"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! December 15th - 17th, 2023 [closed]

+32 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: See you next weekend. Please stay safe!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard

It’s time for another Weekend Chat, my fellow WikiChatterboxes! And greetings from Cathey’s Creek where it has been very chilly. It was 27°F when I got up at 6 a.m. this morning. We had one good rain last weekend, so the fire ban has been lifted. All the mountains around us look gray and drear now that all the leaves have fallen. The frost each morning is beautiful in the fields about my neighborhood.

On the Home Front: You know that you’re a senior citizen when aches and pains are usual topics of conversation. It appears that my operation is coming at the right time since I spend nights tossing and turning (like last night) trying to get comfortable. Lying on my right side has now become painful.

Since my wife does not drive, we are arranging rides for upcoming procedures. The day after my January 3rd surgery, my wife will have two wisdom teeth taken out. Good thing my brother (the WikiTree member who does all my biography proofreading for me) will be here for a couple of days to help. My cousin who did the driving will once again be enlisted to help with a few follow-up appointments, including a visit to my surgeon on the 5th.

We still don’t have a final tally for who is going to be here for Christmas. The girls, for sure, and one husband. We are planning for everyone to be here for at least part of the holidays. Add to the mix of our busyness: our church has two services on Christmas Eve and one Christmas morning. As the senior warden and a corporate officer of the church, I’ll have to be there for all three.

Our younger daughter demands Christmas decorations, and we comply. Otherwise, we’d put very few decorations up. Last night we worked a bit on the tree, and in the basement, I found a much smaller tree (pre-lit), so I stuck that one out on the front porch and plugged it in.

On the Genealogy Front: Talk about throwing a wrench in the works! Remember that the last couple of weeks I have been working on a dear friend’s ancestors? His father told a story well after I started… that HIS grandfather was actually a step-grandfather.

Apparently, the genetic grandfather went off to war (WWII) and made a friend promise to take care of his family if he was killed. This is just what happened, and the friend did as he was asked, marrying the grandmother shortly after the war. The source had no idea who is real grandfather was.

Imagine my frustration. All that research, all that connecting. While all that was good for our Shared Tree, I wondered which direction to take. I decided to keep forging ahead and complete as many of the step-grandfather’s lines as I could, which brings me to the bright side of this tale.

I found a connection to one of the ancestors and wondered, “Where have I heard this name before?” I went on the hunt and found him on the grandmother’s tree, Pleasant Wear Shults. So, this made the step-grandfather a cousin of the grandmother. It was worth all the research for things to pan out this way. The friend now has at least one instance of endogamy and possibly another, if I can just make one more connection in the Parrott line. (I also found that Dollie Parton of country music fame is a cousin of my friend.)

You bless me with your participation in the Chat. This month marks four years I have been hosting the Chat, and it is such a joy for me.

Enjoy the Chat!

Quote: You know that you’re a senior citizen when aches and pains are usual topics of conversation. DITTO!surprise

Hi PiP, I am so sorry about the pain and need for surgery. The plans for you and your wife 'sharing a ride and a day' are very smart. The two of you love birds can commisserate together while healing at home.

As to the Holidays, I don't set up any decorations save for a big red ribbon on my front door, and some faux berries on the mailbox with a Santa hat on the lamp post to keep the mail carrier amused. I did not go to Wisconsin this year because of cost and the reviews I need to finish. Plus, my sister and the entire family are going on a holiday cruise from the 19th to the 30th.

I can totally relate to getting 'sidetracked' working on WikiTree only to discover that I am back home with a connection to a non-step family member! I call it the 'WikiTree Twilight Zone.'  

And speaking of Twilight Zone...I have been working to find a connection to Sir John Baldwin (the judge at Anne Boleyn's trial) and the Bucks Baldwins who eventually emigrated to the colonies during the PGM. Well...I was working on the Boys tree last night and came across and old online text titled The History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham (1847). By golly, the work mentions Sylvester Baldwin AND that he is 'descended to others of the same family' (meaning Sir John Baldwin's family). A huge CHIP on a brick wall and all because I was sidetracked on the Boys ancestry!

