"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! August 13th - 15th, 2021 [closed]

+30 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Weekend Chat closed for August 13th - 15th see you all next Friday.
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
closed by David Selman

Oh, well, I never in the whole of my life owned a culotte nor wore one.  I don't even know what a culotte is.  

My mama DID buy me a pair of shorts to wear under my dresses at school on account of that very same problem, when one is hanging upside down from the jungle gym while wearing a dress .. school code, had to wear a dress, btw ... 

Not sure where to put the scales in this vast field of ignorance while not flashing my britches at the world.  

Scales were found at the drugstore and at the carnival grounds .... well, at the doctor's office also ... the ones in the medical offices don't look the same as the ones at the drugstore or fairgrounds when I was a kiddie. 

Yep, I am Culturally Deprived.  Apparently.  Culottes. I will google to see if it looks familiar.  Ah hah? The skort is like shorts, with an extension flap that goes across the front, and look like shorts from the back. Culottes do not have this flap across the front, and don't look like shorts from the back.

Nope, culottes weren't never part of my wardrobe. Skorts weren't never part of my wardrobe. Huh. 

I wore shorts before puberty, not after. I wore skirts until after puberty. Then I wore dresses. And then I got into my 20's or so and wore jeans. And gave up jeans for slax. And in my 60's gave up slax for sweats. Nary a culotte in sight.  Huh. 

 Wonder if I missed out on something significant. 

Today I learned about culottes. I heard the word, but never knew what they were. Oh well, my Hawaiian behind will be doing yard work from now on. Wearing a loin cloth.

Be sure to share the photo here! laughlaughlaugh

I think, not sure, but I think you would gather more attention wearing a culotte or even a skort. 

I mean, if gardening etc in a loincloth is NOT attention-gathering enough, try the skort or the culotte


I've only started working out about a month ago. I don't think I am internet ready to share my loin cloth images with the internet. I have been rockin some squats. My pants and shirts are getting looser. But I am nowhere near looking like the coconut oiled Tongan guy from the Olympics. For now the horror will only be shared with my neighbors. Since I have Scot ancestors. Maybe I should style my loin cloth in the correct pattern.

Well, as a Body Man told me once, which was once too many times, lol, if your belly at the belly button level is more inches all the way around (tape it all the way around) than you pecs at the nipple level, you are "out of shape" ... t'other way around of course has more aesthetic appeal .... 

AND if you want to lose the fat pads cut way back on oils and fats -- you are safe enough if you are not losing more than 2 pounds a week 

Eat a pickle if you want something sweet 

Stay away from sweet stuff as that tends to encourage the desire and appetite and consumption of other sweet stuffs - substitute salty stuff instead 

If you really wanted attention there is that sumo wrestler style of thong ... pix are online 

A German Heritage tartan. I have one of those, but I doubt my kilt maker would make a loincloth for you. However, you can buy tartan material and wrap it around and in and out for one. laugh

surprise  I looked at the google images. Paul could be cited for lewdness in one of those, out there in the wilderness of Kansas or Nebraska, it is just NOT the style there ... in Hawaii, he could wear it but not in Nebraska - not unless he was on stage as a stripper in a joint ... 

  1. LOINCLOTH -- a single piece of cloth wrapped round the hips, typically worn by men in some hot countries as their only garment.


Well… it’s pretty hot in Nebraska right now. surprise

I guess you did not look at the pix (images) on google for "loincloth"? laugh 

Granted, the apparent -- if not actual -- lewdness has more to do with how the models were posed 

41 Answers

+28 votes

Today is.....



National Filet Mignon Day on August 13th celebrates a specialty cut of beef. Usually, from a steer or heifer, a filet mignon is a steak taken from the smaller end of the tenderloin of the beef carcass.

Filet mignon is French for “cute fillet” or “dainty fillet.” In French, filet mignon may be called filet de boeuf, which translates to beef fillet in English. When found on a French menu, filet mignon may also refer to pork rather than beef.

  • Since the filet mignon comes from the most tender portion of the tenderloin, it’s one of the most prized cuts of beef. Therefore, expect this steak to be the most expensive. 

Filet mignon is commonly cut into 1 inch to 2 inch thick portions, grilled, and then served as is. When found in grocery stores, filet mignon is already cut into bacon-wrapped portions. The usual method for cooking the filet mignon is to cook it on high heat by either grilling, pan-frying, broiling or roasting. Restaurants may sometimes prepare the fillets served in a cognac cream sauce, au Poivre with peppercorns, or in a red wine reduction.

Due to the low levels of fat found in the fillets, bacon is often used in cooking. The bacon is wrapped around the fillet and pinned closed with a wooden toothpick. The bacon adds flavor, and this process keeps the fillet from drying out during the cooking process.

HOW TO OBSERVE National Filet Mignon Day

Enjoy a nice evening with this Delicious Filet Mignon recipe, together with friends and family. Learn more about how to cook filet mignon or give a shout out to your favorite restaurant that serves the dish. 

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
My wife's favorite! I think I'll take her out tonight. Thanks, Dorothy!
Dorothy, you really hit the ball out of the park for me on this one! I love grilled steaks and, of course, the fillet is top notch!
Hi Dorothy! I was just talking about Filet Mignon yesterday recalling a fabulous restaurant that served them with onion rings. The place changed hands years ago AND I gave up red meat and pork about 25 years ago for health reasons. I can enjoy others enjoying filet mignon, though!
I remember The Good Old Days when I ate steaks ...
My favourite meal ever served with a mushroom sauce, mhmmmm
+24 votes

Well this week I did read all your post Pip. I think finding enough Greeters is an uphill battle but hopefully you will get some more volunteers it can be so rewarding helping others get started on WikiTree.

Hope our new Greeter's move goes okay. I think this is someone who I sent a book to a while back although the name is common particularly where I live.

This week I started a new FreeSpace page for historical information about the village where I live which someone I know posts to Facebook. It is a work in progress.

by Hilary Gadsby G2G6 Pilot (322k points)
Really nice work on that free space page, Hilary. Is the Conway Vale Hotel still there?
Bore da, Hilary! I just checked out your page and it is terrific. Great to see photos along with the excellent information! Thank you!
Unfortunately, the Conway Vale has gone and they are currently building houses there.
Inspiring Page! Slowly learning what FreeSpace pages are all about.
+21 votes
Thank You for hosting the Chat Pip,

Weather, Hot with storms in the afternoon for the beginning of the week repeat for the rest of the week with a few severe storms Wednesday and Thursday.

Monday, Took our youngest granddaughter to school for soccer practice. Ran the youngest grandson to school for band practice. Then had many documents to "sign", all virtually, and calls from the finance people about the house. In the evening we had a brief meeting at the EOC in the Ham radio room.

