"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! February 16th - 18th, 2024

+32 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Hey Pip,

Sounds like you had a busy week. I am so happy you did not have a house fire. My Grandma always said to keep those blessed palms around (her church blesses pussy willows) as they protect the house/ We also have our house blessed too. Hopefully you didn't get too cold.

You poor thing. Paying the Electrician and New Tires? Ouch! That had to set you back a few pennies. Tires are so expensive these days.

I did not know about the control +f tricks thanks for the tip.

Have a great week!

Chris W

Sounds like a busy week Pip!  Thanks for finding the time to keep these going! wink

M Ross
 God, how awful. There are just no words.

My watchlist was over 6000.  I pared it down to only ggparents and up, a few from the Campau family of Detroit that I've been managing, Pierre Perthuis who was a mess when I adopted him, and a few other random people.  So. much better.
=( So sorry, M. *hug*
I'm so glad you were able to get your electrical sorted and no one was hurt. I have aluminum wiring in my house and we had to have every outlet and fixture in the house fixed when we moved in because they were all copper. Fire recipe if I'd ever seen one!
What are you doing today? You better answer tomorrow. That Saturday you had your feet up while reading a book
Hey Cousin Pip! Sure you don't want to add just 1 or 2 more things to your plate? ;)

I have not had to drive in the mountains in an ice storm yet. No, thank you. Pulling a trailer on I-40 at night in the rain was bad enough!

Glad Carlos was able to take care of your electical problem. And keep going easy on that shoulder!
Oh M, that is heartbreaking
Oh no, M, how sad. Holding you and them in the Light.

36 Answers

+22 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7am and 47F (8.3C) with an expected high of 69F (20.6C) and sunny skies in Tucson.


The start of this year has been as challenging and costly as last year! Last Friday, I returned from grocery shopping around 5pm. Within minutes, I realized that there was no electricity in my home/office and guest bath! I checked the circuit breaker, and it was on for these rooms. I called Tucson Electric [TEP] (about 10 minutes after hours) and had to wrangle through their robo-monster. I called two neighbors and left messages. Talk about a sci-fi nightmare! No Wi-Fi, therefore, no lights in these rooms, or telly, or Alexa, or phone service (extra cost if I went over minutes). The upside is that I did have heat and was able to use kitchen appliances.


About 6:30pm, I got a knock on the door, and it was TEP. The technician checked the circuit breaker and said everything was working. I asked about the outage in these rooms, and he impolitely informed me that it was not his territory, only the circuit breaker, and that I needed to call an electrician (like he isn’t one?). Meanwhile, my neighbor, Eddie, came by and looked over the circuit breaker with the TEP person. Eddie went home and returned with one of those heavy-duty extension cords, plugged it into a live socket, brought the cord into the office and plugged the office power strip into the cord. Voila! Problem solved temporarily…at least Wi-Fi and computer. On Saturday morning, I called the company that checks my aircon/heating unit twice a year. They added plumbing to their menu about a year ago and added electrical about seven months ago. They are turning into one-stop shop monsters!


Naturally, they don’t work on weekends, so the electrician (the one who works inside homes) arrived on Monday afternoon. He found the problem and not only added a new outlet, but installed new outlets in my home office that includes two USB ports each AND added a new switch to the guest bath, so the light no longer flickers. He was here for a good three hours to the tune of $400. I should have gone to technical school and learned electrical or auto mechanics. I would be rich! Instead, I laid out thousands of dollars for bachelor’s and master’s degrees master’s degrees and a doctorate to teach the military deployed to Asia at the and doctoral students at the U of A and ASU for crummy wages and even lower retirement. There is really no money for teaching or nursing. That policy paper on nurses who work nights, their poorer health outcomes and costs that we submitted a few weeks ago even includes information that women nurses earn 25 cents less on the dollar than men nurses for the same (if not more) education!


I have the full spine MRI with and without contrast on the 20th and look forward to the report so that I can get some proper pain relief. Of greater importance is that M Ross and her husband will be driving from Phoenix to Tucson on the 20th and I am really looking forward to meeting them in person! We are also arranging a meeting with Cindy Cooper. Pipster, we will miss you and Mike, but will raise our ‘wee drams of tea’ (or whatever) to you and your bro! I had an appointment with a second Solar firm yesterday and will have a third next week, then decide which one I will select. 


As to WikiTree, I responded to Steve Whitfield from the England Team and told him I would accept team leadership for Buckinghamshire. I will give it a try and see how I do. Steve mentioned that the Bucks site needed some ‘beefing up’ and I am going to add some history and notables from Bucks. I will also add a map of the shire so that members can see where Aston Clinton versus Aylesbury, etc. are located. BTW…the Aston Martin was named after the Aston Hill Climb near Aston Clinton where Lionel Martin and his partner achieved success with their ‘very special’ car (the name is Bond…James Bond). I was checking out some of this Aston Martin/Bond 007 history and found that several of the Bond films are on Prime. My very first date was Goldfinger followed up with Marc’s Big Boy burger that came with a salad that consisted of ¼ head of iceberg lettuce! I am going to see if I can get any of these Bond movies (especially Sean Connery and Roger Moore as Bond) on Prime and have them on for background sound as I do taxes. I am finishing up on the Whittens and will return to the Bucks Baldwins in a week or so. I also found out that I am a 9th cousin to both Kevin Bacon and Travis Kelce via Richard and Philippa (Corbman) Baldwin of Bucks!


Pip, as ever, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. Another week closer to seeing you! I also want to wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great third weekend of February 2024!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Carol, we bought insurance with our power company. Hence, their recommendation of an electrician. A nice partnership and worth what we pay each month for that insurance.
M, I only felt the burning in my shoulder. During the MRI, I kept my eyes closed (claustrophobia) and had ear plugs in.
Hi Carol

You poor thing having to do a full MRI of your spine. Thank goodness no Contrast. That stuff taste has an awful after taste.  

Those electricians sure like to charge you money don't they.  I guess we need them more that they need us. It is him and that hater guy, and the sad thing is I am good friends with his mama, you would think he would give me a discount. That was nice of your neighbor. The time our electric went out. Our neighbors didn't offer that service to us. If I could afford it I would get a generator.

