Is someone willing and able to decipher the Norwegian marriage record at the link below?

+6 votes


In my research, I found a marriage record that I expect is for:  Tosten (Thorsten) Johannessen and Marit Larsdatter who married in 1745 in Slidre (later Øystre Slidre), Oppland, Norway. The couple had at least two children born on the Beito farm, but this record lists different farm names. Tosten's might be Loken, not sure. I have no idea what farm is being referred to for Berit.

 Here is a link to the record at the Digital Arkivet website. Their marriage record is on the Right Side, 4th record from the top:

Thank you, in advance, for any assistance in deciphering the record!

Martha Hicks

in Genealogy Help by

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I think that the Toorsten's farm name in this marriage record is "betoe" which Ole Rygh's farm name books give as a variant spelling for Beito in use during this period.  You will see the same spelling for this farm in the baptism of their first child at  (3rd entry on left hand page).  I'm not convinced that the text following Marit's patronymic, Larsdatter, is a farm name - I suspect that the text is the start of the list of witnesses - but if it is a farm, I couldn't make it out either.  If you haven't already, you may want to study the list of farm names in Slidre to see if that helps interpret any of this.  There is a long list of the Ostre Slidre farm names on familysearch's wiki at,_Oppland,_Norway_Genealogy#Farm_Names

by Janis Douglass G2G6 (9.1k points)
selected by Richard Devlin
Kevin - Thank you so much for pointing out that Toorsten's farm name is "betoe." The first letter appearing so different from the B in Berit threw me off.  I am glad to get your take on the lettering that follows Larsdatter.  I'll study the list of farm names and see if anything clicks. Otherwise, as you said, a farm name may be omitted in this case.  Thank you for your time and assistance!
Yes, I agree with Kevin that the farm name is written as "betoe" with a small "B". Here's my transcript of the entry:

8 Junij: 3) Toersten Johannesen betoe med Pigen Berit Larsdatter Niill? Cautions Mænd Arne Løekke og Endre Faar? Copul. i Sl(idre) d. 14de Octobr.

Note that the bride's name is Berit, not Marit.
The farm name that I tentatively transcribed as "Niill" above, may be the Nerli farm in the list that Kevin supplied. Or maybe Milo. I would have to study a few pages of this book to be more certain.
Leif - Thank you very much for transcribing the record! I was at a loss in figuring out the names in the Cautions list, and was going to pass them up. Discovering that the Løekke farm is on that list is very interesting since at least one of the couple's children lived on Løekke by 1780 and remained nearby. The Nerli and Milo farms are possibilities to consider. I will look for reiterations of them in other records for the family. While the farms are far from Beito, they are only a few miles from Løekke and surrounding farms where at least some of the family later lived. Thanks so much for enhancing my research!  -- Martha
The word behind Berit Larsdatter is Drengeb.(arn) = Boy child
Updating this message to say:  Aksell - Thank you for solving the mystery of Berit's farm name. With the old spelling of Quill, it makes sense now that it would be the farm later known as Kvisl, which I found was oddly always preceded by what looks like a lower case Q, as such: q Niill or q Miill as seen it on a list of confirmation (link below) -- on the left side of the page it is seen on the 3rd  from the last entry (for Michel Nielsen, age 26). On the right side, middle of the page (14th down on second list), it is seen for Johannes Nielsen, age 16.
Thanks for the amazing helpfulness of all who responded!
Wow, Aksell.  I just realized that with the old spelling of Quill for Kvisl, I believe you solved the mystery of this very challenging farm name!  Thank you so much!!!
Not Johannes Nielsen, but Søfren (today Søren) Nielsen Qviill 16. By the way, the second letter is a "v". A "u" would have a "~" on top of it, like in "Knud Knudsen Moe 24" to the left.
Thank you for pointing that out (Søfren rather than Johannes)!

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