"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! December 15th - 17th, 2023 [closed]

+32 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: See you next weekend. Please stay safe!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard

It’s time for another Weekend Chat, my fellow WikiChatterboxes! And greetings from Cathey’s Creek where it has been very chilly. It was 27°F when I got up at 6 a.m. this morning. We had one good rain last weekend, so the fire ban has been lifted. All the mountains around us look gray and drear now that all the leaves have fallen. The frost each morning is beautiful in the fields about my neighborhood.

On the Home Front: You know that you’re a senior citizen when aches and pains are usual topics of conversation. It appears that my operation is coming at the right time since I spend nights tossing and turning (like last night) trying to get comfortable. Lying on my right side has now become painful.

Since my wife does not drive, we are arranging rides for upcoming procedures. The day after my January 3rd surgery, my wife will have two wisdom teeth taken out. Good thing my brother (the WikiTree member who does all my biography proofreading for me) will be here for a couple of days to help. My cousin who did the driving will once again be enlisted to help with a few follow-up appointments, including a visit to my surgeon on the 5th.

We still don’t have a final tally for who is going to be here for Christmas. The girls, for sure, and one husband. We are planning for everyone to be here for at least part of the holidays. Add to the mix of our busyness: our church has two services on Christmas Eve and one Christmas morning. As the senior warden and a corporate officer of the church, I’ll have to be there for all three.

Our younger daughter demands Christmas decorations, and we comply. Otherwise, we’d put very few decorations up. Last night we worked a bit on the tree, and in the basement, I found a much smaller tree (pre-lit), so I stuck that one out on the front porch and plugged it in.

On the Genealogy Front: Talk about throwing a wrench in the works! Remember that the last couple of weeks I have been working on a dear friend’s ancestors? His father told a story well after I started… that HIS grandfather was actually a step-grandfather.

Apparently, the genetic grandfather went off to war (WWII) and made a friend promise to take care of his family if he was killed. This is just what happened, and the friend did as he was asked, marrying the grandmother shortly after the war. The source had no idea who is real grandfather was.

Imagine my frustration. All that research, all that connecting. While all that was good for our Shared Tree, I wondered which direction to take. I decided to keep forging ahead and complete as many of the step-grandfather’s lines as I could, which brings me to the bright side of this tale.

I found a connection to one of the ancestors and wondered, “Where have I heard this name before?” I went on the hunt and found him on the grandmother’s tree, Pleasant Wear Shults. So, this made the step-grandfather a cousin of the grandmother. It was worth all the research for things to pan out this way. The friend now has at least one instance of endogamy and possibly another, if I can just make one more connection in the Parrott line. (I also found that Dollie Parton of country music fame is a cousin of my friend.)

You bless me with your participation in the Chat. This month marks four years I have been hosting the Chat, and it is such a joy for me.

Enjoy the Chat!

Quote: You know that you’re a senior citizen when aches and pains are usual topics of conversation. DITTO!surprise

Hi PiP, I am so sorry about the pain and need for surgery. The plans for you and your wife 'sharing a ride and a day' are very smart. The two of you love birds can commisserate together while healing at home.

As to the Holidays, I don't set up any decorations save for a big red ribbon on my front door, and some faux berries on the mailbox with a Santa hat on the lamp post to keep the mail carrier amused. I did not go to Wisconsin this year because of cost and the reviews I need to finish. Plus, my sister and the entire family are going on a holiday cruise from the 19th to the 30th.

I can totally relate to getting 'sidetracked' working on WikiTree only to discover that I am back home with a connection to a non-step family member! I call it the 'WikiTree Twilight Zone.'  

And speaking of Twilight Zone...I have been working to find a connection to Sir John Baldwin (the judge at Anne Boleyn's trial) and the Bucks Baldwins who eventually emigrated to the colonies during the PGM. Well...I was working on the Boys tree last night and came across and old online text titled The History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham (1847). By golly, the work mentions Sylvester Baldwin AND that he is 'descended to others of the same family' (meaning Sir John Baldwin's family). A huge CHIP on a brick wall and all because I was sidetracked on the Boys ancestry!

You could always do what my aunt did right before her knee surgery. She danced like no one was watching the day before. I mean why not, right?! Though, in your case perhaps you could go up at bat. Baseball is a theme this week. ;) See below!

Thanks for hosting, man! Keep up the good work on the genealogy front.

You know that you’re a senior citizen when aches and pains are usual topics of conversation

or when you have to say deliberately: "Let's talk of something else now!"

....that makes this old dog a 40 year plus veteran. Grandma always said getting old aint for sissies.
David that sure is the truth

WikiTree Twilight Zone!!! laughcheeky How appropriate, Carol. Congrats on your find!

Jelena, I am determined to NOT talk about my pains when the kids are here. That conversation wouldn't last very long with them.
Chris, all I could think of with the swing the bat was my arms coming out of their sockets and flying off. I think I'll pass. (I can just hear my wife, "STOP THAT NOW!")
Four years of bringing everyone together, what a milestone! Thank you as always. May you and your wife's procedures and recoveries go well.

37 Answers

+23 votes

laughEnjoy this NEW Parody!  devil

Sung to the tune of Don't Worry! Be Happy!

  • Written by Bobby McFerrin
  • Released in 1988
  • It was the first a cappella song to reach No. 1 in several countries.
    • Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsvkZ5r0jis

  • Click on the link and the music should play, then come back here and try to sing along
    • or open the link in a new window
  • Don't Hurry, Be Chatty!
  • Here's a Weekend Chat song to quote
  • You might want to sing it note for note
  • Don't hurry, be chatty!
  • In every life we hurry to trouble
  • But when you hurry, you make it double
  • Don't hurry! Be chatty
  • Don't hurry, be chatty now
  • Don't hurry! Be chatty
  • Don't hurry, be chatty
  • Don't hurry! Be chatty
  • Don't hurry, be chatty
  • Ain't got no sources for the dead
  • Your cousin screwed up Uncle Fred!
  • Don't hurry, be chatty
  • Ancestry says your fees are late
  • They may have to litigate
  • Don't hurry, ha ha ha be chatty (look at me, I'm chatty)
  • Don't hurry! Be chatty
  • Hey I give you my profile number,
  • Don't you hurry, log on, we'll make you happy
  • Don't hurry! Be chatty
  • Don't need no cash, WikiTree has style
  • They don't have fees, so stay awhile
  • But don't hurry, be chatty
  • 'Cause when you hurry we know you're down
  • Everybody here will erase your frown!
  • So don't hurry! Be chatty
  • Don't hurry, be chatty now
  • Don't hurry! Be chatty
  • Don't hurry, be chatty
  • Don't hurry! Be chatty
  • Don't hurry, be chatty
  • Don't hurry! Don't hurry! Just chat!
  • Be chatty! We'll put a smile on your face!
  • We'll get rid of that frown
  • Don't hurry! Don't go fast! Chat whatever it is!
  • Don't hurry, be chatty

winkFor More Weekend Chat Parodies >>>CLICK HERE<<<

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Thanks, David. I plan on being chatty today.

David, great parody! My husband's grandmother had this quote on the wall in her kitchen: 

“The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.”― Lewis Carroll

I often find this true! 
And now the original is in my head. DARN IT! You win this round, Draper!!!!!!

The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.  laugh  In 1964, my mentor would utter this phrase, as he taught me how to manufacture machinery.......now I know where it originated.......thanks Alexis.  I also heard my mentor comment, "I cut it twice and it's still to short."

John, I had not heard the “cut it twice”—that is funny! smiley

Once upon a time, my ol' boss sent a guy to the truck to get a board stretcher after he cut a board too short. He was gone for about 30 minutes. I guess he took offense to that because it was the last time we saw him.