Hey what kind of sensation do you get from contrast? Then again two valiums don't do anything for me I I can drive home afterwards.
TI have to take Valium
My husband and I recently went on a "Bond bender" and decided to watch ALL of them, I think we had to hop around on several streaming platforms but managed to catch all of them one way or another. Was definitely fun to see the adaptations in cinematography as well as what "cool" gadgets changed over the decades, plus the little details of how each actor portrayed Bond.
Hi Erin, first I have to tell you that my ASU faculty ID card ends in 007! I just checked and they aren't all on Netflix. You are correct. They are on several different streaming platforms. I just watched Oppenheimer last night (although I preferred it at the cinema on the big screen). So tonight I'll see what's free on Netflix. Sadly, I will have to watch them out of order.
At work I was 00Kevin, at the lake I am Kevinrude Smithville. Smithville being a lake north of Kansas City.
Wow, Cousin Carol, what a nightmare! Reading about you, Pip, and electrical stuff...Pluto may have been demoted to dwarf planet status, but do you think he might be partly responsible? Retrograde, maybe? ;P

Anyway, enjoy your visit with M, Robbie and Cindy!
Hi Cousin D, Usually this caca happens when Mercury is retrograde! But it's been direct for a couple of months. Maybe all that space junk floating in the heavens is a portend of e-gadget illness
Makes sense, Carol...but I checked a few days ago and yup...wasn't him!

The utility one stop shop is ok...as long as they deliver, and it sounds like that's not their strong suit.

T saved our gas company's local number from a random message on the answering machine, so he wouldn't have to suffer through the 800 exchange's interminable menu...
+17 votes

wink   This Week Enjoy a NEW Parody!   devil

Every Kind Of WikiPeep

  • Sung to the tune of Every Kind of People
  • First released in 1978 reaching No. 16
  • Re-mixed and re-released in 1992 reaching No. 8
  • Robert Allen Palmer (1949 - 2003)
  • WikiTree Profile of Robert Alen Palmer
    • Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the Music  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R686uRAzwIk

  • Click on the link and the music should play, then come back here and try to sing along
    • Or, open the link in a new window
  • Every Kind Of WikiPeep
  • To be the first to post each week
  • Keeps a "Peep" up on his feet
  • Postin' all his thoughts
  • Postin' pics of what he bought
  • Ooh, it takes every kinda WikiPeep
  • To make what Chat's about, yeah
  • Every kinda Wikipeep
  • From all the world around
  • Someone's looking for a lead
  • For his sources to a king or Stanley Sneed
  • Profilein' what he feels is right
  • Fights against wrong 'bout his life
  • There's no purpose to decieve
  • Honest Peeps know that'
  • Brick walls do not taste sweet
  • Whether yellow, black, or white
  • Each and every profile's the same inside
  • Ooh, it takes every kinda WikiPeep
  • To make what Chat's about, yeah
  • Every kinda Wikipeep
  • From all the world around
  • Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
  • D-doo, doo, doo, doo, dum, dum, dum, ooh-ooh
  • You know that love's our only goal
  • That could bring some peace to any soul, ooh
  • Hey, and every Peeps the same
  • Weekend Chat's the only game
  • Ooh, it takes every kinda WikiPeep
  • To make what Chat's about, yeah
  • Takes every kinda Wikipeep
  • From all the world around
  • Ooh, every kinda WikiPeep
  • To make what Chat's about, yeah
  • Takes every kinda Wikipeep
  • From all the world around
  • Takes every kinda Wikipeep

devilMore Weekend Chat Song Paodies >>>CLICK HERE<<<

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper

love Robert Palmer's music (am I dating myself again?). Another great parody, David. Thanks!!!

Another great song!
+19 votes

Top of the morning from ‘Little Dixie’. Today’s border lesson will focus on two different Quantrill associates. The first was 14 years of age at the start of the war. I don’t know much about him except his age and ancestors. In Quantrill’s rosters he is noted as Hines or Hind. His uncle, of the same name, married two of my 3x great aunts. James Overton Hinde. Several at the museum doubt this information despite James O Hinde’s Find s Grave memorial states he was a known Partisan Ranger in Quantrill’s band. He is also suspect in the Richmond bank robbery credited to Jesse James. History/Folklore?

  The next person of interest is 28 year old, Col Upton Hays. He led the charge for the Confederacy at the Battle of Lone Jack. In 1850, Hays went to the gold fields in California with his father. His father, Boone Hays, died from pneumonia during the trip. Upon his return, he worked as a farmer, wagon master and freight hauler. He was known to own one slave and manage six others for his mother-in-law, probably in the freighting business. A plausible yet unsourced speculation of mine is, he was familiar with one of the brothers, of the two Hunter brothers buried in the ’Six Man Cemetery ‘, who was found murdered prior to the Civil War. What are the chances two wagon master/ freighter working out of Westport in late 1850’s not being familiar with one another? This no doubt made him a target of harassment of abolitionist from Kansas prior to the outbreak of the civil war. At the outbreak of war, he enlisted with the Missouri State Guard. By Dec 1861, Hays’ home was burnt to the ground.

   The younger James Hinde and Upton Hays were both descendants of Daniel Boone. James was a double great and Upton a great grandson. Some may not be aware that when Daniel Boone left Kentucky for  Missouri, it was still the Louisiana territory under Spain’s control. Spain awarded several acres to Boone based on his notoriety and fame. In essence, Boone left the United States and moved west into Spanish controlled territory after his land had been wrangled away from him by people using the legal system. Boone’s land agreement was honored by France when Spain ceded the territory to France. In 1803, Boone once again lost his land back to the Federal government of the United States as the United States did not recognize previous land agreements prior to the Louisiana Purchase. Could that motivate a mistrust or maybe even a hatred of the federal system?