You could always do what my aunt did right before her knee surgery. She danced like no one was watching the day before. I mean why not, right?! Though, in your case perhaps you could go up at bat. Baseball is a theme this week. ;) See below!

Thanks for hosting, man! Keep up the good work on the genealogy front.

You know that you’re a senior citizen when aches and pains are usual topics of conversation

or when you have to say deliberately: "Let's talk of something else now!"

....that makes this old dog a 40 year plus veteran. Grandma always said getting old aint for sissies.
David that sure is the truth

WikiTree Twilight Zone!!! laughcheeky How appropriate, Carol. Congrats on your find!

Jelena, I am determined to NOT talk about my pains when the kids are here. That conversation wouldn't last very long with them.
Chris, all I could think of with the swing the bat was my arms coming out of their sockets and flying off. I think I'll pass. (I can just hear my wife, "STOP THAT NOW!")
Four years of bringing everyone together, what a milestone! Thank you as always. May you and your wife's procedures and recoveries go well.

37 Answers

+17 votes

Hi all!

On the genealogy front, I might actually be seeing movement on my tables for the 95th Bomber Group. With Betsy Ko's idea of the Edit links interspersed throughout the FreeSpace page so I can get to just the section I want instead of scrolling down the page from top to bottom (think her 15 for 15 FreeSpace page). With this addition to the document, I will be able to get to where I left off, 3 months ago, & be able to actually use Ian Bacalls' table document he made for me back in August/September. I might actually be seeing the end of this project where I can finally combine the 2 documents. YAY!!!

As I said last week, I might also be seeing some movement (in the positive direction this time) on the Wiki MarkUp project. I am at least a step ahead of where I was & have a place to start for the next step, which is defining the parameters. Once thats done, the rest will be a breeze. We might actually be able to get rid of the phrase "You don't know what you don't know", because by the time this is done, everyone will know what it is & be able to refer to the FreeSpace page when they have a question regarding the MarkUp code; no more having to figure out a workaround. 

My brother sent his kit off on Monday, so it is just a waiting game till the lab gets the kit & processes it. 

On the personal front, Tori had some good news this week, but I will give her a chance to share the news, so I won't jump the gun. I will say she is grateful for the suggestions she received a few weeks ago.   

My Humanitarian Project is still waiting in the wings for the time to make its' debut. Energies are still in flux & the tipping point has not quite been reached, but I'm sure that that will change before the end of the year. That change will bring about confusion, chaos & denial for many, but just remember, you are not alone; there are people that can help you through this transition. 

In order to help you prepare materialistically for that happening, it is suggested that you stock up on food, water & basic necessities for about 10 days. That should get you through a possible lock down. If/when it happens, you won't have to wonder "Is this it?", you will know. 

But be prepared for the aftermath; the world as you know it will never be the same again. This is the place that you need to understand you are not alone & there are those that can help & guide you through what's coming. Remember back in August when I told you to keep an eye on BRICS & South Africa? A portion of that will be exposed soon out of Iraq where they are getting ready to revalue their currency. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina and the United Arab Emirates joined BRICS in August; although Argentina might bow out after their recent election. Saudi Arabia denied the request of Joe Biden to increase oil production to lower gas prices; a move away from the petro dollar which is the only thing backing the US dollar. All that is coming home to roost soon.  

शुभ संध्या, शुभ रात्रि, सुप्रभात, शुभ दिन, शुभ दोपहर। आप दुनिया में जहां भी हों, अपना ख्याल रखें.
shubh sandhya, shubh raatri, suprabhaat, shubh din, shubh dopahar. aap duniya mein jahaan bhee hon, apana khyaal rakhen.

by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
Wiki Markup... I'd be totally lost.

So, how much more research will you have to do to complete the 95th Bomber Group, Pat?
I have the location problem figured out, now all I have to do is figure out a program that will open the doc that Ian sent me a couple of months ago. It's not a normal doc, I think it's the type that programmers use with the GetHub sandbox. I can open it in Notepad, but I can't find anything on it & really can't see what I'm looking at. If I remember right, I've opened it in Edge as a static document that would allow me to Ctrl+ F to find the different tables that I'm looking for. Ian said the document was on all the information on the page, but since I haven't really seen the doc yet, I'm not sure what page & data he's talking about. But once I figure that out, I should finally be able to finish fairly quickly.

