"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! October 13th - 15th, 2023 [closed]

+30 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: See you next weekend. Please stay safe!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard
Beulah, my grandfather, looking for anyone to blame but himself, took it out on my dad (physically) for having to get married. He was a grouch all his life, and I remember interchanges between Grandpa and Dad that made me just a little scared. All the kids got out of the house as quickly as they could, some marrying, some to jobs, anything to get away from the abuse.
I understand that.  My mother said she and my father were looking to buy their own farm.  He stayed home and was supposed to inherit it.  The home farm had furnished the money for two farms bought for his brothers and college degrees for two siblings.  Plus a house for his sister.  It was obvious to them things were not working.
Oh, Pip!
I feel so for your dad and his sibs. I understand that kind of abuse only too well.

only three of my g-grandparents were alive when I was born

That was a luxury I never had. All of my great-grandparents (and my maternal grandfather) died before I was born. The closest was my paternal grandfather's mother, who lived until about 3 months after my parents married, eight years before I was born.

Although knowing me, I probably wouldn't have appreciated having them around, even if they had lived long enough. Like the old song says, "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."

I have to describe the wedding we went to yesterday, we only got back about an hour ago.

It was a Star Wars themed event.

The place cards all had crossed light sabres on them.

The tables were all named after locations in the Star Wars films, we were seated at the Tatooine table.

The brides bouquet had a light sabre base, not one of those usual plastic holders.

Music during the ceremony was all from Star Wars movies.

At the end of the ceremony the officiant said ' May the force be with you'.

The guests were asked to sign small wooden plaques of the Millennium Falcon instead of a guest book, the small plaques will be stuck to a Millennium Falcon wooden cut out plaque.

The Hotel was built in 1860 and started life as one of the very few cotton mills in Canada.

It was great!
What a unique (at least for me) wedding!  That took some planning.

@M Ross, What a fantastic wedding! It sounds like great fun. How clever. And the Hotel/cotton mill venue is a perfect place for genealogists! If I had the Vulcan Hand gesture on the Wiki-Comment, I would use it...so yes may the force be with you along with the thumbs up!

Wow Pip! You met a great grandparent! Both of my grandfathers died years before I was born. One grandmother died when I was 2 and the other when I was 11, then my Dad when I was 12. I grew up with my 4 siblings and knowing my maternal uncles & their wives a bit even though they lived several hours away. My parents never owned a car nor did they have much money so we couldn’t travel to see anyone.
Pip, Beulah, K, how sad. Every family has its stories, and divorce is not unknown in mine, but kudos to all y'all's forebears for surviving in the face of adversity.

I was blessed with two grandmothers - one who lived with us, helped raise me and always supported my dance career, bless her; and one very eccentric one who blew into town from Atlanta every so often - and a feisty but kind great-grandma who lived across the street and passed when I was just a kid. Both my grandfathers died before I was born. :(
Surviving my family  m akes everyday life doable.

37 Answers

+20 votes

wink This week enjoy a NEW parody! devil  

If You're Gonna Play In WikiTree (You Gotta Have Your Sources In Hand)

  • Sung to the tune of: If You Want To Play In Texas
  • Written by Murry Kellum and Dan Mitchell
  • Released in 1984 by American Country Music Band, Alabama, as a “B” rated song on the flip side of "I'm Not That Way Anymore" but the radio programmers preferred the flipside recording.
  • It became Alabama’s 14th consecutive number-one single!
    • Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6r4E514nJg

  • Click on the link and the music should play, then come back here and try to sing along
    • or open the link in a new window
  • If You Wanna Play In WikiTree (You Got To Have Your Sources At Hand)
  • If you’re gonna play in WikiTree
  • You gotta have your sources at hand
  • That leading Bio is hot
  • But not for a Wikipeeping man
  • So dig a little deeper for sources
  • And let’s all merge
  • If your gonna play in WikiTree
  • You gotta have your sources at hand
  • I remember down in Houston
  • A “genealogist” was at a show
  • When Wikipeep in the back stood up and yelled
  • Who’s "Cotton-Eyed Joe"
  • He said, "We love what you're doin'
  • Boys don't get us wrong
  • There’s just somethin’ missin
  • And it’s wrong!
  • If you’re gonna play in WikiTree
  • You gotta have your sources at hand
  • That leading Bio is hot
  • But not for a Wikipeeping man
  • So dig a little deeper for sources
  • And let’s all merge
  • If your gonna play in WikiTree
  • You gotta have your sources at hand
  • So that Wikipeep got his laptop, to set all matters straight
  • Them Texans raised the roof when Pip opened up his case
  • You say y’all want sources, birth and death records, just say so
  • I’ll include some Census docs before I go
  • If you’re gonna play in WikiTree
  • You gotta have your sources at hand
  • That leading Bio is hot
  • But not for a Wikipeeping man
  • So dig a little deeper for sources
  • And let’s all merge
  • If your gonna play in WikiTree
  • You gotta have your sources at hand
  • Repeat Chorus

More of Dave's Weekend Chat parodies Click Here 31 now! WOW

laughEnjoy the Chat and Thanks Cousin Pip for hosting!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Well done, David!
Wonderful parody! Fitting for this past Source-A-Thon!
I sang it - in my head. Alabama was my favorite band.  And such a nice compliment for Pip!
+18 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7:00 am and 62F (16.7C) with an expected high of 87F (30.6) with mostly sunny skies in Tucson. This daytime cooldown apparently will not last as temperatures will increase during the day this next week. It has been a long, hot summer and now a rather hot fall.

I have been preparing my home for winter (should it ever arrive in Tucson). The new wall-mounted hot water heater is working well (touch wood). The plumber got back to me about the old Eco-Friendly Water Heater. Sadly, if it had been flushed properly (had I only known), it would still be working. He did some research on the old unit and told me that this brand, made in Canada, had gotten rave reviews. Sadly, the company went out of business during the Covid19 pandemic.

This week, I had the heating/air conditioning unit “winterized”. A wonderful specialist came out as scheduled and spent about 1.5 hours on the roof checking the unit and all connections. He gave the Trane unit two thumbs up. The only downside is that the duct system needs good cleaning. I know he is not looking for more $$$ as I cannot recall when the ducts were last cleaned. Plus, the house gets dusty quickly, which tells me that there is dust coming from the heating/cooling unit. So…the duct man will be coming this Monday. I will keep my fingers crossed that nothing else happens house-wise.

The other task for this week is to make my final arrangements so that my family is not stuck trying to figure out what I might have wanted and how to pay for it. The young couple who run the funeral home near my sister’s home in Wisconsin did a great job with our mum’s memorial. I chatted with the man who runs the funeral home yesterday and he is sending information. The upside is that whether I die in Tucson, or while visiting family in Milwaukee, the funeral director has a connection with the funeral home in Tucson and we can work this out. I worked in hospice and would be on people’s cases about final arrangements and here I am with, “do as I say, don’t do as I do.”

