"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! February 15th - 17th, 2019 [closed]

+22 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Dorothy Barry
closed with the note: Weekend chat completed
in The Tree House by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
closed by Dorothy Barry

Hope everyone had a great "Valentine's Day" heart  yesterday!! Share some photo's or events in a post below, we love to hear about it. Love is in the air!!!!yes

Thanks for hosting, Dorothy!
Thank you, Dorothy, for hosting this weekend! We appreciate it very much. Happy belated Valentines Day, Dorothy. I thought for a second no one had posted the chat. :-)
Thanks, Dorothy, for hosting the weekend chat! Have a great one!
Thanks for hosting Dorothy, enjoy your weekend!
Yes thank you Dorothy for hosting the WikiTree Weekend Chat.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.
One more day of chat, but I just wanted to say that I am thankful for all of you who stopped by and shared with us this weekend!!  If anyone ever wants to volunteer to  host one, check out this page concerning what is involved and the goals of the Weekend Chat: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Weekend_Chat   ..Then please let David or Pip know so they can set you up and answer any questions you may have.
Today is Family Day in Ontario, so I think we should keep the chat going. I mean, Family Day? What more WikiTree-appropriate holiday could we have than that?
Hi Greg, Thak you for visiting the chat! The Weekend Chat closes on Monday's at 12 Noon EST.

25 Answers

+21 votes

Today is...



National Caregivers Day is observed annually on the third Friday in February.

Across the nation dedicated health care professionals serve those who require long-term or hospice care.  National Caregivers Day honors those men and women dedicated to providing these vital services.

Caregivers deliver a variety of services from personal care to medical services with compassion and professionalism.  Their days may be long and demanding, but they provide support to those who need it most.

National Caregivers Day recognizes caregivers providing quality, compassionate care every day.


Take time to thank a caregiver for their dedication and care of our loved ones.  Some of our own members are caregivers. Let us know how you manage and if you have any tips to share!!!

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)


A very deserving bunch. 

Oooo, I need one of those! Oh, wait! I do already... laugh (Don’t let my wife see this!)

Good idea!  I have a Grandmother who was caregiver to countess relatives.  Luckily she ran out of old folks after my grandfather died, and was free to live life on her own terms to a happy 96. Today, we're blessed with professionals who choose to do this for a living.  Such an important vocation!
My maternal grandmother, Jessie Thomas Fears, took care of and sat with people when they were ill. She took a mail-order course and was called a "Practical Nurse". Now, I am blessed with a daughter who is an ICU nurse and is in the Master's program for Critical Care Nurse Practioner. Her husband is a home health hospice nurse. Their oldest son is in the Paramedic program.They are very dedicated and excellent in their professions!! I am truly a proud parent and grandmother!!!
Congratulations Virginia to you and your family for having such caring and dedicated people that are sometimes hard to find!  I would be proud too!!! You certainly have bragging rights there!!! Tell them today is their day and "Thank you" from us on WikiTree!!

Wow Laurie, your grandmother lived a nice long life and blessed a lot of people I bet. I am glad she got some time to enjoy her own life though!!  

I agree, it is an important profession especially in these times when some children are too busy to look after their parents or some who have or had no one to count on yet found one of these awesome caregivers!!  It's great to give them their due honor and respect. yes

This is a special day, my daughter recently graduated from nursing school and passed her exam to get her license to become registered. I am so proud of her, it took a lot of work but she did it.


Ditto to everyone on this chat because of my dad that on November 9th of last year we had to put him in memory care unit at Brookdale in Greenville, Tennessee when I moved up here and the big stuff moved up with me on November 6th. But we had to because literal it was killing my mom and me looking after my dad. Especially since my mom is in bad health her self. My dad will be 87 in July 11th if still here and my mom will be 81 on October 22 if she is still alive. There 62 anniversary will be March 15th. We tell is caregivers at that place thank you every day because me and mom before then was his caregiver and we know how he is and how he gets so we tell them every day and I tell them every time I go to see him which was much after he moved up here because all of us has had bronchitis so I didn't get around people much till  I got over that about 3 weeks ago. But dad still has congestion in his chest still. But I told mother several times we did our best taking care of dad and that we had to get him into that memory care unit at Brookdale in Greenville, Tennessee because it was literally killing her and also me. Mom brought him to her house for about 5 days at Christmas day week and it literally killed her then. She said at that time that the next time she would do that again would be Valentine Day time but she didn't do that because she told me and my sister that she couldn't handle him and she might not do it again it just depends on my dad because for last two weeks he has been responsive and let I will tell you about this week. Because last week I told you'll about why I was absent since the week before the Source - a - Thon and updated up till last week. Also it was very lengthy if you had read it go back to last weekend chat.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+20 votes

I wonder if the hits get counted if you refresh g2g every five minutes to see if the Weekend Chat is finally up. =)

Hails and horns, Wilkipeeps! How are we all doing? I'm okay. Survived the second snowpocalypse that hit the Merrimack Valley. This time it was wet and heavy snow. I fell. My dad said it was a "controlled fall". Didn't feel like it! But, I am okay. I'm a little sore. Not the worst thing that's ever happened to me. I've fallen many times.