K and John, I have told several men through the years that I in my next life—I plan to come back and work construction. I have gotten several negative comments, wink

K, one of our son-in-laws, a pipe fitter, would instruct apprentices to hang up extension cords, to drain the electricity from them.
Alexis, when you arrive, in your next life, just start working.......Kathy did.......everybody joined in.
I wondered why pipe fitters hung their cords instead of daisy chaining them. Then again, I've had young guys ask me why I tie my cords in knots when I am not using them.

I had a young guy, who worked as a laborer, tell me of an old guy that he worked with who was a genius. This old guy could pull posts from the ground without a bobcat or tractor with only a chain, spare tire and his pick-em up truck. Before he explained, I described the process and he couldn't believe I knew how it was done. I told him, the old guy that showed me used his horse.

John, I thought of Kathy when I wrote my comment. My mother worked at the Boeing Plant during WWII, but she wasn’t a Rosie the Riveter—they handed her some plans, and she told some older men, Kansas farmers, where to put the rivets. 

I have always gone to home building sites and wanted to pick up a hammer. smiley

This one:

  • Don't need no cash, WikiTree has style
  • They don't have fees, so stay awhile

...oughta be on the front page of WikITree.

I read your song as I was hurrying through the chat to post my own. Now, I have to read all of them so I can be chatty.
Chat is definitely my time to slow down and listen to friends' worries, troubles, joys, and genealogical finds.
+21 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7:00 am and 41F (5C) with an expected high of 71F (21.7C) with sunny skies in Tucson.

My week has been taken up with writing and reviewing. Last week, I got a request to review a paper by a group in India who examined college students screen viewing, daytime sleepiness, and such. It is a decent paper and today I need to write and submit the review.

On Monday, I got a request to review another paper. This one examines the use of auricular acupressure and insomnia. I have not even begun to read it because of other demands. I will have to get to this one today and get the review done this weekend.

The biggest time-consuming task this week was getting the policy paper on night shift work, health and costs done and sent around to my nurse colleagues for our Wednesday afternoon zoom meeting. My friend/colleague, Stuart, added some outstanding comments/revisions to the paper at the 11th hour (I received them Sunday night around 10pm). I spent the better part of Monday trying to reconcile his edits within the already edited paper. I had such a headache after eight hours, I took a break, did some WikiTree work and went to bed. I spent some 12 hours on Tuesday just starting all over again with the paper. I took the last version and point by point made changes to that paper from Stuart’s revisions. I just have great difficulty using the text-editing feature, especially when some four people did text edits in four different colors. I got the version in good enough shape that I sent it around to the team about 9pm on Tuesday. Most everyone had the opportunity to read this last version and they were really thrilled with the revisions. Stuart has an incredible capacity to extrapolate health care costs for night workers based on the percentage of people, such as nurses, who work nights.

What has not helped and has slowed me down this week is the phenomenal amount of right flank pain that I have had in addition to the lumbar stenosis pain. I am not eligible for another steroid injection treatment until the end of January. My new primary care provider (PCP; I should refer to her as pointless care provider) is useless. She set up a program to monitor my blood pressure but does not seem to put two nickels together to make a dime figuring out that the hypertension is likely due to the untreated pain. The one thing that helped in the short term (perhaps 3 days) was the medical massage with cupping that I had last Thursday. This is very costly, though, and I can only afford it once, sometimes twice, a month. I wish my neurologist could be my PCP. He is very holistic.

I mentioned last week that I would give everyone feedback from my sister, Bonny, as to her paternal line. Well…it won’t be in this morning’s chat. She worked Tuesday and yesterday. I was swamped with paperwork on Monday and Wednesday. I spoke with Bonny late Wednesday night while she was walking her dogs. She will be calling tonight at 5pm, so I will do a follow-up report as to her feedback on her WikiTree paternal line. I am very excited to find out what she thinks. I have made her co-manager because I want her to take on the responsibility now of adding, revising, and updating this line.

In other news, I joined the Guild of One Name Studies. The downside is that I think I joined the wrong section. I thought, given my surname, that I would become the representative for the Baldwin name (it is still up for grabs). I sent a message last night and received a response yesterday afternoon. I have not had a chance to contact them and see if I can administrate the Baldwin One Name Study. Hopefully, I will get this straightened out by early next week.

I am still working on the profiles for the Boys family in Kent. I am a direct descendant of this family. Most of the work entails improving profiles that were uploaded from GEDCOM Junk (@#^#!*%&$ - swearing in keyboard language), which means the profiles need biographies and sources. These are also time consuming because dates are based on the Julian calendar, so sometimes birth years are the same for siblings that were born a year apart (no one checked on this…just added profiles), and wills, while in quill pen Medieval English are, well, in quill pen Medieval English. Nevertheless, it is a feeling of accomplishment when each profile is complete. I also signed up for the January Thon – England Team 4-ever!

Pip, as ever, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. I am another week closer to seeing you and Mike! I also want to wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great third weekend of December 2023. Saludos a todos!


by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Carol Baldwin

Maybe if you say you're related to the more famous Baldwin family, they'll let ya in? Couldn't hurt. See ya at the thon! Much love from Team Italy!
@ Chris F: To paraphrase Groucho Marx: I would refuse to join a club that would have me as a member.

I will do my best to achieve the points you're going to Garner at the Thon. Hugs from Team England and let the competition begin!
LOL. Fair point, Carol! =D

Papers, papers, papers. It's like you are still in school, Carol. laugh I don't know how you are able to concentrate what with all the pain you are experiencing. I'm all for a holistic approach. I know that some docs look askance at holistic medicine, but at some point one will go with what works.

Considering we didn't have "screen time" while you and I were in college, I'd be interested in the India paper, just to see what they've discovered.

!Igualmente, Senora Doctor (mi prima)! Apropos of your comment on my post, I too have often wondered how you manage to get so much done!

Clubs: love Groucho. Funny,on Discord we were just chatting about the DAR. Someone was asking about proving ancestors. I could apply (also to the Daughters of Union Veterans AND the UDC- though then I'd probably get hate mail!) but no. Too expensive, too many hats and gloves (from what I saw at Yorktown Day). I'm retired, and this is as dressed up as I get, unless it's a costume for a show.
I so hope you find a reprieve from your pain soon. Looking forward to you being able to catch up with Bonny! I have a Christmas Eve meeting with an uncle whose children have DNA tested so I have mapped out some of their tree (hoping to find a shared great grandfather, no luck yet) so I am excited to share the work I have done.
+22 votes
Top of the Morning to every one. I guess it is Wiki Time! I finally got in to see the pain management Dr and he agreed that the pain in my leg is probably not from spinal stenosis. So, back to my primary care physician. Hurry up and start the wait again. Oh well, another year older, another pain to deal with. On the bright side, last year's pains have not become significantly worse.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)

O.K..... K  Look up above! Quote: "Hurry up and start the wait again".   Don't hurry, be chatty!wink  We'll give you some beer, oops, I mean cheer today! surprise