My nurse sleep researcher colleagues and I had our monthly zoom call this past Wednesday. We are now working on a policy paper relevant to poorer health outcomes of nurses who work night shift and costs to the individual, insurers, organizations, and the government. The costs in the U.S. are much higher than other countries and with poorer health outcomes. I know people do not want to hear this, but there is something to nationalized health care. Here in the U.S., a lot of our money goes to health insurances executives (e.g., Cigna, CVS, Alignment) who run publicly traded companies (i.e., the wolves of Wall Street). For example, the CEOs for Cigna and CVS raked in $21 million EACH in 2022; the CEO for Alignment got a whopping $34 million for that year. All this money could have gone to cover poor, underserved children with asthma and so many others. As a nurse, I believe health care is a right rather than a privilege. Nuff said. I also added cost information as to medication errors, which are more likely to occur at night due to fatigue and reduced staff. So, my colleagues gave me thumbs up on the first draft. I am really focusing on costs. If nurses, insurers, organizations see how much it costs their organizations, perhaps they will do something about revising shift work at nights. I am finding that I really like working on policy. Probably because I like to argue if I have solid evidence to back up the assertions.

 As to genealogy…these Buckinghamshire Baldwins are killing me! Actually, it is the persons who established these pre-1500 Baldwins on WikiTree via Gedcom Junk! I keep going back and forth with my lists and sources to figure out who needs merging, clarifying first names and so forth. One Baldwin is listed as the son of Isabel Blakewell. NOT! Blakewell was her ‘married’ name. John Blakewell was her husband and Richard Baldwin was her heir. This case went to court, and it was found that her husband could not inherit, so Richard Baldwin won the suit. To complicate matters, I have to contact 2 or 3 different PMs for these various persons to get the on the same page with me as to revisions! I think I need a Friday Night Bingo to soothe my spirit. Alternatively, Healing Beyond Borders is having their annual conference, which started this morning, so I have seven full days of meditation, keynotes, energetic healing, drumming, yoga, music for grief work/depression and so much more. I am listening as I write this Chat! Three deep breaths…exhale stress, negativity, etc.

Pip, as ever, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. I wish all my WikiTree friends and family great SECOND weekend of October 2023. I would kindly ask that we all on WikiTree hold positive intention, prayers, remembrance in meditations for all of the lost spirits from infants to elders in Israel, and send these thoughts, intentions and prayers to the survivors of this slaughter! Peace, Shalom, Namaste, Gasho!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Carol Baldwin

We got the bill for my wife's stay in the hospital for 6 days: about $40,000.  Insurance was supposed to cover it all, but we got a bill for $1,400!  We paid it, then realized the hospital offered vey low monthly payment plans!  We will know next time!  Follow up doctor visits informed us that she came close to dying!  Wake up call! surprise Yep its time to start planning for forever!  Thanks for sharing CousinCarol!  22nd cousin twice removed

Winter, Carol?!? There's a winter in Arizona??? I couldn't tell, being from a much colder place. I love Arizona in the winter which is why i plan my trips there during that season. We also just had our HVAC inspected for the winter. All looked good to him. (At the same time, we had our annual maintenance on the generator which turned out good for that fella. He make a sale to the HVAC guy.)

"Three deep breaths…exhale stress, negativity, etc." Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat.... It'll be good for the stress! I put on wind blowing in the trees, ocean sounds, rain on a tin roof. All these can be found on YouTube.

I worked night shift as a Registered Nurse for 8 year and then rotated days/ nights for five more years. Thankfully, I worked 8 hour and ten hour shifts the first 8 years. The last few years were twelve hour weekend shifts or 8 hours thru the week. All my night work was prior to having a family.  I had to find another job as I could barely drive home after a 12 hour night shift. I also remember I could barely add I&O at the end of the shift. I am so glad someone is finally studying this.

When I worked in Nurse Education, we had Skills Fair every six months. I was always amazed that many of the nurses would stay over after a 12 hour night shift. One of the skills was a simple medication calculation, and  then draw up the med in a syringe. Many nurses had difficulty with this simple task.

Other than Skills Fairs, Go-lives, etc, I rarely worked a night shift the last 30 years of my career,  but when I did, it took days to recover.

Hi Margaret, if you send me an email (shisacmb@gmail.com), I'll send the last two papers, the most recent in Nursing Administration Quarterly. On night shift, health and costs. The lates is a policy paper that (hopefully) will be publshed in Nursing Outlook, however the penultimate draft needs to be reviewed and approved by the American Academy of Nursing Board. I just incorporated the piece on night shift from one colleague (my focus is on poorer health outcomes of nurses and nurse, insurer, organizational and federal costs. Other co-authors are adding international nursing info and recommendations. It is so great to meet all the other nurses who are Wiki-Treers!

I'm glad you are looking to the (hopefully very distant) future. It will be a blessing for your family during a very difficult time. When my dad died unexpectedly and we had to make funeral and burial arrangements over Christmas week, my mom made her own arrangements right then so we wouldn't have a similar situation when she eventually goes. I try to have discussions with my husband about my wishes because you never know. His brother died at 37 out of nowhere and his widow was left trying to make plans for something they had never discussed in detail.

Good luck sorting your GEDCOM junk. Part of me is grateful for the breadcrumb trail, but mostly I wish they had never made the junky profiles to begin with. At least each one is a huge improvement when you can get them sorted.
@Erin, I am fixing this Junk, whether my profiles or others. They are a nightmare! Many go back 7 to 10 years, still have PMs, but the PMs are doing nothing.

My sister's husband's dad died in December 22 and had to prior arrangements. The family had a heck of a time figuring out what to do. The Chat may not be the best place to mention these activities; however, we are talking genealogy, which entails ancestors and without death there are no ancestors. I would rather prepare for my own end now rather than leave these details to family, who will have their own grief work (or celebration, whatever in my case) to deal with. You have much strength, Erin!
+19 votes

Wow to the family marriage fun!  That's exciting.   I wonder why the marriage record isn't available electronically.  But it seems many records are this way.    I know I have to find some on my own family and I also wonder, what else is out there that I don't know about?

WT Fun:

I'm working on removing folks from my Watchlist.   Want to sort out a marriage later this weekend.   Working on cleaning up some notes/tasks for WT.   Organizing photos so I can research the folks.   Categorizing!   Trying to get better at stickers.   Discord chat!  I really enjoy that.

by Melissa Maynard G2G6 Mach 4 (43.7k points)

Thanks for sharing Cousin Melissa! I'm still cleaning up profiles, but I go into Anniversaries instead of Watchlist 14th cousin three times removedheart

Melissa, this wasn't the only "shotgun" marriage I have found in my more recent tree. I take it all in stride, making no judgments. It makes life more real.
I'm really glad attitudes are changing on marriages, children born "out of wedlock", etc. I often find interesting math on "premature" (full term) infants born soon after weddings.

So glad to have you on Appalachia discord Melissa!
oh for sure!  We need to be adaptive to all kinds of family situations.  We all have them.  

