WikiTree traces my Phillips lineage back to “Artchorp mac Cairbe” born Ireland 300 but how can I confirm that

+2 votes
I am trying to pick up the genealogy pieces from my late father. Reverend George Phillips came to America in 1630; his ancestors owned Picton Castle in Wales. If I take one of those ancestors, Thomas Phillips b. 1465, and follow the fathers back in time I come to an Irish King b AD 300 according to WikiTree. I would love to learn more, ascertain if this is likely or more of a myth, and so on. I am new to Wiki but hoping to learn more. I had 7 ancestors on the Mayflower, have taken the 23andMe and will try to contribute as I can. Thank you. Max
WikiTree profile: Thomas Philipps
in Genealogy Help by Maxwell Fletcher G2G Rookie (220 points)

I was going to say it's an act of faith, but at this part of the line

I think we have to say faith doesn't stretch that far, because Welsh names don't work that way.

Wikipedia has a lot of these lines, many going far back before the end of BC. I haven’t looked in a while, but I’m guessing they’re all based on some annal or annals. We could at the very least include the annal source, even if the line is unproven. Otherwise, these lines might as well have the dreaded “Ancestry Trees” as a source. (Wikipedia Trees?)

Thank you both for your responses. If I may ask one more question, would it be reasonable to assume that the lineage back to Cynan an Arthafad b. 870 is reasonably plausible? There appears to be a lot more documentation for him and ensuing generations. I will try to keep researching and follow any other hints I can find. Thank you both again.


If you are asking if it is plausible if he lived or not, then yes, I think it is plausible.

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I have very limited knowledge of ancient Welsh pedigrees, but this site may be helpful:

by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (652k points)
selected by Maxwell Fletcher
Fascinating research.  Thanks for the info.

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