HOW do I load a Gedcom?

+5 votes

I have a Gedcom from the Duggleby file that I loaded into my own software, added all the dates and sources which were ALL missing. Then exported to Gedcom. Now trying to upload to Wikitree. There are a few in the file that I created in Wikitree, but I would like to bring in the relationships and dates at least. How do I load a profile from a Gedcom when it isn't in Wikitree?  I've verified these are not there. I just want to load them. As far as I can tell, the page only helps match with profiles that are in both Wikitree and the Gedcom. 

I feel like a newbie asking this question. But I've gotten so frustrated. Are there instructions anywhere?

And those I've added to current profiles have fouled them up. For example, rather than including the full citation, which included the location, it only inserts <ref>"1950 U.S. Census"</ref>

in WikiTree Help by Judy Bramlage G2G6 Pilot (219k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer

There are some instructions on Basically you need to either accept or reject every suggested match (even if you accept one correct suggestion for somebody in the GEDCOMpare report you still have to reject all the incorrect suggestions for that same person). Once you have done that then "Add" buttons will appear that will allow you to create profiles one at a time for each person that does not yet have a profile.

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (399k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
I've edited those I wished to accept, but the edit button did not go away.

Many with no suggestions do not have any buttons at all. Do I have to reject all, to get the ADD button on those without suggestions?

Yes, you only get an ADD button when all the suggestions for every person in the GEDCOM have either been accepted or rejected (that's why the general advice is to only load fairly small GEDCOMs)

Don't give up, Judy, but do take breaks.  There will be some editing to do even after you import a file.  I divided my records into five GEDCOMS and started with the smallest one to get the process figured out.  You will find lots of matches, I suspect, and maybe you and I are related!  Jane
We may be, but not through this GEDcom. It is one of those for the Duggleby project. And a bear, because it started with no dates and no sources, so I had to provide all.
+5 votes
You indicated that the citation did not show up correctly. I suggest you investigate this before proceeding further. Sometimes you have to put the data in a specific way in your family tree software so that it will be included in the gedcom file and picked up by WT.

Experiment with just one person and only upload that person to verify everything as it should be. It took me a few tries with the software that I use.

When ready to proceed, limit your uploads to not more than 100 persons in a single branch of your tree.

You have to match or reject all suggestions. Then you need to add all the new persons. Then you need to go through the list of people one more time to ensure all the family links have been made.

For your sanity, work with a small group at a time.
by Dave Sellers G2G6 Mach 5 (52.2k points)
As Dave says, you need to "match" or "reject" every suggested match in the Gedcom before you will be shown "ADD" buttons that will allow you to add profiles not already in WikiTree.

For best results in using Gedcompare, after you have taken care of all of those yellow-highlighted suggested matches, go to the entry for someone who is in your Gedcom and is matched to a WikiTree profile, and do a COMPARE. The Compare screen will show that person's immediate family in your Gedcom, lined up against any matching profiles in WikiTree.  For people who don't have a match, you will see an ADD button. Work systematically through the family members on that compare screen. Add parents before you add siblings, and add spouses before you add children. When you are done with that screen, open a new Compare screen with another person (maybe a person you just added) as the "home" person. Wash, rinse, and repeat...
Good advice.

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