LNAB Playwolf? [closed]

+9 votes
Here‘s a unique name: Playwolf! She‘s the only one in WikiTree of that LNAB, and I cannot find it in Ancestry, Familysearch or CompGen. Any idea what may be behind it?

This lady is the ancestor of migrants from my home area to Illinois, so I’m intrigued …
WikiTree profile: Dorothea Stehr
closed with the note: Correct name and sources identified
in Genealogy Help by Oliver Stegen G2G6 Pilot (137k points)
closed by Oliver Stegen

2 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer

I think Playwolf is probably somebody's attempt to guess what the original handwritten document says. I believe the document in question (her daughter's baptism record) is the one at https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPK2-9TMQ. Familysearch thinks it says Kleproth, but Google suggests there are more people called Klaproth so that might be more likely.

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (400k points)
selected by Oliver Stegen
The image clearly has Klaproth not Kleproth, so the FS transcription is wrong.

Thanks bunches, Paul! That‘s definitely the right document, and Klaproth is the transcription which I also read. It links to her own baptism record at https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPK2-HZXN  where her LNAB is spelled Claproth (again mistranscribed in FamilySearch, this time as „Chaproth“). I‘ll notify the PM. Thanks again!

And thanks, Andrew, for confirming the transcription of Klaproth!
+7 votes
Playwolf does not appear at all on Forbears which is a common go-to site for finding surnames.

Edit to add: You could try contacting the profile manager for that profile to ask what information she has on that person. The pm has not been active for over a year but she might still reply to private messages.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thanks, Virginia! I‘ll notify the PM, esp. as we now have baptism entry sources with correct LNAB transcriptions.

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