Markup is just a language & as long as you have a Rosetta Stone, you can decode whatever it is you are reading. My intention is to make the Rosetta Stone for Wiki markup so people aren't lost anymore. Now I'm waiting for someone to delineate the parameters for the markup code that pertains only & that is acceptable to WikiTree & go from there.
I hope you get your docs all worked out. I have learned a lot about programming/editing pages since I joined but there is still much to know! I hope you can get everything where you want it.
+16 votes
It has been way too long, The good news is that we are still living but I fear that the trip to Tennessee this spring may be out last long trip. Diane was hospitalized on that trip and has recovered but had to quit her part time job. Now she has had another problem and has been told that long car rides are not an option anymore, even flying is not advised. We have yet another great granddaughter born just a couple of weeks ago so that is good but our 2 year old great granddaughter just got diagnosed with a hearing loss in her right ear. not sure about the course of treatment for that yet. I have taken a break from genealogy for a few months but hope to get back into it soon, possibly after the first of the year.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
edited by Dale Byers
Just a bit more info. We were supposed to leave for North Carolina this coming Sunday to help my daughter recover from her 5th surgery, both elbows, both wrists, and now her spine, when Diane took a bad turn and the doctor told us that we should not try that trip.
Dang Dale, I hate to hear your report. Wishing you and yours the best of thoughts for recovery from various maladies. Hopefully, an army of Hope is on the horizon.
Dale, I was starting to get a bit worried about you as I had not seen you here in a while. Glad to see you are still kicking, despite all that you and Diane have to deal with. I am so sorry that you can't make the trip to your daughter.

We care about you, Dale. Keep us posted on things going on!
As someone deaf in one ear I can tell you treatments for hearing loss have come a LONG way and wish your great-granddaughter the absolute best. Take as many breaks as you need, we'll be here for you. May the new year bring good health.
(((Hugs))) Dale!
Erin, I know, I have worn hearing aids for about 50 years and have seen many changes in the aids and treatment over the years. My hearing specialist describes me without hearing aids as deaf in both ears but with the aid of tiny computers in both ears I can hear almost normally.
To all Thank you for your comments. The little one with the hearing problem has no treatment scheduled yet because they are waiting and hoping that it improves before trying any treatment. I also forgot to mention that one of the 8 month old great granddaughters has had 2 operations, the last one on her spine December 5th, and is improving quickly.
+17 votes
Morning Wiki Chatters

Well, it is almost 11am here in Kilcoy, (north-west of Brisbane)  Queensland, Australia and it is currently a hot and very humid 32oC outside. We had some heavy rain with thunder & lightning here last night, resulting in seven power blackouts between 7-8pm when it finally bit the dust just after 8pm. The power did not come back on until 1.30am causing a very humid and restless night's sleep.

I've finally managed to get the Christmas tree up and decorated, a few more decs around the house, and a nice Christmas wreath for the front door. I've also completed my annual Christmas letter, and sent out Christmas Cards where I can't use an email.

As I have a collection of "cousins" around the world, email is the quickest way to catch up. I must put up something also on my fb Keillor Genealogy Group page.

With my Mum turning 96 on 21 December, we will be celebrating her birthday/our Christmas with her and my sister and brother-in-law, and my b-i-l's father who is just slightly lagging in age to my mother!

As my sister has a horde of family and friends to cater for at Christmas time, it eases some of the stress and strain to have several Christmas celebrations to spread them all out.

It also means that on Christmas day my daughter and my son, who both live with me, don't have to venture out in the madness of Christmas drivers on the 45-minute drive to and from my sister's house at Wamuran, Queensland.

I have finally joined Discord with the help of several WT  members and a very patient, Margaret Haining. So grateful for her help. But I finally got there.

I've been working on some Prussian Sanewski ancestors on my Mum's line and am now back to my Dad's Keillor line from Scotland. I always thought that with my maiden name being unusual I would have no trouble tracing other Keillor ancestors.

Wrong, I did not anticipate them marrying more than once, and one of my direct ancestors having 19 children due to  marrying twice. To be truthful, they bred like rabbits - and then hopped all over the darn place!

