USBH Weekend Sprint: Help us source, source, source! Oct 2023

+10 votes

Welcome to US Black Heritage Project's weekend sprint!

Friday October 13 - Sunday October 15 midnight

Goal: Sources again? Yes! We spent months cleaning up our maintenance categories and many many of those profiles were moved to the Needs Sources category. So we need more sources to catch up! The plan is to work together to add as many sources as we can in 3 days to profiles tagged as unsourced or in need of more sources.


  • Post an answer below and tell us you will be participating.
  • Go to either the USBH Unsourced category or the USBH Needs Sources category and pick a profile to work on.
  • Click edit on that profile and immediately click the "Save Draft" button so others will know you are working on that profile.
  • If they have US Black heritage, make sure they have the {{African-American Sticker}}.
  • Look for all sources available for that person and add them all to the profile. (Tip: The Sourcer Extension is a quick and easy way to add linked sources!)
  • Add research notes for any sources you couldn't find, but expected to.
  • Check their immediate family for sources and the AA sticker (parents, children, spouses).
  • Once the profile has been sourced, removed the Unsourced or Needs Sources category.
  • We will not be tracking individual scores, but you can keep track of your own contributions and comment on your post at the end of the weekend just for fun.

Thank you for helping us improve our profiles!

The basic genealogical sources we'd like to see on each profile if they're available are:

  1. Vital records (birth, marriage, and death)
  2. Census records
  3. Burial/cemetery records

You're of course welcome to add more sources if you find them.

Before: 196 unsourced, 10,801 needs more sources

After: TBA

in The Tree House by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

13 Answers

+17 votes
Best answer

A few WT+ searches that some of you might want to use:

  • Profiles in the "Needs Sources" category from a specific state - in the search box on the left, replace South Carolina with the name of the state you're interested in and hit the blue "Get Profiles" button.
  • Needs Sources profiles that you have created or manage - in the search box on the left, replace my WikiTree ID with yours, then hit the blue "Get Profiles" button.
by Christy Melick G2G6 Pilot (112k points)
selected by Emma MacBeath
+12 votes
I'll be adding more sources to profiles I created. I don't like to orphan them until they're fully sourced. So I'll be able to reduce my watchlist. win/win!
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+13 votes
I'm so glad we're going to be working on these profiles this weekend! I'll probably work on some I've created and some from Ohio.
by Christy Melick G2G6 Pilot (112k points)
Awesome! Thanks, Christy
+13 votes
Happy to help this weekend!
by Gina Jarvi G2G6 Pilot (148k points)
Thanks, Gina!
+14 votes
I'll try to get some done this weekend!
by Amy Johnson G2G6 Mach 6 (63.1k points)
Thanks, Amy!
+12 votes
Lets get 'er done! That category is a monster.
by Kate Schmidt G2G6 Pilot (125k points)

Let's tame that beast! Thanks, Katesmiley

+14 votes
I'll work on some too, for Georgia and Florida.
by Carolyn Martin G2G6 Pilot (288k points)
edited by Carolyn Martin
Thanks, Carolyn!
+13 votes
I'll focus on Georgia and Mississippi profiles.
by Miyako Jones G2G6 Mach 4 (41.4k points)
Thanks, Miyako!
+14 votes
Happy to participate!
by Rhyan Romaine G2G6 (9.5k points)
appreciate the help, Rhyan!
+13 votes
Dear Emma,

  I should be able to do a few.  I'm traveling this weekend, so won't have much time to devote to the cause. -NGP
by Nanette Pezzutti G2G6 Pilot (131k points)
Every little bit helps. Thanks, Nanette!
+12 votes
I’ll be participating
by Eva Head G2G6 Mach 1 (10.3k points)
Thanks, Eva!
+12 votes
I'll try to get some done today!
by Melanie McComb G2G6 Mach 5 (57.8k points)
Thanks Melanie!
+9 votes
Coming late to the party, but I'm in!
by Leslie Bell G2G6 Mach 2 (24.4k points)
Better late than never! Thanks Leslie!

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