In genealogy news, Ancestry has rolled out a new filtering system for matches. Some people have gotten the update. Some haven't. It's like when Windows gives users a sneak peak of the new bells and whistles. Perhaps Ancestry has taken a play out of Bill Gates' playbook? Either way, now you can organize your matches, use colors and do all sorts of cool things. I fully expect someone to make a tutorial soon. It's about time they updated. 

The awesome and talented Lisa Hazard helped me with some DNA confirmation this last week. I had a bit of an issue trying to DNA confirm my great-grandmother, Clara's father. I have a match who was like 9.9 cMs. I used it for confirmation and it didn't quite cut it. Apparently for 3rd cousins once removed you need to have at least 35 cMs. Fair enough. 

So, I checked my mom's DNA match list and saw someone else who fell in the same family as the 9.9 lady. She shared over 100 cMs with my mom. I needed to figure her line out as she didn't seem to have a tree. Luckily I found some clues elsewhere and found the path to my mom. She, like the 9.6 lady is a 3rd cousin once removed to her and a 4th to me. I did some serious detective work. Basically...I am the night. =)

Oh and DNA matches are starting to pop up out of the woodwork! A got two new matches. One on my mom's side and one on my dad's. The one on my dad's was easy to figure out as I had her father in my tree. Guy was at my parents' wedding.

Then there's this match for my mom who comes up. He shares the same name as my 2x great-grandfather, Eugene. No-brainer where this guy is from, right? I've already added two gens of Eugene on my main tree. My grandfather, uncle and a first cousin all have Eugene in their middle name.

Clearly this guy's Italian. I mean....No question. =P

Yes, I sent a message and we'll see how it goes! I'm guessing he's a son or grandson of this guy: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hamel-801

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (786k points)
Amazing how relatives can pop out of the woodwork when you start looking at DNA tests. My first cousin, first half cousin and I share a grandfather and we all match someone for whom we have no clue where they came from.

Hi Chris! Glad you weren't seriously hurt when you fell, but hope the soreness eases soon.

I haven't gotten the Ancestry update yet. Perhaps that's why the site has been cranky for me lately--haven't been able to sync my FamilyTreemaker to Ancestry very well in the last couple of days. And my DNA circles are only showing for my maternal side, not my paternal side.

Hooray for all your DNA matches! I know DNA can solve a lot of mysteries. Maybe someday I'll understand how to use it myself.frown

@ Kay: It is amazing. I have a ton of confirmed cousins and some unconfirmed but I know they are related somehow, too. I hope you can find out where this person came from. Have you sent him/her a message?

My dad and I share a match with some guy whose tree has no Italians whatsoever. And yet he matches him, me and a first cousin of my dad's. His half-sister is the same thing. It's so weird. Clearly an NPE or something.

@ Nelda: I heal fast. =) I'm starting to feel a little better. Thanks!

I haven't gotten the update either. It'll happen soon from what I've been told by genealogists. Perhaps after RootsTech?

Same thing happened to my DNA circles. It shows I have six but it doesn't show them when I click on them,

To understand and solve DNA matches, it takes time and practice. There are so many tools that can help!
I always knew I came from a large extended family, but didn't know just how large until I joined wikitree and had my DNA tests done.  "Out of the woodwork" is a good way to phrase it.  You might be my 10th cousin once removed, Chris.  Yo!

Chris said "I wonder if the hits get counted if you refresh g2g every five minutes to see if the Weekend Chat is finally up!! "(I wish they did!) 

Hey, I had to laugh because that was what I was doing from 0930 hours CST onward (because Pip was early last weekend) and then finally realized that I needed to be prepared to "post the chat"... so I continued the refresh and  decided get with the program and post it lol!!!!! Got it done just in time laugh!

Then... I had to run out for an appointment that took 3 hours frown!! I did not expect it to be that long, but I am back now, doing a catch up on all the comments. We have a great group of "loyal chatters" that we would be lost without. "Thank you" everyone who posted so far.. wink

PS: Congratulations Chris and Lisa H. for finding new DNA matches etc... thanks for sharing your awesome news!!

@ Laurie. You ARE my 10th cousin once removed! Wait. You peeked at the relationship finder before posting didn't you?! HAHAHA! Looks like I'll have to update my Wikitree cousins page. =D

I come from a large extended family myself. I'm the second oldest of ten grandchildren on my mom's side. My dad has a lot of cousins. I have no first cousins on that side. My mom has about maybe fifty first cousins.

Some DNA matches have been surprises. Some haven't. Especially when you have your parents saying "OH! so and so's father/grandparent was at our wedding. Message them!" Only a couple DNA matches messaged me long before I ever did a DNA test.

But, every once in a while...like this week a new cousin pops up. It's very cool.