I do enjoy the hunt, but also get easily sidetracked! :-)
by Leigh Chester-Master G2G6 Mach 7 (75.9k points)

Leigh, how do you keep up?!? I think with all that much activity I'd be exhausted and taking lots of naps. cheeky

Congrats to your mom on her 96th birthday!!

I'm also looking forward to celebrating an advanced birthday at Christmastime with my great uncle who turned 95 two weeks ago. I love soaking up his presence while I can.

Enjoy Discord! It is one of the great joys of genealogy for me, sharing discoveries, unraveling mysteries, and getting help in real-time.
+13 votes

안녕하세요. 15 Nation Global Tour에서 방문한 다음 정거장에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 이번 주에는 연말이 다가오고 있기 때문에 내년에는 글로벌 프로젝트 국가의 언어를 전파할 수 있도록 두 가지 언어를 작성하겠습니다. 이 글은 한국을 방문하면서 한국어로 작성되었습니다. 아시다시피 언어 스크립트 차이가 커서 조금 어려웠습니다.

내 위키트리 진행 상황에 관해서는 관심 목록을 101개에서 5125개로 줄였습니다. 권장 제한인 5000개에 너무 가까워졌습니다.

by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (456k points)
I didn't recognize the script, so Google Translate to the rescue!
Subtle example of the limitations of Google Translate here. The last sentence comes back to English as "You're too close to the recommended limit of 5000", which seems unlikely to be quite what Darren originally wrote.
That is true. I think I said I was nearly at the recommended 5000 limit on the watchlist.
Hi Darren, I am going to respond in English. I know this alphabet very well! I lived in Korea for a year teaching for the military and learned this alphabet and am still able to read it. Is was commissioned by King Sejong in the 16th century so that Korea could have its own alphabet (they used chinese...one still needs to know at least 1,000 Chinese characters to read a daily newspaper). The alphabet is based on the principles of yin (downward strokes) and yang (upward strokes) and is phonological. The way the characters were developed helps to know where lips, teeth, tongue and throat need to coordinate each sound. I traveled by bus and train to the various teaching sites and had to learn to read street signs and such. I also spent my weekings going to temples...some 40 temples in the year I was in Korea.

제가 한국에 살았을 때 좋았던 시절을 추억할 수 있는 좋은 기회를 주셔서 정말 감사드립니다. 행복한 휴가철을 진심으로 기원합니다.
+16 votes
And this is the last stop on the 15 nations tour. English is the official language of Nigeria. There are over 525 different languages spoken in Nigeria so while I could have chosen one of those to write in it wouldn't be fair for the other languages.

On the personal front my kids have now finished school for the year and don't go back until the last day of January. So lots of beaches and parks to go to with the summer weather.
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (456k points)
Enjoy your time with the kids, Darren. Make memories!
Wow, what a lovely break! Hope you and the kids find some fun.
+15 votes
On a little lighter note today, Tuesday I wore my Santa hat. My doctor loved it and after the visit there we did some shopping. In one store a woman said to me I never thought I would see Santa here. My reply was You never know where I will show up. I guess I really do look like Santa to some people. One little boy in the store wanted to share his candy with me but I refused, nicely of course.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
All that attention from just the hat? I'm laughing!

It seems you spread some joy, Dale! heart

Ho ho ho Merry Christmas!!
+13 votes

On this day:

1653: Oliver Cromwell is named Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland

1866: The Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky is born

1991: Kazakhstan gets its independence of the USSR

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Going way out of my knowledge set here with Wassily Kandinsky. Thanks, Professor!
Hi Jelena, even though Cromwell is a 6th cousin/10xr, I am going with Kandinsky. I had the opportunity to see some of his work at the Guggenheim and the MMA during my travels to New York City. I was never fond of Cromwell's 'Protectorate', or the fact that he signed a king's death warrant. I have also been appalled at desecration of art work duing his dissolution of the monasteries. Not a nice cousin.
+16 votes
Kathy's mother, Margaret, at the age of 96, has passed away peacefully in her sleep and in the company of family.  She had been living on her own and under the watchful eye of her youngest daughter's family in Central British Columbia, only recently moving into a care home.  Margaret was born in Montana, married across the border and first settled in Whisky Gap, Alberta.  When I first met her, 45 years ago, she was driving patients to medical appointments and staying with them during their cancer treatments......I always remember her as a person with kind words.  Kathy says, "She is now up above, where she wanted to be."
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (362k points)
John, my heartfelt condolences to you and Kathy. Ninety-six is a heck of a run.
Sorry for your and Kathy's loss.
Kathy and I thankyou, K and Kay, for your kind thoughts.

