Profile Improvement Project (PIP) : What we do and how to join [closed]

+46 votes

Profile Improvement should be part of every WikiTreers routine. From the moment you create your first profile, every addition/correction is a profile improvement.

It's a learned process. 

The first thing you might learn is how to "clean" up your GEDCOM import

Then where to find sources and how to format them (give them enough information that they can be found again even if the links break).

As you begin writing bios, you'll want to learn how to create inline citations.  Member Greg Shipley created the Bio app to generate a basic bio with spaces for potential citations.

At some point, you'll learn how to merge profiles and how to integrate the two biographies afterward.

The Profile Improvements Project's PIP Voyage can help you learn and improve all these skills.

If you find that you really enjoy doing any of these, or you discover that you're just automatically improving profiles as you randomly fix the large and small problems on WikiTree profiles, consider joining the Profile Improvement Project. Read the Project Page and follow the steps in the "How to Join" section. Add an answer below to get started on the Voyage.

Thank you.

Profile Improvement Project

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Debi Hoag G2G6 Pilot (409k points)
closed by Debi Hoag
Not being a subscriber to any paid sites I welcome your proposed changes. Actually I like the idea of a commitment but it shouldn't be such a hard and fast requirement that we lose the enjoyment of what we're doing or start getting too regimented.
Thanks, Neil.

After thought and consultation, we have re-worded the "commitment" to "strongly encourage."

Trust me, no one has time to verify that 52 profiles are touched every year LOL
Hi, regarding changing one paid source to a free source, I read other guidelines recently on WikiTree - but can't remember where - it was suggested that the original source used should always be quoted, even where it was behind a paywall. This is something we encounter often as eg for a pre-1855 baptism in Scotland, a free but secondary source such as  Family Search can give some good basic transcribed information and an easy to copy and paste source, but the Old Parish Register entry from ScotlandsPeople will often give far more useful information and you know it is the primary source, and so seems to be the logical choice?.
We always want to cite the most accurate records with images of the original being the preferred, even if they are behind a paywall. Sometimes the same records are (or become) available at a free site (ex., US Census records). In those cases, the paywalled citation can be replaced by a citation for the version at the free site.

The source actually used is the one that should be cited. So if an index was used, cite it. If an image of the record that was indexed is later reviewed, add a new citation for the better record. If the better record is behind a paywall, include both citations.

I hope that helps make more clear what I intended.
I have been trying to learn the right way to edit biographies, especially the more complicated insertions such as tables pictures, etc, I feel that I could improve more, maybe this is the answer.... if its available to me may I join, please

We would love to have you take the Voyage with us, Julie. Would you please go to the current join thread and add an answer there.

I'd like to you are join the Disputed Existence Adjunct Project.
Hi Catherine,

Please tell me more, it sounds interesting,

I recently found a warren of profiles, all without sources,  looking rather suspect, all created by a person who hasn't verified their email address, and who made the profiles in a few days and hasn't been seen since.  I want to learn how to deal with them, or to hand them over to those who can.

Hi Catherine, I've noted your request and will try to get an answer for you soon.  Thanks.

88 Answers

+17 votes
Wow, you really are a fount of good information my friend!  I need to listen more closely to you as I go along and I WILL!  Thanks for this great information you share with us all!
by Cindy Lesure G2G6 Pilot (128k points)
+20 votes
Would love to help in any way possible
by Jeannie Helms G2G2 (2.6k points)
Welcome to the project, Jeannie. The best way to start is with your own watchlist, making sure that each profile has a well written biography with sources for each fact  I'm still in the process of that LOL I use the list of anniversaries and birthdays on my weekly feed to suggest where I work next. Let me know if you have any questions.
I think I know where you picked up that habit of birthdays & anniversaries...or did I steal that from you??
Could be either one, Cindy. I picked it up from someone but don't have a clue who.
+13 votes
So, like, Debi, may I join the Profile Improvement Project?  Pretty Please?   ;-)
by Cindy Lesure G2G6 Pilot (128k points)
Now you're officially part of the Project, Cindy, though I know you've been working on your profiles consistently for a long time.
+16 votes
I'd like to join this project.
by Rakelle Teschner G2G6 Mach 5 (51.5k points)
Thanks for joining the project. I've awarded your badge. Will you be concentrating on profiles you manage or those of a particular project? Let us know if we can offer any assistance.
Thank you! To start with I'll probably concentrate on 'my own' while I learn the ropes. Very little of my Norwegian ancestry is on the site already, and what is there is riddled with all but empty gedcom imports and bizarre names (this is actually what spurred me to look for a profile improving project) - my goal, I think, will be to make sense of some of that stuff.
+16 votes
Had fun with the 811 project even though I had connection problems-took me longer to get a new person than it did to correct merge errors :-(