  As I dug a little deeper into their common past, it is plausible that Boone Hays and his boys traveled to California with or met up with James Hinde’s uncle, Edmund C Hinde, who was a known adventurer, gold prospector and historian. After Thomas Spotswood Hinde died, his son in law, Charles H Constable, gathered many of his writings, along with his father’s, Thomas Spotswood Hinde, and gave them to one, historian  Lyman Draper, who donated them to  the Wisconsin  Historical Society. In researching the Hinde family, I learned that the Hinde family were neighbors to Daniel Boone’s family in Newport Kentucky. The younger of the two James Hinde’s was also a great great grandson of Thomas Hinde who was Patrick Henrys physician and personal acquaintance of the likes of George Washington and Edmund Pendleton.


   On a side note, Thomas Spotswood Hinde opposed slavery from a young age, although he received all the benefits associated from his fathers success as a planter. Later in life, Thomas is described as an abolitionist. Hinde’s son in law, Charles Constable, argued a case against one time close friend, Abraham Lincoln. In 1847, Lincoln argued for the return of runaway slaves to their owners and Constable argued for their freedom. . This is stated in Charles Constables Wikipedia page. (Matson Trial) Wikipedia page, it is noted that Lincoln argued the case against Orlando Ficklin. Again, history depends on which Wikipedia profile you read.

by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (380k points)

That is neat stuff and thank you for sharing!  We have talked about Lyman Draper and his "Draper Papers" some of which were written to find the real story behind the likes of Daniel Boone and others. I don't think I ever found that he was my family. However, on my Draper Stories by the Draper Family free space page, he is listed, but I seem to have stopped short of connecting him to my family!surprise

Lyman Draper Wikipedia

Is Spotswood a variation of Spottiswood? There are a bunch of Spottiswoods, intertwined with my DH's family in Renfrew county, Ontario, Canada, in the Ottawa area.
K, you find the most fascinating stories about the people in your area. I gotta had it to you: your research is masterful. Ever thought about writing a book?
T Spotswood Hinde's father Thomas was the patriarch of the Hinde family in America. I found him hiding at the end of a rabbit hole. I have not looked into T Spotswood's connections through his wife, yet.
Pip, I'm a boy scout at heart. I plan on leaving this world less cluttered than I found it. For those that know where I've been, there will be bread-crumbs; so thought Hansel and Gretel.

Off topic, the Truman Library has a taped interview with one of Harry's known acquaintances, childhood friend and family friend. Makes me wonder if Harry and he attended Quantrill reunions together with their parents? It is a known fact that Harry did. He served in WWI with 'give 'em hell Harry'. After the war, Harry set him up in the Park Dept as superintendent and later the Postmaster in Independence. He was the older of the two mentioned James Overton Hinde's (there are 5 by the same name) grandson, Edgar G Hinde. My 2c2r. From the patriarch who knew Geo Washington and his son's son in law, who was friends with Lincoln, to a great grandson who was friends with Harry makes for a complicated explanation of history. I almost forgot T Spotswood Hinde's other son, Charles T., he is photographed with and noted as friend of William Taft. I hate the cut and dried version of history that is taught, I mean was taught.
Pip, two years ago BWT- before WikiTree- I had no idea who the Hinde family was. I had never been to the Lone Jack Museum. I knew the name of my 3rd ggf but, not his wife. Genealogy and history collided before my very eyes. Willis Rigby Smith and his wife, Elizabeth Woodford Taylor started what has been a fascinating plethora of discovery. If not for James Overton Hinde, I would have eventually encountered Thomas Hinde as he married my 5th great aunt in 1767. He had extensive contact with my 4th ggf,  his daughter's father in law, Hubbard Taylor in Newport Ky. Weird science indeed!
I loved that story, I will have to have my sister she will enjoy it.
My hope is to shine some light on facts that are purposely omitted by those who recorded 'known' history. In watching a historical account about Daniel Boone the other day, it indicated that Squire Boone was ostracized by the church because Daniels brother and sister 'married out'. I've read other accounts that Daniel and his brother had married their pregnant girlfriends. Birth records indicate the latter is more factual than that which was portrayed in the movie/documentary. Glad you enjoyed!
+22 votes

Hails and horns, Wikipeeps! 

I'm back and mostly fully functional. I tell ya that Covid does not play. At least things are finally somewhat back to normal after a lot of rest, medicine and general care. 10/10 would not recommend. Do not want. So, be careful out there!

I did manage to squeeze out two genealogy blogs as promised. So, now I am caught up on that front. All I have to do now is the comic. Here are the blogs!

Earning a living at a shop that doesn't exist any more: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2024/02/52-ancestors-week-6-earning-living.html

Everyone has a different immigration story: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2024/02/52-ancestors-week-7-immigration.html

Check those out! 

Obviously not much happened on the genealogy front. Spent most of the past week or so recovering and watching videos. I'll catch up on that stuff soon. I did, however, add a couple profiles I've been meaning to add but never got around to adding them. Added Louis Blasi, my 2nd cousin 2x removed and his wife.

I want to say I remember seeing him at my grandma Ollie's house. I don't know if it was him or his son. Both have the same name. AND one of them wrote cards to Ollie. No idea who was who. But, hey we got him on the site. 

Not much else to report. I hope everyone is doing well. Stay safe! It's windy out there!

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (784k points)

My understanding is a note was pinned to the clothing with from and to listed along with age of person being shipped and name of person to pick up the package.

children sent to US as a package from foreign country 1800s - Search Videos (bing.com)

I just found out, that I’ve been sick all week with Covid myself. Glad to hear your in the road to recovery
@ Carol: Yeah. Nolan has a thing for music just like J.J. Abrams has a thing for lens flare. Never been a fan of the Nolan Batman movies anyway. Sure Batman is supposed to be grim. But, his Batman is just....wow.... I like Burton's better. Hope you are feeling better now!

@ Laura: Of course. I should've known. LOL.

@ Paul: Thanks, Paul. It's a crazy virus. I hope you feel better!

@Chris F...I actually liked the first two of Nolan's Batman films. I was not nuts about the 3rd...way too dark and did not like the 'heavy.' I don't know why I should feel this way because I love Martin Scorsese's films, but talk about death and dark...e.g., The Departed! My all time favorite director is Akira Kurosawa. I got into his films when I lived in Japan. Naturally, three of my faves are Yojimbo, Seven Samurai and Ikiru. It was interesting to see how Seven Samurai was turned into Magnificent Seven and Yojimbo into the Italian version Fistful of Dollars. Toshiro Mifune's niece was one of my students when I taught on Okinawa. 

