Post here to join us in the New Netherland Settlers Project

+52 votes

WikiTree's New Netherland Settlers Project is our collaborative effort to develop and maintain high-quality genealogy information for the people of New Netherland and their descendants.

New Netherland was the 17th-century Dutch colony in eastern North America (mostly in the modern states of New York and New Jersey) controlled by the Dutch West India Company.  Many New Netherland settlers were Dutch, but quite a few of them came from other European places such as Germany, Scandinavia, France, England, Scotland, and the Mediterranean region; some were enslaved Africans; and indigenous Native Americans were part of their community. The scope of the New Netherland Settlers Project currently includes New Netherland descendants born as late as 1776, if they were part of a community where the Dutch culture of New Netherland was prevalent.

If you are interested in participating with this project, please answer this post to join us. In your answer, please tell us about why you are interested in New Netherland (include names of any specific ancestors or New Netherland surnames you are interested in) and tell us how you expect to contribute to the project.

Project members will receive the New Netherland Settlers Project badge on their profiles.

This project is only for WikiTree members. If you are not yet a member of WikiTree, please join the WikiTree community before requesting membership here. See Help:How to Use WikiTree to get started.

Also, we ask project members to:

  1. Add new_netherland to your followed tags.
  2. After you have been accepted into the project, request to join our Google Group, and include your name and Wikitree ID in your request.
  3. Add the category [[Category:New_Netherland_Settlers_Project]] including the brackets, to your biography.

If you have questions about New Netherland or the project, you may find answers on the FAQ page or the New Netherland Settlers Project page. See our advice on reliable sources on the New Netherland Settlers Reliable Sources page and see additional project resources and sourcing advice on our New Netherland Genealogy Resources category. You may even find your ancestors on our Progenitors and Immigrants of the New Netherlands Settlers (though it is quite incomplete!)

PS - Please ANSWER in this G2G thread.

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
edited by Ellen Smith
Alas, my ancestry is not exotic enough to qualify, but the history major in me loves that we even have this project.
I would like to join this group as i have ancestors who came to New Amsterdam and settled in Bushwick. Claes (Cornellison) van Cats b. 1641 in Schoonhoven, Zuid Holland d. 1692 in Bushwick, he was married to Catalyn Jans b. 1641 in Amsterdam and d. after 1700 in Bushwick.

Then with the British taking over it became Van Cott.I also have Meserole, der Kerk and a number of others.
Hi - I'd like to join the group, I am finding many relatives who emigrated to New York and New Jersey as I'm doing my genealogy. I just adopted an orphaned profile (Ten_Eyk-2) that is related, so I thought I should make it official! But I have folks scattered throughout my family tree, including one of the original land grantees of Newtown, Queens. Thanks :)

Hi, John and Tami. My apologies for not replying sooner. I usually look for new ANSWERS to this question, so I'm afraid I overlooked your COMMENTS. Anyway, you have the badge now. Please get acquainted with the content on the project page -- particularly the naming conventions (which may surprise you) -- and Reliable Sources page and the resource pages it links to.

I am interested in joining this group.  In terms of relevant ancestors my grandfather was Van Wyck Ferris, my great-grandmother was Mary Lanman Douw Ferris who descended from the Douws of Albany.  She wrote several books about early Dutch settlers.  Her husband was Morris Patterson Ferris who was the son of Letitia Storm who descended from Dirck Storm.  I also have Van Rensselaers, Gansevoorts, Brinckerhoffs, DePeysters, and Adriances in my line as well.

I am interested in joining this group. Joos Van Hoorenbeke was my 11th great grandfather born 1425 in Ghent, Netherlands. His son Warnaar Joost Hoornbeeck aka Hornbeck may have been orphaned after coming to America due to his mother's death presumably while giving birth to him. He was the ninth child and only one to come to America and settled in NY. Also, my 4th great grandfather, Jacob Youngker was Dutch. 

Hello  my name is Lynsey Riddle, I have traced my ancestors back to Cornelius Van Schaick that settled in New York in 1600's. My family line ended up in CT, where my granda Sterling Van Scoy was born, he immigrated to Ireland. I'm new to this site but I have a lot of information that I would like to share and would also like to find out more info if possible. Thank you
My 6th great grandfather is Pieter Cornelis Breyandt (VanSteenwyck), my 5th, Cornelis Breyandt, etc.

I have spent time doing research at the Holland Society, and my Aunt has written a book available there called "The Ancestors of Simeon Alfred and Adrianna (Green) Bryant."

I would love to see if we can get our people back to the Netherlands, and would love to join this group.
Ben, you'll need to copy your post and click on the ANSWER button this time. This will bring your request to the attention of the project leaders. Thanks!
My name is Melanie Willis Taylor.  Willis-10104. I have been working with another relative from to find our Green ancestry. Some of the names we have uncovered Groot, Van Der Williger (Terwilliger), Van Petten, Schermerhorn, Visscher from Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Netherland, and all originally settled around Albany in places such as Rensselaerwich, Schenectady, Beverwych. One, in particular, was Catalyntje Andries Devos, 1628-1712.

