Can I query WikiTree to find every surname Lewis who has included Y-DNA info?

+2 votes
Unsurprisingly, there are multiple Lewis lines in the world that are unrelated on the male paternal line.  I'm interested in identifying all the men with surname Lewis (or Lewes) who have associated a Y-DNA test to their profile (that has public tree).  Is there a way to query that?

I know of three unrelated Lewis tests so far, but there are probably more on Wiki Tree.  I plan to set up a free-space page where I list earliest confirmed ancestor on WikiTree for each line, earliest likely ancestor, and then earliest speculative ancestor.

For example, I'm about to connect my first cousin's Lewis line to an early ancestor that is already connected to a different, non-matching Y-DNA test.  One of us has an error in our tree; my goal is to try to identify where this error (or any others) might have been introduced to WikiTree.

I'm just starting to build out these Lewis Research pages, and knowing who has posted their test results would help a lot.

in WikiTree Help by Kevin Ireland G2G6 Mach 2 (27.3k points)

Thanks for the current (and any future) tips.  I'm starting to write up my findings at Y-DNA Tested Lewis Men on WikiTree.

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

How about the following query. Although it isn't precisely what you want, hopefully it's close enough. It won't include anybody who took a Y-DNA test but has since died, but hopefully there aren't too many of those.

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (400k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
This is awesome; thank you!
Thank you! Very helpful. I'm just learning my way around WikiTree+ and the indexes, and how to construct queries appropriately. - Ann
+2 votes

Here is another way:

Click on the Test Taker header to see them in order.

by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (719k points)
Thanks, Peter!  

This provides a very different set of results, depending on how people tagged their profiles - including "Y-DNA tested" women (not possible).  However, it may add some valid entries after I wade through it all that aren't included in the WikiTree+ query suggested by Paul.

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