Should the one name studies sticker only be applied to those with LNAB?

+15 votes
I love the auto-bio feature, and being involved in one name studies am pleased that it auto populates the ONS template.

However, the template seems to appear on all profiles with the respective name, regardless whether it is a birth name or a married name.

For my name studies I only want to show those with the respective LNAB, not the many wives who carry the surname but were born with a different name.

Do all one name studies work this way?  If in the majority, would it be possible for the ONS template to populate only on those with the relevant name in LNAB field?

I know I can just delete it, but it is a bit annoying, so am interested in views of others.
in WikiTree Tech by Veronica Williams G2G6 Pilot (217k points)
retagged by Veronica Williams

Hi Veronica. Why not ask to have the choice either way? This is an option in the WikiTree Browser Extension: see

It wouldn't be hard for the developers to provide options to add the sticker either only for LNAB, or instead for any of LNAB, Current Last Name or Other Last Name.

You could draw attention by editing your question and adding the tag


Thanks Jim!
As Jim said, options can be added to the Auto Bio.  

Veronica: I've sent you a message on Discord.  Please take a look. Thanks.
One of the reasons I gave up my ONS
Keith... You gave up your ONS because of the Auto Bio?
No not because of auto bio but because of the arguments about whether or not to add to profiles of people who are or are not born with that surname. And then there are the people who only want the ONS sticker applied to the father of that line. Also it's been my experience that the manager of that ONS may just delete the ONS Sticker from the profile that you created or ask that you delete it.
I find it sad when research is given up due to squabbles on details :(

Otherwise, I find this discussion very insightful - oh for the inspiration on how many different ways stickers, templates and categories can be used … :)

6 Answers

+11 votes
I've seen it done both ways. 1) Only people who carried the family name or 2) Anyone associated with the family as well.

Personally, I'm with you on this question. I look at it from a DNA perspective. Who in the Jones family would carry the Jones DNA? That's who I would give the Jones ONS sticker to. But this also means I would add the sticker if they used a different last name, but were biologically from that Jones family.

I see no value in giving the Jones sticker to wives. They weren't born into that family, but married into it.
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
i'm thinking of it from the DNA point of view too
I think surname DNA studies are considered a specialized subtopic of One Name Studies. I've seen some one-name studies that have a [sub]category for DNA.
I manage two Cornish ONS, both are set up to include all DNA descendants, however those who are children on daughters lines usually get the Heritage sticker rather than the main ONS sticker, but valuable DNA lines or research lines could have the ONS sticker, projects can be set up either name only or anyone with ancestors from the name.
I should have clarified that I only give the ONS sticker to kids. Once a female kid marries into another family, her kids switch to that ONS. I don't literally follow the DNA all the way down using an ONS sticker.
+18 votes
I don't follow the DNA trail.  I follow the paper trail.  As such, females who married into my ONS name are included. Here is a (made-up) example. Susan Hill marries at age 17 and becomes Susan Murch. She lives for another 70 years, has multiple children, and dies as Susan Murch. Should she be included in the Murch Name Study?  Yes, because she only lived for 17 years as a Hill, mothered multiple Murch children, and lived 70 years as a Murch.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
+9 votes

It depends on the One Name Study manager. For the three One Name Studies I manage, I only include profiles of people for who that surname was the Last Name At Birth. (And, actually, because one of the things I'm trying to determine is whether the surnames I'm studying arose in one place and spread, or arose in multiple places independently, I ask people to add the sticker only to the oldest profile in each line, so the stickers really identify lines, not individuals.)

But thank you for rasing the question. I have noticed rashes of people being added to One Name Studies for whom that surname was their married name, rather than their Last Name At Birth. (And, in some cases, profiles are being added that don't have that surname at all, so I don't know what that's about.) But at least if I know an app is doing it, rather than people, then I know the source of the problem.

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (697k points)
+10 votes
You mean that I can have WikiTree automatically put stickers on my ONS profiles rather than having to do it manually?
by Barbara Roach G2G6 (6.2k points)
If someone uses the auto bio option of WikiTree Browser Extension, then yes, it will auto add the ONS sticker if it matches a One Name Study.  However, it sometimes adds a sticker for a non-existent one, or as per this thread, where it is the married name.  It is up to the person editing the profile to check if the ONS sticker should actually be on the profile.
+13 votes

I do something completely different. I don't want the ONS template on all of the people in my studies, even if they have the LNAB. I don't want the Auto Bio to automatically do this.

Why? Because I can already go to the surname table now, and see anyone with the LNAB and optionally include those with the surname as a married name. I don't need to add a template to put them in a category just to do the same thing.

So I specifically say in those One Names Studies to only put the template on those profiles that need connecting to their larger families, i.e. if the don't have a father connected.

I really prefer to think about the reasons why to use the template, and to use other tools that are available rather than reinventing the wheel.

by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (526k points)

I agree. Putting stickers on everyone serves no purpose. 

I only use the Rowland sticker for

  • end of the line (parents unknown)
  • notable/famous Rowlands
  •  that fit into one of my sub categories (12 or more children, unnatural death, etc)

Note: they are all included in the study, but use of the sticker and category are used sparingly (about 20,000 Rowland profiles in WikiTree and about 500 with stickers). 

Putting stickers on everyone flags up to casual passers-by that there is an ONS they could help with.
@Barbara: While I agree with you that that is possible.... It's been my experience that there are far too fewer people who are able and / or willing to help and collaborate.

I would be willing to consider using a sticker that pointed to the One Name Study, but that does not add the profile to a category.
@Eric @Ron

I use the subcategory option in my name study to identify the country of birth. This way I can easily see and work with profiles related to a specific country. To enable this all profiles in my name study require the sticker.
+11 votes
A very interesting point. I think it comes down to whoever actively manages the one-name study.

In my case (Kinsman/Kinman/Kingsman/Kingman) I take the view that anyone who carried that name at any time for any reason should be included. For that reason I include adoptions and marriages and the very rare (but interesting) fraud.

It's a surname study.

It may also include a DNA study, but that is subsidiary.

It is not a case of one size fits all. If you are running a one-name study, it's up to you to decide it's scope.

If you were running a one-place study would you only include people who were born there?
by Derrick Watson G2G6 Mach 4 (49.5k points)

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