Thank you so much. Very glad someone is here to help with these who came here with very very strange names if you compare them with English versions.
I am a likely descendent of at least two settlers of New Netherlands: Lubbert Gijsbertzse and Divertje "Dieber" Cornelis. Also likely descendent of Hendrick Jansen Oostrum. All were resident in New Netherlands before 1674.

Please post your join requests as ANSWERS to the original question (do not hit comment or reply). Here are my responses to some join requests that got overlooked in this comment area:

Joan Conklin: Welcome to the project. Hornback is one of the New Netherland families that seems to have been very fertile, with  numerous living descendants. Your immigrant ancestor has a profile at The profile exists, but there is plenty of opportunity to add details to his life, add your ancestors who do not already have provides, etc., etc.

Lynsey Riddle: Welcome! I think there were a couple of different Van Schaick families in New Netherland. Your earliest New Netherland ancestor is likely to be the man represented by profiles and (yes, we get duplicates sometimes, due to the confusing plethora of names that a single ancestor might have used). Please look around here and see the content that has been developed, and do share your data (but please try not to duplicate what is already here).

Melanie Willis Taylor: You are hardly alone in feeling a bit overwhelmed by New Netherland names. These names can be more complicated than the names in a Russian novel. Not only did our New Netherland ancestors have unfamiliar-sounding first names with multiple variants and nicknames, patronymic names that had different endings for males and females, and family surnames, but (unlike the situation of a Russian novel we read in translation), we cannot even depend on the authors of their stories (the clerks who kept records) to spell their various names consistently. It takes time (a lot of time!) to get comfortable with these names, but you are now in the company of other people who are in various stages of learning the lingo of New Netherland, so at least you will know where to ask...

Many of us share some of the ancestral names you list. I have Groot (also spelled Groat), Schermerhorn, Van Petten, and Visscher, but no Terwilligers.

Your ancestor Cathalyntje Devos has a profile at De_Vos-366.

And Rensselaerswyck was a very large region encircling Albany; Schenectady is northwest of Albany and still findable on maps; and Beverwyck was a early village that later became part of Albany (I think Beverwyck was outside the walls of Fort Orange, but I am not real sure).

Cheri Campbell:  Welcome to this project. smiley  Your ancestor with first name Lubbert is profiled at Gysbertsen-1.  And the progenitor of the New Netherland clan of Oostrum/Oosteroom/Ostrom is at Janszen-27.  It looks like you have more generations to add onto your tree before you will encounter the ancestors who are in WikiTree.

I would like to join the group. I am trying to work out the ancestry of my 5G grandfather Joseph Staats, 1740-1826, Staats-201 on Wiki. He is a descendant of either the Gowanus or Albany Staats line, and there are plausible sequences to support either origin. He was either born in or passed through New Castle County, DE, on his way to West Virginia in the later 1700s. I'm currently studying the Staats family in New Castle.

Thanks, John Diefenbach
I would like to join the New Netherland group.  I would first like to clean up my lineal direct and cousin Quick lines and work into Consalus, Van Vliet, Westfall families, etc that lived in the rural areas of NY, NJ, and PA.    I have quite a bit of experience with genealogy.    I am the Historian for the Linnel Family Association and have a site for my Quick and Norwegian Lines.  Thanks.

Jason, you’ll need to copy this comment and paste it into an answer to get the attention of the Project.

All I can say is WOW. I am so grateful for the help.
Hello - My name is Nathaniel A. Eaton. I grew up in Somerset County, New Jersey. I am descended from a number of New Netherlands settlers, including Van Kleve, Van Vechten, Van Voorhies, De Groot, others. I'd like to be a part of this project, as I am part of a line that has not left the NY-NJ area since the early days of the Dutch settlement. Dutch ancestry is interesting to me as I knew little of my own growing up.
I would like to join the New Netherland Project. I have several Dutch lines that I have been researching for over 40 years. Demotte/Demott from California to Illinois to Indiana to Kentucky to Pennsylvania to New Jersey to the  Old New York/New Amsterdam settler Michael Demotte/Demott 1652. Also Garrison line from Missouri to North Carolina to New Jersey/New York with settler Gerrit Segers 1620. I have DNA y-DNA tested both of these lines extensively. The Garrison DNA tests have been very useful in disproving the previous assumption that my Garrison line had any connection to French Garrisons.

I would like to join the New Netherland Project. I am interested in finding out more about my ancestors in New Netherland (Crankheyt, Cronkite, Cronk, Haff, Kronkheit,  Krankheyt) among others.

