How do I find and prove Notables, Gateway Ancestors, Plagent Connections??

+4 votes
I am trying to find my Gateway Ancestors on either side of my family lines. I remember a member explaining this before but cannot find the information. Thank you
in Genealogy Help by Krista Vetter G2G4 (4.5k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+5 votes

Here is a list of Gateway ancestors.

To view their relationship to you, click on any of their profiles to see how you relate.

by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (430k points)
So when it states that I'm 20 degrees from Mary Queen of Scots, does that mean I have the connection or do I have to find the DNA connection?
Hi Krista, you have to find the DNA connection. I am showing at this time that you have no DNA relation with Mary, Queen of Scots. But after looking at your tree, I see you have some lines that are not yet connected to the main tree. So who knows? You may have a cousin relationship when you connect to the big tree. Both your Wallace and Ogilvy lines are Scottish. My Ogilvy line goes to the Drummond line which goes to her grandfather, James IV, King of Scots. So Mary is my 1st cousin, 14 times removed.
I have added some people to your tree and added sources to some of your profiles. Your great grandmother, Bessie, needs a name change from Unknown to Geddes. Bessie's mother, Harriet Terhune, is attached to a set of parents on FamilySearch but I don't think they are the right parents as her death certificate list a different set of parents.

Shonda, thank you so very much. I am not even sure how I missed inputting that information. I have been given my Grandfathers' family bible and it has so much information and so many pictures to go through. I am still sorting through it all and trying to figure out who is in each picture. 

I greatly appreciate all of your help. Thank you smiley

You're welcome! I have only so far worked on your Wallace line. While I have attached that line to the big tree in some cases, others in that line are not quite there as sources are not available. But that doesn't mean that a new source will be uncovered someday that may solve it as more and more sources are added everyday. So keep it and someday, you'll find the connection you're looking for.

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