Portugal Project News - April 2019

+12 votes


I’m not sure if March went ‘out like a lamb’ but I do have to say that I love to see the flowers that are already coming up in the yard, and the bushes in the front yard are budding out. National flower of Portugal: Lavendar. Native flowers of Portugal: Orchids, Magnolias, Water Lilies, Bouganvillia, Calla Lilies and others. What is your favorite flower? The constant rain last month did give me a lot of time to research and also perform some project housekeeping. I’m slowly working through the list of profiles and marking which need research, birth records, biographies or family added. It is time well spent as it organizes those project profiles so that we, as a team, can be more efficient.

New Members:

I’m excited to see this project growing. The newest members to our team are André Monteiro and Leônidas Luiz Volcato Descovi. André is from Mira, Coimbra, Portugal. He has a doctorate in Computer Science, is a proud father of three, and will be working with our Douro Litoral team. Leônidas also has strong roots from Portugal as well as Italian roots he will be researching. He has experience in nineteenth century Italian settlements in Brazil. Leônidas has recently taken that modern step into genealogy by having his DNA tested. He is looking forward to finding cousins here on WikiTree.

Profile Showcase:

This month I’m showing a personal ancestor of one of our members to give you an idea of what you can do to improve your profiles. João da Silva Tareco Sr is a profile that Jim Tareco worked on. Stop by and check it out! And when looking at a profile here on WikiTree remember that helpful hints or positive reinforcement is always appreciated.

Other Projects: 

Watch the G2G (Genealogist to Genealogist) forum from time to time for newsletters from other projects. Not only is it a nice way to keep up on events in other sections of WikiTree, it is a good way to learn ways that we ourselves can improve our time here. You don’t have to commit a lot of time to a project. Even small amounts of quality time are appreciated! You can also consider joining a project such as the Data Doctors. Not much time is needed to ensure that the Portuguese Suggestion lists are cleared.

Research Tips: 

Working with new members last month brought me to the realization that not all our pages translate clearly in other languages. As a response to this I have added a walk through on adding your DNA to WikiTree in Portuguese. Additionally, we now have a page in Portuguese that explains where you can go next with this information. It contains very basic information but is a good starting point to help WikiTree genealogists learn more about their DNA. If anyone has questions about the English versions already available, let me know!

WikiTree Community: 

Have you visited the G2G forum recently? At the top are posted items that won’t move down when others create a new post. At the top of the list right now is the ‘Have you seen the new Profile Previews?’ post. Read the post if you haven’t yet and take a minute to let others know how you feel about the previews. There are always new and exciting things brewing in the background at WikiTree and this is a great way to stay up-to-date on those happenings. Your opinion matters!

Read the G2G Stickies

Thank someone on WikiTree for their good work

Holidays for April: 

April Fool’s Day, Apr 1st (USA); Good Friday, Apr 19th (USA, Portugal, Australia); Easter, Apr 20th (Australia); Easter, Apr 21st (USA, Portugal, Australia); Freedom Day, Apr 25th (Portugal); Anzac Day, Apr 25th (Australia). If I’m missing any, feel free to comment below and add them. 

Ways to Help: 

If you are looking to expand your research into a new area, consider joining us. You don't have to read Portuguese to participate. We have profile maintenance categories that can help you along, and several people in the project that are skilled in translations and finding record. Many of the older Portuguese ancestors can be found via a Google search performed in English. You can use your skills to:

Research a profile and take notes

Write a biography based on someone's research

Apply advanced styles to existing profiles

Help create profiles that aren't on WikiTree yet

Check us out:

Calorosos cumprimentos (Warmest regards)

Mindy Silva

Portugal Project Leader

in The Tree House by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
Bob Keniston said he has a Southern Magnolia in his front yard. What flowers do the rest of you have? I help mom with the flowers in her yard. She has several large flowerbeds, I don't think I could list all of the flowers!
Mindy, our Creeping Phlox is blooming like mad, a sea of various colors. Just beautiful!
I bet they are beautiful!! It's been so cold here only the daffodils have come up so far.
two southern magnolias in the back, but they're not yet in bloom - the japanese tulips are. And on my roadtrip to southwest virginia over the weekend, LOVELY countryside: lots of daffodils & the redbuds are starting to show.

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