Tuesday, I took the youngest grandson to band again and then went home to a major moving problem. We had a problem with an old chest of drawers in our bedroom Monday night. Seems that the track for one of the drawers broke and caused that to fall onto a lower drawer. The dresser is not worth fixing so I moved a slightly bigger one from our spare room that was almost empty to our room to switch them out. Because I did this by myself I was hurting after this move. Going to the hospital ER was not an option because they would think it was a heart attack, pain in the left side, and they would want to admit me no matter what I said. That happened several years ago when I fell on the Ice and bruised my entire left side and they wanted to admit me for non existent heart problems.

Wednesday, Another meeting at the EOC but just prior to that the power went out due to storms. I did manage to get my phone charged during the meeting and the power came back on at 2 AM.

Thursday, Babysitting for the great granddaughter, a long day so I did not get much else accomplished.

Friday, The house deal fell thru, the sellers would not accept the financing we had in place so we backed away. They would not accept VA financing. My sister still has no power from the bad storm Wednesday, ours came back on at 2AM Thursday.

Genealogy, Not much too busy.

Yes Pip I read your entire post. I tried greeting once but I just had too much trouble fitting it into my schedule. Best of luck finding more greeters.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Dale, I heard there was some flooding up your way. Hope it wasn't causing a problem for you. Y'all have had the weather for sure! BTW: babysitting your great-granddaughter is an accomplishment in of itself. Don't think you didn't get anything done.

I am really sorry to hear that the house fell through. After all that. Here's hoping you find an ever better place.
Hi Dale,

I hope you are feeling better. Take it easy and stay hydrated (this is what the Navy corpsmen used to tell us for anything from a chest cold to a severed limb). Usually makes you feel better, can't really make anything worse.

I think it's great that you have a Ham radio room! My grandfather had a handle and talked to people all over, I was so sad to dismantle his radio room after he passed away.

Sorry the financing didn't work out, I have had good luck with my VA loan, I hope you get the right fit.

Dale, total BUMMER "Friday, The house deal fell thru, the sellers would not accept the financing we had in place so we backed away. They would not accept VA financing."

crying Well, perhaps the next effort will have a better result although "just the right house for us" doesn't come along every week ... 

Pip, We  had no flooding but even if we did with 5 steps to reach the floor level of our home it would have to be something that would  affect a lot more people in worse ways, it would also have to reach over 30 feet above the nearest river level before it even reached our yard.

To everyone, we have decided to stop even looking for a different home. We might have to look into a ramp to bypass the steps in the near future but we have no plans to move anymore.
Sorry to hear this, Dale. I know you were looking forward to the new home. Don't give up; one may just plop into your lap. You never know.
Yeah, Pip is right, Dale.  It's always when your not looking that good things happen  and the better house might just show up.  Sorry for your luck,  I'm sure their real estate agent might have advised that the VA takes forever to do anything and to skip it , don't know, but could see that happening.
Hi Dale, Not sure what EOC is, is that Emergency Operations Center? Is that for the flooding? Buying a house can be so frought and harrowing, sorry you're going through that. I have had a couple friends go the remodeling route as well. Our house has a ramp in the garage as opposed to the front door. It was here when we bought our house and we never removed it, it comes in handy for furniture and friends. I bet if you start a remodel, the next perfect house will come along licketty split. That how my life works anyway.
M, Yes the EOC stands for the Emergency Operations Center. It is the building where the offices of the Emergency Management Agency reside and where the people who are in charge meet to respond to any major emergency in our area. The radio club I belong to as well as the emergency response team for the same club is allowed to use the building for our events, we are actually the major group to use the building during non emergency times. Monday was a drill for a radio controlled net, meaning that we reported in to test our ability to provide backup communications in the event of an emergency, and during that net we changed over to a Skywarn net due to severe thunderstorms in our area. Wednesday we had our emergency team monthly meeting planning for the upcoming fair and again we had a Skywarn net, this time just prior to the meeting, because of severe storms. We also have our monthly club meetings and bi monthly examination sessions to test those who want to get their licenses and our classes to teach those who wish to obtain their licenses as well in that building as well so I could be at that building quite a bit some months, just last week it was twice but I have joked that I should move a cot in due to me being involved in all of the above activities, I only live around the corner and could walk there if I really needed to. We had no flooding near me last week but it could happen. As for the house, there is nothing major wrong with our present home so we decided to just rework the entry with a ramp and possibly improve the insulation a bit and stay put so we have totally stopped looking at houses to move into. It is just not worth it to move and our monthly cost for regular expenses has actually decreased over the last few months as well.
We had a ramp built for my aunt for her wheelchair.     You can find info about how to do that for people with mobility challenges.   The big deal is the angle or pitch so it is not too steep
Hey Dale, Check with your local building codes first.  The RV park we used to stay at in Florida, we wanted to pitch  in and build a ramp for a wheelchair bound guy, and we couldn't do it, it had to be professionally done and permitted.  Or, get a prefab one that was like $1900, which we ended up all pitching in funds to do that which was cheaper than the contractors licensed to build those all wanted.  All depends on what is code where you live how it has to be built and by whom.
Yes we built to code and had to get it approved and inspected

yes Laura

To everyone, Building a ramp would be in the future if ever and yes I do know about the codes and permits.

yes Dale :)

+20 votes

Hello from north Georgia, USA!

Weather this week has been muggy (unpleasantly warm and humid.) Typical August. We had a bad storm come through Wednesday night--torrential rain, wind, and hail. No damage to report, though.

Crossed fingers, our bathroom reno will be essentially completed by the end of today. The plumber was here until 1:30 a.m. (yes, really!) last night because he wanted to get everything done before he goes on vacation. A couple of minor issues he will come back to do after his vacation. The construction "team" will be here today to finish whatever else needs to be done. The dumpster is supposed to be picked up and hauled away.

Other crossed fingers - I had blood drawn this morning. It's been six months since I was told to bring my blood sugar down. I hope what I've done has been enough. My visit with the doctor is next Thursday, but they will probably post the results online before I see him.

WikiTree-related things happening this past week...

A couple of good, quick, collaborations with other WikiTreers to effect connection of our respective profiles who were spouses.

I found out one morning I was the 36th great-granddaughter of the Scottish King Cinaed MacAlpin. (Me, and thousands of others, right?!) Anyway, I was kind of playing it up around my husband all day about how I was descendant of royalty. Later in the day, just for kicks, I checked the relationship find with my husband's WikiTree ID. Lo and behold! He is the 32nd great-grandson of the same Scottish King. The joke was on me, for sure. I did a few curtsies and we had a really good laugh.