Hello, my name is Jan Wink, born and raised in the Netherlands.

After studying for years on my ancestors from Germany I came to a end in this. I am in blood line with German kings etc and went 42 generations back.

Now I am studying on my ancestors from the Netherlands whom left in the 1600's to the new world, the dutch settlers.

I have found ship manifests where is written the ancestors from the Netherlands but also from Germany sailed with their wives, kids, several cows and furniture to the flatlands close to New York, to further south and mostly went to Pennsylvania.

I would love to join in the Ne Netherlands settlers, Both my family names form my fathers side as well my mothers side can be found in the USA.
I would like to join the New Netherlands project to learn more about the history of this era and its people.  I descend from the Van Woggelum ancestry from For Orange.

I also do genealogy for a living and historical research and hope to dig into finding some information on my ancestors and others as well as history in this era/location.

Noreen Kruzich
Hi, I’d like to join.  I’m a descendant of Andries MacKans, MacKansch-1 from Scotland, who was the forefather of the McCance family in America.  I believe his wife was Gertrude Pickard Pickard-660, who was the daughter of Bartholomew Pickard Pickard-647.  I’d would just like to know more about this part of my family tree.
I am interested in joining the New Netherlands project. I am Landsman-55. My Grandmother was Edna Jane Van Benschoten. I found a lot of my Dutch ancestors back to the Vignes due to the efforts of many of you who traced the Van Benschoten (Bunschoten) line and the first boy born in New Netherlands. I would love to learn more and be part of this project. — L Landsman (Landsman-55)
Hello! I would like to join. My New Netherland family that I am researching currently are: Burghardt, Van Hoesen, Van Wie, Van Valkenburg, Klauw, Slingerland, Santvoord, Middaugh, Bergen, and Rapalje. I would like to contribute in helping research not only my families but others as well. I love tying things together and digging into things to solve mysteries and make connections. I am a mom, so I research in bits here and there, but I do love focusing on chunks at a time and am working hard to go back through my chart and document and re-verify everything that I have found or have been given by the previous generation of researchers in my family. I also recently found a New Netherlands connection in my husband's family. ~Sharman Rice (Lutz-3115)
Hello!  I am so excited to see this group and would love to join.  I have only recently found out that our family history reaches back this far, and I have become obsessed learning as much as I can about our roots.  My name is Julena Johnson Doudt, and my ancestors include the Crankheyte, Syboutzen, Ryder, deLint, Pieters, etc.  I have even found out that one of them was included in the 60 or so people who managed to escape the Massacre at Naarden.  (I am humbled by knowing that I would not exist if he hadn't escaped!)
Me please if you don't mind ,
Hello! I’m Laurie Cable Olsson, Cable-115. I was fascinated to discover my Dutch ancestors while researching several years ago. Some of them include Romeyn, Van Dyke, Wyckoff, Haegen, Dirckse, Janse.

I would love to collaborate with others on improving our ancestors profiles.

I am working on processing the backlog of requests that were posted as comments. [Folks: Please post your request by using the Answer this post button.]

A hearty welcome to the New Netherland Settlers project to John Diefenbach, Nathaniel Eaton, Kristin Robinson, Mitchell Wilcox.

You all have the badge now. smiley

More welcomes to new project members Jan Wink, Jared Crayk, Julena Doudt, and Laurie (Cable) Olsson. heart We look forward to your contributions.

Thank you very much, Ellen! Looking forward to participating in this project!
Hello, my name is Dawn Stansell (Harrold)  I'm very curious about this group as I have relatives who were in New York area in the time of this period.  My 9th removed Great grandmother was Elizabeth De Graff, born in 1697, who married my Great grandfather Nicholas Stansell ,born in 1669, in 1710 in New York. Her parents were Claas De Graff and Elisabeth Brouwer.If eligible I would love to join.
Welcome to Dawn.

417 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
Hi! My name is James McGuire. I am a descendent of the Voorhees, Kortryck (changed to Lowe) and on a different side of my tree Meserole, Nortwick, and Wyckoff. I like to know more about the Walloons!
by James McGuire G2G1 (1.3k points)
edited by James McGuire
+29 votes
Hello. My name is Kathleen Biggers Martin, and I have quite a few ancestors who were New Netherland Settlers. These include Nicholas Stillwell III among others. Please let me know if this qualifies me to be a member of the New Netherland Settlers group. Thank you!
by Kathie Martin G2G3 (3.0k points)

What qualifies a person to be a member of this project are an interest in New Netherland and a willingness to try to work with this project on developing genealogy or other information related to New Netherlanders and their descendants. See the project page for information (and links to other information) about New Netherland and our project. If you are interested in investigating your New Netherland ancestors, you probably qualify.