Thanks for the welcome to Appalchia!  I'm loving everyone!
14th cousin!   Guess we are having Christmas dinner together!  ha!   I will spy the Anniversaries.  Thank you!
+18 votes

Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

I hope everyone had a great week. I'm back with a travel blog. I know it may not be what Pip expected. But, I like to keep him on his toes. It keeps him honest!

Check it out here: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/10/52-ancestors-week-41-travel.html

I honestly couldn't think of much else as I hadn't really traveled far for genealogy. I could've talked about a couple vacations my family and I took. But, eh, it's fine. Besides, when you live right next to the town where most of your ancestors lived, why wouldn't you want to take a tour? 

On the genealogy front, I've decided to draft a letter to San Pietro once my last request is fulfilled. This one will be asking about the marriage of Bruno Marinaro and Elisabetta Ferraiolo.  I've already found an Elisabetta Ferraiolo in the San Pietro births. I just don't know if it's the same one. Time will tell if it is. 

I haven't done much else as I've been helping to do fall clean up. We still have basil in the garden and we picked a bunch in order to make a second batch of pesto. We're about halfway done our first batch.

I hope everything is going well and that everyone has a great weekend. Thanks for hosting, Pip!

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (786k points)

Hey Cousin Chris! I had time to read your blog today!  Enjoyed ityes  10th cousin once removed

Travel: the perfect topic for you to blog about, Chris. Well done!

What you write San Pietro, do you send one request and wait for an answer before sending you another? They oughta be about ready to like your research by now. (Or, "Here we go again!" laugh

@ David: Glad you enjoyed it!

@ Pip: Yeah, it's best to send one request at a time. They don't usually get genealogical requests as they tend to label it "Anomalous". Meaning they have nowhere to put it in their folders. That's just the feeling I get from them and what others have told me.

I think that's exactly what happens when they get a message from me. "Here we go again!" I'm just glad they are willing to help me.
I enjoy your blog. Your travel essay was a great genealogy post!
Thanks! =D

Seems as though some of my extended family made a pitstop in Haverhill in 1888.  Oddly enough, our connection does not come through her but rather your gr aunt Clara married Cousin Thomas Lebosquet. that has bothered me for more than a while now, how could I forget that!

Hmm....That profile needs some updating. *cricks neck* Let's do this.

Then I'll check that Lebosquet connection. =D
Enjoy your pesto! I will have an herb garden next year I think. This year gardening just kind of got away from me.
It's been pretty good. =D There's always next year, Erin!
+19 votes
Now I am having yet another computer melt down, on hold for 10 minuts and was hung up on. So much for GeeK Squan and the money I spend each year! Time for a walk in the desert and taking deep breaths!
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
This is crazy. You have had enough computer[problems already!!!
Computer issues huh? Sometimes the Best Buy team isn't the best. =/ Hope you get the issues resolved!
@Pip and Chris: I called three times this morning. The first two I was disconnected after 10 minutes each call and  howling at their robo-voice. Naturally, I was in the shower while being on hold for the third call, which was answered after a 10 minute wait (just finishing the shower). I raised hell with the guy giving him the 411 about my difficulties, then the 911 about my computer. And I am paying for this bulls--t! So, the Geek isn't available until Sunday.

Meanwhile, I have a weeklong Healing Beyond Borders conference and the sessions are physically, psychologically and spiritually calming. There will be a reading and meditation via zoom in 2.5 hours which I will attend. I have completed the other sessions for today. I am looking forward to the drumming session and will make believe it is on the head of Best Buy and their Geek Squad (not a very spiritual comment but, hey, I'm only human...or at least partly human). Thank you guys for your support!
Here we have a group called 'Nerds on Site'. we've been very pleased with them.

I think they operate in the US as well.
HI, Carol,  sorry to hear about your computer problems.  I have a good tech guy so if you want his contact info please let me know.  As it stands, he wouldn't come on Sunday like the Geek squad will, but if you need him later, he's a gem.
Hi Cindy, I might ring you up (or email as the case may be). The dilemma is that I have paid dearly for year long Geek Care and I would have to pay yet again for your tech guy. I really don't expect anyone to come on a Sunday. The Squad sets these up and this was the SOONEST. I really need the tech help as the problem is getting worse! I cannot even download the revised sections of the policy paper now. I will have to wait until Monday to do this! Thank so much. Hope you are doing well.
Yes the double payment went through my mind when I suggested it.  Just a backup solution in case you get desperate.  My guy has been really good over the several years I have had him helping me.
Hi Cindy, can you give me an idea of how much a home visit for a Dell desktop might cost? Thanks!
+21 votes

Hello all weekend chatters, I hope you all have been well. Love your genealogy story as always Pip! The weather here is typical Virginia fall weather. Cool in the morning, hot in the afternoon, cool at night....heat, air, heat, air days for sure LOL

Not much on the genealogy front, I've been doing DAR transcriptions. Hopefully I will get back to cleaning some gravestones now that it's cool.

I have had some weekend trips that were fantastic with my grandkids. State Fair of Virginia US two weekends ago with 19 of my family attending, including all 7 grandkids. Last weekend one of my daughters, her husband, my 5 year old grandson, and I, went on a 3 day trip to the Virginia Mountains. Natural Bridge (surveyed and purchased by Thomas Jefferson in 1773/1774), Natural Bridge Caverns, Natural Bridge Safari Park, Skyline Drive, Peaks of Otter, and Sharp Top Mountain were the highlights of our trip. We were 350 ft below the ground in the caverns and 3875 ft above on the mountain top. 

Well everyone have a great "Wikiend",  I'll leave you with a few pictures.

Abbott Lake at Peaks of Otter, Sharp Top Mountain in the background

by Teresa Willis G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)
edited by Teresa Willis

Thanks for sharing the pics Cousin Teresa! 14th cousin 

 I checked and I am a cousin of both your mom (13th cousin) and your dad who is my 17th cousinheart

love your photos, Teresa! The third one down reminds me so much of where I presently live. 

David you must be a Virginian?
Pip, you are over in the NC Hills so I can understand the resemblance. That pictures was taken on the top of Sharp Top (right on the Skyline Dr/Blue Ridge Parkway and in the distance, 4 miles tip to tip is the Appalachian Trail, you can see McAfee.
Your Virginia pics are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

Teresa, for some reason your photos make me sick, as in homesick! I was wondering if you are familiar with my grandma Ann? Ann (Willis) Green (1731-abt.1820) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree

The Parkway is on my bucket list, or the road home.

Hi Theresa, thank you for the very calming (and beautiful) photos! A virtual 'breath of calmness.'

@Teresa  Yes!yes Virginian! Well sort of. My family (6th great grand father was from there, and then the family over generations migrated to everywhere, especially Nebraska, then to Illinois.

You all are so very welcome for the pictures, photography is one of my passions.
K Smith, try comparing my late husband to Ann Green, his family migrated from that area to NC and then back into the far hill country in VA, very close to KY. His profile is Willis-1049.
Willis-1049 is grandma Ann
Hello 10th Cousin (once removed).  So many ancestors traveled over (and probably under) Natural Bridge (U.S. 11).  I couldn't find any of my ancestor's names graffitied on it - but then I didn't climb up it either.  

