A small nit to pick

+9 votes

After being on Wikitree for a year, working diligently every day, I finally noticed that there is a check box for no more children. So, I started using it.

Today, much to my surprise, I noticed that when I view a child of that relationship, There's an add sibling link beside the list of siblings.

Was this an oversight? Or is there a scenario I'm missing where a child can have more siblings when both parents did not have additional children? (Adopted or otherwise.)

WikiTree profile: Thomas Stedman
in WikiTree Tech by Paul Schmehl G2G6 Pilot (151k points)
retagged by Jamie Nelson
The parents also still have the 'add child' link on their profiles.  I can't speak for the designer, but my guess would be that those links remain to allow you to recover in cases where you have checked the 'no more children' box, but then later discover that you missed one.
I would think, if you discovered that, you could always create the child's profile and then link him or her to the parents. I haven't tested that though, but I'm only checking that box when I'm certain that they had no more children based on source information.

For example, with one family I created, I discovered through newspaper articles that they had eleven children, not the nine that I thought they had. I worked to find the other two, which then completed the family.

One example of where I used that box is with Elisha Stedman - Stedman-709, who had five children according to news articles. His will mentions four of the five by name, and the fifth was already dead when the will was written.
Yes, I agree there are other ways you could address the problem if you did discover a missing child.  But I can't think of any other explanation for having those links, unless it's just for consistency, or avoiding another software special case.  I guess you could propose to remove them if it bothers you, but they seem to cause no harm, and that proposal would probably upset somebody, for some reason.

For what it's worth, I have discovered additional children several times after indicating there were no more -- children who died in infancy, leaving no records, or surprise children who were named in father's will that I had not found in earlier research.

Paul -- on profiles you manage (or where you are on the Trusted List), on the profile view (not edit mode) there are those little links to add spouse (one only - more than one can only be done in edit mode), add parent, add child, add sibling.  

If you go into edit mode and click the no more children option, it will remove the link from the profile view of that parent.  You will need to do the same for the other parent.  (You can still add children from the edit mode, even with the no more children marked, but the link on profile view will no longer be there.)

Similarly the option to add a sibling from the profile view screen can be removed by going into edit mode and clicking the no more siblings option.  This will need to be done for each child of the parents.  

It can be tedious when there are lots of children, but it's the "safer" option, especially when a parent may have multiple spouses with children by them.  Having something automatically toggle "no more siblings" when the mother is marked "no more children" might be incorrect if the father has more children by another wife - and vice versa.

Most of those who do this seem to do it for the "tidier look" it gives a profile.  (It's one of my reasons.)  Some don't like to for the reasons Dennis has given.  Sometimes a child previously unknown is found later.  (But, as explained, even with the no more children toggled off, you can still add them in edit mode.)

edited to add missing word

edited to correct an errant 4

The checkboxes were originally placed there just to remove the yellow [add sibling] and [children?] links on that profile. I've always felt it was a bit redundant to have the siblings checkbox because it can be calculated from the parents' "no more children" checkboxes, but since it's basically there for cosmetic reasons it has stayed low priority.
You know, folks, these are some great answers -- but they should be answers, not comments! If you make them comments then they can't be upvoted or starred, which makes it hard for people to find good answers in the future.
Thank you, Melanie. You are always so helpful and well-informed. I appreciate it.

I too like the tidier look. Somehow it makes me fell like the profile is incomplete when it's got those links on it. That's why I'm conscientious about marking small children that died young with no children and no spouse.

I guess it's obvious - I'm anal-retentive.

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