The next day while eating lunch with one of the guys working on our reno, I told him the story above. He started telling me about one of his ancestors who had come to America as an indentured servant and how he had found this ancestor on WIKITREE and followed the trail of ancestors on WikiTree up to an ancient ancestor of the 800s. I told him I was a WikiTreer. We had an interesting genealogical/historical conversation. Just letting all of you know--you never know who, somewhere, someday, is going to be grateful for and benefit from the work you're putting in on WikiTree.

Have a terrific weekend, everyone!

Edit to upddate...

Bathroom is not finished. The wrong shower door was delivered. Now we're thinking about not even doing a shower door, but just put up a rod and use a shower curtain. Would save money but I don't know. I suppose I could try it with just a curtain for a while. If I didn't like it I could install a door later. Everything important is functional and the door is back up. It's just a few details not completed. One of the guys is coming back one day this coming week to (hopefully) finish up.

by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (578k points)
edited by Nelda Spires
So true Nelda, I suppose you also encouraged him to join us?

Edit, so we're also related Nelda 7th C, twice R.... Vaughan .  And a couple other paths in the Stewart clan. A courtesy to you lassie!
Howdy, neighbor! I know you will be relieved when the last of those workers walk out of your home.

My wife an I chuckle regularly about our "royal" ancestry (so far back that it doesn't have that much relevance), The funny thing is that we are often on the opposite sides of the claimants: me a Bruce, she a Comyn!
Hi Nelda, isn't it a small Wiki-world? I chat up my ancestry sometimes with neighbors, etc. and it turns out we are related in various ways to various distant kin. What fun for you and your husband to be able to bow and curtsey to each other over your Scots royal ancestry, though.

laugh I had begun to think you would be in the midst of a reno for the next three months ... we are as happy as you are about the finish line being in sight 

Good luck with the bloodwork Nelda! Any progress is good. Hopefully steps in the healthy direction.

The bathroom reno sounds like a headache but hopefully it's worth it in the end. Enjoy your new "throne", your highness ;)
I just discovered, Nelda, that I am the 34th great granddaughter of King Cinaed Mac Alpine - thanks to your post!

Trish, I absolutely encouraged him to join WikiTree. When he asked me if I knew Wiki mark-up that was a clear indication he would be a good recruit.

Pip, I have descendancy from Bruce, as well. 22nd great-granddaughter of King Robert 1st (Bruce). In a way, I will miss our workers. Oh, I'll be glad the work is completed, but all the workers have been nice people to be around.

Carol, yes, the more I work on WikiTree, the smaller I realize the world is. 

Susan, bite your tongue (or slap your fingers)!!! We have been dealing with this situation for months. The actual reno has taken about six weeks and that's been quite long enough. I doubt I will want to do this again any time soon. (The bank account won't let me, anyway.)

Erin, I have already enjoyed my "throne." The plumber gave me his blessing to utilize as needed. It was so nice not to have to navigate steps in the wee hours!

"Cousin" Virginia. Salutations! I'm so glad to meet another princess of the realm.
22nd great here too.... Caudle-Calder- Cawdor and Stewart, which wasn't a big surprise. Blessings to fellow princesses :)
Good Evening Your Highness,

One thing better about a door is it might be easier to clean. There's a lot of variety for curtains though. When my niece moved to New York City I got her a shower curtain with a map of the subway system on it. Congrats on almost being done with the bath remodel, I have yet to tackle ours.
+23 votes

On this day:

1516: The Treaty of Noyon ends the War of the League of Cambrai

1926: The Cuban politician Fidel Castro is born

1961: The German Democratic Republic starts to build the Berlin Wall

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Berlin wall gets torn down in 1989. We actually have a small pebble sized piece of it. A patient of my dad's gave it to him.
Our daughter studied in France for an exchange year and also brought home a chunk of the wall.  It has long since been misplaced or taken by some cousins noted for that kind of stuff.  It was about seven inches long and no one would know what it was without an explanation.
Actually I had also a bit of the Wall. But I don't know anymore where it is.
I'm going to read about the Wall today. There's a lot I don't know, even though I took Modern German History in college in the 70s. I've forgotten a lot. Thanks, Professor!
Hi Jelena, I sometimes wonder what Cuba would be like now had Castro not taken over.

My mum gave be a piece of the Berlin Wall years ago, but darn I have no idea where it is now. I would gift it to my daughter if I could find it.
+23 votes

Hello from sunny London! The weather has all been much of a muchness over the past few weeks so I don't have much to report.

However, I've been getting a good lump of genealogy done with regards to biographies for my 3x great-grandparents (half of them are done now!). Most recently I've been working on two couples - Mary + Joseph and Martha + Arthur. I've also been working on a couple named Louisa + Edward but there's nothing funny about their names.

I've also taken a look at this book of 17th century English funeral sermons (which I definitely recommend) and had a read of what Adam Littleton had so about my 12th great-grandmother (I plan on making her a profile soon). I think she and her husband could be categorised as notables but I'll probably have to ask.

Anyway, it's time for me to get back to WikiTree-ing. Enjoy the weekend!

by David Smith G2G6 Mach 7 (78.0k points)
edited by David Smith
"...much of a muchness..." I had to laugh at the absolute appropriateness of that description. I'm going to remember that one and hopefully use it on occasion and be thankful for having such a witty member of WikiTree visiting the Chat!

If one pronounces Arthur like we do in the South, then you've got Martha and Artha. Perfect!
Hi David, I am very much enjoying a look at that book, thanks muchley for mentioning it!

I'm glad you like it! It seems to me that it's such an underused book and resource. In fact, I only found it chasing down a reference from one of those old, dubious genealogy books.
+23 votes
Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

 It is so hot here in the Merrimack valley. Yesterday was a scorcher as the temps hit the 90s. Staying cool with the a/c going seems to be the best option we have.

On the genealogy front, I wrote about the city of Haverhill and provided a glimpse in how much in changed in almost three hundred years: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2021/08/52-ancestors-week-32-in-city.html

Yeah. The founders would have a severe case of culture shock. This is probably why time travel might not be as fun as you think it is. Though, if you have the Tardis you could have a better feel for where you are and the language barrier would be non-existent.

It was a hard prompt for me to do as many people lived in cities for generations unless you count the Italians who may have gone to Naples. Or the farmers just outside Montreal. The city of Haverhill changed a lot and it was a fun prompt to do. I hope we get a sequel next year!

Dare to dream!

On the non genealogy front, we're cooking here. Literally. At least things are okay for the most part. I mailed a few things to a friend of mine in Canada as he is also a collector. We trade things back and forth. It's fun and it's  better to trade with a friend than with some weirdos in a Facebook group. Yeah. Some people have been scammed. That's never fun.