Greetings from NW Florida.
+19 votes

On this day:

1773: The Whirlpool Galaxy was discovered

1792: The foundation stone of the White House is laid

1925: The former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is born

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
I'm going with the Whirlpool Galaxy this morning since I have never studied any astronomy. Thanks, Professor!
Forgive me, Jelena! My mood today had me reading "Whirlpool Galaxy" as some sort of a Whirlpool washing machine, which sent me off in another fit of giggles!

Oh My!
Hi Jelena, I am going with two today. 1) Acknowledging the slaves who laid the foudation (and built) the white house; and 2) The Whirlpool Galaxy on behalf of a colleague for the work he is doing with astrophysicists at the U of Arizona.

This is where I want to live, in the Whirlpool Galaxie.  I wonder if they have pizza there?devil 

+18 votes
I am here this weekend at least. I am healthy so far but you never know. I have been busy and now am in the planning stages for a trip to Kannapolis NC. the week before Christmas. It seems that my daughter is having major surgery the week of Thanksgiving and will need day to day help for at least 6 weeks and that is the week we drew, so far. so I actually have not done much genealogy. Next week is not going to be much better because I will be planning and preparing for an all day event with the Boy Scouts, Jamboree on the Air helping with setting up and running Ham stations to allow the scouts to get on the air.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)

"Jamboree on the Air" This sounds so cool, Dale. Right up your alley. 

Sorry to hear about your daughter's lengthy recovery that'll be necessary from her procedure. You being there right before Christmas will be the perfect gift.

Thank you for your dedication to the Boy Scouts! I know the Scouts will appreciate and enjoy your program.

Enjoy your time with your daughter in December. She will be grateful for your help.
I love the Jamboree on the Air! The kids really get into being able to talk to people all around the world. I'm glad people are still participating in that part as much of it has moved to Jamboree on the Internet which is less cool in my opinion.
Erin, My grandson got interested in Ham radio because he saw a computer controlled radio at one display I helped to run. I will be running a station that a handheld radio connects to a very small computer and that in turn connects to the internet by way of my cell phone and them connects back to radio signals around the world. That actually seems to attract the interest of the youth today more than the old time radios. We will be setting up at least 3 other stations the old fashioned way and even teaching Morse code which is no longer required for any license, That also seems to attract the youth.
+20 votes

Howdy folks! Greetings from a beautifully fall-like central Oklahoma USA. Fall has finally arrived here in the hot box of the country, and this fat boy is happy about it! It's supposed to be 60s-70s during the day and 40s-50s at night for the foreseeable future. I like it!

I'm starting to get the place ready for next weekend's event that is The Mike Vaskie Memorial Cornhole Tournament, or The Mike. We put it on every fall to raise money for our fire department in my Dad's name. (He and I are in the department's Hall of Fame)  My family comes down from Illinois to enjoy the festivities as well. Since I live here, guess who gets to do all of the prep work. Yup. This guy. It's all good. I enjoy being outside now. wink

Today is Brook's birthday. She hasn't really figured out what she wants to do. We might build a fire in the pit and have a few cold ones, or we might go hit some breweries. Only time will tell. 

My brother in law is doing well after his brain surgery. Come to find out, the basket that they put around his aneurysm is a new procedure and the one basket they had, arrived the day before his surgery. The aneurysm was too big for the usual coil, so without the basket, they would have had to saw his head open. I told him he needed to buy lottery tickets. 

Thanks Pip for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time....


by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (225k points)
edited by John Vaskie
John, if people find out that you are cooking for the cornhole tourney, then there'll be a huge crowd.

Happy birthday to brook! Cold ones around a fire sounds just right. We've done that. (Birthdays are low key around here at our age.)

Glad to hear about your brother! What timing, huh? Hope his recovery is a quick one.
Thanks Pip!

I will be cooking onion fried hamburgers, known everywhere else but Oklahoma as smash burgers, that evening for donations as well. Last year I cooked 5 gallons of gumbo, so this will be wayyy easier.
My brother from another mother, from one fat boy to another, dip a patty or two in an egg wash and roll them in your favorite breading mix. Chicken fried! I haven't tried to deep fry them yet, I think I'll wait til I'm 75 before I really start living LARGE.
I'll have to try that Kev. I have pounded pork chops out for pork tenderloin sandwiches using a milk/egg wash and smashed up Ritz crackers. No one in OK knows what they are, for the most part. Might not suck.
I might steal the low key birthday idea for my hubby's birthday this coming week. His job as a musician involves boisterous party goers so as that is "work" something quiet at home is a nice break for him.

I hope The Mike goes off without a hitch! Happy planning.
+17 votes

Checking in from Bloomington, Illinois, USA 

Sitting here waiting for thunderstorms and possible tornados! In my NEW great retirement job as a salesman for my son's window cleaning business, I have been walking the neighborhoods of the wealthy, hanging advertisement door tags.  I have not gotten the go ahead to visit businesses on rainy days, more training needed! So I got the day off!wink Most want their gutters and windows cleaned before Thanksgiving or Christmas when their family come for visits.  

The Book:  I am ready to write chapter 1! winkThat is the good news. The bad news: I don't have a book writing program! There are so many to choose from: crying

*Pro Writing Aid (Best Writing Software for Books) https://prowritingaid.com/

* Living Writer https://livingwriter.com/

*Scrivner https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener/overview (huge learning curve)

* Google Docs

*  NovelPad

*  Reedsy Book Editor

*  Squibler

* Microsoft Word

* Grammarly

* Hemingway

* The Novel Factory

* Ulysses

* Atticus

* Vellum

If you are a writer, what program do you use?

Discoveries:  I learned how to make a QR Code using WikiTree!  Sweet!  Here is mine: I seem to be a T-Rex!surprise

Get out your cell phone, turn on camera and aim it at this QR code.  It will take you to my profile page!  This has many applications.  You can include this in emails, letters or cards to the family at holiday time!  I have two Free Space pages, one for family stories and one for all the burial locations (4,600+) and making these site available to the family with a QR Code would be awesome!  I made family members coffee mugs with the logos, but now I can include the QR code for the next batch of Mugs!  I can make a ceramic tile and stick it on a grave stone (like my 2nd Great Grandfather's, and then they can read all about him on WikiTree!

Here is how to do it:  Go to your profile (or whatever profile or Free Space profile you want) RIGHT CLICK on your name:  example Dave Draper's Profile  Edit  Images Tree Apps Changes Privacy Right click on your name, scroll down to create QR code!  EASY!  

Free Space Page "Destroy"   (That is how WikiTree Terms it)

I also learned how to get rid of my unwanted and no longer used Free Space pages.!  How to do it:  Open Free Space page, click on Edit, scroll to the very bottom, right hand side and in tiny letters you will see" change privacy level | merge | delete   Click on "delete" and then go through multiple pages to get it deleted, (destroyed)  Nothing is real simple on WikiTreedevil  I have been a member for over two years and I have so much more to learn it seems!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Oh, David, I'd definitely need assistance to ever write the book for which I have an outline. Actually with the outline I have, I could write several books. Don't think I have the energy (at least that's my excuse).