@Chris F...and speaking of directors' quirks, I have great difficulty watching Baz Luhrmann films because of his overuse of EXTREME closeups! Yuk!
@ Carol: Gotta love directors adding their spin on things. Some are good like Jonathan Frakes. But, others...they just go way out there. Like M. Night Shamalan.

I do like some Scorcese movies. Gangs of New York was cool.

The first two Nolan Batman movies were decent. The third was a wee bit heavy.

But, every director is different. I guess that's part of why people see some movies. Btw, never agreed on how Michael Bay handled the Transformers. That was just....bad. Bumblebee was a step in the right direction.
Glad you're on the mend, Cousin Chris! A pity that those who are the most careful seem to have the worst symptoms. :(

@Carol, the music in Nolan's films: we were just talking about this on the Appalachia Discord server! Probably best to run the closed captioning from now on, eh?
@D Armistead, It's not that the music is loud, it's just chronic throughout the film. It's rather disconcerting. To be honest, I would not need closed caption if I wore my hearing aids!
Carol, not familiar with Luhrmann. How close are the closeups? Sergio Leone close? Or up the left nostril close? ;)

One of the Discordians was complaining that they couldn't hear the dialogue (i.e. quiet one on one exchanges) for the music...

D...I never found Leone's films to be that 'obtrusive', but I only saw his 'Spaghetti Westerns'. Watch Moulin Rouge and Australia. Luhrmann's film editing strikes me as more that a bit 'frenetic' as well. I noticed this in Elvis, but it is apparent in the two other films I just mentioned. 

+21 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's been happening here? Weather! We have snow, for the first time in several weeks it snowed, yesterday it snowed for most of the afternoon, we have about 2 inches/5 cm of snow on the ground, not a big deal for this time of the year and nothing in comparison to what has fallen in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia in the past week, where about 150cm or almost 5 feet of snow has fallen in the past week. Many roads on Canada’s east coast are still not plowed. 

WikiTree and family history: I have been struggling with the Morris family of Alton all week and I think I have finally got them sorted out. The family including parents Edward Morris and Elizabeth and several children arrived in Canada before April 1833 when 4 of their children were baptised by an itinerant minister on the same date in the same place. Those records include the parents’ names and the children’s birth dates for Martha, John, Joseph and Amelia ranging from 1819-1826. There are also baptism records for several children of Edward and Elizabeth Morris between 1810 and 1828 in Shropshire, England in the same parish where the parents were married. In that time all children were required to be baptised in the Anglican/Church of England religion regardless of their actual faith. 

It seems that they did have other children, Edward, Mary I'm sure of and maybe a William.

It has been difficult to decide which of the various people with the last name of Morris on the 1851 census (the first census) in Caledon township are the children of Edward and Elizabeth. I think I have finally found a clue. The parents Edward and Elizabeth were members of the Methodist New Connexion Church, which was quite unusual in 1850s, Canada West. It seems likely that census records for people with the last name of Morris in Caledon township and who have Methodist New Connexion as their religion are the sons and daughters of Edward and Elizabeth. The only people with Methodist New Connexion as their religion on the 1851 census for Caledon township have the last name Morris. 

Does that make sense as a way to identify the adult children of Edward and Elizabeth? 

What else: The travel packing list is printed! I need to go to the library to find a book or 2 to bring with me, for reading on the plane and for bedtime stories.

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (758k points)
M, when I go on trips, even local appointments, I always bring a book (or two), and on long trips I end up buying books at my destination. I think I have about three or four books bought in Tucson!
+21 votes
Good Friday Morning to All!

I missed the chat last week but did not have much to report or did not want to report. I had seen my retina surgeon for a check-up that turned into much more - news I did not want to hear. I need another retina surgery on my right eye. He agreed to see me again in May and schedule the surgery then. Thinking about it more, I am requesting the appointment in March and surgery around the first of April. I do not want to take a chance on the issue causing an irreversible problem. I will most likely miss the April Thon but since my vision has dimmed some, that might not be a bad thing.

On to more uplifting items, I presented a DNA program to my local genealogy group. It was very well attended and received. Then I held a small group meeting on Tuesday of this week to help newbies learn how to start their trees, join a site to store their trees and the perks of the DNA companies. We plan to have more of these small gatherings to help with DNA and building trees.

Meanwhile, I have been working more on my own DNA and doing more research - yes actual research - on my Clarke line in the 1790's through the 1840's. Lots of digging left to do!

Oh, and I can't forget the highlight of the week - Yeah Chiefs!!! We are so excited. Our step-grandson is on their practice squad so we have a vested interest there. We were also saddened by the parade event that had nothing to do with the team itself. Sad state of affairs.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and wonderful week ahead!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

Union Station makes history again for being shot up by gangsters. Kansas City Massacre and “Pretty Boy” Floyd — FBI   GO CHIEFS, 3peat!

Ginny, I really hope that all turns out well with the retina surgery. And, yes, the early the better, even if you miss the thon.

Congrats to the Chiefs! What an ending!
Congrats goes out top your chiefs!! I didn't watched instead I decided to work on a Civil War Profile.

One day I will have to look for a video on how the DNA works when connecting to family. I understand the basics but after that my minds starts wonderings given my ADHD.
I support them in spirit only. I pay my taxes in protest for paying for a facility so multi-millionaires can make more money. I was cooking wings most of the first half.
Sending good mojo for your surgery, Ginny. Best to take care of those things sooner than later.

@K, I didn't know who won until the next morning. Too busy watching my PBS Masterpiece shows!
+22 votes
Aloha from Lincoln, Nebraska

I know I haven’t been around much lately. Just the joys of work, family, and life. As well as music. I haven’t done much recently at all genealogy related.

