US Civil War January 2023 Challenge [closed]

+20 votes

In the spirit of "A Christmas Story" I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU to work on US Civil War Soldiers during the January 13th to 16th Connect-a-Thon Challenge!!!!!   

The US Civil War Project has 4,446 Soldiers who are not connected to any family, it has about 800 Soldiers who have some family members but could use additional family members added.   

The challenge from the US Civil War Project is for members to work on US Civil War Soldiers for the January Connect-a-Thon, it doesn't matter what team you join.  

STEP 1: Pick a Team for the Connect-a-Thon:  Following is the link to the teams: 

STEP 2:  '''Go to the CONNECT-A-THON G2G Question''', Answer yes, and list what team you want to join.   They will give you a badge. Following is the link to their G2G question:

STEP 3:  ADD your ID/Name to the chart on the US Civil War Project Monthly Challenges Page showing what surname letter you will be working on.  I will remind you what letter you picked on the week of the Thon.   ''Click the Edit button, add your ID/name to your selected surname letter, click Save.'' 


closed with the note: Registration has closed for Connect-a-Thon
in The Tree House by Pam Kreutzer G2G6 Mach 6 (65.1k points)
closed by Pam Kreutzer
UPDATE:  Thank you everyone who worked on the January Challenge.  28 members signed up for the Challenge, completing a total of 6,480 profiles.   We connected 300 Civil war soldiers to their families.

The US Civil War February Challenge will be to create profiles for those soldiers who died during the Battle of Shiloh on the 7th and 8th of April 1862.  If you're interested in joining another challenge, check out the on February 1st.

Thank you again.
I read that one person had over 1900!  That would be averaging one profile in less than 2 1/2 minutes for the entire 72 hour span. I cannot imagine how they did it.

I would not do well in these sort of challenges. I can spend a lot of time researching people to trace their kin or their military service. Whenever I connected to a chain of profiles that have Civil War vets and were not categorized, I would add their military details. That meant when I saw a family of Civil War era, I searched to see if anyone was a vet. I also come across a few people who qualified as Notables. Researching and writing their profiles takes a lot of time. I pretty much did what I usually do. Don't think that was what the challenge was seeking.
Norman you did great for your first Connect-a-Thon.
Thanks.  I pretty much did what I usually do. It was fun, but I'm not very fast. I like to categorize profiles, especially the Civil War vets.

I never saw how the team did as a whole. Did you see any team totals?

Here's the link to the Team Totals: ConnectAThon - 202301

The team you signed up with had 30 people, you ranked #2.  Your team created 2,430 profiles.  So you did really well.

Before the next one of those, we need to recruit some folks who are faster for the team. Offer them a scholarship and perks. Ha.

22 Answers

+15 votes

Hi Pam, challenge accepted! I will go pick out some letters... smiley

by Patty LaPlante G2G6 Pilot (183k points)
+15 votes
I'm back! I added myself to the FSP to work on "W" again.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (851k points)
+16 votes
I added my name to the A's
by Sue Knifley G2G6 Mach 3 (31.8k points)
+17 votes
Challenge Accepted!

I'd like to work on "H"s, this time.

by Katrina Lawson G2G6 Mach 4 (49.8k points)
Hi Katrina, I added your name to the Challenge Page for the letter H.
+17 votes
Hi I am sure I will come acrossed a few I always do adding people if I on I will try to help.

by Billie Keaffaber G2G6 Mach 4 (42.3k points)
Hi Billie, always glad to have your help.
+15 votes
I'm in!  Letter L.
by Nan Starjak G2G6 Pilot (387k points)
+15 votes
I will try to work on some, letter "D" please
by Dallace Moore G2G6 Pilot (158k points)
Hi Dallace I added your name to the letter D on the Challenge Sheet.
+16 votes
I accept your challenge. I picked E.
by Victoria English G2G6 Mach 7 (77.8k points)
edited by Victoria English
+15 votes
Added to "F needs profiles" batch.
by Ron Floyd G2G6 Mach 5 (52.9k points)
+17 votes

I will work on the letter S.... but I always seem to find the rabbit hole that takes me off my letter.  indecision  I'll try to sneak in some 38th Georgia Infantry, Company L as well.