Nicholas Stillwell III has a profile at , but it needs work. I see way too many footnotes that don't resemble citations, or that cite unreliable sources. Do you have good information about this family? Or are you interested in doing some research?

Seeing your interest, I'm giving you the badge on the expectation that you'll be joining us.
Thank you!
+30 votes
Hello - I have been researching my family for a while. I have many connections to New Netherland Settlers. I have connections to the following families: Jan Aertsen Vanderbilt,  Remmett Jansen Vanderbeeck, Teunis Nyssen Denyce, Helena Cortelyou, Gerrit Clausen Veghte, Jan Gerritsen Decker, Van Dyke, Staats, Mersereau and more. I would love to find more information!  

Thank you,

Darlene Smith Cates

Helena Cortelyou

Teunis Nyssen DenyceTeunis Nyssen Denyce
by Darlene Smith G2G1 (1.6k points)
That's an impressive list of New Netherland names, Darlene. I'm pretty sure you'll find all of those people here if you use our name search function and consider the possibility of variant spellings. For example, Jan Aertsen Vanderbilt is . The existing profiles will vary in quality -- some are likely to be very good, and others may need some tender loving care.

Speaking of name search, names are both one of the most interesting and one of the most challenging aspects of researching New Netherland genealogy. You aren't yet eligible to edit pre-1700 profiles, but while you are building out your more recent ancestry in WikiTree, I suggest that you read about the naming conventions we've crafted for working with New Netherland names in the WikiTree context.

Seeing your interest, I'm giving you the badge on the expectation that you'll be joining us.
Thank you very much! I really want to be more active. I need to jump in with both feet. Thanks for your approval.  I will also look at the information about the naming conventions.

I look forward to learning more and contributing in any way I can.

Thank you,

Since I am a descendant of Van Dykes, I look forward to seeing you build your tree backwards to show these connections so we can figure out if we are distant cousins.
Sorry I am so late to reply! Yet - it will be great to make more connections. I took a break over the summer.
Sarah Decker, daughter of Jan Gerritsen Decker and Barbara Dewitt, was first wife of Guisbert Van Campen.  She was killed in 1755 during the French and Indian War in the MInisinks area of Pennsylvania.  He moved to Hunterdon County NJ and remarried.
+26 votes

I would like to join the group because I am interested in learning more about how my family came to North America and what it was like when they arrived.  My connection to the new Netherlands project is Paulus Jurckse.  He is my 10th great grandfather.  I enjoy genealogy, it is very interesting to me.  I also feel a great connection to my Grampie who passed when I was young when I get to discover more about where we came from.

by Whitney Yerxa G2G1 (1.1k points)
Welcome to this project, Whitney! Your ancestor is not well-documented here in WikiTree yet. It's not apparent than anyone has good information about him, but perhaps more can be found. The source cited there is Patricia Wardell's collection of research notes about the family. See for information on how to request the PDF file, or on how to download that file or a complete collection of her notes from a Google Docs site.
See for information on reliable sources to use in documenting New Netherland Settlers -- and unreliable sources to avoid.
+25 votes

I have a 15 generation matrilineal line to Catalyntje Trico.  I am hoping to contribute to the project and add my ancestors.  Beginning with Catalyntje, the current WikiTree only has 4 of the 15 generations I have documented with sources so I believe I can be helpful.  Thanks.
by Susanna Morrow G2G Crew (950 points)

Welcome to this project, Susanna. Catalyntje Trico -- in WikiTree as -- is a "popular" ancestor. It was once suggested to me that everyone descended from New Netherlanders has at least one line of descent from her. That's an exaggeration, but it's certainly true that an awful lot of us trace ancestry to her -- even though WikiTree doesn't yet include your line from her. smiley

You're still in the early stages of adding your family to WikiTree. For best results, I suggest that you continue working back in time from your grandparents toward Catalyntje (and your other New Netherland ancestors), so that you "learn the ropes" of identifying and adding good sources before tackling your early ancestors. And please acquaint yourself with this project's information resources and protocols for matters like people's names and reliable sources.

+25 votes
I would like to join the New Netherland Settlers Project. I actually descend from a few distinct groups of such settlers. My direct male line (Dorland) leads back to a Dutchman who resided there. Elsewhere in my paternal line, Huguenots can be identified; and there is even one of the original Walloon settlers. One idea that crosses my mind: When did New Netherland settlers start using English as their primary language? I have a pending merge for two Van Arsdalen records. Perhaps I can finalize the merge myself, once I gain "trusted" status.
by Anonymous Dorland G2G1 (1.3k points)

Welcome to this project, Anonymous. I can't see your family tree here due to your privacy settings, but I see that you've been busy editing profiles for some of your New Netherland ancestors. smiley Please acquaint yourself with this project's information resources and protocols for matters like people's names and reliable sources -- and try to follow those protocols. For early ancestors who may have about a gazillion interested descendants, it's very important to cite reliable sources (use footnotes to identify the records or other sources that support each point) and explain the reasoning behind any interpretations we've made or received from other sources.

