Advice before editing this pre-1700 Davis profile?

+3 votes

I have information to contribute to the profile of John Davis. This is what I can add:

  • Y-DNA chart showing my 5 step genetic distance match with another Y-DNA tester. His direct line goes through Samuel Davis (John Son) mine goes through his son James Davis.

These are the sources I am using:

Should I contact one of the pre-1700 projects or know about any style guidelines before proceeding? Thank you!

WikiTree profile: John Davis
in Genealogy Help by Daryl Davis G2G Crew (550 points)
retagged by T Stanton
I'm not part of the DNA Project but generally speaking we do not add those types of charts to profiles in WikiTree.

Personal opinion only, but WikiTree is very conscious about disclosing any actual DNA information...meaning SNP alleles (other than stating a haplogroup designation) and STR comparative repeats. Depending upon what the chart shows, it may be a privacy guidelines issue here.

Barring that, I see no reason that some explanative detail shouldn't be added under a == Research Notes == section.

However, if the comparison is using STRs only and there are only two men being compared, the results at that genetic distance (assuming that when you say a 5-step distance you mean a GD of 5 using FTDNA's infinite allele model) might not be all that useful. And the relative value of the GD count will depend upon how many STRs are being evaluated. For example, a GD4 isn't reported as match at the 37-marker level; at 67 markers up to a GD7 is reported; at 111 markers up to a GD10 is reported. That I personally feel those levels are a bit too lenient doesn't matter.

By way of example--and referencing a different branch of R-P312--in one mature DNA project we have with almost 25 Big Y test-takers, there are several members at GD5 at 111 markers that we absolutely known did not share a common ancestor before circa 900 CE, and others who should date to around 1600 and are only one branch different on the phylotree.

Daryl, I don't know if the other descendant of John Davis is also Big Y tested like you are, but if so I believe combining the STR and SNP data would make a much more compelling case than an STR GD5 alone. As would being able to analyze three or more sets of test results.

1 Answer

+2 votes

You have a Big Y test, and your haplogroup shows up in John Davis' profile, so you do not need to do anything else on WikiTree.

Since you have a GD 5 STR match with another tester who is from one of John's other sons, you should convince him to upgrade his test to Big Y. The two of you will define John Davis' Haplogroup.  This should be a more distant haplogroup than you and your other Big Y match have since he appears to be related to you in abt. 1721. Then get him and your other Big Y match to join WikiTree and enter their data.

I am an administrator of the Carter Surname Project and I looked at your results in the Davis project's public time tree in the Discover Tool to make this recommendation.
by Russ Carter G2G4 (4.7k points)
edited by Russ Carter
My goal is to get FTDNA Davis group in the Davis/Davies/David project to change the James Davis 1639 Hamden NH> 1640 Haverhill Ma k41130 to his father John Davis of Acton-Turville so as to include my 5 step genetic match that goes through Samuel Davis also John's son.
Have you sent an email to the group's admins asking to change the name of the most distant known ancestor in the Y DNA STR charts yet? I'd send them a link to the WikiTree page so they can see the proof. However, they might be listing the immigrant ancestor because a majority of the men tested are his descendants.

Your GD 5 Y111 match should have been placed in your group based on his matches with you and the others in your group. If the admins have him in another group, ask them about moving him to yours.

Good luck
I am in contact with my GD 5 Y111 match and he chose not to join the Davis/Davies/David project until it is changed to include his Davis line through Samuel Davis. As of now it only includes his brother James Davis. I will contact the admins again with hopefully more of a impact this time. Thanks for all of your time and input. Daryl Davis.
Point that out to the admins too. If he had a Big Y test, it would be hard to deny that he is a part of the family. The other admin in my surname project was dividing up people who shared a common Carter ancestor but had different immigrants until I joined the project and convinced him that they should all be in the same family group even if there was little or no chance of finding a paper trail connection.

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