Then I had a thought recently. While I was talking to my kids about what they were like as toddlers. Nobody alive today. Knew me very well as a toddler. I hear funny stuff about my wife as a young kid. From her family on occasion. But other than what my sisters and brother, all younger know. Nobody, not even I. Really know crap about me as a young child. So, I think I’m going to have to start filling out some memories on people in my tree. Even if it’s something small. Like always had a great story. Or maybe their house always smelled like cookies when we visited. Just little things. Because I see so many profiles without anything for memories.

Anyhow, my music is doing ok. Apparently a few people seem to enjoy Hawaiian death metal. I’ve even got shirts!  I’m about to start working on new music. I had four months without recording equipment. Because my old stuff finally broke. It was more expensive to try to get it repaired than just replace it. Anyway, that’s about all I’ve been up to. Oh, and I bought my son his first guitar. Age 11 and he’s already trying to play like me. He learns super fast. Also, since he got the guitar at Christmas. His grades have had a dramatic improvement. His ability to concentrate as well as just having patience also seem to have gotten better.
by Paul Kreutz G2G6 Pilot (130k points)
How do I get my 4x Hawaiian death metal tee?
There are two styles. The one that’s two sided print. Has the cover art on the front and Pure Hawaiian Death Metal on the back is $30. The other design is one sided and has a Night Marcher on the front with the band logo and say’s Huaka’i Po on the bottom. That one is $26. That’s the prices for the 2x-5x with shipping included. There are pictures of them on my YouTube channel. I go through a guy that runs This Sith Lords Merch on Facebook. He handles all that stuff for me.

Hey Cousin Paul!  My family trecked between Omaha and Dawson Nebraska!  Dawson was founded by my 2nd great uncle, William Fountain Draper 1838-1889.  The Villiage of Dawson is still legally named "Noraville" after Lenora Draper, William's wife.  Long story short:  There was no post office in his newly incorporated town, and Joshua Dawson moved "his" post office at his mill into the town, then convinced the US Posmaster not to change the name. So, technically, it was the Dawson Post Office in the Town of Noraville...which didn't fly, and huge fight between the all the folks in the area...mainly Draper's vs Everybody...we lost!surprise  Today, it you buy property there...It still has to say "Noraville" on the title!

Welcome back, Paul!

Come to think of it, I have no one left to ask about my childhood either! Mom would have been the last one to know, but I was more intent on asking about other people related to us than myself. It's a shame, I could have gotten so much more information.

Great news on the kid and his guitar and the effect it has on his schoolwork!
Dang, I just learned some Nebraska histor
Pip, I’m really proud of my son man. He didn’t believe me when I told him the benefits of learning music. He just thought it made you cool. It’s also boosting his confidence in a lot of areas
Just watched some of your videos. Now if you get some palm pedals for your bridge and bend some of those notes....Hawiian Death Metal Blues? You would be the first, the one, the only! I don't usually buy stuff online but, I'll have to figure it out I guess.
I could probably add some bends. I do a few of those. Normally when I make the squeals from the artificial harmonics. So far, no one else that I know of is doing Hawaiian themed death metal. Hopefully I’m a trend setter. I can’t promise the leaves. They’re not readily available in Nebraska
Have you ever been to a Cigar Box Festival? It's more about the instruments than the genre played. I'm amazed by the sound a three or four string homemade guitar can produce and I've never heard anyone do death metal on one. I'm sure it's not your thing but, check out some Dread Zepplin. A cheesy Elvis impersonator doing Led Zepplin tunes with a Reggae beat. I slip one of the songs into a playlist just to see different reactions. No two reactions are the same. I'd bet Death Metal would have a similar effect at festival setting.
I have not been to one yet. I’ve thought about checking one out. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that I played a historical blues bar. Here in Lincoln called The Zoo Bar. I was I. The first of any style of metal band to play their stage. A lot of the regulars were there for the entire show. When I let my vocals out I. To the microphone during soundcheck. I think a couple of old dudes needed to check their pacemakers. It was a fun time.
We talked about the Zoo the first time we chatted. I was wondering how crowded it got because Knucklheads is so crowded now that it's lost the appeal, for me anyway. Drunks stepping on you, spilling beer on you and talking over the music. Justin Johnson is on my bucket list for cigar box. Check him out with your kid on you tube, he can make a diddly bow rock. Pretty impressive.
+22 votes
Hello WT from Interlaken

The weather is just wrong. February should be the coldest month, but its about spring already. Too warm, and the snow disappears even in the mountains over 2000m!

Yesterday we went to an excursion in the 'new' (since 2013) main Library of the University of Berne. The event was organised by the GHGB, which is the Genelogical Heraldic Association Bern. The guide in the library was our WT-member I.Caruso so I had the opportunity to meet her and we talked in German, before we only had contact by mail in English. We think it would be good to arrange a meeting of the Swiss based WT'ers. We will look how it can be arranged. I.Caruso and my wife are 8th cousins! A few years ago we visited the 'old' university library, organised by the same genealogical club. Thinking, that the Swiss are keeping their historical names for the places and streets is not in general: The Library in the Kesslergasse (since 1967 Münstergasse) was called Stadt und Hochschulbibliothek, that has been changed to Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek, some years later into Zentralbibliothek and now its called Bibliothek Münstergasse. Maybe they keep this name a bit longer now. I like libraries, my first attempt to find a job in Switzerland was the National Library (Landesbibliothek), no success in the 1970s they only took Swiss Citizens, no chance for a Dutchman (next month I have also the Swiss nationality for 20 years). So I went to work in a bookshop and never made big jumps outside the bookworld, bookseller, salesmanager at a publisher, wholesale, just books and media.

My genealogical activity is still focussed on increasing my CC7. Because of changes in the CC7 app for privacy reasons it is a bit harder to find the profiles where parents, children or siblings are missing, but I found another way to get the information.

I enjoy the WT-world and meeting other WT-ers in Switzerland makes it more valuable.
by Klaas Jansen G2G6 Mach 5 (50.3k points)
Hi Klaas, How cool to meet another wikitreer in real life! I would for sure enjoy that too. I think you should go with the idea to have a meetup with Swiss based wikitreers!