@Pip You do know we have an G2G astronaut that is a book writer.  Is encouraging me to keep at it!wink  

By the way, I just spilled a whole cup of coffee on my laptop!  The screen went dark, I heard some "sizzling" sounds!  I have it turned upside down over a towel, and will stick a fan on it...but I fear the worse!  Right now I am on Cindy's computer.  I can't ruin it because it is an "all in one" system where the monitor is the computer!  If I spill coffee on this unit, it will only ruin the unattached keyboard!  (maybe)  My wife is a little upset with me right now!surprise

Oh, NO! (Why I have an All-in-One myself... I eat and drink around/on my desk.)
David, I'm not a writer, but my daughter is (two novels and a novella published so far).  She swears by Scrivener, uses it every day.

@Nan Thank you Cousin Nan!  2 people have told me Scrivner and one swears by Ulysses. heart  18th cousin twice removed

The QR codes are so cool! Thanks for sharing. I do hope there's no lasting damage to the computer. My children may or may not have poured chocolate milk in my old laptop. It limped along another three years after that incident.
+19 votes
Top of the morning to all from Lone Jack, Mo, now my second favorite place to be. It seems a two-hour appointment here and there, every other day, keeps me from being a semi-permanent lake bum. Might be time to re-employ the six P's. All of life's interruptions need to be scheduled for Thursday.

Pip, by the 1970's I remember the shotgun being used as a deterrent, more than a resolution, for unplanned pregnancies. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Forty plus years later, it's easier to sleep knowing my wife doesn't know how to use my guns. Guns, some people love 'em, some people hate 'em, they are only a tool to get a job done.

Tomorrows "Gathering of Old Veterans" is yet another interruption that keeps me from being a bum. Last night while surfing the G2G wave, I played with connection finder to see if there was any connection to a photo that was posted of a Mary Smith Combs as I have a cousin by the name of Ed Coombs Smith. Turned out that I am related to the person who posted the photo all be it 10c1r. Much to my surprise, the connection shows a line through Clement, Clements and Clemens. One of my favorite local "outlaws" is Archie Clement or "Lil Arch". He was destined to become an outlaw of outlaws, had he lived past twenty. He was between 15 and 16 when he committed to the cause of repelling Northern aggression. He quickly became known as Bloody Bill Anderson's "Head Devil". Jesse James has younger siblings that were named after Quantrill and Lil Arch. Anyway, I found it timely for that connection to reveal itself a day before the gathering of old veterans. I had to get that out of me before I was compelled to bring it up at what was to be the Quantrill Society Reunion and get sent home for not following the script. Lee's Summit, Mo, a neighboring town, no longer has Cole Younger Days but, continues to have a fall festival, same as Kearney Mo, no longer has Jesse James Days Festivals. One hundred seventy years later and still sweeping history under the rug. Ol Give 'em Hell Harry was pretty prophetic when he said, "the only thing new in this world is the history you don't know."
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)
My cousin used to live in Columbia, MO, so we would always go to the Centralia Battlefield. It's a neat place. Not as spooky as Gettysburg, but spooky just the same.
Next time coming thru town to Illinois, stop in and visit Cousin Kev here in Lone Jack.  Crappie and cats are starting to get busy at the Harry S Truman Reservoir. Home of the World Largest BBQ Event (Too Large) and enough history to keep even the least interested, interested.
Will have to do that for sure. Was up at Grand Lake last weekend and the bluegills, bass and blue cats were hitting hard off of my buddy's dock. It was a good weekend!
Another day "shot all to pieces." Title of an article from the museum. Pretty good turnout for The Gathering of Old Veterans given the weather. Met a gr gr grandson of Quantrell and a few other descendants of some of his men. We had a presenter from St Louis who was very interesting who I will save for next week. Everything being equal, it would have been a miserable day to be fishing, unless the fishing was really good.
K, in high school I dated a gal whose father was a Mecklenburg County (NC) policeman. He always carried a pistol with him and he was no one to mess with. I was a bit terrorized by the thought of crossing him, so was careful to keep everything above board concerning his daughter (and only child).
Cop's kids and the preacher's kids were off limits. I didn't go looking for borrowed trouble!
+20 votes
Hello Pip and all. Greetings from Everett, Washington.

Today is the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal. It was the sixth and last apparition of Our Lady to the three children. This morning I stumbled out of bed at 7 a.m. for my daily walk and stared at the dawn, which was glorious. After Wednesday's rain and yesterday's clouds, a morning without fog, and tipped with the pink and orange of dawn is a reward.

Last night's Historical Society meeting featured Augustin Fresnel and the history of Fresnel lenses. My husband Chris started with a talk on the Raft of the Medusa, 1816, a maritime disaster that the presence of a lighthouse could have prevented. It was the subject of a famous romantic painting by Gericault. Fresnel was inspired by the painting to invent the lens that bears his name. Mukilteo has a Fresnel lens in the lighthouse, made in Paris in 1852, the only functioning Fresnel lens in Washington State.

On Wednesday I was co-interviewer of a Mukilteo old-timer. A family member and I asked him about his memories of growing up here. His PhD was in population demographics related to public health. He was in hospital social work for many years. He returned to Mukilteo and bought and remodeled the house in which his grandmother once lived.

On the quilting front, I sewed together all the 8" squares for the top featuring St. Thomas Aquinas on the rice sacks. The back will be deep orange, with images of Roman and Italian monuments, labeled in Italian. My friend who will receive it traveled to Rome this past year for her daughter's taking final vows at a convent.

I visited her and her family last Sunday. This time I drank nary a drop of alcohol, and was better for it later that evening and the next day. The trip is 1 1/2 hours, not counting ferry wait time. We shopped for clothes in Kingston and I found some good things.

As I fill in distant cousins, I note that my CC7 is going up. Who knew. Thank you, Chris, for your recognition on connecting Arleen Sorkin. I found two Auschwitz victims along the way, not directly connected to her. The surname Liffgens was new to WikiTree.

We are staying home today and I have some ahi tuna with which to make poke salad. Not "Poke" salad, made with a mess of greens, but poke salad with sesame oil and soy sauce. I leave out the wasabi. My daughter likes the way I make it.

Cheers and blessings to all of you.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (330k points)
Margaret, I remember when I was about 10, my school had a movie afternoon.

We were all very excited thinking maybe it would be the 1962 film In Search of the Castaways with Hayley Mills.