I hope everyone has a great day! Stay cool and enjoy the chat!
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (786k points)
Ciao Chris, just read your blog and enjoyed it very much. I wish I had a Tardis for my visits to and from family. Stay cool! It seems like people are cooking everywhere across the nation.
Excellent blog, Chris. I bet Haverhill had a time trying to keep the infrastructure going to keep up from 1870 to 1920. I mean, that's a lot of people to cover in such a short period of time.

So, what's cookin'?
Really well written and interesting blog, Chris!

@ Carol: I wish I had a Tardis, too. I'd go right to Italy in the 1920s and talk to Domenica Gullo myself. The Tardis would be able to translate and communication would be ridiculously easy. Of course I'd have to deal with the monster first because the Tardis takes you to where you are needed and not necessarily where you want to go. She's crazy like that.

@ Pip: Oh, yeah. Haverhill definitely did. Go and look at the City directories on Ancestry during that time. You'll see ads for workers and all kinds of things. Vincenzo was a laborer and worked on roads. Housing units were constantly being built around the factories. The downtown area was full of shops and still is to this day. It even changed a lot from when my father was little. A lot of work was put in to make the city a nice place to live and to keep up with the demands of a growing populace.

As for what's cookin'? Well, my dad's making calamari salad for a gettogether. 

@Maria: Glad you liked the blog!

Hi Chris, I was very interested to read your blog, especially about Haverhill, as I have never been there. I do have an ancestor who was there Hannah Emerson Duston, and I really enjoy the then and now comparison you provide.

Loved reading the blog post- At some point I really need to start a blog myself, but I still haven't gotten around to it, despite saying I'm going to for the last year or two

I too would love to have a TARDIS, but then again, the linguist part of my mind has never especially liked (or, sometimes, accepted) the concept of the universal translator in the various sci-fi universes... Yes, I would like to be able to communicate with anyone I went back in time to meet, but also, I would like to spend just as much time collecting information on historical linguistics as I would collecting family history information... what sort of dialect & accent of [insert language here] did any number of my ancestors have? How does it differ from how the people of that region speak today? Is how they pronounced their own name different from our assumptions or educated guesses as to it in the present day? & so on... Let alone seeking out the extinct languages historical linguists know nothing or next-to-nothing about in the present day.

Maybe I should just avoid that thought experiment, LOL-too much to consider
A lot to cover since I took a break. I already told Pip this. Some jerks vandalized the cemetery where my 2nd great-grandmother was buried. They vandalized mostly stones from the 1800s. But, it's still annoying. A Wikitreer is gonna go to the cemetery to see if she can find the stone. Stay tuned for the outcome of that next Weekend Chat!

Here's the article: https://www.wmur.com/article/approximately-100-headstones-and-monuments-destroyed-or-defaced-at-farmington-cemetery-police-say/37286384#

@ M: I'm glad you liked the blog. Haverhill is a nice city. You should visit. =D I have a sort of tangental connection to Hannah Duston as I grew up on a street named after her family. I also used to ride by her statue on the way to appointments.

@ Tom: Glad you like the blog. You definitely should make one. It's fun! Perhaps the TARDIS can cherry pick what to translate. Same with the universal translator. They can translate words. But, written documents remain the same. Case in point: Star Trek Deep Space Nine. The characters are human but they are using Cardassian tech easily even though the consoles have Cardassian tech on them.

It is a cool thought experiment. But, a translator would help me out. =D Better than Google Translate!
+19 votes
It has been very hot here this past week, about 100 degrees, but it is supposed to 'cool' off to the lower 90s this weekend.  I sure hope so, for it is way too hot for me to do anything outside. At least the grass in my yard has stopped growing so I don't have to mow it soon!

Did not do much genealogy this week for I am cleaning up my computer.  I did not realize I had dozens of files saved to my desktop, and they all needed to be renamed and put in their proper folder.  I also downloaded all my photographs I took with my camera on my three trips this summer (San Antonio, Oklahoma City, and Chicago) and need to sort and name these, too.  When all of this is complete, I need to back it all up so I don't lose it!
by Michelle Enke G2G6 Pilot (434k points)
Wow, Michelle! We have had only one day her over 100 degrees so far. Our grass is still growing, but it's not my worry anymore. We hired a guy. I just can't do it all now.,
Way to go Pip, hiring the lawn mowing.  The bill will be a lot less than the wear and tear on your body and what that costs you in health.  Also all of the things you can do with the released time.  Good decision.

Thanks, Beulah. I'm enjoying watching him right now! laugh

I am seriously thinking of hiring a person to mow my yard during the summer. I hate to spend the money, but I really can't handle the heat.
I just caved a couple weeks ago and hired regular guys for my front yard. Me and my neighbors couldn't be happier, lol!
M, you won’t regret it. I wish I had hired our fella a couple of years ago. It’s worth!
+21 votes
Howdy, Ho-D, and thanks for being our host Essary cousin! I finally remembered to post on Friday AM even, look at me!

Weather , SW MO USA, been super hot until last night, when a storm came and cooled things down . Our walk path was littered this morning around the tech college. It's supposed to be pop ups for the weekend.  Of course tonight supposed to go to a pool party that probably will turn out a sitting party.

Genealogy, not a whole lot this week but I went to the new connection app and fell down that hole for awhile with the actual cousin relationships.  Then while exploring apps found the connect profile to Family Search and did a few , rest are on the "To do" list now.

While there also explored my closest brick wall ancestors with that app.  A few are candidates to new hints and records.  Particularly my Swink, Schwenk (multiple spellings).  Found some of the profiles were orphans and I (being adopted at birth) almost never orphan a family member.  So yesterday afternoon into evening was spent researching and adding sources, with more to be done there.

Greeter, been considering but Hubby nixed idea until we sell the motorhome cause he won't be driving it forever and this is supposed to be our travel time. Lockdowns already stole so much time.  We have a six weeks Southwest tour upon us so I  probably won't be on here for awhile.  But will come back in October with some fun pictures for you to enjoy!  

Stay safe and happy y'all fellow chatter boxes!

Trish , born Loretta
by Loretta Morrison G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
Howdy back, Cuz! I lvoe that connection finder. I really enjoy looking through the categories to see how man kind I have in them. Of course, it does take me away from actual WikiTreeing!

Can't wait to see the pics of your travels!!
Yeah I wasted a few hours finding out I was ,8th Cousins with Stevie Ray Vaughan and 8th to Ernest Tubb (which my adopted Daddy would of loved.) Before deciding that a different app might take me back to some real Wikitree hours, which it did.