I kinda got in the groove and would like to continue building profiles for my people as well as a number of orphans I picked up as a result of the Clean-a-thon.

Sign me up!
by Don Sage G2G6 Mach 1 (14.5k points)
Great! Welcome to the Profile Improvements Project, Don. I've awarded your badge. Let us know if you have any questions about formatting, etc.
+16 votes
I would really like to learn how to improve profiles. I have been trying to learn on my own but I really need assistance. May I join the profile improvement project.
by Dallace Moore G2G6 Pilot (158k points)
Hi, Dallace, I've awarded the badge. There are some tutorials in the first post of this thread that give some ideas on how to improve profiles. Is there something specific that you need help with?
Hi Debi, Yes, I want to learn how to do GEDcom cleanup and bio's. I will have a look at the tutorials and get in touch with questions.

Thanks for allowing me to join. :-)
+16 votes
Hey Debi! I want to join! I'm currently starting to work on getting all of the facts/stories I have offline online and into the correct profiles. It's going to take a while but it's doable!
by Kimberly McComb G2G6 Mach 2 (28.0k points)
Thanks for joining us, Kimberly. I've awarded your badge. Let us know if you have any questions.
+15 votes
Hi Debi, throw me in there.  I've got a serious list of ancestors of whom the profiles need cleaning up.....actually started way too fast linking family in without making sure that it was nice and neat from the start.


Not that I knew what "nice and neat" was when I started, but I learned fast!
by Living Coetzee G2G4 (4.7k points)
Welcome to the project, Izak Jacobus! I've awarded your badge. Believe me, I think we all start fast and furious because it's so exciting to find a place full of people who understand us. Is there anything in particular that you have learned that you could pass along to other newcomers or that you need help with as your cleaning up? We're here to help each other.
+15 votes
I would love to join, I really enjoy improving profiles, sourcing them etc.

by Jules Charman G2G5 (5.9k points)
Thanks for joining the Profile Improvements Project, Jules. I've awarded your badge (sorry about the delay). Will you be concentrating on any particular profiles or just as you find the need?
+16 votes
by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
and done! Thanks for the sourcing and other improvements that you have been doing to profiles. Let us know if you have any questions.
+14 votes
I would like to join the Profile Improvement Project and have added it to my followed tags. Can I get a badge please ?

Must I contact every profile manager before I make any changes ?

If so, and no immediate reply is received, how long do I have to wait before going ahead and improving the profile ?

by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (300k points)

Hi N. and welcome to the Profile Improvement Project. I have awarded your badge. Please be sure to add your name and what you are planning to work on to the Progress Reports section of the Project Page *grin* I guessed at what you plan to work on based on the projects in which you are involved.

Regarding contact, please refer to the Communication before Editing Help page and especially the section titled Be Polite: Make Contact First. A member pointed me to that page one time after I inadvertently stepped on toes by adding links to a couple of children found on a census. I had sourced them and the PM had no real issue with the links but would like to have been notified.

How long you have to wait would depend on how active the PM is on WikiTree. I'm generally on every day doing something, even when on research trips or vacation. However, during those times I might not review my non-critical email and then there is catch-up when I return. The Unresponsive Profile Manager process takes about three weeks, so I generally work any contact periods using those same parameters. I don't remember seeing a hard and fast rule on wait times, so tend to err on the side of courtesy

+13 votes
It was suggested to me that I ought to join this project, as it'd be a good fit for me! I can't seem to stop at just one source in the "Sourcing Sprints" and feel compelled to flesh the entire profile out.

I'd love to join this project and improve my profile improvement skills even more.