Kathy, sorry to hear that you will not see your dear mother again until you met in heaven. John, thank you for letting us know about Kathy’s motherheart.

I'm sorry for your loss. She seems to have been a very kind person, helping patients through their treatments.
Thankyou Alexis and Maria, your thoughts are appreciated and I share them with Kathy.  In the last few weeks Margaret had expressed her wishes to proceed with her journey.
So very sorry for your loss. May her memory bring peace to those who knew her, it sounds like she touched many lives.
Thankyou Erin......and she brought 7 children into this world.
+15 votes

A little Trivia today: 

1653  Oliver Cromwell Becomes Lord Protector of England

 1773  The Boston Tea Party Takes Place

 1944  The Battle of the Bulge Begins

I remember well the Boston Teas Party: I had a hard time finding my English Grey Earl tea.... :-)

by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (250k points)
Alice, I think I saw the Tea Party from the Old North Church belltower.
Hi Alice, I'm so old that I was one of the colonists who dumped tea into Boston Harbor.

My first trip to Boston, I found a lovely little shop that sold tea supplied by Davison Newman & Co. of London (the tea that was dumped. It is now called 'Boston Harbor Tea' and is quite delicious. It is a blend of Darjeeling and Ceylon teas. When I made my purchase, they told me what I owed and said 'there is no tax on this purchase.' I laughed my arse off! Sadly, the clerk said I was one of the few that 'got' what the 'no tax on the tea' meant. How sad is that?!
PIP I think that would be an awesome place to see the Tea Party from. :-)
Carol thank you for the share. It has been so long since I was in Boston that if I had known, I would have forgotten about the "Boston Harbor Tea".  Do you still visit Boston?  My adopted brother is an O'Rourke born in Cambridge side of Boston. My third husband a Lattanzio (Italian) was born in Boston. I enjoyed being stationed at Ft Devens. My (deceased) husband Guy and I would get on a train in Concord and ride into Boston. We went to a few Boston Bruins games. The Army Recreation Department gave us a bus trip to Boston during Black History Month. It was an educational trip (Black Artists and Art Gallery, House of 7 Gables, Salem Witch Trials (Acted), plus good food and drink).
+15 votes
Season's Greetings from sunny New Jersey. The weather is beautiful today with highs in the 50s. Tomorrow, flood watch.

The most exciting thing this week was that my husband and I won tickets to the Giants football game on New Year's Eve!!

A church member was giving them away to people who attended and filled out an entry every week and dropped it in a box. Last Sunday, the priest pulled the ticket at the end of the service when everyone was still seated. When we heard our name we stood up and people clapped. Afterwards, people came up to us and congratulated us and said they were glad it went to someone they "knew" We don't know many people by name but it was gratifying to see that people said they knew us, just by seeing us there every week.

In Wikitree, I have been bouncing around. I belong to the Appalachian project and this month the challenge is to Make Appalachia Shine by working on whatever will do that. I am working on adding profiles from the West Virginia National Cemetery in Pruntytown, West Virginia. I added all the Wilsons and am working on any names that start with 'Wil' I try to give these veterans and their families a few sources and an Autobio. During the Connect-o-thon, i will try to connect some of them.

Thanks Pip for hosting the chat. I enjoyed reading all the answers.
by Nancy Wilson G2G6 Pilot (150k points)

EeeeWWWW!  They will be playing the Rams! Dress Warm! Can I come?surprise

Congrats on your win Nancy! I hope you guys have a great time.