@Dorothy: You did a great job with the timing! =) It is everything. I just had my paint program open as I was working on the comic and refreshed every once in a while. And thanks for the congrats!
Aw, thanks, Chris!  Happy to share some tips.  (I like to help other people avoid my mistakes...)  Glad it helped!  Making unexpected progress on my own brick walls today; I'll give details in my own weekend update.  (Cue Garrett Morris... "OUR TOP STORY TONIGHT!")
Weekend Update with Lisa Hazard! Now on SNL.

Your help did save me a lot of time and aggravation. =) Congrats again on your surprises!
You're keeping track of the cousins!  I'm impressed. I'm struggling with the number of great grandparents I've accumulated.  But I have this thought of a cousinly journey, not for research, just to meet all the cousins I've been corresponding with. So far, I'm starting in Hawaii and ending in Scotland, so maybe in retirement.
You should see the spreadsheet I have. I'd be happy to e-mail you a template. Just send me a PM and I'll send it right over. What I do is I have:

Listed all the cousins by cM count.

Colored coded the names. Blue for dad's side. Pink for my mom's.

After the names I have columns for:

* Actual relationship

*cM count

*Ancestry prediction


*common ancestors

And a few more columns for stuff like contact info. =) Pretty simple. On ancestry I use emojis to trace people down to me from the MRCA. I would love to meet some of the cousins. I've talked to at least one on Skype and added a few to my Facebook. =)


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+23 votes

Thanks for hosting the Weekend Chat, Dorothy. I’m in slo-mo with some health problems lately. A congenital heart condition I have has been worrisome lately. A few trips to the GP and a cardiologist the last month or so. There’s a possibility of an operation to correct it, just cutting a nerve that fires irregularly. It’s in the back burner while spew see if some other things work. Someone said my heart is also affecting my thinking. Said, “You’ve always been slow on the uptake, but you’re really getting slow now.” Hrumpf! Good weather for outside work, but I’m parked in the couch. <sigh>

Genealogy: I’ve been working on Cornwall parish records and walk into a family mess, Trembaths. With the help of Carol K and others, we’re getting them straightened out. Some stuff left over from a gedcom upload several years ago. I got some sourcing done on old profiles and did get one bio written. Too much to do, never enough time. And I’m tired.

Thanks again, Dorothy! You’re a very special WikiTreer and are truly appreciated.

by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Free Spirit self. Dude was totally a hippie in the '60s. =)
Feel better, Pip!  At least you have an excuse to get more done on WikiTree!

I wish I could blame being "slow on the uptake" on a medical condition!

Greg, I think that is one of my congenital conditions, too. laugh

@Lisa: True that! I’d better do that while I can!
So sorry to hear this, Pip. I hope your recovery is speedy. You are such an asset to WikiTree and a huge help! Take care.
I certainly will, Virginia, especially since the good doctor who lives with me (the wife) will certainly make sure I follow the other doctor's orders.
Pip I hope you feel better soon, take care. I pray that you get a lot of wisdom about the next steps to take

I'll be hanging in there, Jelena. I'm to ornery to to go yet! laugh


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat. Pip ditto to what everyone said here. Your health is more important than yard work and anything you do that is physical.


+19 votes

My Valentine cake my wife made for me and that I would like to share with you all! Happy Belated Valentines!


by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Looks delish! What a thoughtful thing for her to do.
Its one of those lovely cakes that's hard to cut and eat - til you take the first bite.  Enjoy!

I don’t think I’m allowed to eat that. sad But it sure does look good, you lucky man!

Saw that on Facebook David, what a nice surprise!! Glad you both had a nice Valentine's Day and plenty to eat. (Oh the calories though lol).
That looks delicious David! I’m sure you enjoyed it


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat. Ditto to everyone on this chat.


+18 votes
A busy week but not too busy. Finally have some sun today. It's been too many days without it. Got the first rack and lights set up for starting seeds for Spring planting for my wife. Some start in the next few days but the rest get spread out over the next month or so. I need to rearrange the sunroom to get a second rack in but that won't be needed for another month.

Genealogically, a slow week. I found some weaknesses in the documentation on my 1/2 first cousin's line while pulling together a report for her. Need to get WT updated with this as well. It adds another Québec line to work on. Interesting how many of my lines which seem unrelated have Trois-Riviêres area as origin. The other cluster is from the Sainte-Victoire/Saint-Robert area. I really do need to spend time on these.
by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (548k points)
Starting seeds is one of my spring rituals too, Doug! Somehow green living things help to break my cabin-fever.

I suspect you've been busy with categories and other WT matters in between your cousins and your own family tree.  I've been using the tools etc you showed me when you were working on PEI.  I find it helps to categorize when I work on a profile instead of going back later.  There is a neglected pile of good intentions on my desk, and I'm reluctant to add to it.  

Trois-Rivières is beautiful, I hope you do get to spend some time there, even if its in your imagination for now.

We had that problem here, weather wise Doug; too much rain, would wash away any seeds planted if done earlier on. Hope the weather figures out whether it is winter or spring soon and stay in one for a while instead of every other day warm and raining, and then cold and dry.... Tough for walking the dog frown!  