Hang in there brother!
There are plenty of Dr's I haven't irritated yet, now all I must do is find one that agrees with me. About time for some new ones for Christmas. If they don't celebrate Christmas, I'll take my copay elsewhere.
That makes two of you in the Chat, John, with spinal stenosis (see Carol's post above). I hope you DO find a doc who "agrees with" you. Makes life so much easier when people listen.
Good luck K. Getting older doea beat the alternative. My doc may be an ole pill-pusher, but he's nice and manages to allay some of my quirky fears...like the bad sinus trouble. "Are you still heating with wood?" "Yes." "Uh-huh, I figured. I can smell the smoke on you."
Thank you, D. We don't have to enjoy everything we do; we just have to survive. One good thing about Dr's is, they are replaceable!
Yup, unless you live in a rural area where nobody wants to fill the vacuum, unless they have family there. My dentist retired and it was 3 years before I could get an appt with anyone else!
Most of my trips to and fro are 45 min to an hour. The 15-min city sounds better and better the older and older I get. That would have to include a lake though.
I hope you get answers soon. It's so hard waiting out medical issues.
Short of broken bones and pneumonia, I question how much they have actually helped me in all they have done. Thanks for your well wishes.
+23 votes

Hi from southern Ontario, 

Chez moi/at home: what's been happening here? It’s been an interesting week, for a glimpse into what I have been doing over the past few days https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1674663/image-copyright-possible-scam-opinions-wanted

It's interesting how interests in other areas have an impact on how things are presented, I have always been a pit bull for details (that's what Robbie says). Here on WT we are encouraged to look at or for other explanations for stuff that makes no sense. In the post linked above it quickly became apparent that the umbrella association referred to had not thought that the copyright infringement accusation could be a scam. 

Weather is different every day, yesterday was windy and cold, though a high of 1 C doesn’t really count as cold. Today we are told will be 9C and sunny, that is unusual at this time of year, only I day over the next week with below 0C temps. 

We are visiting my sister in law on Sunday for the annual pre-Christmas get together. About 10 of us I believe. We bought a real Christmas tree on Wednesday, today will be tree decorating day, which will include excavating the Christmas decorations from the basement where everything is still disorganized after last year’ house reno. 

We spent a few hours yesterday helping my daughter declutter which involved sorting through 5 of those big plastic storage boxes and putting all the pieces of about 27 unboxed jigsaw puzzles in the recycle bin. 

Also in the basement are an increasing number of boxes and bags of winter clothing, sleeping bags etc. My sister in law works at the emergency room of a hospital in old downtown Hamilton, Ontario. Many of their patients are homeless and have injuries or illnesses caused by being homeless.. 

In an effort to prevent people from freezing to death or losing fingers, toes, hands and feet to frost bite while on the street this winter….she is collecting tents, tarps, sleeping bags, sleeping mats/yoga mats, first aid kits, back packs, hockey bags and durable winter clothing. I asked members of the horticultural society to donate. 

Plus, the hospital receives many patients injured in car accidents in the local area. Their clothes are often cut off in the ER and they have no clothes to wear when they leave the hospital.

WikiTree and family history: not much got done. I added 2 people and edited 14 profiles, that’s all I did. 

What else: last weekend I made 7 litres of leek and potato soup, that will provide 7 dinners for 2, plus 8 (300ml) containers of red tomato sauce and 7 of yellow tomato sauce. The Christmas pudding and citrus fruitcake will have to be made today or tomorrow.  

I gave my how to grow, what to do, what not to do amaryllis presentation at the Hort meeting on Tuesday night, it was well received. If anyone would like the info pdf I can post it to a free space, just ask!

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
Even a little bit helps. Nice work, M! =D
Hi M, I saw the G2G post regarding the copyright scam and responded there. Thank you for making this very important post. These hackers are getting cagier every day.

Clothing that programs in Tucson don't take I generally take to homeless shelters here. We have devious (or maybe hungry) people who raid drop off stations and take some of the clothing to second hand shops, although they don't get money right away, they do eventially get money. I try to make sure clothing gets to homeless shelters where they can be distributed.

I love potato leek soup! I wish you lived nearby! That would be the perfect meal on this rather chilly day.

You got some great answers to your post about copyright, M. While I have never gotten one like that, I do get regular scam emails from Norton (anti-virus) and PayPal. It worries my wife my then me as I can spot them better. She just asks me to check on hers.

"...excavating the Christmas decorations from the basement..." Hmm... this sounds awfully familiar. smiley

Pip; All 3 letters from the scammer were snail mail sent to a Post Office Box. 

I sent the information about this complicated ruse to the umbrella organisation on Thursday. 

Including this interesting fact.

Under section 41.23 of the Canadian Copyright Act, only a party that owns the copyright to the work or a party that derives any title, right or interest in or to the copyright by assignment in writing from the copyright owner may pursue legal remedies for infringement. 

As such, anyone who sends a cease and desist letter or otherwise attempts to pursue an infringement claim without having a legal interest or right in the work will not succeed.

This is good info to know. I found this article about US copyright infringement pertaining to photographs:


M, your sister-in-law is awesome. What a great idea. Sad to think how many people in Canada and the US are unhoused, including entire families, while affordable units are being snapped up, given a fluff-n-puff, and turned into vacation rentals.

Potato-leek soup is one of my favorites!

Scammers are indeed getting smarter. But if "Melanka," the illustrator mentioned in the link, were a real person, you'd think she'd have the good sense to hire an attorney to write a more professional cease and desist letter!
@D, the Melanka in the link that Gary posted?

Yes, very unprofessional!

And I hadn't realised that I had 2 different sisters in law in my post, there's my sister-in-law we are visiting tomorrow, my husband's sister.

And my sister's wife who is the person organising the clothing collection.

There are new rules in some places about vacation rentals, as you say prices for rental apartments just keep going up.

And then there is the ever popular reno-viction, you have to move we are renovating the building.
Hope the decorating went well, I have a tree up but very few decorations on it as I still need to find the box (it has been a few years since we had a tree up so I have no idea where it might be or in what state of disarray). Also need some decluttering here!
+21 votes
Good morning, Chatters. Here it is - Friday again. A day where we are gifted with a peek into our Wikifriends' lives. You have no idea how much I look forward to this day of the week. OK. Maybe you do.

I am still settling into my "new" digs in the senior housing facility after a more than two-year wait for an apartment. As I have COPD, unpacking boxes and arranging furniture, cupboards, and hanging clothes in the closets is quite a challenge. As I look over my "to-do" list each day, I find I can accomplish just two or three items daily. As you can imagine, then, my apartment is still in disarray. And, it doesn't make me thrilled to know that there are still more boxes of stuff that need to come over from where I used to live. All I can do is bite the bullet and accept the fact that I had procrastinated when it came time to move from one place to another. Instead of sorting through my belongings, I was much more interested in just how I would feel when I was living on my own.  In my defense, though, is the fact that I was not able to lay eyes on the space until move-in day. Without seeing the apartment before the move, how could I decide what to pack and what to leave behind? Sheesh!

But, it's not all 'unpack and place'. I've been able to whittle down my "Suggestions" list a bit. I found a huge mistake that I had made years ago when I was new to Wikitree. I had connected the same man to himself! Horrid, yes? I'm leaving that goof for another day when my mind is clear.

My wish for all of you is that you stress less, love more, and learn lots. However you celebrate the season, do it with gusto and determination.
by Candyce Fulford G2G6 Pilot (123k points)

Moving is not easy!  And WikiTree can distract one from tackling a hard job!  I need to be doing stuff, but look where I am!  I would rather chat to you and others any day and forget my chores!surprise

"... just two or three items daily." Candyce, I tell my wife that she only gets one out of me a day. cheeky Slow and steady wins the race. Don't do more than you are capable of; you know you limits better than anyone. It'll get done when it gets done.

"stress less, love more, and learn lots." I think I'm going to make this my motto, if you'll allow me to borrow it. Be blessed, Candyce!

