New Member Zoom Q & A via Zoom (December 2023)

+17 votes

Are you new/newish to WikiTree and encountering some challenges in growing your branches?  These Zoom sessions hosted by Betsy Ko are for you!  The sessions are always recorded so you can watch later at a convenient time.  However, there's nothing like learning in real time and getting to ask your specific questions.  

Our two sessions in December are scheduled for December 7th and 10th:

You can participate in several ways.  Each month we actively recruit one or two individuals to join each call who are willing to let us look at their profiles and talk about their WikiTree questions.  Ideally, those participating in this way would be:

  • Up and running with creating profiles (even just a few!)
  • Be curious about how things work on WikiTree
  • Be willing to let us make some changes to the profiles they show us
  • Be comfortable talking on camera

Please answer this post if you'd like to volunteer to be a featured guest!

You can also be on the Zoom call and ask any general questions you have or just listen along.

Hope to see you at one or both sessions!

in The Tree House by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (150k points)

9 Answers

+10 votes
How can we watch the recorded sessions, from this month or from prior months?
by David Bicket G2G1 (1.7k points)
Hi David,

You can find all of the YouTube links to recordings from past months on this Free Space Page:

I hope you can join us live some time!

Thank you, Betsy.  This month's live times don't work well for me, so it's great to have the recorded sessions.  David
+5 votes
I'd like to watch Sunday, December 10 at 2:00 PM PT (11 ET).
by Martha Slater G2G6 Mach 1 (12.6k points)
Wonderful, Martha.  We look forward to having you join us!
+6 votes
I want to watch this!  I have been a member for a while and have been learning by 'trial and error'.  Time to learn the right way!

(Thursday's Zoom)
by Tammie Cochran G2G6 Pilot (410k points)
Hi Tammie--

Looking forward to seeing at one or both sessions.  Please say hi and of course bring your questions!

+8 votes
Betsy, I have stumbled upon a few of your videos and they have been great to watch as a new member.

I'm not trying to hijack this thread, but the one question I would ask in one of your Q&A sessions is if there is an overall new member checklist or beginners' guide to WT that I missed when I first joined and dove right in? It seems like I am trying to read from a book, but I am only handed random pages at a time. I know I can come to G2G to ask anything and get great answers, but I would prefer to read something front to back. Also, sometimes I prefer the written form vs a video for some things. I love the videos, but those work better for me when they are focused on specific aspects I need more details on.

If there is a project in the works to put something together, I'd love to contribute since I am still learning and able to identify key elements in WT and the community that are not yet second nature to us.

Otherwise, I have been collecting a multitude of factoids that I have been assembling as I read this book one page at a time and I would be happy to give anyone access to that page once I get it detailed enough to see the big picture of what this book is about.

Keep up your great work! It is really appreciated.
by Kent Smith G2G6 Mach 1 (14.1k points)

Hello Kent,

Great question!!  Let me point you to two places; there are more possibilities, but these are a good place to start.

Here are a series of six written tutorials that take you from the very beginning of your WikiTree journey:

I'd also recommend that you check out the WikiTree Academy if you want a more formal approach.  Here's the G2G post that introduced this learning opportunity to the community.

Thanks for being a part of the New Member Zooms (watching the recordings definitely counts!) and I hope you can join us live sometime.


Betsy, I found that New Member "How To..." helpful. I think that page link should be incorporated into the How to Use WikiTree page and put into the "Contents" list.

Hi James,

It actually is linked from that page, but it's a bit tucked away.  The link to the New Member How To Tutorials is at the bottom in the section called Learn How to Use WikiTree.  I'm glad you found them helpful!


Yep! You're right. I was scanning for "new members" in big bold lettering because I'm...laaaazy.

Alternative reply: "But Betsy! That assumes people read to the *bottom* of pages. Who does *that*? cheeky

+6 votes
I would be glad and curious to be a featured profile on one of your monthly zooooooms!
by Mona Fairbanks G2G2 (2.2k points)

Hello Mona!

That would be terrific.  Are you able to attend either tonight or Sunday?  Feel free to send me a private message from my profile and we can chat more.



Hi, Not sure how to send a private message, but I will be attending Sunday.... I am west coast and today would be way too late, but Sunday works!
Hi Mona,

Sunday will be just fine.  If you’re on the West coast, that will be 8 am for you.  (Tonight’s session is at your 5 pm.)

See you  on Sunday!

Sorry, I thought I was private messaging Besty Ko to let her know I'll be on zoom tonight instead of Sunday
Great; see you shortly, Mona!
+6 votes
Betsy, what an opportunity! I plan to attend the session on 12/7 and would love to be featured if you are still looking for people.
by Alyssha Rose Jordan-Bird G2G Crew (390 points)
Hi Alyssha--That would be great!  I'll send you a private message.

Awesome! I just replied to your message via email. I look forward to tonight’s session :)
+5 votes
I will be joining Betsy on the Sunday Zoom.

I am one of the Project Coordinators for the England Project Orphan Trail.
by Hilary Gadsby G2G6 Pilot (322k points)
Hilary is one of our longstanding members on WikiTree and she has so much knowledge to share!
+2 votes
My names is Anne Fiordalisi-12. This Saturday I will be attending my genealogy group. They are called NEOCAGG aka Northeast Ohio Computer Aid Genealogy Group. We meet the second Sat of each month. I’m emailing you because the event this month is Wikitree How and Why?

Only one ☝️ other person is on wikitree beside myself. I’m wondering since u r having a Newbee  Wikitree Q&A. Can i ask my group if they can join in even though they are not a part of Wikitree?  I’m myself is still learning lot. Thankfully  for all the editing on my family is a great help.


by Anne Fiordalisi G2G6 Mach 7 (70.9k points)
Hi Anne,

Yes, please feel free to share the link for Sunday's New Member Zoom.  Would your group be interested in having a WikiTree Ambassador do a more formal presentation/tour of WikiTree for one of your meetings in 2024?


+2 votes

While I was unable to attend yesterday (Thursday), I should be available on the Sunday Zoom! I have Germany and Notables Projects as my big focuses, and several One Place and Name Studies. See my profile for details.

Sorry if it feels too crowded, Hilary. laugh

by Steven Greenwood G2G6 Pilot (123k points)

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