Regarding the persistence of Dutch language in New Netherland, you might be interested in and the magazine article cited there.

It does look like you and another member have a good basis for identifying Van Arsdalen-81 and Van Arsdalen-46 as the same person, but as Project Leader there are a couple of things I'd like you to attend to:

  1. What evidence is there that her LNAB was Van Arsdalen? (Apparently her baptism record has not been found. What is she called in the records that do include her name? Note that we like to try to document the exact wording of every record that exists for a particular person.)
  2. Attaching an image of a book page is not a good substitute for adding text to the biography that indicates what the source(s) say, footnoting each item, explaining any interpretations that support the stated conclusions, and providing a bibliography-style citation for each cited source. Also, it appears that this book is probably under copyright, so we shouldn't be republishing pieces of it on WikiTree. Accordingly, please document in the profile text how the available information convinced Barth that the Heyltje who married Dorlandt is the daughter of the identified parents.
I have added some relevant information to the biography (but to just one of the two sites now up for merging, Van_Arsdalen-46). This seems an unusual merge in that the group-managed site has the higher number. I'm not sure in which direction the merge would proceed.
If the two profiles have the same LNAB, the merge goes to the lower-numbered profile. The project box and project account as manager will transfer to the resultant profile. People who complete the merge need to be careful to ensure that the appropriate contents end up in the final merged profile.
+24 votes
Hi! I have recently uncovered information that a branch of my family extends to the members of (and were baptized in) the Old Dutch Church in Kingston, Ulster County, New York. My 7th great-grandather, Conrad Schiffer (1742 - 1820) was married to Rachel Ward (1748 - 1810) and they lived in Pennsylvania after their marriage. If my research is correct, Rachel descends from Elearnoa de Hooges and her husband Willem de la Montagne through their daughter Rachel who married Hermanus Janse Decker. Their daughter Maria Decker married William (Waert)  and Rachel is their daugther. I would love to be able to confirm this information. It's probably too much to hope for DNA confirmation but I have tested my DNA with several sources. I am a member of NS DAR and have 21 Patriots in my direct line. I would be thrilled to know that my heritage includes those in this group as well.
by Jill Bowers G2G Crew (920 points)

Congratulations on your discovery, Jill, and welcome to New Netherland and this project. smiley

Your ancestor Rachel Ward has a WikiTree profile at , and I've connected that profile to the existing profiles for the people who are documented to be her parents. Rachel's profile and some of those others are in poor shape -- or I should say they are waiting for you to improve them, particularly with good sources. See for the Project's advice on reliable sources for researching New Netherlanders. The church records for Esopus/Wiltwyck/Kingston and the Minisink Valley are likely to be very helpful for confirming facts, and I think that Pat Wardell's Early Bergen County Families material could be helpful in sorting people with the same names into their correct families. Fortunately, all of these are online for free.

PS - I have a hunch that Conrad Schiffer was a Palatine immigrant. The Schiffers, Sheffers, Schaffers, etc., of 1700s New York probably are not all related to each other, but at least some of them were definitely Palatines. Before all is said and done, you might also be joining us at the Palatine Migration Project!
+24 votes
Hello!  I would like to join the group because I have recent discovered that I have numerous New Netherland's ancestors and I will be doing more research on these folks.  The connection I have discovered is Van Dusen/Duesen.  And this discovery is so new that I have not yet even searched WikiTree for this name.

I  have initially been interested because of a family story about my Gossage ancestor who was part of a small group of the first Europeans to settle in the Mohawk River region when New York was British.  I do not have much to go, on, but I have done some reading of the history, and I do know that one of the Lovelace-Gorsuch children did stay in New York, when the rest of the family went to Mariland.  An uncle on his mother's siew was Governor there at the time.  I have no idea if my "brick wall" ancestor Adam Gossage  descended from him, but it would be very unusual for him not to be a descendant of that family.

However, I have recently cracked another brick wall for a great grandmother which has lead me directly to New Netherland Dutch ancestors.  (I am new, and still adding people to my tree and have not added this information, yet.)  

I have found a great grandmother's parents - Melissa (Van Dusen) Scott  ( Van_Dusen-525 ) being her mother.  And as a result I happened upon Melissa's parents in several census records in New York, Massachusetts, and Ohio, then a rather extensive Van Duesen genealogy of which they are part - as early Dutch settlers in New Netherlands.  So I will be doing further research about these folks and would like to contribute them to the research if they are not already present.
by Mary Gossage G2G6 Mach 2 (27.8k points)
Congratulations on cracking that brick wall, Mary, and welcome to this project!