Awesome that your Québec line is growing!! Maybe some more connections to the global tree. 

Laurie, I'm hoping to get to Trois-Rivières next year. At least pass through on our way to the Maritimes. Also a pass through the Ste-Victoire area as well.

Starting from seed is so rewarding, watching those tiny seeds turn into plants.

I do need to spend some time categorizing my PEI and NB families. Maybe I'll spend some time on that this weekend.


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+18 votes

Happy Weekend.

Yesterday's local genealogical society meeting was a speaker from the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, talking about cemeteries. Very interesting! Do not put anything other than water on a stone, or you may very well be destroying that stone.

Records lost to snow. Yep, snow. I was in touch with the local historian, where I had all grandparents and several great grandparents live. So, part of his response "A lot of the records of the Town were destroyed when the storage building fell down with a heavy snow and the papers that were there were buried."

Other than that, are you my cousin?

by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (612k points)
Congratulations on Member of the Week, Kay!  18th cousins once removed; 21 degrees via my Cajun grandfather's family.
7th cousins Kay, through the Woodworth clan. We must be coming from all directions this week!

Oh no, records lost in the snow?? wow, and in California mud slides and middle southern states floods, it sure does a number on grave sites.sad 

@Laurie, I am going to have to give in and borrow the Walter Woodworth book on archive.com. Your Woodworth moved from Connecticut to Nova Scotia and mine to New York. Yours were in Lebanon, Connecticut, and mine start with Mary marrying a Woodworth, and Mary’s father was from Lebanon. How interesting.
Yes, our common ancestor was Benjamin, but who knows who his mother was.    

Plus I saw an unconnected Tarbox in your line yesterday. I'm just rolling up my sleeves to see if I can improve the sources for that line, and I made a note to see if I could connect to yours. Could be interesting!
Laurie, actually I ran into Tarbox in Fredonia NY, researching Jeremiah Rood and his daughter Mary who married Solomon Woodworth. Their daughter Louisa married George Rood, the son of Jeremiah‘s brother Joseph. Joseph’s daughter Rebecca married a Tarbox, and several Tarbox were at George’s 82nd birthday party and in his will.


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+17 votes

Hi Everybody!

Dorothy, thanks for hosting!

Still cold and still tax season.  I'm taking care of six dogs (mine plus my neighbors' five) this weekend. 

This week my personal odometer ticked over another 365, and I got my 5,000th upvote while doubling my badge-of-honor count.  I now exceed the Pipster by about 50% in that area.  wink

Meanwhile, it's time to wake up the Venus Flytraps!  They look pretty dead after three months' hibernating, but I look forward to terrifying voracious predation in a month or so.  Yes, there are plants in the center pot.  Live ones.  I think.



by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (772k points)
Sending "grow vibes" to your plants. Congrats on all the "upvotes"! So, I guess you had a birthday? Hope it was a happy one!

Taxes--ugh! We got ours done yesterday. We're getting a refund, so I guess I should be happy, but when I saw that all the extra time and stress I had at work last year had pushed me into a higher tax bracket, I was not a happy camper. (I'm retiring mid-year.)
Happy Birthday cousin Herb, so you are an Aquarius, like my husband! Somehow he doesn't fit the exact description and I don't think you do either, ha! Shy and quiet that is. Love plants too and especially the carnivorous ones!
Go Venus Flytraps!  I hope you're staying warm and dry, even with all those dogs.  I can't help you with tax season tho.

Thanks, Colleen!  I am much more shy and quiet in person, and I am so much cooler online.  But certainly despite being an Aquarius, I carry water for no one.  wink   

Thanks, Laurie.  I tried something different for wintering my VFTs this year, and took that pic for later comparison if it pays off.  Fingers crossed.
Onward and upward Herb and Pip, the race continues lol!! Great news for the G2G forum. PS: Glad you are a dog lover!!! Wonder what they would do without your help???

laugh  I can only compete with Pip in the one ignominious area.  4/5 neighbor dogs are cool.  One does not want my help.  He stands off 10 yards and barks continuously, will only snarf his chow when he thinks I'm not watching, and insists on sleeping outside while his packmates lie cozy in the house.  Little does he know what kindred spirits we are.  Or he knows and doesn't care, 'cuz that's how we roll.  cool

How do you feed them? Do you catch flies? I was wondering about that.

Sue, I generally don't feed mine.  They take care of themselves.  (The plants, not the dogs.)


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+18 votes
Greetings from Everett, Washington!

We SURVIVED!  I sympathize with Kay about the loss of records due to snow.  We had about 12 inches in the past week, historic for the Pacific Northwest.  "All" we lost was a beautifully gnarled, twisted old plum tree in our back yard that was already leaning.  The snow bore it down and the base of the trunk snapped.  That tree was a key link in the "squirrel highway" from the fenceline to our garage roof to the cedars beyond.  I saw one confused squirrel this morning trying to make it from the downed tree to the garage roof and, once it got there, it sank in the snow on the roof, so it retreated.