Currently I am going back through my own Watchlist and adding categories, new sources and sprucing up Biographies. But I like to branch out from time to time on new profiles, as well. No specifics that I like to work on, but I prefer to work on profiles from the 1700s-1800s+. I'm not able to really help as much ith the older ones with all the speculation and browsing through books.
by Kristen Louca G2G6 Mach 3 (33.3k points)

Welcome to the project, Kristen. I've awarded your badge and included notes on what you said you plan to work on. There's a Progress Report section on the Project page. Please add your name and comments to it and update it from time to time. 

+13 votes
I would like to join the PIP please. I am in the profile improvers team of the England Project and will be working mainly on English and Scottish profiles. I enjoy the challenge of untangling tangled relationships and cleaning up the results.
by Peter Cameron G2G6 Mach 2 (25.8k points)

Glad to have you, Peter. I've awarded your badge. Let us know if you have any questions. There's a Progress Report section on the Project page. Please add your name and comments to it and update it from time to time. 

+12 votes
Add me in please Debi :)
by Wendy Sullivan G2G6 Pilot (161k points)

Wendy, you've been a member of the project since August. Shirley added you, probably as part of the Unknowns Project as it is a sub of Profile Improvements. 

There's a Progress Report section on the Project page. Please add your name and comments to it and update it from time to time. 

Sorry Debi, for the life of me I don't remember joining last August. Shirley added me to unknowns today though so it's all good :)

Thank you :)
+13 votes
I'd like to join the team. I've been working on Perkins, Woodward and Haskell families lately.
by Traci Thiessen G2G6 Pilot (298k points)

Thanks for joining us, Traci. I've awarded your badge.

There's a Progress Report section on the Project page. Please add your name and comments to it and update it from time to time. 

+13 votes
I'd like to join, please!
by Ron Johnson G2G6 Mach 3 (38.6k points)

Great to have you join us Ron. I've awarded your badge. Let us know if you want a profile reviewed or suggestions on how to do specific things. We are here to help.

There's a Progress Report section on the Project page. Please add your name and comments to it and update it from time to time. 

+16 votes
I'd like to join! As a data doctor I come across a wide variety of profiles, many of which were just dumped and abandoned. So most days I clean up quite a few-- often going the whole 9 yards-- making them organized, attractive, sourced and cited. I rarely see a profile on the Suggestions Report that can't be improved beyond just fixing the error! (And it amazes me how many others seem to only see the error--if that!)
by Stephanie Ward G2G6 Pilot (120k points)
Excellent! Welcome to the project, Stephanie. I've awarded your badge. Thanks for all the work you do on profiles.
I don't see the badge:(  I'd like people whose profiles I work on to be able to see my bona fides :)
Wow, don't know what happened there, Stephanie. Sorry about that. You really have the badge now.
+14 votes
Debi you are a very valuable source of information! Thank you!

I know I have not been able to add my husbands family and my family to Wikitree specifications. 15,000 total about 1,000 entered so 14,000 to go!

I've been here since Dec 2017, not quite 8 months, and I feel like I'm climbing a mountain to learn everything.

Slowly I learn something new at least once a week. I'm more a visual and/or do as I go along learner vs reading.

I hope if I'm creating any problems someone will let me know!

I love Wikitree and am usually on here every day.
by Louann Halpin G2G6 Mach 7 (73.0k points)
Glad to have you, Louise. I've awarded your badge. Let us know if you have any questions.
+13 votes
This project is right up my alley! I am passionate about profiles that are well sourced and tell a story. I'm fairly new to WikiTree and continue to learn every day.
by Connie Davis G2G6 (8.3k points)
Welcome to the project, Connie. Let us know if you have any questions or want a profile reviewed.
+13 votes
Debi, I'd like to be a member of the Profile Improvement Project. I've been participating with the Biography Builders challenges for almost a year now, and really enjoy creating nice coherent bios. Also a big believer in in-line citations for sourcing each data point, and proposing merges whenever I run into duplicates. I've been doing all these things already, so figure I may as well officially join the project!
by Joyce Rivette G2G6 Pilot (182k points)

Welcome to the project, Joyce. I have awarded your badge. 

There's a Progress Report section on the Project page. Please add your name and comments to it and update it from time to time. 

Hi Joyce! We have another project in common! I think this one will be a great resource for some of the things we do with LFP, S-A-T and C-A-T!

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