In Sweden we have had snow, rain, snow, rain and today mild spring weather.
Maria: and she, the guide, came dressed with a WikiTree T-Shirt. Really good.

We had about 1 week real winter.
Sometimes, those4 kind of excursion are the best. When I get a little bit better I want to go top one of the Family Search Libraries. lol It is sad when you a trip to a library a big excursion.

Weather has been off and on like typical Ohio the past few years. Not much snow but enough to get salt trucks out to scrap up the roads to mess them up again. You would think they would come up with a better method by now.
+17 votes

Checking in from Bloomington, Illinois USA where we are having a blizzard?  OMG!  Last week I almost had to mow the yard! 27F and snowing!

Home Front:  Son Steve flew in from California and has been here all week.  He works at RIVAN, can work remotely from California, but since he is here, I take him out to the plant everyday and drop him off at the front door!  Amazing Place! If I could find a place to park I could go inside and look around the main lobby.  (RIVAN makes Electric Powered Trucks and Cars) and Amazon Delivery Vans.  My son is the Lead IT guy!  Right now he is working 18 hour days!surprise  Seriously, I take him to work, drop him off at by 9am, he gets aride home by 5pm, goes into my office sets up his laptop and works all evening on stuff.  I woke up at 2am this morning, he is still on his lap top!  4 hours of sleep and he is back at the plant! He is going to burn out!

My Son Tim and his family are arriving from New Jersey, (should be here now at 11:30am Friday, getting concerned, texted hem, no reply)  So, we we will have a FULL HOUSE.  We moved our15 year old grand daughter to the basement where she can help baby sit the 3year old "Twins" during the visit!

Tomorrow (Saturday) Morning, we take Family Pictures. Then Saturday night is our granddaughter's (same one that is staying with us) High School Graduation Party! (she is still 15 years old! 

The Book:  Well, I got into a writer's block situation, but the last two days I can't stop writing.  Beta Readers Wanted, but it wont be until March you can start beta reading!  I have not had time to put a trailer on a free space page yet!

Genealogy: I'm in the February 1 K club with 1286 contributions!  During the writer's block episode, I got busy in WikiTree.  

Update: My New Jersey family are in Champain, IL 50 miles away, but Interstate 74 is closed, so they are takin two lane highway between Champain and Bloomington...There must have been a big wreck on I-74 this morning!surprise

Have a great chat!  Thanks Pip for all you do!  WikiTree Hugs and Love to everyone!heart

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
Sound like you been busy, and I do hope you have a great time with your family. Your granddaughter  graduating already? Wow! She must be so excited.

You book does sound interesting can't wait till it comes out. I am not the best reader but I will take a wack at it. Right now I am rereading  "The Girl that Dared series" by Bella Forrest it is a teenage Dystopia. Kind of similar to the Hunger Games.

Writer's block is not fun used to get it all the time, when I worked and had to write reports of my clients I worked with. One of the reasons I quit/fired I could not keep up with the writing of the reports. Glad I am done with those days.  

Have a good one
+19 votes
Hello all - new to the the site but I've already received some great help (shout out to Siegfried Keim [Keim-806] ).

I'm new to genealogy research. I was initially amazed and happy that so much work had been "done" for me by others on Ancestry but then realized... things didn't look quite right (and... they weren't). No one had dug far enough to find my 1st and 2nd great-grandparents and just shoehorned them into another Behrens family from... the wrong city in Germany.

Now I'm a bit obsessed and definitely getting that sense of satisfaction (dopamine hit?) that comes with filling in a piece of the puzzle.

As for me, I'm native to the northeastern US with German and Norwegian heritage, although there's supposedly some Welsh somewhere along the line.

My roots in the US are fairly shallow: 2nd generation on one side; 3rd on the other.

Cold and sunny where I am right now, with snow on the ground. Trying to convince myself to go out for a walk!
by Anonymous Behrens G2G1 (1.5k points)
edited by Anonymous Behrens
One thing I love about this site. Is that almost every interaction with someone. Has been positive. I truly mean that. Yes I have had a couple less friendly interactions. Or I interpreted it as such. Because of the way some people type. But this site has been great. A lot of people have helped me get better at researching.
Thanks! Yes, it seems like a good place find people with whom to share my newfound interest in genealogy!
Welcome to the group!. I think Ancestry has done it to us all. That and several other sites. I use those for guides and then look for where they got their information.

A walk does sound nice, but first I got to get off the walker I am using. I am four weeks post-surgery and know and everyone keeps telling me to slow down.

Nice to meet you

+20 votes
Here in Everett, Washington, I will wait for the frost to melt from the car before I shop for necessary items.

In the meantime I have laid out a Baby Blocks quilt on which I did hard work yesterday to make it lie flat without rippling. I have had this project in the pipeline for years, finally asked some advice, and was told to shorten the side edges by judiciously redoing the seam allowance. Now it is flat with only minor ripples, and ready for top and bottom borders. It's all in shades of purple, with a 3-D effect. Lovely image, but so much work.

Daughter received notification that her health coverage will be cancelled unless she sends an income statement within the month. I am paying health coverage out of pocket for both of them, who are over age 26 and can no longer be claimed as dependents, but are not working. I don't like the situation, but I would be in their situation myself if I were their age.

It looks like we will be taking the dog with us when we travel to Oregon next month by van. Information about reservations at motels that accept pets, or pets within carriers, must be sought. Daughter understands, I think, that having the dog with us need not crimp her style. She wants to ride a dune buggy at Florence and think of Paul Atrades (spelling?). I want to visit places where my ancestors lived. Husband wants to get away from work. Son will do whatever it is we decide.

My drinking buddy gave me a slip from her ancient Christmas cactus and I will repot it in the spring.

Yesterday while checking my connection to Swift/Kelce, I added a few profiles to help the path for others. Regarding Kelce, I discovered that the connection is through my father's brother's wife. I looked up my father's brother's wife's sister and discovered an obituary, so I added that information. Then I started on my father's brother's wife's sister's husband and discovered that I had the wrong birthplace for him. I have started doing his ancestors and found they were Jewish immigrants to New York City in the 1880s. The CC7 count is starting to rise again.