Yeah hopefully get to see all the places we want, will take lots of pictures .
+24 votes

Good afternoon from Germany,

where the weather decided to give us 4 days heat. From Monday on the forecast is to have cooler temperatures again, something in the mid-20sC. Still ok though.

Personally: Mum needed more thread for her handicraft, so we went to Frankfurt again on Monday. Good mum, she waited til the end of the Olympics, lol. It was with a comfy temperature, so we could eat outside, which is always a plus with the rising Covid numbers.

Considering Covid, our deciders in the pandemic (the regional prime minister, some secretaries and Merkel) decided to stop the general free tests for people who don't want to be vaccinated. Currently people who aren't vaccinated can show a negative antigene-test and do their shopping or whatever they want to do. From mid-October on, they will have to pay for it, when they are not vaccinated although there is no medical reason for it. A football club of our first league already said they won't accept people that are only tested negative. They offer also their members to come to appointments where they can be vaccinated though. Oh what I would like if MY club would do that as well. But they don't seem to want to do that (yet).

Reading: After finishing the book about the people involved in the plot of 20th of July 1944, I started a Serbian book. Seems like I'm a pupil too, Pip. This book is a textbook for vocational schools about the geography of Serbia. I remember how we stood in front of the bookshop in Belgrade, I saw that book and told mum: "I could use such a book, I'd like to know more about Serbia." I didn't mean to buy THAT book though. But mum answered: "Come on, let's go in and look at the book." So she did (she still gets better a quick overview over a book in Serbian) and said: "That's ok, let's buy it." Okaaaaay... well here I am, reading a textbook now from start to end.

WikiTree: This week I'm focusing on writing biographies. Abby looks (or looked) for profiles of users of pseudonyms. I suggested one German poet and painter, whose writings and paintings were considered degenerate art by the Nazis. So now I wrote many bilingual biographies and I am not yet done with that... you know where you will find me when I posted my OTDs this weekend.cheeky

Stay safe, keep the distance and stay cool this weekend

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
One way you are like me, Jelena, is that we often read books we will not lose to other people borrowing them, at least not in the circles I run in. You will always be a pupil, and I'm happy for you. Enjoy your read!
+22 votes
Good morning and, like Pip, thank goodness it is Friday! As many of you might remember, our house flooded in May due to a faulty sensor in the washer. Finally, we are being packed up for the move out of the first floor, except for the kitchen. The packers arrived Tuesday morning and every morning since. They will finish today which tells me we have too much "stuff"!! We finally had to go to our new temporary home last night, the Homewood Suites. We will know later today when the movers will arrive and I just found out they do work on the weekends.

Needless to say, I have not accomplished much along the genealogy path this week. I am taking part in the Sourcerer's Challenge for the month so have been able to pop in and do a few of those. Until the past few days I was also able to do a bit of Greeting. By next week I hope to be back at all things genealogy. My scanner and most used books and files are already set up at the hotel.

On the family front - our daughter finished her clinicals and class for her Nurse Practioner degree - yeah!!! Her reward is next week she is having knee replacement at 42 years old. The ortho said she cannot do the 12 hour ICU days any longer until the knee is fixed. Of course, if she lands an NP position soon she won't be doing those long days constantly on her feet. Speaking of which, our Covid cases have climbed and are still going up. Really troubling!

Have a great weekend, stay cool and stay safe.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Hi Virginia, just needed to congratulate your daughter on completing her NP (from one nurse to another). This is a great opportunity for her and there are any number of NPs who can name their hours and where they want to work. At long last, the nursing profession is coming into its own. My sincere best wishes to her (and to you).
Thank you so much, Carol! She has already had an interview this morning and has another next Tuesday. She still has to take the state boards but hope one of these interviews pays off!
You and Nelda and your home repairs! I feel for you, Ginny. Yeah, we have too much stuff, too. I was saying to my wife that maybe we ought to have a church wide yard sale just to get rid of the stuff and donate the proceeds to the building find.

Hope your daughter's knee replacement comes through with flying colors. I know she won't be happy about it fir a while, but the benefits are worth it.
+22 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from Milwaukee, Wisconsin! It’s 11:30 am in Milwaukee and 75F with an expected high of 85F. I arrived on Tuesday and have been staying with my sister, Bonny, and her family. I no sooner arrived and we experienced severe thunder storms with high winds that knocked out power lines and damaged large trees that landed on cars and roofs. Fortunately, no people were injured. We were powerless until 2am. There is a lot of tree debris in my sister’s back yard and I spent my first day her helping to clean up. Sadly, we found a robin’s nest on the ground with three deceased baby robins. They are buried now with the other family pets so that they aren’t alone.

Yesterday, I visited my mum at the memory care center. Her dementia is very severe and no longer recognizes anyone. I gave her a bit of a back massage, which she loved…’oh…that feels so good.’ She needs a great deal of help dressing, eating and walking. The caregivers are outstanding and I give them much credit. This is one area of nursing where I would not want to work. Give me hospice any day.

After our visit, we met with family at the Wisconsin State Fair. My sister, her daughter, my daughter and her husband and his daughter from a previous marriage, my other two nieces, one with her husband were all together and a nice person took four stellar photos of all of us. My two nieces, Colleen and Carrie, entered baked goods and won 1st to 4th place ribbons for their entries. We toured the animal barns, watched various shows and pigged out on baked potatoes, corn on the cob, ice cream and cream puffs. My niece, Elyse (the senior nursing student) and I got henna tattoos on our arms. The best was watching the very little pigs and sow at the baby animal barn. Those little ‘Wilbur’ porkers are so cute. I got a chance to see my brother very briefly. He is working Security at the fair and there was so much going on that we barely had time to hug and find out how we were doing. But at least we got to see each other! He also mentioned that he gets daily reports from the hospice nurse who is an adjunct to mum’s memory care. We cannot say enough positives about these caregivers.

I finally got my daughter’s DNA breakdown through Ancestry. I sent her spit in back in March. Her DNA profile (for now) is Irish 31%; Germanic Europe 24%; Scotland 19%; England and NW Europe 12%; Eastern Europe & Russia 5%; Norway 5%; Baltics 3%; and Basque 1%. I spent several months earlier this year working on her WikiTree. Most of her Irish heritage comes from her paternal side. I haven’t been able to trace very far back in that line; however, I’ve made great strides with her Scottish ancestry. I think I mentioned a long while back that her several times grand uncle is American furniture maker Duncan Phyfe (Fife), who came from Scotland with his family. His brother is her direct ancestor and he was a silversmith in New York. One of his pieces is at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Lately, I’ve been doing her colonial ancestry (when I take a break from the unsourced Richardsons).