I don't envy you your unpacking. I have recurrent nightmares about not being ready when the movers come. I trace these back to the real nightmare of moving when I was 13 years old. I was the oldest of 4 and my father was an alcoholic, my mother was overwhelmed and the day of the move they went to the house closing and left us 4 kids home with the movers. We were not ready at all. There was so much cat hair on one of the rugs that the movers refused to move it and as 13 year old me tried to vacuum, i sucked up a battery that clogged the hose. This is only an example of what happened that day.

I have lived in my current house for 35 years and have accumulated a lot of stuff.
Hard as it is, try and take it slow. Chip away at things a few small pieces at a time. You have a new normal with each diagnosis and you can't compare it to someone else's who may not have the same struggles.
Bless you, Erin, for reminding me to slow down. Heaven knows that my personality is "get it done!"
Oh, Nancy. My heart goes out to your 13-year-old self.
Of course you may borrow that phrase, Pip! I'm very good at sharing.

I'm taking things slowly this weekend. The weather is damp, gray, and dreary.

Blessings for you and Mrs. Pip.
+21 votes
Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

On the genealogy front, I posted about my connection to the king of crash, the Colossus of Clout, the Great Bambino Babe Ruth: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/12/52-ancestors-week-50-you-wouldnt.html

I wonder if anyone'll catch that Sandlot reference in the blog. Hehe.

I also helped a friend sort out some records in 1861 Oriolo. Some of the handwriting was a little iffy. The scans on Antenati were awesome as always. But, apparently the clerk wrote that the person she was looking for was "born yesterday". It said the 10th on the doc. So that would mean the person was born on the 9th. The kid was presented to the town hall on the 12th, though. So weird. Gotta love Italian genealogy.

Team Italy is all set for the Connect a thon. We have our chat thread up and running. Though, it is easier to talk in Discord.

On the non genealogy front, I went to the annual office party yesterday and we all had a great time at the Copper Door. It's a nice restaurant in town. Very good food. =D Check it out: https://www.copperdoor.com/

Christmas shopping is complete and now I wait for all of the things to arrive. Can't believe it's only ten days till Christmas (And twelve until my birthday.)

Time flies! Have a great day, chatters! Thanks for hosting, Pip!
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (786k points)
Ciao Cousin Chris, while I am not related to 'The Babe', I am a distant cousing of Mark Hamill. I enjoyed your blog today. While I work on kin in Buckinghamshire and Kent during the Thon, perhaps some of the Italian Team might spend a bit of time in Piemonte, Torino, Italia checking out any Giorgios. Apparently, that is where most, if not all, of the Giorgio immigrants hailed from (Angliscized to George in my family).

And while the various teams compete, WikiTree itself is the real winner!

Cousin Chris, I enjoyed your blog!  Babe Ruth and I have a close connection, but not blood!  Still a surpirse!  Elizabeth Crawford is a 5th great grandparent of Babe's wife!  Her brother Aaron Crawford has a descendant that marries into the family.  17 degree connection.  Mark Hamil is my cousin!heart But I knew that all ready!

@ Carol: Glad yo like the blog! You're right. We're all technically on the same team. The team and the points don't matter. Just like in Who's Line is it Anyway! Can't wait to do the cohosting gig with everyone! Should be fun!

We'll see what we can do about Piedmont. That's way up north!

@ David: Thanks, David! Seems a lot of people are close to Mark Hamill. Very cool. I think I'm like a 20something cousin to him. Not exactly close enough to be invited to a family dinner.
That movie was hilarious.
Yep. Watching the ending montage right now.
I like the part when Porter and Phillips do insult wars. Too funny!

" Though, you know if you go back far enough, you'll find that everyone's connected. " Chris, it is a rarity to come across a profile (usually a more recent one) and I don't find a connection. You and I are very distantly related and 20 connections through the Connection Finder.

I looked up the dinner menu at the Copper Door, and wish we had more restaurants like that one closer to us. So few choices here in town (that we haven't been to multiple times). We have to make a drive to go to something unique.

Your plot convenience vs research comment in the blog made me LOL, literally. My husband asked what was so funny, but he doesn't get it.
@ Eileen: I liked the part where they tried to use every bit of erector set to get the ball and it still failed. Dicast construction is a lost art.

@ Pip: That was a hidden nod to this site. We're all connected in some way. But, to find my parents connection to each other would involve some timey wimey shenanigans. Their connection would have to be greater than five hundred years ago. Perhaps even milennia.

The Copper Door is pretty awesome. I think I've shown you many of the restaurants in Salem. We have like five Italian restaurants all on one strip. Two owned by the same company (Tuscan Brands). There's also the Colloseum, Ralphie's and Amalfis. There's basically food from every country all on one two mile long strip. It is hard to find great Italian places in the south. BUT! I will say that the Indian places in Charlottesville are SO much better than the ones here.

@ Nancy: Thanks! I wasn't about to readily accept that into my tree without research. I'd be crazy if I did. I actually built the tree down toward her instead of backward. Pretty cool connection. Next week's theme is "Cousins". I have some ideas for that one.
I can't believe we are prepping for another thon already! May Team Italy have fun and not go crosseyed reading crazy handwriting. I am still getting used to Italian records, which give a wealth of information IF they can be deciphered.
There is a solution to every puzzle. It just matters if the document was scanned using a potato.
+19 votes

Checking in from somewhere close to the middle of the USA, more specifically the middle of Illinois, more specifically in the middle of McLean County....Well, that's just me in the middle!surprise

Genealogy Front:  I realized I have achieved my goals after 2.5 years here in WikiTree.  This week, I'm in the 1-K Club already, passed the 60,000 contributions goal by 1,300 and made it to the second level of the "WikiTree G2G Space Station."   I purged my Watchlist from well over 4,000 to 806 and those will be going away shortly!  I have agreed to finish my PIP training, which will resume in January.  Like Luke Skywalker, I went to help others before my training was complete.  Now I need to make sure I am totally prepared for what is next:

The Book that I am writing is about real places, real events, real people with real WikiTree profiles.  I will refer readers to those profiles on a page or pages at the end of the book, probably with QR codes to scan to take them to those profiles.  Thus, I have to make sure EVERY profile, or person in the book, is updated and properly presented.  So, writing the book and updating profiles are now one in the same.  My PIP training must be complete!  I must pass with an A!surprise  Writing the book will take as long as it takes, because the quality has to go in first! 

Thanks, Pip, for hosting the Weekend Chat!  Everybody: have a safe holiday season!heart

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
You put the mid in the Midwest, Dave.
I know about middles, David. I'm a middle child, so...

I keep saying this over and over again, but I really need to follow your (and others') example and purge my watchlist. I'm back over 5000 as of today.
I notice inconsistencies and predictabilities in movies all the time. Last night, I watched a romantic comedy where the couple met on a plane and did not get along and of course when they got to their destination, they were staying in the same B & B. I saw that one coming. They were in Ireland and mentioned it raining all the time, but of course in only rained in the movie when the women needed to be rescued by the man.
Huge congrats on the big purge! I am almost scared to look at mine, I have been doing so much connecting and NEVER remember to remove myself. My watchlist so does not resemble a list of profiles I actually want to watch
+24 votes
Howdy folks! Greetings from a wet and mild central Oklahoma, USA! We got a much needed inch of rain last night, and the thunder was rumbling. According to legend, if it thunders during the winter months, you can expect snow in 7 days. Guess we'll wait and see.

Today is my grandgirl's first birthday!! She is crawling all over the place and pulls herself up on anything she can get a hold of. She'll be walking before too long. She has quite the personality too. Tomorrow is her party, and she's going to be having a blast with all of the grandpas, grandmas, aunts, uncles, and cousins!