Tonight we go to Stations of the Cross at 7 pm and will possibly eat out. There's a good fish place near church called The Hook.

Best to all of you. We receive the ashes on Sunday.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (328k points)
Margaret, is baby blocks the same as tumbling blocks?  Yes, complicated.
Hi Margaret Love the sound of your quilt.
Shades of purple sounds quite beautiful
Husband just took a photo and posted it to his Facebook page. I attached lavender borders, 12" top and bottom, and laid it on the floor to see if it would lie flat. It did, and then dog Billy came and laid on it in the sphinx position. He test drives nearly all my quilts. Husband thought dog on quilt was cute. It will need a strip across the center of each border in a contrasting shade of purple.
+21 votes

Virtual Vacation!

In October 2013 my mum wanted to go to England to visit with an old friend Pat who was not well. I went with my mum to be the chauffeur and to look after my mum who was not at all well. Pat and her family had been close friends of my family since my earliest memories. 

My parents met at Birmingham University in Warwickshire, England, Pat and her to be husband Harry also attended Birmingham university. My dad was studying medicine and became a doctor, my mum studied zoology and became a teacher, Pat became a librarian and Harry became (I think) a nuclear physicist. I know that he worked for a year or 2 at a nuclear research facility not too far from New York City in about 1962-63. It might have been Brookhaven National Laboratory as I know they lived on Long Island.

Pat was in a nursing home just outside Chester. 

Chester is a fascinating city in northwest England, it started off as a Roman fortress in the 1st century A.D. Chester has the most complete city walls, the oldest racecourse and the largest Roman Amphitheatre in Britain, plus a 1000 year old Cathedral with Europe's finest example of medieval carvings.

My mum and and the tomb of Bishop Pearson (1612/1613–1686) this is his 19th-century effigy tomb, he is on the top, I don't know who the other people are on the sides


This is the nave.


What looked like a pulpit in a side chapel turned out to be a Consistory Court which is where the chancellor ruled on church legal issues such as wills and probate plus libel, witchcraft and heresy and parishioners who did not attend church. It is the only remaining such court in England and was built in the 16th century


Don't we all wish for detailed information on old memorials.


One of the most fascinating and unique parts of Chester is the Rows. These 700 year old two-tiered timber-framed galleries line the main streets of the city, the space includes lots of restaurants, galleries and fancy shops.

A perfumers shop.


These buildings are part of the Rows, the second floor is a open air hallway, where you can walk along the shops, galleries and restaurants without getting wet.


We visited the cathedral and walked through the old city centre, then had coffee with Pat in a quite fancy restaurant in the Rows. I have no idea what the name of the restaurant was, and it has probably changed in the past 10 years, but I can pick it out on one of the photos. These pics were all taken on 25 October 2013 by me, the weather was miserable probably about 7C and nonstop drizzle, that’s why we had to have coffee to warm up.


We didn’t have time to visit the Roman walls, and neither my mum or Pat were well enough to walk around in the cold and drizzle. My mum on the left and Pat on the right, both of them are now dead.


Next time we go to England, maybe next year, Chester is definitely on our places to visit list. We can walk where the Roman Legionnaires marched, where the Viking raiders created havoc and the Norman invaders conquered Anglo Saxons.

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (758k points)

The best picture you ever posted (in my honest opinion) is the picture of the PENHALIGON'S sign!  Now that is a SIGN! That is old school craftsmanship, the kind of signs we made!heartheartheartheart can't love it enough!heartheartheartheart

Thank you David, however I doubt it is original!

This one is original, in a pub in Prestonpans, Scotland. Perhaps it doesn't qualify as a sign as it is wrought iron on the wall?


Lovely post.  Chester was recently voted (by a team of mathematicians) the most beautiful city in the world. I was really surprised. 

Those pictures are lovely. Penhaligon's is gorgeous. 

I can't afford to shop at Penhaligon's!

Nor can I, and never could. But it's fun to window-shop. laugh

Hi M, I am late in responding because I am not up to feeling snuff since yesterday. I love any of the VV's that you take in GB because I really enjoy my travels there and you give me different places to visit! I know that Chester is near Liverpool (I was in Chester VERY briefly in 1987), but the name Penhaligon souds SO Cornwall! Is this a family name from Cornwall, do you know?

I think the photo of your Mum and Pat is so endearing and a really treasure given that the are both dead. These types of photos keep our ancestry alive! So precious.

I would definitely join you on the Roman trek! What wonderful history. One thing I recall is our tour of Hadrian's wall in 1987. That history is amazing! Thank you for this lovely tour of Chester with you, your Mum and Pat.

See you and Robbie soon!
I'll email later! After I finish last minute laundry.
Oh wow. Those [pictures are amazing. I loved the architect of the church it is beautiful. It is amazing that they were able to build a church like that back then.
+20 votes
Busy Week here in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. Worked on checking on all the profiles I have worked on, created, etc since January 1. A host to add to my 16 for 16 notes, but a good many I see need more work such as parents, siblings spouses and children.

As a Caregiver of 3, I had fun visiting doctors for 2 of the three. Now we have a date for my adopted brother to see the Cardio-surgeon on Wednesday the 21st. Hopefully soon he has the triple-bypass they spoke of.  

However the weather hasn't decided to be really nice. Rain, fog, cold, snow down close but not here, high winds and more rain. LOL

Valentine's Day was this week. I had 4 of us from my Rogue Social's Group meet at a Winery, to enjoy Cheese Flights and Chocolate Flights. So met one of my new members and looks like a lot of fun ahead with her and the group, which now is at 80 members. Talked about some zip-lining this coming spring. Saw three musical groups last weekend. Tonight a new group to me is called the 33 Strings, folk-bluegrass and some early rock. Then two more bands, one Saturday and one Sunday. Again new bands for me, so checking them out.