Our dogs sink up to their chests in the snow and have not wanted to do much outside.

I got frustrated and went onto our deck to attack it directly, armed with a long-handled wok from the kitchen.  I scooped up as much as I could and flung it over the railing.  Then my back got to hurting and I went inside.  This inspired our son to shovel the drive.

Driving was an adventure.  When my husband totaled his old van about a year ago, a friend from Toastmasters helped us get a new AWD van.  That van has been our lifeline.  The difficulty is, as always, getting down our own cul de sac to the sanded streets.  I tried driving twice yesterday and I even went up the steep hill that was mostly dry, except for one patch of ice that made the Toyota slip.  Applying the accelerator helped me over the top.

As I write this, it's all melting and we are in a sea of slush.

Last night there weren't many people at the Historical Society meeting in Mukilteo.  I had my handouts and husband helped the speaker with his Power Point.  The historical society recently had the Fresnel lens cleaned in the lighthouse and it looks beautiful!  Something to remind the city council of.  Plus we are working hard on publicity to raise interest in local history.

I added some Mukilteo profiles this week.  Also I've been contacted by a Texas historian about some sources for Texas Reconstruction Troubles. I have a talk to give on a hairdresser from Everett for Black History Month; still trying to connect her to the tree, plus I haven't any new material on her.  As always I spend WAY too much time on Wikitree instead of tending to stuff like a dishwasher that doesn't drain, various bills, etc.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (330k points)
Wow, Margaret, you are a busy woman! That's sure a lot of snow to contend with. Real shame about your tree.
I'm just north of you Margaret, awash in the same winter weather.  They tell me every ten years ... Our Sunday hike this week was cancelled in favour of snowshoeing, but I'm not sure about the snow, either.  I'm wondering if slush-shoeing is a recognized sport or if we should invent it.
Margaret I have a rather sad story about Mukilteo, my horrible ex and his friends used to ride mountain bikes out in the woods there and were building jumps and they found a human skull. Instead of telling police they threw it so their site wouldn't be disturbed! I told Unsolved Mysteries about it but I don't know if they took me seriously.

Laughing about the time spent on WikiTree... some just don't know what they would do if not for doing ancestry work on WikiTree. But... the bill people wouldn't understand would they, and water on the floor isn't a good idea either, what's a gal going to do lol!!! Thank you Margaret for all you do!yes

Wow, C!  Any idea what year this was?  The area around Japanese Gulch has always been popular for unauthorized biking.
I could pm the info if you want, but it was that old fire road near train tracks if that helps. Around 2002-2003
Squirrel highway...too funny. My chocolate lab didn’t like the deep snow when it got crusty on top and she broke through with every step. It didn’t help that the cat was light enough to stay atop the crust, and she would go taunt the dog.

Great news on your driving skills.
Details sent, thank you Margaret.
Found out today I'm NOT the speaker for Black History Month on the 24th.  I got a postcard in the mail saying the program is about the First Flight of the 747, 50 years ago.  I'm kind of relieved, but...I wish someone had contacted me about this sooner.


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+17 votes
Hi Y'all! North Georgia is supposed to get lots of rain in the next few days. This has sure been a wet winter for us. Spring it on it's way, though, the jonquils have jumped up and the "red buds" are budding.

I've worked on some extended family profiles this week. One day my husband walked into the room and he could tell I was upset. When he asked why I told him I just found out one of my cousins had been murdered. He was like "Who?! When?!" When I told him it happened in 1925, he looked at me like I was nuts. He doesn't understand, but I hope you all do--when I find out things like this, it's like it just happened. I'm not just finding out about dead people, I'm exploring their lives, and when bad things happen to them, I grieve with them and for them. When I found out another cousin had been killed in France in World War I, I cried. I can't help it. Please tell me you do this, too, and it's not just me being crazy.

Y'all take care and have a fabulous weekend!
by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (579k points)
Yeah I tend to feel the same way when I find the death certificate for a child who died young. It's....yeah.....

I mean I've seen a lot of them coming from my great-grandmother's parents. It's so sad. And then finding out her father died just before her youngest brother was born was just so sad. =(

It's not you. It just means you're sensitive, human and not a robot. =)

Just take these things in stride and count your blessings.
You are not crazy, Nelda.  I once discovered a distant cousin who volunteered for the Mexican War, and died of dysentery within weeks of being deployed.  It still affects me to think of it.

My sister lives on Redbud Court, but I'm sure where she lives they are a long way from budding.
Nelda maybe you are like me, a highly sensitive person. I discovered that term only a few weeks ago but it was like a wake-up call I guess. It is a gene and affects 15-20% of the population. My husband doesn't understand either, sometimes I think it is a curse.
If you're crazy, you are not alone in the padded room!  I get worried for the orphans too.  Your husband and my dear old Dad should have a beer one day ... or maybe we should keep them apart ...
Nelda, I once told my wife that my uncle Johnny Patterson got shot and killed. “Oh, no!!! Which uncle was this? When?” 1929.