Yesterday, Brook asked me if I had any ideas for supper yet, and after thinking about it a bit, something popped into my head that sounded really good. Red beans and rice is my 2nd favorite Cajun dish (after gumbo), so when I suggested that, she got real excited. Years ago, I worked with a Cajun guy whose name was Malcom Bourgeois, and he taught me how to cook Cajun food. Sadly, he died back in the 90s, but I'd like to think he's happy I still make tons of people happy by cooking his momma's recipies. I know it makes me happy.

Thanks Pip, for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time.....

by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (225k points)
edited by John Vaskie

Hey John, you are in the "middle" too! (see my post)  Grrrrreat story! Eat well! Prosper!surprise

Give her a couple extra swats from cousin K, one for her B-day, one for Christmas and one for being almost a Capricorn.

I'm sure Malcom is pleased to be remembered.
Let her know that Mrs. Eileen Robinson wishes her a happy birthday.
Red beans and rice... that was a specialty where I lived for a while. Then there's (reversing the color) red rice and shrimp, red rice and pork, etc. My wife has great recipes for anything red rice and _______.
The Dave Ramsey diet. Beans and rice, rice and beans. ..... and tabasco, I almost forgot...
I am so glad your friend's food lives on to nourish many. Happy birthday to the baby!!
+23 votes
Hola a todos from Everett, Washington, where I got up before dawn. Microsoft weather says we're having a record high temperature today--in the 50s. Oh well.

Last night when I was trying to return to my contributions after checking out a surname list, I was bumped out of WikiTree, and asked for my username and password. I entered my email address and password, and wasn't let back in; I just kept getting the same login screen. No admission. So I chalked it up to the site update that was happening yesterday, and shut off the computer. Today everything is working as normal.

Normal! As in Normal, Illinois, the heart of McLean County, where Dave Draper is! I have a lot of Stewart cousins in McLean County. I enjoyed his Don't Worry song parody today, as I happened to listen yesterday to the Bobby McFerrin version. Husband put it on for us to listen to, as the news has been so depressing lately.

I need something for my son to do, as he spends his day watching YouTube and playing video games. Yes, I'm partly to blame, because I have to make plans for him and then tell him, "This is what you will do today." Even so, when I do that, a lot of my ideas are one-offs, and I have to consider where and when he would apply whatever new skills he might learn. He has Aspergers and is not willing to leave his comfort zone. He was interested, however, when we heard about places that rent Christmas trees. He's interested in a rented tree, where you rent the same tree for several years, and then it's planted in a forest when it gets too big for the house.

Yesterday I got new computer glasses. After talking with the glasses consultant, I decided to get a separate pair for distance vision only. I am done with bifocals--actually, I never started, and for years have been using the old computer glasses for everything. I am hoping that this forthcoming distance pair will really help with night driving. She told me that the prescription is quite different. It will be ready around New Years.

I saw a quilter's channel where the motto is "Just Get It Done." Two more tops are ready for batting now. I am doing a lot of hand applique, which doesn't help "getting it done" in terms of cleaning up the mess. But, as with WikiTree, "stay in your lane" is the motto, lest by leaping down rabbit holes you end up with a bigger mess than before. I know one thing--the St. Thomas Aquinas rice sack quilt is now done and ready to give to my drinking buddy for Christmas.

I do like my new little sewing machine. Bobbin winding is the only headache so far--just needs careful attention to keep the thread on the bobbin and not on the spindle.

God bless all of you in this Advent season.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (330k points)
Margaret, I like your Spanish!
That was a great transition: Everything is working a s "Normal" to Normal, Illinois! Love it!  Ok, let's talk cousins.  You are my 19th cousin, and you have Stewart cousins here in McLean County, so, are they my cousins too?  In my sign painting business back in the long ago, I lettered a lot of Stewart trucks, farmers and businesses.

@Margaret!  Thanks for the profile IDs!  Those Stewarts are not related to me.  There is a connection, but not blood!  As for If I lettered any of their trucks or farm equipment, I can't tell.  Thank you!laugh

Margaret, we are also expecting to get to 50° today with some rain in the evening. 

Yep, lots of people noticed that WikiTree was slow to load and folks were getting kicked off. Glad to hear all is better. I didn't notice it because I was not at the computer most of the day... well, not on WikiTree.

My priest already has a pair of glasses just for the computer. I'm not there yet, but I expect the time is nearing. 

I'd LOVE to see that St. Thomas Aquinas rice sack quilt! Couldn't find anything online to get an idea of it.

Just Get It Done can refer to crochet projects too. I made a hat that is supposed to have little ears attached. You reminded me to finish that project.
I think "just get it done" is a wonderful crafting motto. I have SO many unfinished projects where perfection got in the way of good (or should I say, finishing)
My birthday weather: 50° in Rochester, Minnesota. It was awesome!
+23 votes
Good morning from a very dreary day in my part of Texas! We need rain and this one is a slow steady rain that will be great for the trees and shrubs. It is also a handy excuse to have all the Christmas lights on all day. Make it more "cheery" inside.

With Christmas looming I have to finish the shopping which demands more online time. I will only go out and retail shop for a few items. The three grandsons are of an age they would rather have gift cards or cash and we are happy to accommodate their wishes!! About 13 or 14 of us will gather at our older daughter's house on Christmas. This includes a niece coming from Louisiana and a cousin from southeast Texas. Quite a crew to celebrate!

On the genealogy front I had an online consultation with a genealogy and DNA person from Your DNA Guide yesterday. The target problem is my 3x great grandmother in Louisiana but she probably originated in Georgia or Alabama. This has been a tough wall to break. Now, I have a better focus but a lot of work to do. The good news is that when I do the work, I will have another consultation and she will help zero in on who this ancestor is -- fingers crossed!!

Also this week I was honored to be the "Member of the Week" here on WikiTree. I was surprised when asked to do this and feel absolutely stunned, to say the least. After many years of just working away on my own research, finding WikiTree has been the best thing about my journey in this field! There are so many sharing and caring people here that it never ceases to amaze me.

And, on that note, I wish you all a wonderful week ahead and hope to "see" everyone next Friday!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

heartThat was a great interview.  Congratulations on your M.O. M. Recognition! Like you, WikiTree has been the best thing about my genealogy journey. Hugs!

Ha! Dreary days are perfect for having the Christmas lights on, Ginny. My wife is asking, "Why do we have these on? It's not even nighttime yet!"

"...finding WikiTree has been the best thing about my journey in this field! There are so many sharing and caring people here that it never ceases to amaze me." This is so true! Best of luck on that brickwall!

Hi Virginia. I liked your interview. My mother's LNAB was Field and is a brick wall of mine in New Jersey, far away from Louisiana.
Congrats on Member of the Week! I agree on WT being the best of this field of research. The people really MAKE the site.

I also sit here on a gloomy day, with just my Christmas tree lighting my living room (my daughter's request)
+25 votes

Virtual Vacation!

Today we are taking a short tour through my childhood, this is the area where my family lived from 1956 to 1964. We drove along this road in 2017 and it is very different.

This is/was the main road into Birmingham from the south, my house was, actually still is on the left side of the road between the 2 signs. Though my house will be demolished in the near future. The buses in the picture are Birmingham city buses.


These are the shops across the road where my mother would send me with a shopping list, I was about 7 years old. She would take me to the edge of the road wait until it was safe and then I would cross the road with strict instructions not to cross the road on my way back, but to wait on the other side of the road until she saw me out of the kitchen window and came outside to tell me when to cross. The shops are still there and don’t look much different. 


This is the pub across the road, it is long gone replaced by many more stores and a hotel, all the grass is gone. I can’t figure out where the bus terminal has gone to. 