Unfortunately more cold, wet weather forecast this next week. However not as bad as where my adopted brother is from, being that of Boston and Cambridge MA. I think they received either 11 or 18 inches of snow last night. We have 30 new inches at Crater Lake National Park. That is in addition to the supposed 90 inches already received. Hope none of you plan to go there this week.
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (250k points)
Well, I sent the snow north and south of me and we got the rain. So you got the snow. :) Did you enjoy it?  I love listening to folk and blue-grass music. the especially when you hear music back in hills of West Virginia. It is nice they keep some of that old traditional music around.
+18 votes
Happy Weekend, WikiTree Cousins!

Weather today here in north Georgia is overcast and it's supposed to get colder this weekend but not too drastic. We've really had a fairly mild winter here except for one really cold spell.

My son had some dizziness, blurred vision, and high blood pressure on Tuesday. The nurse where he works sent him to the ER and he was admitted to the hospital. They did some tests which all came back okay. He was better within 24 hours and they discharged him without a real diagnosis. They changed his blood pressure medicine two weeks ago to one which contained a diuretic so he thinks he may have been dehydrated. He'll have a follow-up visit with his regular doctor soon.

Other personal life: Fairly unexciting. Internet has been working better this week. Monday. I stayed home except for going to weigh-in at my weight loss support group. I wasn't feeling terrific so I didn't stay for the meeting. I wasn't sick--just tired feeling. Felt fine and went to my "vestibular physical therapy" on Tuesday. Then celebrated a friend's birthday at lunch. Ate out for Valentine's Day on Wednesday lunch then went to church supper and Bible study that evening. Dental cleaning and check-up on Thursday--no cavities! Today we had haircuts and met friends for lunch. No big plans for the weekend.

Genealogy: Mostly routine stuff. Going through my anniversary list and doing some bio improvement. Adding spouses and/or children, if needed. I said I would help with the USBH 1880 Census project but I haven't started that yet.

Hope you all have a terrific weekend!
by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (577k points)
Hey Nelda Hope your son is ok. It does sound like dehydration. I keep meaning to look at my anniversary list but never seem to get to it

Hope you have a great weekend too
I am glad to hear your son is doing better. It is no fun going to ER and spending 6 -8 hours waiting for the doctor to tell you what is wrong. or just give you two Tylenol and tell you to visit your doctor.
+16 votes

On this day:

1279: The Portuguese King Afonso III. dies

1785: The French Chemist Antoine Lavisier achieves the separation of water into hydrogen and oxygen

1940: The Royal Navy entered the German ship Altmark

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Hi Jelena, I will go with Antoice Lavisier given that one of the first chemical symbols I learned in grade school was H2O!

Thanks Jelena, I'll go with all of them. smiley

+17 votes

Hi All!

On the genealogy front, I am back to RAWKing & doing the USCW Connection Challenge. 4 of the 5 RAWKees are my cousins & while my cc7 has gone up, it went down too as I took care of a rather large weevil on my gggg-mother's Profile. The mother her profile said was hers wasn't; it was her step-mother. Eletha's mother died sometime, but not too long after she was born. So, I lost about as many as I had gained.

On the Professional front; things, they are a popping & a buzzing!

Добрый вечер, спокойной ночи, доброе утро, добрый день, добрый день. Где бы вы ни находились, будьте осторожны.
Dobryy vecher, spokoynoy nochi, dobroye utro, dobryy den', dobryy den'. Gde by vy ni nakhodilis', bud'te ostorozhny.

by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
Hi Pat those weevils can be annoying but it's good to get them sorted and out of the way
+16 votes
Hello! from south Texas!  Weird weather these days; we've had quite a warm spell, but should have a light freeze tomorrow night.  Then up into the 80's (F) next week!  The plants are totally confused.

On the genealogy front, we're getting ready for the March/April Civil War Challenge -- we'll be creating profiles for soldiers who died at Vicksburg and are buried in the National Cemetery there.  And I also -- because, hey, always need more projects, right?  *headdesk* -- signed up to help the USBH project with their 1880 census project.  That's going to be a long one!

Hope everyone stays warm/cool (as the case may be), healthy, and safe.  Happy ancestor hunting!
by Nan Starjak G2G6 Pilot (387k points)
Hi Nan sounds like you're going to be busy. I have trouble saying no too (lol)

I'm glad I'm not the only one!  I keep saying "no more projects," and then something comes along that I just can't resist.  cheeky

+16 votes
Hello, from rainy/sleety Kentucky!! We might even wake up to some snow on the ground tomorrow. It was nice all week and the weekend is cold.  I'm so over the cold! At least it's a good excuse to stay inside and do genealogy!!
by Judith Fry G2G6 Mach 8 (86.5k points)
+15 votes
Hello All. I have been working on reducing my watchlist and have it down to 5504. Would have been more but a few connecting challenges both formal and informal caught my fancy and I ended up creating a few profiles. But I did connect quite a few profiles and profile groups to the main tree so it is an improvement.
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (457k points)
Hi Darren Montevideo Maru wouldn't be one of those challenges would it? lol
And a Super Bowl challenge and a need connection G2G post and the Data Doctors challenge. And probably some other Shiney challenges.
+14 votes
Thanks for hosting, Pip.  It's been quite a while since I posted to the Weekend Chat.  I hope everyone has been doing well here in the interim.

The weather in New Hampshire has been windy lately, and there have been a couple small storms that have passed through.  Thankfully, it looks like the wind will be decreasing and the forecast should be storm-free for the next several days.  I don't have any big weekend plans, but the clear weather means I should be able to attend a local coin show on Sunday morning.  It's held on the third Sunday of every month but sometimes it's not practical to attend when the weather is rough this time of year.

As far as genealogy goes, I've been working on odds and ends this month.  I'll probably do more work on my CC7, as my growth has been modest since I passed the 5k milestone in December.
by Greg Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (375k points)
Hey Greg 5k on your CC7 wow. I just got my 1k.
The coin show sounds interesting, are you a collector?
I am a collector of foreign coins.  Coin shows are useful for building my collection beyond what is available at my father's coin shop.  It's also good for window shopping some items that are outside of what I typically collect or are beyond my price range.
Cool sounds fascinating. My sister and I collected a full set of Australian coins (post decimal) for one of my nieces years ago. She had never seen some of them as they are no longer in circulation

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