Would you like to join the México Project?

+17 votes

The Mexico Project was started in 2015. We are hoping to expand the project so that we can properly honor those ancestors by creating and improving their profiles. 

If you are interested in helping the project, please answer below. If language is a barrier in researching your ancestors, we are here to help you! 
The project page can be found HERE.

El Proyecto México se inició en 2015. Esperamos expandir el proyecto para que podamos honrar adecuadamente a esos antepasados ​​creando y mejorando sus perfiles.

Si está interesado en ayudar al proyecto, por favor responda a continuación.

La página del proyecto se puede encontrar AQUÍ.

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

28 Answers

+5 votes
Hi Mindy,

I've been on WikiTree for a while, but haven't been involved much.  Looking to work with the Mexico project.  I'm not fluent in Spanish, but have been heavily researching Mexican records the past six years after discovering, via DNA testing, my bio-father's father (paternal grandfather) was from Mexico and emigrated to the states in the early 1900s. I'll spare you the details, but determining his true name and parentage has been my brick wall.  I have many floating trees on Ancestry with DNA match networks!!

I work on my genealogy almost every day and would love to collaborate with others.  The anniversary and workshops are what prompted me to finally jump in. Thanks!
by Melissa Moon G2G1 (1.3k points)
+5 votes
Tengo familia que son de Mexico. Estoy ayudando otras personas con su genealogia y sus ancestros son de Mexico.

Quiero participar en el proyecto de Mexico.
by Dean Slade G2G1 (1.8k points)
+5 votes
Hi Mindy,

I am interested in joining the Mexico Project. My parents were from Totatiche, and my research includes the states of Jalisco, Zacatecas, as well as Aguacalientes. I am also interested in our family migrations to the U.S.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Regards, Mary (Maria Elena Gutierrez Gutierrez)
by Mary Gutierrez G2G Crew (350 points)
+6 votes
I am interested in joining the Mexico Project. I will help within the range of my knowledge + personal bandwidth.
by Monica Guzmán G2G Crew (380 points)
+7 votes
I am researching my unknown paternal heritage, I have taken a DNA test and found that I have Mexican and Mexican American heritage.
by Michele Kenney G2G Crew (410 points)
Are you still accepting members for this project? I have not heard anything, and it looks like the last person added to the project was in 2023. I would love to collaborate with everyone here, if the project is still open.

Thank you,

Michele Kenney
Welcome Michele! I really need to create an updated post for this. Yes, we are excepting people in the project. I do recommend you join our Discord server if you haven't already.
+6 votes
Hello, I am looking to join to add family from Temascalcingo Mexico. I have 4 generations documented already from previous research.
by Kelly Fann G2G1 (1.3k points)

Welcome Kelly! It sounds like you are off to a great start. I do recommend you join our Discord server if you haven't already.


+7 votes
Hey Mindy!

I noticed that we are 14th Cousins 2x Removed on my maternal side! But I’m here to join the Mexico project to help expand my paternal ancestry. I’d greatly appreciate any help in verifying documents pertaining to my Mexican ancestry.

All the best,

Brandon Almazán
by Brandon Almazan G2G Crew (410 points)
Welcome to the project cousin! I'm always happy to see people ready to add their Mexican ancestry. Let me know how I can help.
You are badged for the project now, Brandon. Be sure to find us on Discord!

+2 votes

Mindy Silva,

I am interested in joining the Mexico Project.

Frank Peña

ago by Frank Brandon Peña G2G Rookie (260 points)

Welcome Frank! It looks like you are off to a great start. I do recommend you join our Discord server if you haven't already.


And thank you for adding your DNA.

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