Your new-found "Van Dusen" (a.k.a. van Deursen, van Deusen, etc.) ancestors have profiles here already, as I believe you have discovered. Many of those profiles were created by copy-paste insertion of somewhat cryptic entries from a published book, so there is plenty of opportunity to improve the profiles by finding and citing church records and other primary sources (be aware that the book is not always accurate), fleshing out the biographies with complete sentences and additional details, etc. This family (like many New Netherland families) can be confusing -- due to Dutch naming practices, it's common to find several cousins of the same approximate age who had the same name. Partly to resolve the confusion, the New Netherland project tries to record the exact wording of the records -- details of baptism records and other primary documents are valuable clues to multi-generation family relationships. And we try to document the name spellings (and all of the name spellings) that actually appear in the records, rather than "standardized" spellings that often appear in more recent publications.
I may be a van Deusen descendant myself. It's a current theory I'm working on here:
+24 votes
I am currently researching my husband's maternal ancestor Barent Jacobsen Kool who was employed by the West India Company and arrived in New Amsterdam with Pieter Minuit in 1626.  It has taken quite a while to break through the brick wall of Cole to get to that point.   In my research, I've located baptismal and marriage records for various locations in New York.  I've found numerous inaccuracies in the tree found on Family Search.  Most of the name variants resulted from the ministers recording names phonetically rather than asking how the people spelled their own names.  I can easily identify whether the minister writing the record was German-born or Dutch-born.   

I am interested in this project, but I come to all of my genealogy research having been a professional translator and intelligence analyst over a 30-year career.  I study the orthography of any language in my ancestry, and need to follow the evolution of the names and how they became anglicized.  In the Kool line, the names have appeared as Coel/Cool/Kohl finally coming to Cole.  I've researched Holland for the time period and am researching the towns and counties in New York where they settled.  I need to know more than just names and dates.

If my interest and skill set would benefit this project, I am willing to participate and share what I know in hopes of learning what I don't yet know.
by Cinde Iacovacci G2G2 (2.8k points)
Hello, Cinde. Welcome to this project!

I believe the Barent Kool you refer to is the man profiled in WikiTree at . There were multiple Kool/Cool/Cole families in New Netherland, and distinguishing between them is a challenge, as I'm sure you have discovered.

The New Netherland Settlers project tries to develop our New Netherland ancestors' histories based on primary records and other reasonably reliable sources (i.e., not online family trees from Ancestry and other sites). We've assembled some information on reliable sources for New Netherland at and there's a compilation of many places to find church records at . You've likely found good material that could be added to these and other source compilations. If you have something to add on a page you aren't authorized to edit, add a note in the message box on the profile.

You can learn more about our project -- including our policies on NAMES (often a challenge for New Netherland research) at . Please communicate as questions arise (best places to communicate are here in G2G or on profiles).
+24 votes
Hello, my name is Meredith (Carison) Windust, I have been researching my great, great grandparents who were Dutch settlers in the state of New York for many years.  I still have a brick wall on both sides.  My great grandfather migrated to Australia to follow the gold, in 1856 and he said his name was Thomas Smedes Carison. He said his father was Ebenezer Smedes Carison and his mother, Sarah Ann Doughty. My DNA matches indicate that Smedes was most likely his correct surname, and I have reasonably close matches to Decker, Sherwood, Kipp, Kierstede, Kuykundall, Bogardus, Terwilliger, Van Etten and Jansen to name a few.  It seems that intermarriage within the community was rife! I would love to join the project if you will have me. I have searched everywhere for Ebenezer Smedes, but have only found 2 records, one a burial, and the other the marriage of his daughter, but I am not sure they are even correct.
by Meredith Windust G2G1 (1.6k points)
Hi, Meredith. I believe you are the first Australian New Netherland descendant I've "met"! We need to help you find some records to go with your DNA info.

I found a FindAGrave memorial for Ebenezer Smedes at . It cites a 1924 inventory of gravestones, so it looks like a good source. (Unfortunately, it's likely that some of the gravestones have deteriorated since 1924.) The burial was in Dutchess County, New York, and I find a good number of records online for other people name Smedes in Dutchess County, so you may have some luck researching those families. I've found New York in the early 1800s to be difficult to research, but other members her might have some advice to offer.
Thanks Ellen for your reply.  I do know about the grave memorial for Ebenezer Smedes but apart from that one reference plus a marriage of his daughter (maybe) there is nothing else. It would be wonderful if I could find out just which branch of the Smedes family he came from.  There are plenty of Smeads in other counties but I am pretty sure through DNA matches they are not relevant.
+24 votes
Hi.  My name is Kurt Moore and I am interested in this group.  Among my ancestors are Governor Colonel Gerardus Beekman and his wife Magdaleenje Abeel, my 7th great grandparents.  Besides a growing interest in genealogy, I used to be a practicing archaeologist and am used to research and working with primary documents. Most of my archaeology work was in pre-Columbian U.S., but have had experience with French and Spanish colonial archaeology. I have other New Netherlands connections through my gggrandmother Nancy Edwards Moore. I've already noticed one missing link between the profiles of Magdaleentje Abeel and Johannes Abeel. I have been a contributor to my Moore line, which is what connects me to my Dutch ancestors.  Thank you for the opportunity to contribute.
by Kurt Moore G2G1 (1.8k points)

