Shared Photo: Captain Harry M. Crandell

+6 votes

I wanted to share this family photo of Harry Crandell with the community. Location: Wichita, Kansas. Date: 1940s.
He was the oldest son in a large family of girls with one other son, Kenneth, growing up on a farm near St. Joseph, Missouri.

He joined the Army Air Corps when World War II broke out and piloted cargo planes that ferried troops, fuel, and supplies between India and China. They had to fly over the Himalaya Mountains because the coastline was patrolled by Japanese submarines. He earned several medals including the distinguished Flying Cross and Silver Star. After the war, Harry went to Wichita, Kansas, and held jobs flying airplanes for crop dusting, cloud seeding, etc. He married Phyllis Stephenson on her 21st birthday.
Harry worked for Adel Company of Burbank, California, which made hydraulic parts for airplanes.

When he was in his 50s, Harry began having strange health problems and was finally diagnosed with a brain tumor which was removed. He continued working but was replaced with a younger man, who he was expected to train, and then "was retired" from the company. All the children had left home and the couple decided to move to Oklahoma City. They made friends easily in their new home and enjoyed the retirement years. Almost exactly 10 years later, the tumor returned. It was removed again, but Harry died at the age of 69 with several failing organs. Phyllis, being 15 years younger, took good care of him until the end and made his last years as comfortable as possible.

Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (2550 x 3509).

WikiTree profile: Harry Crandell
in Photos by Lee Recca G2G6 Mach 1 (15.1k points)
I forgot to mention that today is the 107th birthday of Harry M. Crandell, born April 29, 1912.

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
This is a story of courage and perseverance. That’s for sharing it and the photo, too, Lee.
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
selected by Lee Recca
+7 votes
Thank you Lee for posting this wonderful photo of a fellow Wichitan.  His life story was very interesting to read.  I thank Harry for his service to his country.
by Michelle Enke G2G6 Pilot (435k points)

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