Do you have South African Roots? Join our South African Roots Project !

+27 votes

Do you have South African Roots or maybe an extended family line in South Africa?

Join the South African Roots Project. We do not just accept experienced members, but our membership is open to new members on WikiTree as well.

The requirements are simple. After you volunteered on WikiTree:
Sign the Honor Code
Become a WikiTree Genealogist
These two requirements will enable you to work on your own family line.
We recommend that you do the Pre-1700 Certification as well because this will enable you to contribute to all open profiles on WikiTree.

After you have done that, just add an answer (not a comment) and tell us a little about yourself and what you are researching.  

Do not forget to add the tag south_african_roots to your followed tags.

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Louis Heyman G2G6 Mach 9 (96.8k points)
edited by Bea Wijma
If your project can assist me in getting connected to more details on our families then please let me join your SA Roots Project.

Thanks Elize Taylor
Hi Elize

Welcome to SA Roots project

Here s the link to our Home Page

Lots of information on sources as well. Links to Sources

Looking forward to work with you in connecting our Global family with South African Roots
Thanks Ronel and welcome to the South African Roots Project Elize !
Good day

I would like to join the SA Roots project.

My family is linked to the van der Westhuizen and Herholdt family
Just reply, not comment please
I would like to join the South African project.

Hi there - I'm passionate about the early history of Southern Africa and would like to contribute to this project as I travel through my genealogy journey.  I also am direct descendant of stamouer Johann Georg Lingenfelder.

I'd like to join the South African Roots project

173 Answers

+7 votes
I have been cataloguing my wife's SA ancestry for many years but there are still a couple of gaps, notably with her maternal-side great grandfather, born without a father named n the certificate.
by Greg Smith G2G4 (4.2k points)

Welcome Greg, we are looking forward to working with you

+7 votes
Passionate about the stories and links of the past, particularly as they are my ancestors: Botha (aka Appel), Wessels, etc.  Interesting how so many South Africans don't realise that we are mostly all related somehow or other.
by Isabella Burini G2G Crew (750 points)

Welcome Isabella    we are looking forward to working with you

+8 votes
I would like to join please. I am an 1820 settler descendant as well as a non-1820 settler descendant.
by Raymond Laing G2G3 (3.1k points)

Welcome Raymond, we are looking forward to working with you

+7 votes
Thinking it is time to join the South African Roots project. I am done working on the direct lines of my ancestors... or am I? Trying to add on the brothers and sisters of the ancestors as well as their spouses. van Zyl becomes Boeyens becomes Brits, becomes Diedericks, and Prinsloo becomes van der Linde, becomes Labuschagne?


by Pieter van Zyl G2G1 (1.1k points)

Welcome Pieter, we are looking forward to working with you

+9 votes
Hi, I am a South African interested in my family history. I enjoy finding the missing pieces of my family tree, and I find it fascinating to put together the pieces of an ancestor's life and see it as a single whole life that was lived.

My immediate ancestor surnames are Müller, Jansen van Rensburg, Joubert and Buys, but I am working on my entire family tree comprising many surnames.
by Martinette van der Merwe G2G Crew (470 points)
Welcome Martinette, we are looking forward to working with you.
+9 votes

I would definitely like to join.  I do have a few South African roadblocks that hopefully can be answered in this forum.  Thanks
by Vaughn Clair G2G2 (2.2k points)
Welcome Vaughn, we are looking forward to working with you.

Welcome to the South African Roots project Vaughn, we look forward to working with you.

+9 votes
My father's family moved to the United States from South Africa in 1956. I've been researching my family history in the country, and I have found multiple cousins through my research. Our name isn't all that common, which makes it easy to identify as a family member, but harder to track down. For example, I spoke with Rudi Koertzen (the cricket umpire) by Skype some time ago. He was very interested in finding our family history, but I have yet to find where he fits in my extensive tree, and I would like to follow up on that. I am also trying to track down my grandfather's mother's family. He wasn't entirely sure of her middle or maiden names which makes it harder, and I haven't found any marriage records to help me clarify.
by Jeff Koertzen G2G Crew (470 points)

Welcom to the South African Roots project Jeff, we look forward to work  with you.

+9 votes
Hi, all my family are born in South Africa, but I was the first to be born in Australia and would love to learn more about who my ancestors are. I have already started preliminary research on my own and discovered quite a number of ancestors on one side, but am having trouble discovering many of the Cape Malay and Zulu connections.
by Imraan Daniels G2G Crew (470 points)

Welcome Imraan, we are looking forward to working with you.

Welcome to the South African Roots project, we look forward to work  with you.

+9 votes
Hi! I was born in South Africa and most of my family is still there. I recently acquired a book of family history written by my late grandfather, which inspired me to try and piece together the extended family tree of my line of Van der Walts.
by Johann Waltberg G2G Crew (840 points)

Welcome Johann, we are looking forward to working with you.

Welcome to the South African Roots project, we look forward to work  with you.

+9 votes
Hi SA Roots project admins,
I'm new to genealogy; I joined WikiTree to fill gaps in my immediate family tree (maternal and paternal lines) only but realised I really enjoy doing this work. If you let me join this project, I'd love to volunteer doing research as needed.

I feel we owe it to our ancestors to preserve their heritage.
by Nina Gelderblom G2G1 (1.6k points)

Welcome Nina, we are looking forward to working with you.

Welcome to the South African Roots project, we look forward to work  with you.

+6 votes
Yes, my family has been here since the 1700’s
by Madi Kemp G2G Crew (700 points)

Welcome to the South African Roots project, we look forward to work  with you

+7 votes
I started working on my family tree in the 1990's first on a stand alone ps application and later on a hosted webtrees installation which I manage. I have traced back to the struwig progenitor in the Dutch Cape Colony and one generation in the Netherlands. The tree is slowly expanding sideways as spouses, cousins etc. get interested in the topic. Wikitree I am hoping gives the opportunity for much broader collaboration.
by Keith Melvyn Struwig G2G1 (1.5k points)

Welcome to the South African Roots project, we look forward to work  with you

WikiTree does have many options for collaboration Keith .. Do try  and WikiTree also has a facebook page at 

Happy hunting

+6 votes
My paternal Anderson ancestors arrived in the Cape in 1800 ... my maternal ancestors Schonken arrived in the 1600's. I would like to learn more.
by Kerry Wiens G2G Crew (380 points)

Welcome to the South African Roots project, we look forward to work  with you

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