I've also been working electronically in Pruntytown this month. In real life, I worked in the Albert G Horton Jr Memorial Veteran's Cemetery laying wreaths with my cub scouts this week.
There's actually a place in W. Va. called Pruntytown?!? I went to school (from 7th grade through college) who was surnamed Prunty. He was from W. Va.!
+15 votes

In my PIP (Profile Improvement Project) Voyager training, I am messing with my mentor over the use pictures in profiles. (or where I get them from)

Without getting into another debate over Fair Use of pictures, I decided I can make my own picture!  This is my hand drawing of Ira Blanchard  He was a prominent player in the Underground Rail Road helping runaway slaves get to freedom!   What do you think?  Does this look close enough to his likeness to use in his profile?  If I get the go ahead from my mentor, I'll post it in his profile as the main picture.  (I got skills, baby!)devil about 45 minutes to get this far and probably another 10 minutes to finish it up!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Go for it, David!
maybe a future as a police artist
Very nicely done, David!
Great work! You are an artist!
+14 votes
In south Sweden it is a few degrees above freezing, overcast and windy. At 8 in the morning it was quite dark, as I took a walk with my dog. The street lights were still lit.

Jackdaws and rooks were circulating high in the air and a few raindrops fell.

I woke up with a migraine and will see how many chores I will be able to do.

Wishing you all a calm third advent.
by Maria Lundholm G2G6 Pilot (231k points)
I hope your migraine has let up and allowed you to get some things done, but it's always ok to put off the chores and rest when you need to, too. Sending hugs.
Well, Advent wasn't very calm for us, but satisfying anyway. Didn't get home until somewhere around 3:30 n the afternoon.

Hope your headache is gone. No fun, are they?
Thanks Erin and Pip! Migraine stayed, but low level.
+10 votes

On this day:

546: The Sack of Rome starts

1936: Pope Francis is born. Feliz Cumpleaños!

1944: The Malmedy-massacre takes place

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
The Holy Father has the same birthday as my brother in law!
I read about the Malmedy Massacre today. I knew of it, but the article filled in my gaps. Thanks, Professor!
The sack of Rome by the Goths and 1,398 years later, the Mamedy-Massacre by the Waffen-SS. Talk about history repeating itself over and over and over and over...

So, today I'll go with Pope Francis. I am not Catholic, but got a great education at Marquette University, a Jesuit institution. They really emphasized critical thinking skills. I like Pope Francis' inclusivity.
+10 votes
Have had such a blazing busy weekend I'm just now getting to my beloved chat, can you believe it?! I sit here enjoying my first quiet-ish cup of coffee of the weekend. Friday (and all last week) was the PTO holiday shop at school, where the kids get to shop for gifts for their families. They need lots of help, especially the little ones who haven't learned money (or even counting) yet. But it is so rewarding to see little shoppers walking away with surprises for parents and siblings, so excited with the joy of giving. Then yesterday I took my cub scouts to the Veteran's Cemetery to lay wreaths on graves. We made a day of it with hot cocoa (frosty 40 degrees when we started) and lunch at a diner afterward. Was so sore and tired after all the bending and lifting (armfuls of wreaths get to you after a few hours!) I didn't even open my computer last night!

     Aside from the bustle of the season and slowly prepping for the quickly approaching holidays, have been squeezing in a few holiday favorite movies while wrapping the gifts and preparing for the drive home next week. Have barely had time to fit in genealogy, but did some greeting and some RAWKing in quiet, found moments. I love how I can fit in categorizing a few profiles or fixing a few suggestions and feeling like I "accomplished" something in the chaos. I am starting to think I might not fit in my 30 for 15 before the end of the year but I am pretty happy with what I managed in the first few months of the year when I had a little more time.

     Hope everyone's holiday and year end preps are bringing happiness and not stress, and may every hurting heart (like mine, remembering my dad gone 12 years this Dec 20th) find peace.
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
I value my knowledge learned in my cub and scout years.......in remembering your father I can see you passing on the traditions.

Hi Erin!   How Ya Doing!  Nebraska Volleyball is on ESPN .  Watching my grandniece, Lindsey #22!  Due to an injury she was sitting out, but today she has her uniform on!!!! Fingers crossed she gets to play! (messaged at 2:44 pm Central Time!)devil

My friends from scouting seemed to have prospered more than the ones I served detention with. Who would have believed that!

Erin, I think of you and your work with the scouts when they (scouts) raise the flag and lead the pledge at our special events at the museum.yes Keep up the good work.