Welcome to this project, Kurt! Please make note of the advice I gave Cinde (above) regarding the project and its resources. smiley

I'm not sure what you mean about a missing connection between Magdaleentje Abeel and Johannes Abeel. Her profile does show a connection to a brother named Johannes. And since her paternal grandfather was named Jan/Johannes, I'd expect the first-born male child in her family to have been given that name. Did you find some other omitted relationship?

Thank you Ellen.  My mistake apparently.  I was going through a lot of records yesterday and thought that the records between Magdaleentje and Johannes were not reciprocal - probably weary eyes.

I did note on the biography part of Gerardus Beekman an error listing him as acting governor of NY from 1809-1810.  That should probably be 1709-1710, although some sources list only 1710, since his predecessor Richard Ingoldesby had his governorship revoked in late 1709, but the news did not reach him before April 1710.

And thank you for the references.
+25 votes

I would like to join the New Netherland Settlers Project because I have recently discovered that on both my maternal and paternal sides of my family that I have dozens of Dutch ancestors who were some of the first settlers in New Amsterdam and the Fort Orange area.  I would like to explore more of my connections.  Some of the names I have unearthed are:

Decker, VanCampen, Shoemaker, DeWitt, VanVredenburg, Prys, Slecht, Terhune, Ackerman, VanLaer, Van Blarcom, Vigne, VerPlanck, etc.  ……. And, dozens more.

What more should I do other than post this G2G message? Best, Richard Ferrell

by Richard Ferrell G2G1 (1.1k points)
edited by Ellen Smith

Hi, Richard. Congratulations on discovering your New Netherland heritage. This is a very interesting background to explore!

A few next steps for you are to:

  • Add the new_netherland tag to your Followed Tags list
  • Read up on New Netherland and our project on  our New Netherland Settlers Project page and pages linked from that page, see our advice on reliable sources on the New Netherland Settlers Reliable Sources page and see additional project resources and sourcing advice on our New Netherland Genealogy Resources category.
  • Use "Name Search" to look for your ancestors' profiles here in WikiTree. Many of them are probably here already, but you'll discover that the spellings may not be what you expect. I often search for a name with wild card for variant first names (for example, search for Hen* to find Hendrick, Henry, Henricus, Hendrickus, etc.), then sort the results by date to see if there's anybody in the right time period for someone in my ancestry.
  • Build your family tree here in WikiTree, starting with your parents and working backwards, so you'll have some family to connect your early ancestry to. (When you do this, WikiTree will help you meet quite a few cousins you never knew you had!)

That should be enough to get you started...

PS - I edited your answer to get rid of the funny-looking codes. smiley

In doing New Netherland genealogy, it helps to have an open mind about names, and to have a secret desire to be the kind of detective about whom mystery novels are written.

Case in point: A note on your profile mentions Gerritsen Broersen Decker who died in 1658. Once you've immersed yourself in New Netherland lore, you'll recognized that that name is wrong -- Gerritsen is a patronymic name (not a first name). I think that this man might be or someone in his immediate family, but the Decker descendants in the Project probably have insights that I don't.
+24 votes
I wish to join the New Netherland Settlers group.  My 11th Great Grandfather was Elias Daws who was born about 1634 in Gravesend, Long Island, Ne Netherland.  

Thank you.

Chuck Real
by Chuck Real G2G3 (3.5k points)

Thank you for joining us, Chuck. smiley

Your Elias Daws has a profile at . Some of his life details are rather uncertain.

+23 votes
Hello to the group.  I'm interested in the project because of my Duryea/Blauvelt ancestors.  I have family sources (bibles, newspaper clippings, etc) that I need to evaluate and organize, and see how it fits with the great information available here.
by Edwin Windes G2G1 (1.1k points)
Glad to have you in this project, Edwin!
+23 votes
Hi, my maiden name is Van Horn, derived from Mattys Cornelissen from Denmark. Resources have him coming to New Netherland around 1664, and took the oath of allegiance in Sept 1687 at Kings county, NY. He married Fytie Brouwer on the 20Feb1692. I would like to know more about the time period, and have done a lot of my own research.
by Pamela Schneider G2G Crew (890 points)
Welcome to this project, Pamela! Your Van Horn ancestor has a profile at . The information there is largely consistent with what you say about him (but he is indicated as being from the Netherlands, not Denmark).