by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (247k points)
+14 votes

Funny that I just saw this. Just yesterday I was working in Ancestry to try and find a connection for a Brown family to the main tree. It turns out that they are related to a John Hughes ( who apparently had 8 sons who were in the Civil War. I haven’t added the sons to WikiTree yet but I was planning on doing this soon.

by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (406k points)
You might start making your list for the connect-a-thon if you don't have a source you are using
+14 votes
I added my name for Rs.  Also, I have a website that includes Civil War pensions for Rowleys ( I am going through that list and finding profiles that are not indicated as Civil War soldiers. Most are well-connected. If anyone wants to help me, I have gotten to Cs and they can start at the other end, then post here to let me know. Or do you want us to wait until the connect a thon?
by Judy Bramlage G2G6 Pilot (220k points)
Judy your Rowley research site is amazing, so much information.  It's your decision how you want to proceed with the Rowleys.  The Connect-a-Thon is fun because they keep a score of profiles that are created, the only ones that aren't counted is if you create a new profile that weekend that's not connected to another profile.  Then you get a score for each profile you add to that profile.  So, you should make any new profiles before the connect-a-thon, then on that weekend connect profiles to them and get everything counted.   I'm a little competitive :) so I like all my profiles to count.
As for waiting, I was referring more to adding Civil War stickers that aren't on some Rowleys that need them.
In that case, sure add them where needed:)
+12 votes
Hi Pam, count me in!  I tried to add myself to the letter S, but I couldn't get it to work.  Would you be able to add me (McCaleb-261) to the chart?  Thank you!!  Pam Parker
by Pamela Parker G2G6 Mach 3 (37.4k points)

Hi Pamela, I added you to the S Needs Profiles here is the link:  

The other S, had already been claimed.  Thank you for joining the challenge :)

+10 votes
Yes, I will participate in working on the US Civil War Challenge again this year. I'll work on the letter "T" again this year.
by Dean Anderson G2G6 Pilot (797k points)
Hi Dean, I added your name to the letter T.  Thank you for answering the challenge :)
+12 votes
I will help.

ALSO, please check for errors in the CW sticker, especially the side=, which should be ONLY side=USA or side=CSA. Other values like Confederacy and Union cause a category suggestion.
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
I was wondering about that, I've noticed the older the profile, the more likely it has Union or Confederacy written out.  When I remind those participating what their letter is, I'll mention that.  :)
+11 votes
I signed up for the letter K - just beKause I like the way it sounds.
by Jo Gill G2G6 Pilot (171k points)
+11 votes
What is the difference between surnames and needs profiles?

by Norman Jones G2G6 Pilot (118k points)
Surnames profiles have no family attached, the needs profiles have some family attached and need more added
Thank you.
+10 votes

I'm happy to participate.  I'm especially interested in Union troops raised in Hardin OH, which includes my VGGF George Washington Jeffers (1827 -1919) and also Michigan units.

by Gregg Smith G2G3 (3.2k points)
+10 votes
I’ll take that dare. Letters have been picked.
by Donna Lancaster G2G6 Mach 9 (92.0k points)
Hi Donna, glad your in the Challenge, I had to change you a bit on the Challenge sheet.  I'm only having one person per letter.  So I moved you to the second half of the B's you'll have from Botsford to Byrnes (there's about 200 there) and I took you off the L surnames, there's only enough for Nan on that letter.  But your "C" Surnames are also over 200.  So you'll have abt 400 to sort through.

Hi Dona, have you signed up for the Connect-a-Thon yet, here is the link:   

Also, the B's and C's you've chosen have quite a lot of soldiers.  You might want to give up one of those letters, and perhaps take a letter that has less soldiers.  I know for me if I have 200 soldiers I can find about 100-150 soldiers I can add family to, which would then take me the whole 3 days of the Thon.  So 400 soldiers might be a little much.

Yep, have signed up. I’ll just do the letter C then, okay??
Sounds good, thank you.
+11 votes
Hi Pam,

I picked out the letter N to try to connect.

I am already on the Virginia team.

Glad to be back to help on this project again.
by Paula Franklin G2G6 Pilot (110k points)

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