It was the 1952 movie The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima which seemed very possible to 100 kids at a Catholic school
I do miss the ferries, lighthouses, and yes even the waits for the ferries of the Pacific Northwest. I lived in Poulsbo when I was stationed in Everett so was quite the commute either way, either driving all the way down and around the sound or braving the ferries. Thanks for the history lesson on Fresnel, I didn't know that but am always up for learning something new.
Thought of you last night, Margaret, as I watched a thrilling game between Washington and Oregon. The game wasn't decided until the last second, a Washington win!
Pip, the game could have gone either way for me. As it was, I wore my Oregon colors. Both my parents were alumni and my grandfather played on the first University of Oregon football team in 1895. He was left end. They wore no helmets in those days. After every game he washed the mud out of his hair.
This. Story. Is. So. Cool!!!!!
+19 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's been happening here? Lots has been happening. We had 16 people here for Thanksgiving dinner on Monday. Turkey, roast potatoes, turnip casserole, cauliflower, broccoli salad and ….. many other dishes. It was cool enough to use the patio as a large outdoor fridge/wine cooler. The turkey wasn’t large, but there was still too much left over to fit in the kitchen fridge, with all the other bits and pieces. We decided to put it in the cooler on the patio overnight, the night-time temps were going to be colder than the fridge. 

Hmm, it has been a while since we camped, and we forgot the camping rules, which are stack the coolers and then bungee cord all the handles together over the top. And yes, in the morning the cooler was open and the turkey was gone, most likely raccoons, they didn’t eat the cauliflower or the turnip casserole! 

We also had another animal visitor, a very small, young possum, only as big as red squirrel. 

We have an out of town family wedding tomorrow and will be away until Sunday evening.

WikiTree and family history: I’ve been working on the Early family, they came to Canada in the 1820’s from county Tyrone, Ireland and settled in Esquesing Township, just about 5km up the road from my home. Some of them married into Alton families and are buried at Alton. 

Because there are so few records from the 1820s, no census until 1851, and the records for Esquesing Township for that census no longer exist, I needed to do some more general research. What happens when you Google search Early family history in Esquesing Township? You don’t get results for the Early family you get information for everyone who was an early settler in the area. 

Other: my new since July doctor has been making sure that everything I have missed is getting done. I hadn’t been to the doctor since before Covid and my previous doctor retired in April. Yesterday I had a tetanus booster and a pneumonia vaccine. And there are more delights to come. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
Hi M! WOW, you had a houseful! The only one missing was ME! No one picked me up in Tucson! I am glad you have a new doctor who taking good care of you! I happened to get my final Hep A booster and my flu shot yesterday. So today with are the 'Shot Sisters'!
Oh no I'm so sorry the turkey was subject to mischief! We don't often have that issue with coolers, our problems are any food in plastic bins (like chips or bread). The coons here are very crafty (as they are everywhere). Glad you had a good Thanksgiving though.
M, you have the most interesting things happen around you. When you said the cooler was open, the first thing I thought was "bear." That's what it would have been here. I didn't know raccoons were such picky eaters.
Not picky but very pickingy
+19 votes

Hi all!

On the genealogy front, gee, what am I not doing? After the Source-A-Thon 2 weeks ago, I started RAWKing 5 ladies from around the world. I have taken my trusty sledge hammer & busted walls for the last 10 days, I think I am somewhere around 500 brick walls I have busted between the singles & the doubles.

Not only is that being seen in the expansion of the cc7's we are RAWKing, but my own rose as well. On 3 Oct when we started this, my cc7 was 1,477; it is now 1,854. I'm probably going to pass 2,000 here soon with all of this.

I have also been adopting Brunson profiles & squaring them away. 1 of my Brunson adoptees was Adam J. Brunson. He was a CSA soldier with Hilliard's Legion out of Alabama. When I was putting his CSA sticker on his profile, that I did for the first time via that nifty little automatic template maker button, I noticed that there was an option to use the image of the actual standard that the units followed, so I went looking for Hilliard's Legion's standard. I found it in the Alabama Archives Department. They have taken all the standards of the Alabama units that fought in the Civil War & restored them; Hilliard's was 1 & I wanted it for Adam's profile. 

So, I took myself over to Contact Us page of the site, told them who I was, what I wanted, why I wanted to use it & sent the request. I got an ADAH use agreement to use the standard for Hilliard's Legion on the profile stickers from that unit. The only thing is, it needs signed & I am not an authorized representative of WikiTree. So, I sent it to "The Team" & put the ball in their court; they are the 1's with the might pen.

There's a story behind this standard. It seems Hilliard's wife donated her trousseau & made the standard out of that. This standard is a The Lone Star/Bonnie Blue Flag, except the single star is the ring of 11 stars representing each succeeding state.  

Shaking my Tree has shaken another relative out of it. My niece Gina Lynch (that should sound familiar to you, Pip, you Greeted her) is now a member of the Tree with a signed Honor Code. My only gripe, laughingly, is that she has been on for like 3 days & has already gotten her 1,000 CC7 Badge that took me 3 months to achieve & she will get her 2,000 when I get mine. surprise

After I adopted the orphans, I started to clean them up. Amos Brunson's profile was the 1st profile I got to as he was at the top of the list & I used that other little nifty tool that tells you what's missing in a given set of family members; it lies! It told me there were only 11 missing family members from that family unit. 10 hours later I was STILL connecting family members. I think it was 60 or 70 & I didn't put them all on because not everyone had sources other than trees.

In looking through all those profiles I didn't create due to lack of sources, I found this line goes all the way back to 1298; too bad they aren't sourced. I also found out exactly where this Brunson line shifts names & why. This line is from Sweden & their last name was spelled Brunsson for a reason. It's because he was really, literally, Bruns son. It seems they don't have names over there that far back as we know them now, they are literally someone's son or daughter; that's where the dotters come from. If the boys are Bruns son's, then the girls are Bruns dotters, hence Brunsdotter, a new last name that will change with every generation depending on the name of the father. What a nightmare!!!

I'm also on the PIP Voyage which I have been on for awhile now. I get everything & how things are done except for the in-line sources made from the sources you take from the source sites. 1 of the problems I have when learning new things, is that I have learned that I can't rely on my brain for memories; it changes too much. I have to use other means to remembering. One of those ways is cellular memory. When you do something long enough & often enough, your body remembers the actions. 

When I sent Ian a message about how Sourcer was acting, he wrote back & asked "If this on the Add Person page when doing "Set Fields from..."." I understood the add person page part, but "Set fields from...?" Come to find out, that was the wordy explanation of what I was doing with cellular memory, but that's a detail & I'm not good with them as I normally don't see them as something to focus on & understand; I just get lost in them. I have to be above the frey to "see" anything.

So, that's my week. Hope everyone had a good week & is doing well & good in whatever they are doing.

Guten Morgen, guten Tag, guten Abend, gute Nacht, wo auch immer Sie auf der Welt sind, passen Sie auf sich auf.

by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
Glad you are RAWKing with us! And interesting that it's increasing your own cc7, are you related to one of our RAWKees closely?

I had a similar experience with getting a relative to join and them having an instant cc7 once they connected to me, but I looked at it as a positive because he was on the fence about the site as it was (he is a long time subscriber to *OTHER SITE*) so maybe having some connections already set up to where he could really get some use out of the one tree, will help him fall in love with all things WT.

2 of the women are from the US & I have been RAWKing them as I don't know how to research outside of the US & I don't have the subscriptions for out of country research anyway. Both women have deep roots in the Appalachian region & that's where my family originally migrated to. I stopped being surprised by the number of banners across the top of the profile page exclaiming this person was an X#CX#xR.