Very sad, so I understand completely your reactions.

Yep, joining the crowd, the event may be old but the news is fresh in our minds as we read about it and the emotions can't be held in for some of the stuff we find huh!!! People sometimes ask me.. do you get paid for what you are doing.. and I always say no, but the joy of finding ancestors and cousins I haven't kept up with is pay enough!!! Thanks for sharing Nelda!!  (We are NOT crazy).

My mom is reading through old family letters looking for genealogy clues.  Right now she's reading Depression-era letters that are, well, depressing.  The family had split up so my great grandfather could find work, my great grandmother didn't have money for food or oil, and they just about froze.  At one point her mother sends her a dollar and tells her to spend it on meat or oil.  I want to go back in time and tell her that the family turned out ok.
Wow, I didn't know there was a gene for this! I wonder if there's a DNA test for it? I guess there must be if they know how much of the population is affected. It would explain so much!
Those letters are a treasure, but I'm sure they do make one feel sad for ancestors who had to endure so much deprivation. I've been told stories by older relatives of how difficult the Depression was. Most of us have it so cushy today in contrast.
Yeah, she said she feels guilty eating decent food now...  We have a massive trove of these letters (a 3" binder for 1935 alone, when the family was separated, plus wartime letters and others).  We feel like we should do something with them besides store them nicely, but we don't know what.
Lisa, I have all of y father-in-law's wartime letters (WWII). They're just stored right now, but I hope to publish them sometime.
Maybe scan them and make books of the scans on Shutterfly to share with family. I'd love to get something like that as a gift.
North Georgia is gorgeous in the Spring. We won't be going through there this summer since we won't be going to IGHR this year (its at UGA in Athens). We don't have Spring flowers yet and the cold has returned.


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat. Ditto to what everyone said here.


+15 votes

Thank you for hosting Dorothy! I've spent the week trying to 'catch up' after other obligations kept me away the week before. Am I the only one, or do others get sidetracked in 'acts of genealogical kindness'? I've been trying to find marriage or tax records for a couple and kept coming across bibles on obscure sites, or tax records I hadn't seen before. I'd think 'I've seen that name, they must be on WikiTree!' And then I wander off to add the information and sources to those profiles (laugh)... sometimes it takes me a minute, others I'm truly sidetracked with that new person. 

The couple I'm working on were the ancestors that a bed and quilt descended from. I have pictures from that same person of another family quilt of hers so I plan on working on that couple once Jordan and Susannah are done. I'm learning a lot about North Carolina this week, as it's not an area I usually research in.

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
Its a lovely quilt!
Beautiful find, thanks for sharing the photo Mindy!!! Lately I have been finding stuff on the city where I live and wonder how come I never heard of that news before. History sometimes gets put aside and we miss out on so much. Thanks to research and our love for WikiTree, we try to share all that we find but it can go into rabbit trails. Oh well others benefit too from our finds!!! Keep on sharing Mindy, it could make someone's day!!
Thank you Laurie and Dorothy. I know that there are quite a few of that fall in those rabbit holes  I always seem more likely to wander if I’ve been away a few days though.
Could it be a "Carolina Rose" applique pattern?

Love the framed paintings of "Pinkie" and "Blue Boy" on the wall behind it.

Keep us posted on quilting genealogy.
Fantastic quilt and bed!

We all get sidetracked....just this week I found the historical society transcription of every death notice and obituary in the Fredonia, New York newspaper for the entire 1800s.
Wonderful quilt, bed, and nightstands. Thank you for sharing this and the best of luck on your research.
I'm not sure about the pattern Margaret. I just wish I had the quilting patience to do such a large quilt. My last one was part hand sewn, part machine sewn. Now old record books I can look through for hours....

(smile) so how are those obits going Kay? It's just so easy isn't it? To wander.

Thank you David! She actually uses that room as a guest room during family reunion week. It's called 'the antique room.' Not with that quilt on it though, we just laid that out so I could take the picture. It's far too fragile.


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat. Ditto to what everyone said on this chat.


+16 votes

Happy Weekend to All!

I did not know today is national care givers day. In that case...a big shout out to my mom & my daughter....both nurses.


by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
edited by Doug Lockwood
Both awesome ladies, thanks Doug for sharing their photos!!!


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+15 votes

Saw a funny the other day, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT BRITAIN AGAIN!!" laugh​​​​​​cheeky

Anyone going to Rootstech this year?  I will be staying at the Metropolitan Inn and hope to find some walking buddies.  

by Kitty Smith G2G6 Pilot (654k points)
Oh, how I wish I was going. Manybe next year!
Guess I could start a fund me page so we could go! :-) Have fun at Rootstech, Kitty.
We won't be going. Two trips to Salt Lake City in the past couple of months was enough for a while. Our last trip we stayed at the Metropolitan Inn. The price is right and is still walking distance to the FHL and RootsTech.



Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+15 votes

Happy weekend everyone from Camano Island Washington! We have just come out of a major snow event in the PNW. I have been feeding a lot of birds including this Steller's Jay. On the genealogy front I have been adding profiles on my wife's side. Lots of good source material makes it fun. Thanks for hosting Dorothy!!

by Bart Triesch G2G6 Pilot (274k points)
edited by Bart Triesch
Hi, Bart!  I just added Utsalady to the Island County locations.  I added yesterday a couple of early Island County people.

Certain streets and parking lots remain impassible, not to say impossible.

We have robins invade every fall that gorge on the mountain ash berries.  That (mountain ash) was one tree that remained unaffected.  I guess it will be our picturesque tree from now on, since the plum tree came down in the snow.

Nice pterodactyl, Bart!  We have Steller's jays in my 'hood, too.  Beautiful dinosaurs birds.

We lost our mountain ash to those bugs about 3 years ago, and I miss it.  Still looking for something to replace it, but we also have herds of deer in these parts, so plum trees are snacks.  

I'm open to suggestions!
Hi Laurie! Yes, I saw your wave ;). The robins here were very upset with the snow. But they have access now to our lawn so all is well.
Hi Margaret,

Slowly I'm realizing that there are lots of Wikipeeps in the Northwest. My wife told me though that if we have one more winter like this we're moving! I think she's bluffing..
Love Steller's Jays!  I miss them now that I'm back on the East Coast.  Blue Jays are an ok substitute.
Bart - yet another beautiful picture!  I need to find some ancestors out near you so I have an excuse for an RV trip....

( thought bubble).... but Robins stay all winter. We have one that often sits in the tree outside our kitchen window all through winter. I've never seen a flock of them.They're usually very territorial...

And then the penny dropped;  same name but different bird. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_robin

haha, Helen, if I lived in Dorset, I might not be migratory either, but I'm in Canada, so most of us head south, at least for a few weeks. Just like robins, we sometimes come back too early ...


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+14 votes
Greeting from Brightlingsea, Essex, England

Its been warm for the time of year with bright sunny days mainly, this week. Seem to have plenty to keep me occupied this week, Ballroom dancing on Monday afternoon, Coffee Morning at the Community Centre on Wednesday morning and Tea at the Brightlingsea Museum on the Wednesday afternoon. Took my Dad to those events , gives him the chance to interact socially.  Most of the rest of the week seems to revolve around chores like cooking and the like....

Have been working on Wikitree mostly on the connection to the Brasted family here in Brightlingsea. Have a number of Brightlingsea Connections to follow up on as well. Then I need to look further at my Dad's family connections up in Westmorland, England

Life with the Lido currently means helping out with activity at the pool once a week. Though not much was happening this week. Though as the summer approaches there is alot of area that will need painting

By the way - its 48 years since great Britain went over to decimal currency - 15th February 1971. .......

Have a good weekend everyone.....
by Chris Burrow G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
Wow, you do some interesting things when you are off of your WikiTree/internet work Chris. What a nice treat for your Dad as well!  

PS: Hope you like painting, don't wait until it gets too hot now.


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+16 votes
It's National Flag Day in Canada!

On Feb 15, 1965, the iconic red and white maple leaf was inaugurated as the national flag.  

by Laurie Giffin G2G6 Pilot (106k points)
Happy National Flag Day, Canada!  I'm a fan.  It's a big improvement over the old one (which I had to look up).
Thank you Laurie for sharing that with us!!

I am sorry, I missed that... but I found a nice article written up today about the event: https://www.mtlblog.com/news/canada/today-is-canadas-official-flag-day-and-its-got-canadians-feeling-uncharacteristically-patriotic


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+14 votes
Busy week here, as usual.  Snow day on Tuesday, so work doubled up on Wednesday.  (Two simultaneous faculty job interviews, thankfully for different positions.)  Decluttered the basement and garage in prep for the new washer, arriving tomorrow morning.  My daughter spontaneously decided to declutter her room today and has stuff to go to the attic and Goodwill.  I'm hoping by the end of the weekend the house will look a lot better overall.

Meanwhile in treeland... I got tired of Robertsons and Killingsworths and I've been working on downloading Ancestry data with DNAGEDCom's download client.  Now I'm frantically trying to finish in case the new match page setup that Ancestry is rolling out today temporarily breaks the client.  But I've also probably just managed to break half of my Swedish brick wall using my uncle's matches.  I know the names of my 2G grandfather Peter Lundquist's parents but not much else.  I found a match descended from his brother and looked at our shared matches.  One had an extensively researched and sourced tree (much better than your typical Ancestry tree).  I spotted Peter's mother's surname in the tree, poked around, and found someone with her exact name, approximate birth year, and location, sister to a direct ancestor of my match.  I've contacted the match and we're going to work together to confirm things, but I'm pretty confident that I've found Peter's mother's family.  Parts of this person's tree go back to about 1600, so I'll have a ton of stuff to add to WikiTree if this all pans out.  I'm also hoping we can also find Peter's father's family now that we have more information about his mother.  Progress!
by Lisa Hazard G2G6 Pilot (266k points)
Aww. You got that access to that sweet beta on Ancestry? Little jealous.

