Edit the title of a free space page?

+7 votes
Is it possible to edit the title of a free space page? I created this page: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:The_Stedman_family_cemetery

The cemetery is now defunct. The remains have been reinterred in the Pittsboro United Methodist Church Cemetery, and the memorials on FAG have been updated.

Is it possible to add Defunct to the title?
in WikiTree Help by Paul Schmehl G2G6 Pilot (151k points)
In edit mode, at the top you should see "Page Name:"  Edit that to include (defunct) and that should do it.
Note -- it will not change the url/url-name.  For that you would need to create a new page and either merge this one, or delete it.
Paul, the story covered on the free space page is phenomenal. What a fascinating piece of research and archaeology and compassion.

This should be highlighted in the WT newsletter with a call for other submissions of equally interesting free-space page efforts such as this.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about this project.

Thank you, Jillaine Smith, for the compliment.

I'm a little late to this party, but I'd like to add my kudos for the impressive scholarship that was required to initially research, then follow through with the archeological investigation you have documented here. Congratulations!

Thank you, Robert.

1 Answer

+5 votes

It is possible to change the filename of a free-space profile, but the process is complicated, and it is difficult to "get it right."

You could, however, easily change the page name, which is currently "Stedman Family Cemetery," by editing the Page Name: field near the top of the edit-mode version of the page.

In any event, I think that you might find that you want to rethink the idea of changing the name. It may not be appropriate to add "defunct" to the page name. It is not uncommon for old cemeteries to have been removed (with the remains reinterred elsewhere), and people whose ancestors were interred there may want to document the historical cemetery as it used to be, without any qualifying words in the page name.

by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Thanks, Ellen and Melanie. I think I will leave it as is for now. If I ever decide to add defunct, I'll edit the Page name as Melanie described.
As a point of interest - I have a number of family members who were buried in the Devonshire Street Cemetery (defunct).  Whether they were exhumed and reinterred elsewhere when the cemetery was "resumed" for a railway station, has not been communicated to me.
Many of those subsequently reinterred later had their headstones removed to make way for a "low maintenance lawn area", with more than 700 headstones being reinstalled in concrete strips, unrelated to the graves below.
Doubly (defunct).

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