Where do I find Gedmatch ID??

+3 votes
Where do I find GedMatch ID? I am trying to add AncestryDNA info, but am not sure where to find the ID? Please help
in Genealogy Help by Patricia Walker G2G6 Mach 1 (11.9k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

This is the called the test kit ID on GEDmatch. Enter it without the trailing letter. The correct number apparently should be "one or two letters followed by five to seven digits, optionally followed by a letter and digit".

It should be listed under Your DNA Resources on your GEDmatch Dashboard.

by Gil Morton G2G Crew (620 points)
selected by Roger Ewing

Thank you! 

Sure would be easier if in the instructions on Widitree they said to add the kit number form gedmatch.com instead of gedmatch id.laugh

One other question: I have 2 kits (ancestry and ftdna), butI have only seen one place to add the 'id' on Wikitree. Do I add the other? If not, would the ancestry kit, or the ytdna kit be best to put there?

Hello Roger,

In WikiTree you can select that you tested with AncestryDNA and then you can also select that you took Family Tree DNA’s  Family Finder test. 

Regarding multiple kits at GEDmatch, see https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/623399/how-do-i-manage-duplicate-kits-at-gedmatch and be sure to read the best answer about creating a superkit.

If you took Family Tree DNA’s Y-DNA test then I recommend uploading it to mitoYDNA.org.  Step by step instructions are at


You can then link your GEDmatch account to your mitoYDNA account.  See 




Sincerely, Peter

Peter J. Roberts

WikiTree DNA Project, team leader

mitoYDNA.org, team member

+4 votes
You don't need to add your GEDmatch ID if you only want to add your AncestryDNA info but if you have a GEDmatch account you can find your GEDmatch ID when you log into GEDmatch, click on the three bars in the upper left-hand corner and go to the dashboard. You'll see it on your profile.

If you want to set up a GEDmatch account this is their site:


Be sure to read through their terms to be sure you agree because their terms are different than AncestryDNA and FamilyTreeDNA.
by Dina Grozev G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
There is nothing I can find on gedmatch.com that is identified as a gedmatch ID. I do see a user profile number on the dashboard. Is that what I need?
Your GEDmatch ID is your GEDmatch kit number reported by GEDmatch.com.  GEDmatch reports it to you after you upload an autosomal DNA test to GEDmatch.com

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