My niece, Elyse, is starting her Senior II (her final semester) in nursing school at WU-Oshkosh. She started an internship in July at Columbia/St. Mary’s Emergency Department and loves it. I am driving with her today as she needs to get blood work done to assess her Hep C status in order to maintain her school and work health records. I expect she’s getting more experience than she bargained for now. She also heard that she has been selected for an internship at Milwaukee Children’s Hospital after she completes here internship at Columbia. She’s quite pleased because she wanted to work in either the ER or in pediatrics so these experiences will help her with her career decision-making.

 My sister, niece and I have plans to go to Cedarburg, Wisconsin this Sunday. I lived in Cedarburg years ago when my daughter was all of four-years-old. A neighbor couple, my ex-husband and I ran a very successful ‘Old Fashioned General Store’ in a refurbished over 100 year old woolen mill. The second building, part of the mill, was and still is a winery and gift shop. We lived in an old fieldstone farm house that we restored. I was with the Ozaukee County Historical Society and that generated even more interest in history and genealogy in my younger years.

 Time to prepare for the ride to Columbia/St Mary’s hospital so my niece can get her testing done. I wish everyone a wonderful weekend! And Pip, thanks again for hosting!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
So sad to hear of your your mother's memory problem Carol. We went through that with both my adopted parents, and it's hard for the family, and such a challenge for the caregivers. They normally do a fabulous job.  I tried to pop in late evening once in awhile, just to check the night crew. You definitely have to keep your sense of humor to keep from balling all the time. Glad she enjoyed your attention.

Scottish , yes, will have to check out if your Niece are related too, if she's on your Wikitree. I'm probably related to all the Scots somehow.
Oh, how I miss a fair! Especially the way you describe it, Carol.

Did your daughter's DNA match the research you've done? Some of my results were very close. Others were off by quite a bit, but then most of my research ends at the edge of the Pond.
@Loretta When I get a chance, I'll see if I can find and Scots ancestry between you and my daughter. Thank you for the kind words about mum and caregivers. Alzheimer's and related dementias is becoming a global issue with longer lives, environmental issues, genetics, etc. The WHO declared 2020-2030 the Decade of Aging and Alzheimer's is becoming a leading contributor to mortality. It is very difficult to watch the decline. Her responses are no longer relevant and she mumbles. A decline even from when I was here in March.

@Pip Yes, I think Jennifer's DNA profile is pretty close to what I have been working on in her Wikitree. I have taken her back to the 18th century in Scotland. I've gone as far as I can relevant to Ireland unless I can get some decent matches on Ancestry, then pursue in Wikitree. Right now, I have been working on her 18th century Crooker/Harding line.
+21 votes
Not much to report for this week. Weather is so-so. Not much change.

O well... I'm hangin' in there.

Keep on, etc.
by Luther Brown G2G6 Pilot (569k points)
Making tuna casserole today? I would make a drive just to have some. Keep on hangin' in there, Luther!
Keep hangin' Luther.... and you still owe me that recipe unless I missed something in my messages last week.

laugh laugh If you want something to do, hahahaha, drop into the Suggestions box on a surname, any surname, and start "fixing" whatever errors you can ... sort of satisfying, really

Or, you could adopt a very small dog, pocket sized, and a ktten, and amuse yourself watching them jostle each other for dominance ... while you are "fixing" errors in a surname ... 

Between tending the puppy and the kitten and their needs and the repairs to profiles, you will never again be bored  

PS / I'm still awaiting the recipe for your tuna casserole 

+16 votes

cheekylaugh GENEALOGY -- I am a Good Girl, yes I am, yes I am, I have plowed through the surname BISHOP (OMG !! there's 15,766 of them !!!) and that was via Suggestions, Pending Merges, Unconnected and Unsourced. Nice Lady PM (very inactive) said in a pvt message that she'd pretty much abandoned WT but maybe she should come back and update some things ...  

THEN today I tackled, started to tackle hahaha KING ... and so far I have bought into the fold  Craven James King (abt.1820-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree out of the obcurity of no dates etc (culled from Suggestions) and added his first wife, father of the son Richard Henry King (abt.1844-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree  but Richard was not as exciting, since he was already sort of accounted for as a spouse of Mary Matilda Furr the dau of George Samuel Furr -- the Furr family is a gedcom in 2013 so you know what that's like 

WEATHER -- arid, some smoke pollution, hot (over 90) 

HOME FRONT -- Sig O got the Kindle FIRE "fixed" by fiddling with it, which was nice for me ... climbing walls I was 

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (665k points)

Wow Susan almost 16k what the....heck!  

I have some King ... will have to see if any relationship.

Fiddling what I and Hubby do when kicking failslaugh

Not a blood relationship to my King, but a connection to my Sizemore and Bolling families.
Fortunately I did not sift the entire almost 16,000 that were indexed . only the ones in those procedures ...  and did only the ones at my pay level

SMITH on the other hand had 226,155 indexed ...  There's a lot more than 1,000 of them that are unsourced

Susan, if you ever run out of Bishops to work on, I’ve got several here than need profiles! cheeky

+21 votes
hey everybody.  working on some holographic capture of people. have a great weekend and stay tuned for some crazy stuff coming soon.
by Dave Lorenzini G2G Crew (830 points)
reshown by Dave Lorenzini
Welcome to Wikitree, Dave!  You will find some of the best genealogy apps right here on Wikitree!  Some awesome programers we have ! Look up Wikitree Apps.  That talking 3d app would be very, very cool!  Hopefully you can implement it someday.

As far as tree platforms my favorite is Wikitree and then Ancestry.  Wikitree is dependant on Family Search another site for records however, whereas Ancestry combines which is more convenient.  Ancestry's export process is pretty easy, but don't know if there's an import feature at all. Wikitree does imports, but no export other than charts and lists as you don't own all the profiles we make one big tree.(edit: that I know of, please correct me if so).   Con also Ancestry is full of very inaccurate trees, the new record matching is weird to me and hard to navigate.  I don't know much about My Heritage or Geni, but I am sure others here use them and others they can comment about, as well as the multitude  other programs.

Hope that helps. Upload say 50 of your closest ancestors and use the matching app to find duplicates that might need merged with existing profiles on Wikitree.  That way you can get a feel for how Wikitree works.  Good luck with your goals!
great. thanks. helps. looking forward to digging in.
Nice idea to 3D a living relative if one can convince one's living relative to cooperate ... but some will cooperate, yes.  Think that would be the main hurdle.  Like, I might want to do this but I can't think of a single relative of mine at hand who would be willing to cooperate.  