I did get a response from an Alexander man thanking me for connecting some Alexander's. That has been an interesting correspondence. It seems he is part of several different Alexander groups that until DNA came out, were just feeling like orphans out of left field. Turns out there was a reason for that. These groups didn't match the main Alexander group in the DNA markers, but they very closely matched each other, so there was a reason for their feeling disassociated from the main group, I guess. 

But it's not an Alexander that was my connection to this group, not in a straight shot anyway. 1 of my cousins married a decedent of the progenitors of the Outlaw Group, their own name for themselves, which is how we are connected.

I wouldn't think 7 - 15th cousins so many times removed were all that close to be able to make a difference in my cc7, but there it is. And no, I am 31° from 1, 23° from another & 25° from the 3rd world women & 20° & 18° from the US ladies. I wouldn't think any of that was conducive to making my cc7 expand, but then again I don't really understand that whole cc7 thing & just how it makes a connection anyway. 

Pat, I have seen new folks join and their CC7 be already out of sight right off the rip. Usually, this happens because someone had already created their profile, some relative, and they join, merge, and voila, a nice fat CC7.

Keep us posted on the Legion banner saga!
Pip, all she had to do was get on the tree; the almost 2,000 cc7 was just waiting for her. It literally went; Gina signed up for WikiTree, got greeted by you & handed her 1,000 cc7 badge by Admin. Yes, her profile was made the last part of June when I joined.

Fingers crossed that we hear something from the Team this week regarding the Alabama Archives agreement for the standards.
+19 votes

Virtual Vacation! 

On August 28th, we went on a 90 minute sightseeing tour over the Kootenay Rockies and glaciers. It was wonderful, and very educational.

This is Nelson airport on the west arm of Kootenay Lake where the flight left from, and where our friends live.


It provided stunning views and some significant evidence of how climate change is affecting glaciers and snow cover in the mountains. 

This is a mountain lake that should be much bigger.


A view down a long valley, this area is home to many grizzly bears. 


In this pic you can see the smoke haze hanging over the mountain from the wildfires to the north. And some very sharp peaks.


What a great view, the mountains should be covered in snow, what you can see is glacial ice that melts quickly without a protective layer several feet thick of snow. 


You can just see the underneath of the wings on the plane at the top of the photo.


This is a glacial lake, the wonderful colour comes from the sediment in the water, it absorbs some colours, and reflects others, there are detailed explanations if you're interested.


This glacier used to extend back through the centre of this picture. 


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
Oh, M...these mountain vistas are so very beautiful! I am sad to see the residuals of the wildfires at the effects of climat chage on the glacial melts. This is a new VV for me having never been here, so thank you very much!
Just breathtaking! Thanks for sharing. I'd like to visit a glacial lake, I bet it is even prettier out of the picture.
These photos are so incredibly gorgeous! Our world is such a beautiful place and we should take the time to REALLY view it and understand it.

Thank you for taking me along on this "vacation".
Third pic down: I have never visited an area with such a well-defined valley, M. I'd love to hike in that beautiful area, but your mention of grizzlies put the kabbosh on that dream. (We've had several incidences of bear-human interaction recently here in the US, and at least one that I know of in Canada.)
Beautiful photographs. Thanks for sharing your tour.
Thanks everyone,

I think it's scale of the mountains that is so impressive, it's difficult to imagine, the tallest are about 3000 m, so close to 10,000 feet.

Nelson the place we stayed is about 1800 ft. The Kootenay Pass  which we have also driven through is 1,774 meters (5,820ft)

Pip I'm not sure if its possible to get to that valley, there aren't any roads, not even logging roads, though you could get dropped off from a helicopter. Wearing bear bells is a good idea.

Some of these pics will go on our stairwell wall, on the opposite wall to our south-west trip pics from 2011.
+17 votes
I'm so pleased to be partaking in another Weekend Chat, and thanks, Pip, for hosting.

"Shotgun weddings" brought to mind my own family story.

Every summer when I was a child the paternal side of my family tree held a French Family Reunion, and my family and I attended as often as we could. I must have been about twelve or thirteen when I noticed that my grandmother was making notes in her copy of the "Genealogy of the Billerica, Massachusetts, French family from 1599 to 1944". A glance at one of the pages showed me the notation of my parents' wedding date, followed next by my birth date, ( I am the oldest). There was just a scant four months between the two dates.  Hmmmm.

For years I waited and waited, wanting to get my hands on what we called 'the red book' so that I could confirm what I had seen. I never did ask my parents. To question such events would have been unheard of in that era, and very rude as well.

Fast forward to two summers ago when my siblings and I held our own family reunion. There my sister gave me 'the red book', and everything fell into place.  It was not a shotgun wedding, as my parents decided to elope. But it certainly was an event that affected my entire teenage years.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
by Candyce Fulford G2G6 Pilot (123k points)
I'm beginning to think Prom is something the Student Body came up with, certainly not parents or the school board.
What a treasure that red book must be! Lucky you to own something like it. Maybe I can pass something that useful to my children one day.


You are correct! The 'red book' is a treasure to me. This particular copy of "Genealogy of the Billerica, Massachusetts, French family from 1599 to 1944" contains many handwritten genealogical updates that pick up where the original tome leaves off. I have added the most current ones.  My grandmother had been the last to add to the book.

Just a thought: you might want to start a journal. I began journaling a few years ago. Nothing much. Just notations about who, what, where, etc. And a few 'newsy' lines - like this week's troubles in Israel and the chaos in the House od Representatives. I have imagined my great-great-grandchildren reading my journal and discussing the events of 'my day'.

What a story, Candyce! Some things never get talked about but come out later. This happened in another branch of my family. My grandmother, when I told her what I had found, was shocked. A piece of info (a similar situation to yours) was supposed to die with her generation.
+18 votes
Greetings from south Texas!  We're finally out of the 100-degrees-plus-every-darn-day summer, and into our typical autumn -- heaters one day, air conditioners the next.

On the personal front, had to have a new water well put in.  The combination of drought, and too darn many people moving out here, has sent the water table down, down, down.  Old shallow wells (this one was already here when my folks bought this place in 1962) are dropping like flies.

On the genealogy front, no new discoveries on my personal lines.  Still searching for the elusive Reynolds-Golding connection.  Which everyone in the family knows exists, but no one knows where (excuse me for a moment while I scream).  And, not having nearly enough to do on WikiTree (LOL), I've joined the US Presidents Project to work on President Polk, as he's important to both Tennessee and Texas.

Back to personal -- any science fiction fans out there?  My daughter got me into the Murderbot series. and it's just great!

Everybody stay safe out there, and good genealogy luck to all.
by Nan Starjak G2G6 Pilot (387k points)
Good luck with your new project! I had to stop collecting them but Sandy's Bingo always has me curious about what new fun may be out there.

Nan, my wife and I are in the middle period of time where are having to figure out our thermostat, trying to find that comfort zone where we don't have to mess with it. It ain't happening... yet. 

