will ultimately move us all into a better space & place.

+19 votes
Just a word to say Hello All! I have been very busy at work and weekend trips. I have 5 of the grandchildren this week and they are running me ragged...but I love it.. I have one floor being redone inside my house and the roof is being done this week also. I have not been doing a lot of genealogy. The weather is hot hot hot and humid, what's new in July right...LOL I hope everyone here is well and I hope to get back to weekly chat by the end of Sep. The rental season will be over and all the sheets and towels will be back in storage, as well as all the houses cleaned.

Have a wonderful WIKIEND!
by Teresa Willis G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)
Five grands is a lot to keep up with! Hope you can rest sometime.
Oh yeah, you ARE busy with that many grands around. But, I know you are reveling it that, too, Teresa.
+22 votes

Virtual Vacation! 

I thought perhaps we should visit somewhere cold as most of us seem to be just a little warm today. 

When we visited Iceland in June 2019, one of the things we just had to do was take a tour inside a glacier. It is or was at the time the only glacier that is reasonably accessible by vehicles. Langjökull (the Long Glacier) is the second largest in Iceland. It covers an area of about 950 km² and most of it rises between 1200 and 1300 m above sea level. It rests on a massif of hyaloclastite, (fragmented lava) mountains.

This is the view from the tundra buggy on the way to the glacier, it was about an hour by buggy to the glacier from where we were picked up. We had to drive 80 km from our B & B to Husafell to catch the shuttle to glacier, then visitors are transported to the glacier in a tundra bus. Cost at the time $507 Cdn, or 39,000 Icelandic Kroner. 


This is the description from the website of the company that runs the tours, offering access to the largest man-made ice tunnel in the world. The ice tunnel and the caves are located high on Iceland ‘s second largest glacier, Langjökull, where you will have an amazing opportunity to explore the glacier and see it from the inside. To journey inside one of Iceland’s frozen giants is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. On a clear day, the view from atop Langjökull is magnificent. the first and biggest man-made ice cap glacier ice cave.

Burrowing into the western end of Langjokull, one of Iceland’s largest glaciers, and the second largest in Europe, the tunnel stretches over 1,800 feet into the heart of the ice, extending almost 100 feet below the surface. The tunnels are atmospherically lit to bring out the natural colors of the ice which shifts the deeper one gets.

This is the tundra buggy arriving at the glacier site, you still have to walk a few hundred metres to the tunnel entrance.


The temperature in the ice cave is around 0°C/32°F and is not affected by seasons or outside conditions. They recommend walking/hiking boots, snow boots, rain boots, or other footwear designed for outdoor use, as it can be slippery, cold and wet inside the ice cave. Crampons are provided to visitors to use while inside.

This is what the weather was like when we arrived. That's Robbie taking a picture of me taking a picture of him, you can see a tundra buggy in the background.


This is the entrance to the tunnel. The corrugated entrance has to be moved regularly as the glacier moves downslope. 


This is part of the tunnel into the glacier.


This is the party room, with sound system and a bar, as it was Mid-Summers eve they were having a big party in the evening, and of course there was only about 20 mins between official sunset and sunrise.


This is a crevasse, one of many, crossed by a wooden bridge with a roof, in case ice chunks fall off the ceiling. 


This is what the weather looked like when we left.


It was a wonderful experience! And well worth the cost. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (760k points)
Hi M, well all I needed to see was the ice and I was immediately chilled. These photos are great and provide a glimpse of a place I have never been to, and likely never will in this lifetime given health issues. I actually do not tolerate cold very well and keep my aircon at 82F (27.8C) during the day, which is comfortable for me.

Given the rising temperatures, is there anything left of this glacier?
The best guess now, is it could all be gone in 150 years.

It's around 580 metres (1,903 feet) deep at its thickest part.

Iceland is experimenting with something called direct air capture for CO2, its something like an atmospheric scrubber that sucks CO2 that is already in the air out of the air. Then it is mixed with water and injected way down into the sub surface porous volcanic rock and theoretically then turns to stone.

' Proponents say since the gases circle the globe, such facilities can be built anywhere and used to clean the air of the entire planet.'

Almost all of their electricity is geothermal, so almost all of their emissions come from heavy industry.

I can't help visualizing the CO2 scrubber they had to come up with for Apollo 13.
A party room inside a glacier. Now that just has to be something special.
+22 votes

Good afternoon from New Jersey. We are having a heat wave but nothing like the rest of the country. It is currently 90F and sunny and humid.

 Our air conditioner stopped working on Wednesday with the heat wave looming but I got it fixed early Thursday morning.

 I will be indoors all day today, except for going to a wake tonight for an acquaintance that I used to play Mahjjong with.  

Sunday is supposed to be 82 and dry. We will take my youngest sister sailing. We have a 21' sailboat on a local lake and like to get out whenever the weather cooperates.

Earlier this week, I took my inflatable kayak out. It was fun and I love being on the water.

On Wikitree: I am still finding random new  profiles due to being RAWKed in June. I found one yesterday for my nephew's 2GGF. He is getting married in 2 weeks and I want to print a Fan Chart for him. He is probably not interested right now but maybe it will spark something in the future.

I am trying to get my 1000 contributions for July. The easiest way to do that is to add cemetery categories.
by Nancy Wilson G2G6 Pilot (150k points)
I'm so glad you were able to get your ac fixed!

I hope you are able to get out on the lake and have some fun, sounds breezy and fun!
We hit 90 just one day this week, and it's all cooled down here, Nancy. I remember not too long ago when our A/C went out and it took a few days in the heat to get it fixed. We were not happy campers.

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