Is there a way to locate profiles on my watch list that are connected but lack immediate family members

+11 votes
I have quite a few profiles that I manage that are connected to the Great Big Wikitree through a parent, spouse, or child. But their profiles lack parents, spouse, or children.

These profiles do not show up in an "Unconnected" list. Is there some way to locate these so that I can concentrate on filling in those blanks?

An example is below. Jerial Hartman is connected via his parents and his brother. But there is no spouse or children. I would like to be able to find those kinds of profiles.
WikiTree profile: Harlan Hartman
in The Tree House by Ron Johnson G2G6 Mach 3 (38.6k points)

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer as given in the best answer for looks like it may be what you are looking for but I am unable to login to it at the moment.

by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (268k points)
selected by Ron Johnson

Thank you! is absolutely PERFECTLY what I was looking for.

+10 votes

This might not be precisely what you want, but have you tried It doesn't work from your watch list, but instead analyses all the profiles within a specified number of steps of a particular profile, for example your own profile. The report lists all the profiles analysed that are missing parents, spouses or children.

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (400k points)
Yes, I have used this. It is one awesome and useful app. It is fantastically useful for working from a particular profile.

But, it really doesn't address the issue I was asking about. I'm hoping to find a way to run some sort of search of the profiles I manage so that a list develops of each one that is missing those connections.

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