Is there a way to list unsourced, or long profiles in need of improvement that are on MY watch list?

+18 votes
I just had a kind  profile project member clean  up a profile on my watch list. This is something that I should, and would have taken care of myself if I had known about the problem.

So, I would like to be able to search for profiles on my watch list that fit a certain category. Anyone know how to do such a thing?

Many thanks.
in WikiTree Tech by Toby Rockwell G2G6 Mach 2 (27.1k points)

3 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
If you've put them in one of those maintenance categories, all you have to do is to go that category page, and click the [limit to watchlist] link that appears in the top-right area of the page (next to the [edit] link). That will show you all the profile in that category on your Watchlist.
by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (457k points)
selected by Toby Rockwell
+6 votes
Unless you put them in a category, they won't appear in a category!!

One way I have found is to get the list to display the earliest  date edited.  These ones definitely need updating for me, cleaning up after a gedcom import.

For you, a quick look at them could confirm their status - any that don't really need editing much, edit them briefly, and they will go to the 'most recently' edited part of your watchlist.  Any ones remaining, you know you have to look at soon.

by Margaret Wilkinson G2G6 Mach 2 (21.5k points)
+5 votes

(1) Post the "{{LongProfiles}}" template to the very top of the profile narrative.  Here's more of a description about that template. "Category: Long Profiles in Need of Cleanup."

(2) Use the "{{unsourced}}" template, or one of the subcategories for profiles that lack sources. More information here:"Category: Unsourced Profiles."

Consider using your "scratch pad" to keep track of profiles you have marked.

by GeneJ X G2G6 Pilot (121k points)

If you intentionally put them into a maintenance categoriy, Profile Improvement People (me and others) will probably come along and fix them, which is not what you want. You wanted to do it yourself.

So go to

and then the unsourced, long profiles, needs merging, etc. individual pages and use the link [limit to watchlist] mentioned in another answer. Then you'll know if any more of yours are on the list. Remove the category (that takes it off the list), write down which they are and then fix at your leisure.

You can also set up your Personal Categories so that you can group your profiles depending on what you need to do for them.

Take a look at this page to see how to set them up. I've found them to be **very** helpful!

Good luck and have fun!

I agree Julie i use them a lot on my personal profiles

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