This is my house, it originally had an overgrown hedge along the front edge of the garden, it was replaced by a rather nice brick wall. 


We used to sit on the wall and watch the traffic. I’m the one in the middle on the right is my older brother, and on the left is my sister, the one next youngest to me, 2 of the other 3 younger sisters weren’t born yet. 


This is part of the front of my school, Our Lady of Compassion Roman Catholic School also called Olton Court Convent for girls this section was the convent/accommodation for the nuns who ran the school. The convent has now been turned into several luxurious apartments. 


The convent was created in the village of Acocks Green by the Order of Our Lady of Compassion. These were French nuns, who had fled religious intolerance, and who had a base in Olton. Yes, my nuns spoke French as well as Latin and English, the principal/ headmistress was called Ma Mere. 

The school still exists though it is now a primary school instead of an age 5-18 school. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (762k points)

heartAs Always, great pictures! I see you are "in the middle" also!wink (see the beginning of my post)

Hi M, your photography talent began for you at a young age and looks like it runs in the genes. What I really dig is the car in front of your house. I also like the 'scintilla' of age as I look at these photos. They remind me of some of the photos my dad took back in the 1950s when we traveled through the Dakotas. I think he used a Leika. My brother transferred several rolls of film and some slides into photos, which I have used on some of the family WikiTree profiles. 

The story of your mum watching as you cross the road as a child is classic. My mum and grandmother did the same and your story conjured memories of them for me from so many years ago.

Thank you so much for showing us some of your early roots in Birmingham. And speaking of Birmingham, has it gotten any attention since the start of the series Peaky Blinders, which was set in early 20th century Birmingham?

Birmingham is a huge internationally recognised city, Peaky Blinders is set in the old centre of the city.


When my family left England in 1966 it had a population of 2 million people, moving to a town with about 45,000 people in southern Ontario seemed like a step into the wilderness.  

The photos other than the one of my school were taken by my dad.

I wasn't born In Birmingham, I was born on an RAF base close to Norwich in Norfolk, then we moved to Wednesfield in south Staffordshire, then we moved to the south side of Birmingham.

I do have many ancestors on the Richards side of my family who lived and worked in the old centre of Birmingham, they were gunsmiths, silver merchants, and tinsmiths
Thanks for this added info, M. It makes your 'story' so much more interesting!
The car in front of your home? I want!!!

M, I read an article yesterday by a guy who has seen so many religious institutions turned into night clubs, apartments, shopping areas. It's kinda sad, I think.

A few years ago, my wife and I were in my old hometown, and I suggested that on the way hoe that we go by my old homeplace. I also passed the house where grew up. I didn't recognize the aera.
I remember going on holiday in that car, 2 parents and 4 kids!

it was a tight fit, with a roof rack because the 'boot' would only fit one suitcase.
Haha! Packing them in like sardines. Hope y'all got along better than we did on holiday trips.
I remember many car trips "back in the day"! Living in the South, the weather was always hot in the summer so we said we had either 2-60 or 4-60 air conditioning. Roll down either 2 or 4 windows and drive 60 miles an hour!! Anyone else identify with that??
In my English childhood it was never hot enough to need to roll the windows down!
+22 votes

Howdy all, and thanks for hosting the Chat, Pip. Joining early (for me) - usually I manage to check in sometime Sunday.

Highlights of the last 3 weeks::

Show went well. My characterization of Drosselmeyer was a hit even though I screwed up the stupid coin trick twice (easiest thing in the world!). And the girl playing Clara and I managed to knock over a few packages under the Christmas tree during the magic scene. Minor glitches. My new haircut was a hit too; my student Bonnie sent me some suggestions, as I'd requested. Easy care, no major styling required. I'm a fan.

T and I attended TeslaCon in WI, a major steampunk event that has nothing to do with the car, thank goodness. (Auto show actually stole the name from Eric, the founder; I suggested he send them a cease and desist letter. :) ) The theme was Egypt, 1892, so there were a lot of people in Anubis masks, dressed as pharaohs, mummies, British tourists, etc. There were some fascinating panels dealing with Ghawazee dancing, architecture, the Book of the Dead and so forth. Lots of room for some fun as well. We were so tired by Saturday night, we never made it to the ball, but stayed in the hotel and watched - guess what, Cousin David! - an Indiana Jones marathon. Whaaaat? Romans throwing spears at planes? Boy, the writers must be reaching! I'm glad our respective books are about real stuff, though mine is mostly based in boring farm life. Oh, the research! When is fodder pulling, hog killing, etc., in Georgia? Did it rain a lot in 1862? This is why I can't get out of research mode. Sheeeesh.

Genealogy: Gina is my USBH Path advisor and has been helping me document the enslaved workers of my 3x ggrandfather. I joined the Appalachia Project Discord server, but don't dare check in too often - it's a trap! ;) I created a basic profile for 19th-c. NC farmer/diarist Basil Armstrong Thomasson, and worked a bit on the Wilson Cemetery in Anderson County, TN. (Like I need more rabbit holes...) Next trip to the public WiFi, I really need to work on student evaluations...

Rain today, been in the 30s-40s F. I swear Alice is haunting the house; every so often I think I hear her toenails clicking or a thud upstairs like she's lying down, or catch myself wondering if she's ready to come in. I miss her so much.

Has anyone seen the Geminids? Last night was clear enough for me to catch an earth grazer streaking across the sky as I was driving home from class. Reaching home, I stayed outside and scanned the sky for additional activity, but no luck. I love our neighborhood, which could be a dark sky park!

Gotta go back to work on some projects. Be well...I'll try to comment on some of your posts on my next pass.

by D Armistead G2G6 Mach 8 (83.3k points)
Hi Cousin D, Wow! My head is spinning with all that you have seen, done and accomplished this past week! I think the Geminids were to reach their peak last night. I have been too tired (and too cold) to stand outside for any length of time. I was going to give it a try again tonight after I chat with my kid sister. You have a great weekend!

Cousin D, I got the perfect subplot to your book!  The Allies during WW2 fly a B-52 bomber into a mysterious cloud and come out of it on your farm story.  They think cows are the ememy and start bombing.  What do you think? It is more believable that what those idiots came up for in Indian Jones Dial of Destinysurprise

Gina is awesome. Glad you are working with her!
That's hilarious, Cuz! Or maybe the B-52 crew could help your family members by transporting the runaway slaves to Canada. Or drop a bomb on their pursuers? Let's throw in a holey stone too. (S. M. Stirling meets Diana Gabaldon meets Harry Turtledove?)
@Eileen, yes she is, and has family ties to upper MI where I live! We've been comparing notes on coffeehouses...

Whether we like it or not, Cousin, D, we ALL find ourselves in rabbit holes on the regular. At least I do! And, for me they are actually kinda fun, getting away from entering all those hundreds (thousands) of cousins not yet on WikITree.

" Appalachia Project Discord server" I know exactly what you mean! It's the chattiest, "funnest" Discord channel out there.

I envy your dark sky. When I moved here 35 years ago, our sky was dark and I remember standing in the back yard looking at the Milky Way with my family, wondering what it would be like, living here. A few years later, the interstate highway opened about 8 miles from here and the sky is no longer dark.
@Nancy, "progress," bah humbug. I did my time in cities. My husband deplores the fact that more people seem to be moving out here; but they seem to be here for the same reasons we are, and most are summer people. Our township supervisor has advocated putting a bridge across our canal, but fortunately the state has no $$ for such a boondoggle and our road is not a state highway. I basically told him, "over our dead bodies."

If people think they need Wallyworld or other such manifestations of sprawl, they can drive the 30 miles to shop. Doesn't bother me.
@Pip: you're right, Cuz. I've met some *more* really cool people! And my rabbit hole is now labyrinthine.

