Shared Photo: Captain H. M. Crandell's instrument flight certificate.

+6 votes

In the Wichita Eagle, Captain Crandell was reported to be commended for flying evacuation planes in the China-Burma-India theater. "Once on a routine flight in China, I crashed into the side of a mountain because I couldn't see through the soupy weather." The article reported that Crandell won the Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with oak leaf cluster, campaign ribbons, and a presidential unit citation.

I wanted to share this family document of Harry Crandell with the community.
Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (741 x 1166).

WikiTree profile: Harry Crandell
in Photos by Lee Recca G2G6 Mach 1 (15.1k points)

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
What a treasure!

For those not familiar, there are two types of flying: visual and instrument. The first is self explanatory. The second, to fly in zero (or low) visibility conditions, you must rely on aircraft instruments: attitude indicators, airspeed indicators, directional gryoscopes, compass, etc. Even for the most trained pilots, it is impossible to fly in clouds without instruments. In no visibility conditions without instruments, most pilots lose control of the aircraft within two minutes. The training regime for an instrument rating is rigorous; you have to train your ignore the feelings of up and down, right and left and to rely solely on the instruments. it is very counterintuitive and while learning, a lot of pilots turn green in the process .
by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Lee Recca

I still have a copy of both mine and my father's certification, plus pilot's licenses.  But for me the biggest day of all is your solo.  Since no one but your instructor knows when it will be, there are almost no photos of the momentous event.  Back in the old days, they used to pull out your shirt and everyone would autograph the shirt-tail.  Even though I was a woman (and it was before women could wear pants!), I would still pull my blouse out of my skirt when I would come for my flying lessons, hoping my instructor would take the hint.wink

+7 votes
Thank you for sharing your story with us and his certification paper.
by Nicole Boorse G2G6 Pilot (896k points)

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