But it is a nice idea, and I'm sure some will go for it
I'm sure at some point 3d holographic will be synonymous with taking a photo.

I recall reading several years ago that holograms were a "now thing" had been created, developed, whatever but I gathered at the time it was not cost effective at that time and it was "bulky" and "complicated" ... apparently Dave L. is part of the New Wave in holographic whatever it is ... 

I do recall the images in Star Wars, and admitted that was special effects but it represented holographic images 

Wow, online is full of all sorts of articles and examples of what Dave is talking about ... "3D and holograhic" - 

+22 votes
Good afternoon from Everett, Washington, where it is 95 degrees F. and there is a haze in the air. Yesterday I thought I smelled smoke in it and today I do not, although my daughter says it is there. I spent most of today in siesta mode.

I discovered I will need to make a third panel in the quilt I am presently reverse engineering. I have a large substash of 1930s reproduction fabrics that match the pieces of this orphan I adopted on Monday. I think that the light, cheerful and busy patterns of 1930s fabrics helped people who were depressed during the Depression. I know they do me.  When I get this third panel done then it's only a matter of cutting sashing to put between the width-of-quilt strips and panels.

The back seat of one of my cars is full of bags containing quilt tops matched with backing fabrics that I picked out on Monday.  I am waiting for the opportunity to have batting cut for them, which will be next Wednesday. I hope it is not so hot on that day.  It was a physical challenge to move all that stuff into the car. These are all the tops I finished since the pandemic started.  

Like Pip, I must be prudent in taking physical risks. I can do only a little on each front at a time.

The watchlist is 9 profiles short of being pared down to 5000.  There are so many biographies I could improve of people I knew.  "They are all gone into the world of light / and I alone sit lingering here" (from a poem by Henry Vaughn). Once I work on a profile and make a beauty of it, then I don't like to send it out into the world with no PM. This is why paring the watchlist has taken so long.

Husband is proud of the beautiful way he laid out the booths and logistics on SketchUp for the Lighthouse Festival Sept 10-12. Now let's see if they'll find the funds to put it on. Last night I was present at the virtual Historical Society meeting in which the program was the history of the festival. The history tells us that it putting on the festival has always been a task greater than the ability of one entity, whether it be the Historical Society, or the City of Mukilteo, or a freestanding committee.

Our young family friend visited us last night, too, and I altered some tops for his mother (and was paid) and husband showed him some PowerPoints he created: the 3D SketchUp models, ghost stories of Custer Battlefield and Gettysburg, and unusual marine mammals of the northern Pacific.  I enjoyed hearing him teach on these subjects once more.

Husband and I are teachers at heart. It seems our best is done one-on-one.  One student at a time; one quilt at a time. A small contribution to the sum total of human knowledge.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (330k points)
Kudos, Margaret, on your husband's mastery of Sketchup.  As a long time 2d cad user, I found its "intuitive" interface incredibly frustrating.  I am in awe of those who work through mastering new mediums.  I still struggle, a bit, with WikiTree's quirks.
More kudos on the quilting .. I used to make my own, hand sewn.  Been a long time time since my hands and eyes could do it
Margaret, I know how hard it is to pare the watchlist down. I often forget to check and see just how large mine is, and all of a sudden I have several hundred more than I thought. Like you, I hate orphaning one that I spent some time on the make it complete with a good bio.

Those lines from Vaughn pack a lot of meaning with just a few words.
+20 votes
This morning Kathy spilled a Starbucks order.....she quickly went back for a re-order.....it happens!   Her and our daughter just got back from another errand.....and, Kathy announced, she changed lanes in front of a vehicle and also missed a stop sign......I, of course reading the Weekend Chat posts, was able to announce, "it's Friday the 13th"......luckily, amidst laughter, she said she immediately put our daughter in the driver's seat.   We had a quick seminar where I pointed out that, in my 5 years more senior driving experience, I now practice 'moderation'.... something I didn't always do......easier to stay out of trouble.    In the meantime, there are wildfires to monitor.....the few cooler days turned into a heatwave bringing smoke, with outflow winds to the coast, which will last 'til Sunday.   With evacuations picking up, in the interior, Kathy has noted that the local 'Walmart RV Campground' is filling up......my fingers are crossed hoping the wildfires can be contained 'til cooler temperatures return next week.
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (364k points)
Hope the fires avoid where you are
Thankyou for your concerns, Susan.   Not much risk where we're located, but I do have concerns about the Dixie fire, threatening towns in California, and two fires in our central interior, 60 miles apart, that with cooling by Sunday will experience gusty winds that will threaten nearby communities.
We live at Walmart half the time when traveling, so much easier than trying to find a campground get into , pay etc.  We always ask management, and respectfully use the lot for a night or two if it's not super busy.

Hopefully they get all those fires under control and the smoke starts to clear for you John.

California's perennial cleansing by fire ... Dixie fire and the fires last year and the year before and before then back through the decades have been in the hills and mountains -- Florida and the Gulf have an almost annual drenching from storms 

 In some cases, natural Earth processes produce earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, sinkhole collapse, and landslides. These catastrophic events are referred to as geohazards. Natural processes may also produce extreme climate or weather events such as flooding, drought, and storms (e.g., hurricanes). These hazards include earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, droughts, landslides, volcanic eruptions, extreme weather, lightning-induced fires, blizzards, sinkholes, coastal erosion, and comet and asteroid impacts.

Look at the map of the Bay Area in Calif. and last year the "Burn" was all the way around the Bay, from below Oakland and around and then down the coastal region past Santa Cruz and on downward 

The sun is starting to shine brighter this morning, Loretta, and the  wind must be changing, to blow the smoke back toward the interior, as I can see faint blue overhead, although visibility is only a few miles, if that.  We, too, have stayed at Walmart and when I've seen the 'regulars' at one end of the local parking lot I'm tempted to join them.laugh

Hopefully many blue skies ahead for y'all
+19 votes
Hangin' in there ... the smoke seems to have moved north for a day or two ... blue sky again ... woo hoo.

The city is putting in a fiber optic internet system.  We voted an okay to this like eight years ago ... ah, government ... lol.  Anyway, they are now futzin' around our neighborhood ... putting in a two inch plastic pipe underground to hold the cable and putting in junction boxes.  Hope they can complete this while I'm still "young" enough to enjoy the better speeds ... that would mean going from 1.5Mb up to 30Mb and for the same price ... wow.