"(excuse me for a moment while I scream)" This sounds all too familiar, sitting at my computer. laugh

Thank you for working on President Polk. I have visited his home several times, and although not many people today claim him as a favorite President, I learn a lot about him with every visit to his home in Columbia, Tennessee.  

His grandfather, Ezekiel Polk, died in Bolivar, Tennessee. When Polk ran for President, someone removed his grave marker as the thought was people wouldn’t vote for J. K.Polk if they were aware of Grandpa’s Religious views, which his epitaph clearly defined. 

In the early Twentieth century, Ezekiel’s  stone was located under a house and restored to his  grave at Polk Cemetery, Bolivar, Tennessee. Ezekiel Polk.

+14 votes

हैलो और स्वागत है। मैं अपने संदेश उन देशों की भाषा में लिखूंगा, जहां मैंने 15 देशों के वैश्विक दौरे के दौरान दौरा किया था। मैं केवल यही चाहता हूं कि मैं उन्हें वैसे ही बोल सकूं जैसे वे मेरे लिए अनुवादित हैं। आज यहां न्यूजीलैंड में चुनाव का दिन है जहां हमें दो वोट करने हैं। एक उस चुनावी सांसद के लिए जो हमारे क्षेत्र का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है और एक उस पार्टी के लिए जिसे हम सत्ता में रखना चाहते हैं। हम वोट को विभाजित कर सकते हैं या उसी पार्टी को वोट दे सकते हैं जिसका प्रतिनिधित्व हम चाहते हैं। विकिट्री समाचार पर मैं डब्लूबीई में विभिन्न सेटिंग्स का परीक्षण कर रहा हूं और संभावित रूप से सीसी7 परिवर्तन दृश्य विकल्प में एक बग मिला है। यह परिवर्तन दिखाता है लेकिन अंतिम जाँच के बाद से परिवर्तन हटाता नहीं दिख रहा है। CC7 होने के कारण मैंने कुछ प्रोफ़ाइलें जोड़ीं और इस प्रकार मेरी वॉचलिस्ट फिर से बढ़ गई है। इसका हिंदी में अनुवाद किया गया, जो कि भाषाओं में से एक है भारत

by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (461k points)

Hello all. I will be writing my messages in the language of the nations I visited during the 15 nation Global Tour. I only wish I could speak them as well as they are translated for me. Please guess the language and country I visited.

Check out the 15 Nations Global Tour and maybe help grow and connect profiles from the countries we have visited to help make Wikitree more Global in profiles.

I think it's wonderful that you posted your message in a language other than English, Darren! WikiTree is an international community, and I know many members speak other languages, but I think this is the first time I've seen a message posted in a different script. It certainly caught my attention.

धन्यवाद। हाँ विकीट्री को एंग्लो-अमेरिकी मानसिकता और भाषा उपयोगकर्ताओं के बाहर के लोगों का स्वागत करने की आवश्यकता है। 15 देशों के ग्लोबल टूर को करने से लैटिन लिपि में नहीं होने पर मौजूदा प्रोफाइल खोजने में कुछ सीमाएँ सामने आई हैं। तो कल्पना कीजिए कि यह उन देशों के लिए कैसा होगा जो मुख्य वृक्ष से जुड़ने या अपनी राष्ट्रीयता की प्रोफ़ाइल खोजने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।

Thank you. Yes Wikitree does need to be welcoming to people outside of the anglo-american mindset and language users. Doing the 15 Nations Global Tour has thrown up some limitations with finding existing profiles when not in Latin script. So imagine how it must be for those countries trying to connect to the main tree or find profiles of their nationality.

Darren, the election results in NZ were big news here in the US (for those of us who follow international news).
I attempted to translate and my phone had a pop-up that Hindi is not supported. I will try it on my computer later today.

Thank you for honoring India and growing  their tree. Imagine how fast and large WT would grow if several from India caught the WT bug.
+19 votes
Hello Weekend Chatterers!

I was up and out the door very early this morning for a fun medical procedure - an endoscoopy. At least it provided a short nap and no dire results. I had a narrowing which was causing eating or rather swallowing to be difficult. My doctor stretched it and biopsied a few spots that he does not suspect to be cancer. So, all good and procedure done!

I had an interesting genealogy happening this week. FS sent me the dreaded "changes to people you watch". Someone had completely changed an immigrant ancestor of mine that I had previously worked for years to find all the immigration information and his life in South Carolina. They had disconnected his son and gave the son a new father and mother and even said, "I have no proof of this - just a suspicion". I got everything put back but then did a bit of research on the new wife they gave the son - just a last name, no first name and she had a death of 1816 which would be correct for his unknown wife. I found that her family lived in an adjoining county to my ancestors and one of her brothers had also gone to Amite County, MS. So, amidst the chaos created for my ancestors, there may be a resolution to the unknown wife. I guess patience is the operative word for all things genealogy!!

My other project is documenting a Black cemetery in Forest Hill, LA where my paternal family is from. There are 99 burials and I now have about 80 of them categorized and many of them connected to family on their FindAGrave memorials. In November I will be spending a few days in that community with a relative and we plan to take pictures of all the tombstones and get those uploaded to their profiles and FindAGrave memorials.

On the wonderful weather front - it is now much cooler here in north central Texas and we are all so grateful for Fall.

Don't forget the eclipse tomorrow for those who are in line to see it. We will not have the full eclipse but about 85%. Have a great weekend!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Wow, kudos to you on the cemetary  work.  I've always thought that would be a satisfying kind of project.
Thanks, Cindy. This is satisfying as I have passed that cemetery for years when I visit that community where my Dad was born and grew up. I still have some relatives there. When I thought about that particular cemetery, I found that hardly any work had been done on it. And, on FindAGrave there are only 3 or 4 photos of tombstones. So, I am ordering D2 cleaner and my cousin and I will tackle at least enough to read the inscriptions and get a good photo of them.
Cemetery work is fascinating especially in small places, when you can connect almost everyone buried there to each other.
Glad your endoscopy is over with and hope that helps your swallowing. As to your cemetery work, how exciting to be able to really add to all those profiles! I am sure relatives of those buried there will really appreciate your hard work when they discover it.
Ginny, I don't follow any profiles of FS for the very reason you explained above. I have a hard enough time with the profiles I manage on WikiTree!

My brother in Arizona sent me pics of the eclipse in his area. It wasn't full, but the shadows on his patio made by a tree growing there showed multiple images of what the eclipse looked like.
+13 votes

On this day:

1066: Harold Godwinson dies in the Battle of Hastings

1943: A prisoner's uprising takes place in the Extermination Camp in Sobibor

1973: In Thailand there is a popular uprisng

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

On this day the moon will eclipse the Sun! Have a great black out!wink

Hi Jelena, I will select Sobibor today and acknowledge all of the spirits who had the courage to participate in the uprising, as well as hold intention for all those beautiful spirits who died at Sobibor and other extermination camps. Namaste...
Harold Godwinson... that's a sad story so I will not revisit it. I saw the movie about Sobibor (very sad), so I'll read up on that today. Thanks, Professor!

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