Come to the aide of a Revolutionary War Patriot

+9 votes
Fisher genealogist come to our aide.  John Barnes (Barnes -1169) is a proven Revolutionary War Patriot.  We have his payroll record and know that he lost his hearing from continual cannon blast earning the nickname Deaf John while fighting under George Washington at Valley Forge.  Several individuals can prove lineage to him, but there is a problem with a DAR application, and the same problem will arise in a proposed SAR app.  Deaf John’s marital record is for Swedes Church, 1 January 1764 to an Elizabeth Fisher.  We are confident this is the correct since John’s brother and verified sister-in-law were married there the preceding year.  The DAR says this record which is required for admission is flawed because Deaf John’s Will lists his spouse as “my beloved Ruth.”

Please help us resolved this issue so we can honor a proven patriot.  ANY information you may have on Fisher-8328 could be of value.  Thank you for your efforts.  Hugh Barnes
WikiTree profile: Ruth Barnes
in The Tree House by Living Barnes G2G6 Mach 3 (34.5k points)
retagged by Abby Glann
Except for the will which does not stand alone, like much of what appears on Ancestry, there is absolutely no source documents fpr,,most of that myth.  Solomon for example died in 1807 not 1804 with a Will.   Brinsley Sr. died in 1794.  There were several Brinsley's but the dates do not match reality.
Jerry ,

I want to personally thank you for bringing this to my attention. Several researchers have teamed on your finding and we feel there is a breakthrough thanks to you.

1 Answer

+2 votes
It was still unusual for persons to have middle names in the 1700s.

I would have assumed two wives Elizabeth and Ruth, not one.

Land records sometimes will list a wife's name. Did he apply for a pension? Did his widow apply for benefits?
by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
There was no pension application.  If there were it would have been Ruth Fisher  who is named in the Will.

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