Hang in there with all the church activities, Mr. Helium Hand! And best of luck to Mrs. Pip on the dental stuff. When I needed 4 teeth pulled (poor grad student/low wage retail worker), T had to drive me 100 miles to the oral surgeon in WI. I now have a couple of nice bridges, courtesy of better employment.

My last dentist asked, did I mind if she gave me a gold filling? I said, "great, as long as I can have a pink Cadillac too," and started improvising a blues song:

"My shiny gold tooth/It sure do shine..." The staff had always known I was crazy...
Welcome to Appalachia :) Drop by anytime. We'll leave the light on for ya
+23 votes
I have had fun chatting this week with Vernon's cousins. Met a few new ones along the way too. I don't know much about my Vernon side of the family.

I also learned this week that I had a great-grandfather Hiram Elijah or Elijah Hiram Stephens/Stevens who owned and ran a Hotel in the Spokane, Washington area. It fits with something my father said many many years ago.

Got some good news from doctors this week.

Weather is sunny here in Medford Oregon after several days of rain and fog.

Hope everyone have a great holiday season.
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (256k points)

Hugs Cousin Alice!  I have family burials in Malheur and Yamhill Counties in Oregon. They are not even close to you! However, two brothers, one buried in McMinnville Yamhill County Oregon were famous!  Weldon and Foy Draper.  Weldon just about made to the olympics, but an injury foiled his plans.  His brother Foy won the Gold Medal! Foy got shot down in Africa, in WW2 and they never found him!broken heart 

Alice, good news from a doctor is always a blessing! Good for you!
David, where are the burials in the Malheur area? I went to school in Burns Oregon and we have a 3-cushion billiard player that lives over near Burns.  Have you pictures of their headstones? Let me know. Harold might be willing to get them for you.

So sorry to hear that Weldon almost made the Olympics, and congratulations to for Foy achieving the Gold Medal. Wow.  So sorry that they have found Foy's remains however, may they rest in peace.

Thank you for sharing.
Pip, yes that is good news. Especially if I may not have to surgery this coming year. This year has been really a struggle for me with all the health issues up and down. Thank you so much PIP
I get you, Alice. Last year was not a good year for me, so after this upcoming surgery I'm hoping for a much better year, health-wise.
PIP I pray that we both have a much better year, 2024. Hugs my friend.
Hoping the 2024 is the year of good health for all my WT friends. May the doctors news continue to be good!
+22 votes
We are having a few last good weather days so I took advantage to do more grocery stocking up.  After finding a
good sale I thought I had a little spare cash and I would thrill
some child with a pick from the angel tree.  Big Mistake!
Truth be told: Shop Early.  There were only about ten picks left.  All teenage boys, 13-16, with requests right out of computer gibberish (to me) and highly priced.  Returned all to tree and found a 7 year old boy--perfect--not!  Again, I did not know one listed item except a hat and mittens.  Out of around ten suggestions I did not try to decipher and put it back on the tree.  They have a slush fund for late arrivals so I left it there hoping someone knew what they were and would fill a small boys wishes.  I felt if I took the angel and returned it with only a hat and mittens he would get no toys
for Christmas.  That would be disheartening to me.  I hope someone fills it with more knowledge than an 87 year old lady with no connection to savvy computer youths.  I used to have fun filling one or two a year until we went to Florida.
Down there most of the leaches were druggies, and illegal
entries (according to people in the know) and I refused to
contribute to the majority of trash that were begging on the store fronts with beer in their hands and cigarettes hanging from their mouths and piles of ashes thrown on the floor, with their stink making you want to throw up.  Next year I will start earlier and hope to do better by some children if I have to borrow a granddaughter to understand the requests.
Have a happy holiday season everyone.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (576k points)
Beulah, I am sure there are people wanting to give down votes for your post. (Let it be known, mine was the first up vote) I was raised to believe charity starts at home. My family went way out of the way to raise me poor. Vacations, if taken, were never extravagant. Christmas seldom involved toys. I have never been to Disneyland.  I survived. For years, I have watched my nieces and nephews rip through wrapping paper as if were a contest to get to the end of the stack of presents. The cycle continues with my great nieces and nephews, and I am considered a scrouge. I have opted out of b-day's and Christmas for about 5 years now. I no longer stress about the Holiday's. For those that come illegally for a better life, welcome, now get to work!
I have given my share of "goodies" over the years to deserving people and some nondeserving also.  I was, by necessity, on the receiving end for most of my younger years.  When I felt I was financially secure I in turn passed it on.  But a cake of soap does not cost that much, and just plain water diminishes a lot of problems.  I am satisfied with
my approach to life and will continue to do good where I can but I feel the old adage "God helps those who help themselves" is still a good guide.
For 30 years, I had a front row seat to the human condition called misery. One variable is constant, you can't save someone from themself. Most suffering is self-inflicted.

The worse cussing I've ever encountered was by a stranger I tried to help. I think he was using the wrong sign that day. It read: Homeless, please help!  I referred him to a shelter. He was probably already staying there and needed drug or alcohol $$.
These days, Beulah, I would not have any idea what a kid would want for Christmas, I am that far behind the times. I'm just glad that I can work with the lower end of technology. The things they have out there now... WHUT?
At my church, our tree is made up of names and ages that need clothes. This year I picked a 4 year old and threw in a few small balls from Walmart along with the clothes.
Too many have confused wants with needs. Wants are goals to acquire after needs are met.
" Too many have confused wants with needs. Wants are goals to acquire after needs are met."

Very wise comment'! K

Several weeks back a finance columnist in The Globe and Mail, a Canadian national newspaper noticing that many people between the age of 20 and 30 were very worried that they would never be able to buy a house.

He asked them to post details about their finances, how their income is currently spent and why they were so worried.

My favourite, someone single age abt 27 said, I make this much money, I don't eat at restaurants, I don't have a gym membership, I don't do this and this and this that are expensive.

The columnist asked ' so where does your money go'.

The reply, the internet costs $1000 a month. The answer " I walk for an hour or so every day and I like to watch movies on my phone while I walk. And I get a fancy coffee every day as I leave to walk and another to reward myself after I'm finished'

He didn't say fancy coffee, the description of the coffee was about 5 or 6 words long.

The columnist said 'stop watching movies while you walk and stop spending $20 a day on coffee'.

I was tempted to reply, " I didn't own a house and have a mortgage to pay until I was 37"

The $1000 a month internet seems very high, maybe there are other online activities happening.
For 30 years, I conducted various groups for the legally challenged; those going to or coming from prison. For many, food, water and shelter were almost secondary to drugs, alcohol and personal desires. Food, water and shelter was something that should be provided. I told them my resources were limited and offered them an extended stay at the Gray-Bar Hotel where drugs are plentiful, alcohol was limited and personal desires ..... let's just say, I gave them food for thought.
+15 votes

On this day:

1852: The French Nobel Laureate Henri Becquerel is born

1967: The Silver Bridge in Ohio collapses

2013: The British/American actress Joan Fontaine dies

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Hmm... how about the Silver Bridge collapse for today, Professor? Thanks!
Followed links to two other bridge collapses in the US.

I pick  Joan de Beauvoir (de Havilland) Fontaine (1917 - 2013)  She is my 14th cousin...so is her famous sister, Olivia!heart

Hi Jelena, I will go with the Novel Laureate Henri Becquerel given that he shared the prize for the discovery of radioactivity with Marie Curie!