+11 votes
Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay in explaining what my mom, Brunson-1754, meant earlier in the weekend about me having exciting news. The news is, I got a job! It's part time for now but I work in a grocery store and my first official day is Tuesday. Thank you for everyone who has sent encouragement and kind words. I like everything so far from the little I've seen of my new coworkers and they all seem nice.

I still have an appointment on Dec. 22 for my Autism so hopefully that gets sorted out as well. Again, thank you everyone who has been supportive.
by Victoria Brunson G2G2 (2.2k points)
Congratulations Victoria......a new door to the future.

Congrats on your new adventure!

May it bring you satisfaction and help achieve your goals this Holiday Season!
Congratulations! That certainly is exciting. Every new opportunity offers hope.
Best wishes on your new job.  May it be the beginning of a great new adventure.
Woohoo! I am so glad for you, Victoria!
+10 votes

Currently, it's 8˚ C and raining. Tonight's forecast calls for a low of 5˚ C and rain. Tomorrow's predicted high is 7˚ C, with more rain. But take heart, Pip. Tomorrow night, it's supposed to drop to -3˚ C and snow, so our weather will get closer to yours.

The light of my life and the delight of my eyes' sister came up to visit last weekend, so I wasn't online much. We hadn't seen her in way too long, so it was good to catch up a little bit.

This week, I finally put up the report on people with a Last Name At Birth of Cannon, and then got working on moving the needles, so people will think that I'm actually doing something when it comes time to do the month-end report. 

And, after a few days of working on Cannons, I am now trying to accomplish something with McMillans. When I sorted by date and started working on open profiles, the very first profile I hit was uploaded as part of the 124-DeCoursey.ged GEDCOM file, which was one of those GEDCOM uploads from the early 2010s that exploded on impact, and is now in the process of being reconnected by a couple of volunteers in the Lost and Found Project. So, since this cluster is pretty big, and hadn't been added to the category yet, I let them know about the new finds, and I'm adding profiles to the category as I work on them. Probably, what with all the descendants and in-laws of the patriarch of this McMillan line, it should help to connect at least some of the disconnected profiles from that GEDCOM.

Meanwhile, v. Wilson has been powering through the page on Unconnected Canadian Politicians, connecting politicians left, right, and centre. I can't even keep up with her in terms of restocking the list, but it's a nice problem to have. I also found three connected profiles on the Unconnected Notable Athletes page, but I don't know who connected them. (I'm not a sports fan, so I only add profiles to that page if they happen to come up in my surname studies, so if anybody wants to take over the page, I'd be more than willing to pass the baton. [I can use a sports metaphor if I need to.])

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (695k points)
edited by Greg Slade
Still waiting on our first snow, Greg.

So glad to hear you had a wonderful visit with your sister-in-law. We'll have a crowd this Friday, plus three services in two days at church. It's going to be a very busy weekend coming.
+8 votes
Sorry to be posting so late again but I am here. For some reason, Friday’s and Saturday’s just feel too early to post.

It has been a fairly quiet week as usual. My knitting group had its Christmas potluck luncheon get together last Monday.  It was quite enjoyable and I even managed to bring a couple items to donate. Friday and Saturday I was finally able to spend time with my sewing machine. I have a panel of fabric with an image printed on it that I am making into a small Christmas quilt for a friend.

Meanwhile, my brother is still waiting to hear back from both the funeral home and the cemetery about the breakdown in communication that lead to my mother’s ashes being buried without us present and without consent. What a mess this whole thing is!

I think that 2 of my 3 kids (oldest won’t talk to me at all and it’s been over 3 years with basically no communication) plus one extra will be coming here for brunch then supper on Dec 24th. We had originally planned on Dec 26th but my son has to work the night of Dec 25 and Dec 26. He gets the night of Dec 24th off so that will work out better.

I haven’t done much genealogy this past week as I have had a lot of trouble sleeping. I’m so tired but I have been unable to fall asleep at a decent time. My cats almost always wake me up between 6:30-7 am because they are hungry.

Take care and stay safe! (((Hugs)))
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (403k points)

We're with you, Liza.......your cousin, John. smiley

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