I note that much of the biography appears to have been borrowed from some other source, and the source's footnotes are appended to the end of the profile instead of being inserted in the text to indicate where the information comes from. Profiles like that one need loving attention, in collaboration with other interested members to ensure that conflicting viewpoints are either (1) resolved with solid evidence or (2) acknowledged and discussed.

We look forward to your contributions here, but before I give you the New Netherland Settlers badge, we need for you to read the Honor Code and sign it.
+23 votes
Hello, I am Mark Adams. My wife [[Hoffman-6856 | Susan Ann (Hoffman) Adams]] is a descendant of [[Swartwoud-13 |Jacobus (Swartwoud) Swartwout (1692-1749)]].
by Mark Adams G2G2 (2.6k points)
Thanks for joining us, Mark. The Swartwoud family is an interesting part of New Netherland. There are several other project members who are interested in that family, so you should plan to coordinate with them as you work on your wife's ancestry.
+22 votes
Hi, I would like to join the New Netherland Settlers Project to help add information and sources to my ancestors’ profiles. I descend from the Bradt, Broucard/Brokaw, Cossart, Laenen Van Pelt, Lambertsen, Rapalje, Reyniers, Trico, Valentÿn/Valentine, Van der Voort, Van Rotmers, Van Salee, and Willemz families. I think there are a few others that I can’t remember off the top of my head. I just recently found the baptismal record of Lea “Lijdia” Willems Cossart and her parents’ marriage record that I’d like to add. I also hope to learn more about Dutch genealogy as there is much I don’t know yet!
by Anonymous Dixon G2G2 (2.3k points)
reshown by Anonymous Dixon

That's an ample helping of New Netherland ancestors, Kenneth! Welcome to this project. This project has been a wonderful learning experience for me, and I hope it's the same for you. Please take some time to read our project page and the various linked pages -- I promise that you can't absorb all of it at once, but it helps to have seen what's there.

I'm curious about that baptism record for Lea Willems, who married Jaques Cossart (we have not seen evidence that she ever used her husband's name). A note on her Willems-2 profile indicates that her baptism could not be found in the records of Leiden, where she is supposed to have been baptised in 1638. What did you find?

Thank you. I’ve started reading the project page and have already learned something — Dutch women didn’t use their husbands’ surnames. Lea was actually born in Amsterdam, along with her siblings Rachel and Jacop. I have copies of their baptismal records and their parents’ marriage bann and record. Should I post them in the Google group once my request to join is accepted? Or private message you?
That's great news, Kenneth! Please post your information -- and footnoted source citation(s) -- directly into the text section of the profile. Additionally, if you put a note in the profile message area (indicate in the note that you found the baptism record in Amsterdam and added it to the profile), that will send an alert notification to the project's Google Group and other profile managers.
+22 votes

Hello, I would like to join the group to help where I can and learn what I can.  I'm descended from several New Netherlands families (part of the search!) but the best sourced connexion is to Isaacsen du Trieux inter alia, and I'm interested in detangling the hundreds of Truax's, Brouwer's, Van Dijk's, Ackerman's, Mol's, and others, and following the expansion of New Netherlands to Schenectady (officially) and Bergen County/Rockland County (informally)


Mike Moriarty

by Michael Moriarty G2G2 (2.1k points)

Welcome to this project, cousin Michael (I say that because many of us share some du Trieux ancestry). Please dig into our New Netherland Settlers Project page and related resource pages to learn more about this project and New Netherland. Most of us discover that we have a great deal to learn about this unique time and place-- starting with the name "New Netherland" (no 's').

+23 votes
Hello, my name is Sarah Heile and I'd like to join since one of my lines is Fonda (paternal grandmother) and I can trace that right back to the NNS Fondas (and associated Veeders, Dockstaders, Mabie, Eaker, Dillenbeck etc.). Grandma grew up in Canajoharie. I show up as a profile manager for some of the Fondas after the 1700 line. Thanks!
by Sarah Heile G2G Crew (900 points)

Hi, Sarah. Welcome to this project! Some of my family lived pretty near your family's turf, so I'm very familiar with the Fonda name (not just from your movie-acting cousins). smiley

Like I've been telling some other new project members, please review our project pages. I learned a lot about my New Netherland ancestry from family, but a good bit of what I learned was inaccurate...

+22 votes
I would like to join the New_Netherlands project to help straighten out the mistakes I made by adding the profile of vanTienhoven-50 and to learn more about this tree branch.
by Saretta Hofer G2G1 (1.9k points)
Happy to welcome you to this project, Saretta (that's a pretty name -- I don't think I've ever seen it before!).

No worries about . New Netherland genealogy has its unusual challenges, and I don't believe there's a soul among us who doesn't get misled by spelling variations -- or who isn't continually learning more surprising things about these ancestors of ours.

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