Doing my genealogy stuff I ran into several profiles that I did way back when and all they had was name, birth date and place ... no sources what so ever ... duh!  Pretty easy to fix up ... just a copy and paste from one of the parent's profiles.  But, what the heck was I doing back then?  Probably thought, I'll get to that later ... well, it is later!!!
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Our own (rural) experience with internet service was horrific.  It recently turned around, with two potential providers.  We are now at the end of our "Welcome, new user", rates and trying to figure out how to navigate all the options, while paying shockingly high rates.
Why would any govt want to be in control of the internet infrastructure? And what will be the monthly or annual bill to the resident? Or the property owners?
Well, it's not the city government it's the city utility department ... guess you could lump them together.  It's income for that department ... $45/month for 30Mb, $80/month for a gig and $200+ for 10 gigs.  We'll just do the 30Mb which is like 20 times faster than what we have and we're paying about $40 for that 1.5Mb speed.

I have no understanding of this sort of thing.  I do know that this provision by the Utility (by the City) is classed as part of the infrastructure - which USED to be solely roads and highways and bridges

Examples of infrastructure include transportation systems, communication networks, sewage, water, and electric systems. These systems tend to be capital intensive and high-cost investments, and are vital to a country's economic development and prosperity 

I did know that transit systems and roads in good repair also bridges and the traffic management with traffic lights and the move to bury electric lines and phone lines (back in the Old Days) ....

Okay, well, learned something new today, thank you ... 

If the government runs it , it goes to the lowest bidder, and usually that guarantees it's gonna be jackedlaugh

They have had our small town square torn for for many months, wonder now if that's not what they are doing.... cause can't possibly be just repaving for this long. Which sorely needs done you could lose your car in some of these holes!

+23 votes
Aloha from Lincoln, Nebraska

Weather: All week was a heat advisory as well as crappy air quality. Last night there was a lot of lightning in the sky, no rain. Today wasn't bad. Tonight is beautiful. The weekend is supposed to be nice. Maybe I will mow the yard. It was too hot last week.

Work: Another almost 50hr week. Some of our job sites are pretty big. So they have Polaris Razors to drive around on them. One site was complaining that it kept over heating and dying. The job site is less than three miles from my house. So I drove it home and washed a bunch of dirt off the engine. Has't over heated since. I've only told them to clean it up for almost 2 months. Other than that, just oil changes, driving, and fixing hydraulic leaks.

Family: Slapping masks on my kids faces and sending their butts back to school on Monday. My 11yr old and I went to 6th grade orientation at the middle school. She is ready. My little boy is ready for 4th grade. My wife gets a kid free day for the first time in over a year.

Genealogy: Good lord. Some of the records are freakin annoying the crap out of me. Between family search and ancestry. Oh my god some of the family tree info is horrible.

Music: I wrote a song last week. Needs a bit of tweaking. Not much though. No lyrics yet, just music.

I think that's it.
by Paul Kreutz G2G6 Pilot (130k points)

You are the Mechanical Renaissance Man, a Man of Many Parts ... etc laugh

Sounds like your wife needs a break!  What's she going to do with her lovely one day?
She gets weeks of days with no kids, or me. I may have worded it wrong. She may rediscover hobbies. Or become well rested. Maybe she will have time to make some cheesecake brownies. She made them once. Holy crap they were good. Maybe she will work part time. Most likely, she will play my guitar through my amp and shake the neighborhood. For the last year, she had to be school teacher and mom.

Yes on those cheesecake brownies!!!!!  Girls need to ROCK IT too Paul laugh and you get to go play with all that heavy equipment, sounds fun too!   Have a good weekend.

She is very capable of rockin. When we first met, we passed her acoustic guitar back and forth. She thought I was playing pretty stuff. Then she found out I was playing Norwegian Black Metal. Which does sound pretty on acoustic. She played some Kansas and other classic rock songs. She plays my electric sometimes. She says it feels weird in her hands.

Seriously though. Her cheesecakes, and her cheesecake brownies are beyond amazing. Actually, everything she does in the kitchen is amazing. She is also an awesome person.
Your wife DOES sound awesome, Paul, and I’m glad she is going to get some time to herself to do those things she couldn’t for so long.
Dude, my wife is beyond awesome. It was her idea for me to find some people to start a band with.
+23 votes
Greetings from beautiful Phoenix Arizona.

I am so sorry to hear about the extreme heat some of you are having to put up with. I’m used to very hot weather and my house air conditioner withstands our extreme heat. I know many people do not have air conditioning. I can’t imagine living with no a/c in 100+ degree temperatures. Last week I took a 4 hour memory/cognitive test. This week I was diagnosed with MCI, Mild Cognitive Impairment. Their suggestions for me is to play games, do an adult coloring book and not to multitask. No talking on the phone, or eating while driving. No night driving…Sheech. I was able to really reduce both my cholesterol and triglycerides this year, and now this…oh well.

Via the Relationship I was able to confirm my relationship to several royals and their extended family. Ann and Mary Boleyn are my 1st cousin x 17. I knew about it before hand because of my tree on Ancestry.com, but it was nice to have it confirmed on Wikitree.

Wishing you all a blessed week!
by Susan Ellen Smith G2G6 Mach 7 (79.1k points)
Susan, I would think your continued genealogical research would also help to keep you sharp. I think we all get a little mental decline as we age. I know I have. Hopefully your improved nutrition and your mental activity will slow or stop your progression in that direction.
Weather cycles, climate change, polar vortex, Heat Domes, El Niño and La Niña, jet streams, ocean currents, Hurricanes, Covid Pandemic mutations abounding, Typhoons, tornadoes, axis tilt of Earth, ozone layers, I-Spy satellites taking photos ... and a fed. govt. that now says we got UFO -- if not Little Green Men -- AND that asteroid that is supposed to miss Earth still headed this way ...

Did I leave anything off the list?

No, not that I can think of, but the aliens need to show up and shoot down that astroid .  Cause if they say it will miss us? It probably won't and, you can't depend on the government to get it rightlaugh

Won't be the first Cosmic Splat Earth has had 

True! So I did think of one other God awful catastrophe you missed, Susan ... earthquakes . Haiti just had a 7. Something one sadly.
Thanks Nelda. The doctor said that I need to do new things because the old things are not as challenging anymore.
Susan Ellen, my wife would say that there’s no need for me to take any tests. She would say she already knows I have cognitive impairment. Really though, it seems like things just keep piling up on you. All those restrictions! I feel for you.
Hi Susan Ellen, I was in Phoenix on Tuesday to catch a flight to Milwaukee. I'm visiting family now and will return on Tuesday, then return to Tucson on Wednesday.

How fun that you were able to confirm Boleyn relationships. I am sorry to hear of your MCI diagnosis. I will keep you in my positive intentions. I cannot night drive and really don't miss it. I miss the multi-tasking, though. The good news is your reduced cholesterol and triglycerides. Well done, you!

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