Okay. I'm a lot jealous. I'll just be over here thinking about how I am going to organize things. I might do the labelings by MRCAs. That would work. Just need to get the thing!

Good job with your research. I do like seeing well researched trees on Ancestry. I've seen a few. Some are just so wrong that it makes you back away and run like a scared bunny!

Thanks again for your help!
Nope, I don't have it yet, but I'm worried that when I do get it it'll break third party tools until they can catch up.  Looks cool, though!  I already use the Notes field (and MedBetterDNA) to label matches with MRCA but maybe this will be easier.

I tried a few third party tools like Blaine's dot gimmick. This kinda renders that obsolete. Whoops. Haha. I haven't really used Medbetter. I have notes, though. So that's good. I'm still wondering how I'll organize the groups. Maybe by MRCA couples? That would work.

Like for my first cousin once removed I'd say:

Giuseppe Carrabs and Clementina Forgione  for one group.

Giuseppe's parents' group is gonna be huge as it's at like 10+ people.

The main feature of Medbetter that I like is that you can force your notes to always be visible instead of having to click on them.  Makes it much easier to scroll through a list of shared matches and see what common ancestors are showing up.
Cool. I also tried the AncestryDNA helper where you download all your matches to a .csv file. It was nice. Great for the Leeds Method. And for clustering.


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+11 votes
Hi all, have a great weekend!

I had quite a calm week, also genealogically. I did a bit in the greatgrandparents quest for the Canadian PMs and found also some and I added some more people to my Madeira Vital Records Free Space page. But that was it. And again I realised how much I like sourcing. It's really fun to find someone and then see, yeah, that's really him.
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Hi, Jelena! I, too, enjoy finding documentation that my genealogy is correct, especially anything that gives me more insight into my ancestor's life.

Oh wow, someone who likes sourcing, boy do we need more folks like you!! Such an important role in genealogy research and varification. Thank you Jelena!! yes  

You too Nelda smiley!!!!!!

Are sourcerers such a strange breed, that you do a happy dance only because I said I like to find sources?

If you notice the WikiTree suggestions report every week you would know why I for one do a happy dance for those who source. It is sometimes impossible to help fix a problem or correct a date without some type of source!! So yeap I do a happy dance!!! 

Especially on profiles that have been sitting around for a few years unsourced and unconnected laugh


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+11 votes
I actually have been having a conversation with someone who found a sampler with name and date of someone in my tree. He sent a photo which I posted. He actually did some research and sent photos of documents and graves, which I also posted. He says he is interested in samplers rather than genealogy, but did a lot of legwork. This actually added people and sources, I knew about the 2nd wife, but didn't have sources. I didn't know about the child who did the sampler. I also cleaned up some Family Search duplicates in the process. The child was out on Family Search.
by Sue Hall G2G6 Pilot (170k points)


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


Oh, my goodness, that sampler is wonderful! Can't you just picture the young person stitching that by lamplight? So happy for you that it was able to expand your family history.
+13 votes

Today is.......



Everyone knows a grouch, and some of us may even be guilty of being one.  February 16th is a call to kindness in the name of a grouch.  On National Do a Grouch a Favor Day, you can do something to make their day much better.

For some, it’s in their nature to be grouches all of the time; while others may just be having a rough day or two.  On National Do a Grouch a Favor Day, we have an opportunity to turn the grouches frown upside down!

A grouch can be called by a number of names, some of which won’t be described here. However, a few that might come in handy are curmudgeon, crank, grump, sourpuss, bellyacher, grouse, crosspatch, malcontent, crab, and grumbler. If you manage to turn their mood around they might become known as the neighborhood idealist. 

The grouch that you know might be a friend, relative,  co-worker,  boss, neighbor or that someone who lives in your house.  The favor you do on National Do a Grouch a Favor Day can be simple or elaborate.  Either way, doing them a favor is going to feel right for you!!

A grouch is a habitually irritable or complaining person, a grumbler. ~ Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Maybe February 16th would be a fun day to watch the movies Grumpy Old Men and Grumpier Old Men.

Let’s make it a better day for your favorite grouch! Do something to make a grouch’s day better... share your ideas with us!

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

Love this! Made me laugh. So, all the things I've done for my husband this morning count toward this!wink


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat.


+11 votes
Late to the party and this is going to be short. I am sick! I fell out of bed yesterday afternoon and moved it a few inches in the process. My eyes can not focus well so I am out of here for a while. I am getting better but with the number of typho's I made on this post doing anything on WikiTree would be a bad idea. The good news is my fever is moving in the right direction, the bad news is it is moving very slowly.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Sounds rough. Hope you feel better soon!

Get well soon, see your doctor if not better by Monday! Falling out of bed is no fun, that is for sure. surprise


Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Valentine Day Weekend Chat. Ditto to what everyone said here Dale.


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