I could have gone with the deHavilland women given that they are my 18th cousins; however, as I was growing up, both sisters apparently had terrible arguments relevant to their 'stardom'. Instead of celebrating each others talents, they made life unbearable for each other.
+17 votes
Good evening from Germany

where the snow is melting now in South Germany and the rivers are filling with water. #CovidIsNotOver, so I am wearing my mask when I enter a store or a really populated space. One seems to get it currently so easily, and I absolutely don't need it again.

At home, this seems to become a calm end of year period. We ordered our tree, it will come some time next week. It seems that this year we are alone on Christmas, since the family of my social mum which usually at least partly comes on Christmas won't come this year. One daughter gets her stepsons, the other goes with her family to her sister-in-law and the third one just moved into a new house and they want to party there. So my social mum decided to party Christmas with the wife of her late cousin, who is otherwise completely alone. Well, that will give me more time than usual around Christmas for

WikiTree: This week the Germany Project made categories for Olympians from 1968 to 1988. Those were Olympians either for East or West Germany and not for the unified team. That's why we needed seperate categories for them. Then, I already sourced enough profiles this month to get my badge. And I am currently slowly but surely going through the German Wikipedia-category of German Olympians to see if I find more dead Olympians who have a WikiTree-profile.

Have a nice weekend, stay safe!
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Now that is a unique project, the East and West German Olympians.

Sorry you folks are going to be alone this Christmas. Would you consider a trip here? The more the merrier.
More time for WikiTree sounds like a gift worth asking Santa for! May you have peace and quiet.
+20 votes

Last weekend, went up the Ohio with Cousin K , then visited Ireland and stayed for a sleepover.  Today it looks like I've been put out to pasture.

by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (364k points)
Where is the ax and maul? You get around pretty good for an old guy.... get fitted for that parachute yet?
In the woodshed behind Kathy, who is taking the photo.....and I'm keeping my feet on the ground.  The small aircraft training pilots, up above, keep cutting their engines abruptly.......sound like they're going to fall out of the sky onto my head.
That's an awful nice wood getter you have there. Is it a hydro?

Yes it is, with all it's attatchments, and it belongs to our elevator technician son-in-law.......Kathy is one of the designated operators.......I just climb aboard if not enough work is getting completed on our 'care home farm'......or for a photo op. smiley

John, I thought you had a cousin or friend you were going to dupe into skydiving.

Great pic!!
Thankyou, Pip, I worry about Cousin Frank, as he lately has been wearing a parachute on commercial flights to Alberta.
Whaaaat!!!!???? Wearing a parachute on commercial flights?

Did I say that?  devil

You know what they say, "Take offs are optional, landings not so much". Be Prepared!

Bristol Boxkite.......OK, let's go......up and away......where's my parachute?

and therein lies the reason why the parachute was invented first.

Replica of Reggie's (Benwell-42) aircraft......Reginald is my grandmother's brother, of whom she was very fond.

That's crazy to think we went from first flight to the moon (maybe) in a couple generations.
Yeh!  And, I slept outside in my father's navy hammock and observed Sputnick passing overhead.
+19 votes
Greetings from Brightlingsea, Essex, England

Its been a few weeks since I was doing the weekly chat. Well I have been on holiday - Cruise to the "med" 16 nights on Fred Olsen's Balmoral. Weather alot better than at home. Interesting ports, including Tangier Morocco, La Goulette for Tunis in Tunisia, Cagliari in Sardinia Italy, Lisbon Portugal, Cadiz, Cartagena, Palma and La Corunna in Spain. We were supposes to visit Algiers however the Algerian government were asking for £71  each for a visa for one day. Missed that visit but £71 for a day visit is extortionate. As much as I would have liked to "see the marketplace in Old Algiers " ......

Back home to a cold old England and start of work at home - damp proofing in the kitchen. The guttering over the kitchen was replaced along with downpipe. New windows are on order for the kitchen as well ...

Been alot going on in addition to my usual activities. Not alot has been done on Wikitree until this past week.

Then there is Christmas in just over a week.....

Hopefully will be contributing more regularly in future.

Have a good weekend everyone...
by Chris Burrow G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
I am so jealous, Chris. What a wonderful trip to take. I know you had a great time. Take any photos?
Your trip sounds wonderful! I'm sure many of us here in the chat would love to see photos if you'd like to share some.
Sounds like an amazing trip! I am looking forward to sharing vacation photos with my family at Christmas, I did get a few lovely pictures I am framing as gifts. Hard to get us all in front of a professional photographer these days but sometimes we get lucky with a cell phone shot worth framing
+17 votes

I'm changing topics here. I am curious to know, how many come across what seems unlikely connections and are astounded that they never knew that information before. For example; did you know that the author of Jingle Bells was an  uncle of a banking mogul. James Lord Pierpont and John Pierpont Morgan. F Scott Fitzgerald had a second middle name. Francis Scott KEY Fitzgerald had a famous cousin but, kept his name out of it. I guess my ADD is kicking in, why? Was it because of the criticism that Francis owned slaves while referencing Land of the free or wanted notoriety on his own behalf?

by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)
K, if we were to eliminate everyone who ever owned slaves from our public discourse (whatever form that would take)...

Jingle Bells to the Morgans: quite the connection!
I never bought stock in Nike due to its business practices, not because it wasn't profitable. Many celebrities that berate this country for past practices, have made fortunes investing and promoting a brand that currently exploit and engage in similar conditions to turn maximum profit. It's the way of the world. It has always been more profitable to control labor rather than provide it. For anyone headed for Vegas, my bet is, that trend will continue.
+19 votes
Greetings from Rochester, Minnesota, USA!

Current Temp: 40°F  (4°C)

Wind Chill: 37°F (3°C)

Yesterday was my actual birthday. Some folks celebrate the birthday month but I celebrate the birthday octave till the 21st. I'm 46 but I feel like 36.

Work is wonderful. No issues.

I will do my project of adding my mother's relatives after connecting with my cousin in Texas, I'm nervous. I don't know how my relatives would react to me being in an interracial marriage. Then again, in Smith County, Texas, there are interracial marriages. I found out that one of my uncles passed away. I don't deserve sympathy since I was estranged from both sides of my family.

I'm a unique individual that left the Seventh Day Adventist and Fundamental Baptist churches to become Catholic. On top of it, I got married to a English-Czech guy who was raised Catholic. I decided to go into the healthcare field because it is a labor of love.

Unique. I was born on an Air Force Base and have the gift of gabbing with residents who are also unique. The residents surprise me sometimes especially when they decide to get up at 6:50 am on a Friday.

But most of my relatives will accept unique cousins.

Enjoy your weekend, folks...minus the snow.
by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (208k points)
edited by Eileen Robinson
My journey: SBC > LCMS > PCUSA > Anglican. I don't know many people who are members of the church within which they were raised, Eileen.

Hope you are having a wonderful birthday, however long you celebrate it!
I have probably been excommunicated from the Catholic church!
My parents went to whatever Protestant church suited them, so i was Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian as a child. Switched to Catholic in my early 20s when I got married. I still marvel when I hear some old Baptist hymns in my Catholic church.
Happy happy birthday! Never too late to celebrate, loud and long! I hope your relatives accept you and your husband with open arms.
@Pip: That is a big change!

@M Ross: Nope.

@Nancy: I was shocked too.

@Erin: One would hope in this time. There are interracial marriages in my family.

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Update: I got a copy of my mom's obituary from my cousin. I've cried when I saw it! I will get more pictures of relatives I have met yet!
Eileen, sincere congratulations on your Birthday. Your background is so interesting! Were you at Davis Monthan during your dad's Air Force days? Have a great week!
@Carol: He retired 4 months before I was born. We lived off the base in the South Harrison neighborhood.

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