Categorization of satellite camps of concentration camp Neuengamme

+3 votes

Concentration camp Neuengamme had a lot of (sometimes large) satellite camps. Should these satellite camps have their own category (either separate or as a subcategory of Neuengamme) or should profiles for them just be categorized under the main camp category? 

Also, if they should have separate categories, can I add these categories myself or do I need to ask the categorization project for them?

Some Neuengamme satellite camps I encountered:

* Ladelund 

* Meppen-Versen 

* Hamburg-Spaldingstraße 

* Husum-Schwesing 

* Sandbostel 

* Aurich-Engerhafe 

* Wedel 

There are lots more, but I only have a few profiles for each of those.

in Policy and Style by Joke van Veenendaal G2G6 Pilot (103k points)

1 Answer

+6 votes

Thanks! Yes, subcamps were agreed upon in the category restructure, it’s on the table lined at bottom. You can make them yourself for Neuengamme since that’s one of the few camps we now have ready to go, but if you could wait til I post back here that would be great. Should be ready late today or tomorrow USA time. There’s a naming convention I need to address. The G2G conversations are linked there too.

by Elaine Martzen G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
Ah, that's great. Of course I can wait a couple of days.
Ok, very much appreciate your help!!
Just one more question. If someone was liberated from a concentration camp, would they still get the Prisoners category or are Liberated and Prisoner mutually exclusive?
They will be mutually exclusive. Haven’t made any of the new liberated categories yet though. (So for now, just keep using the general Liberated category - that shows me where to change a Prisoner to Liberated. Eventually the general Liberated cat will be removed when it’s cleared out)

Hi Joke - you are welcome to create any subcamp.... see Brunnlitz for Gross-Rosen as an example. Category: Gross-Rosen Concentration Camp  Once there are a lot of subcamps, we can "pin" main Prisoners & Victims categories at the top of the camp so they are easy to find. Edit: just want to mention that all the largest concentration camps are now done (moved to their new Holocaust Era Concentration Camps cat. Some are still left in Holocaust Camps, I'm working on completing them, as well as the Ghettos & Massacres)  Category: Holocaust Era Locations

Thanks. If I have more questions is it best to ask them here or contact you directly (via PM or maybe Discord) ?

Question: If someone is put in a transit camp but is released after a couple of days would this count as liberated or is that reserved for actual liberation by an external party?

What about people who escape by jumping off a train? Is that liberated (by themselves)?
I just made a category for Husum-Schwesing (satellite camp of Neuengamme). Can you check if I did it correctly?
The category is perfect! Thank you! And Liberated in the case of these categories means liberated by an external party (generally 1944/1945) The other cases would be "survivors". Feel free to message me on WT or Discord.... I'll make sure to use your good questions for the instruction page/FAQ :-)

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