Would you like to join the México Project?

+17 votes

The Mexico Project was started in 2015. We are hoping to expand the project so that we can properly honor those ancestors by creating and improving their profiles. 

If you are interested in helping the project, please answer below. If language is a barrier in researching your ancestors, we are here to help you! 
The project page can be found HERE.

El Proyecto México se inició en 2015. Esperamos expandir el proyecto para que podamos honrar adecuadamente a esos antepasados ​​creando y mejorando sus perfiles.

Si está interesado en ayudar al proyecto, por favor responda a continuación.

La página del proyecto se puede encontrar AQUÍ.

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

28 Answers

+10 votes
Mindy Silva,

I am interested in joining the Mexico Project, look forward to your response in expanding our family tree.

Richard Villarreal,
by Richard Villarreal G2G1 (1.0k points)
That's great, Richard! Welcome! I'll be sending you a direct message with more information.
+10 votes
Hi Mindy,

I am interested in joining the Mexico Project, however my Spanish (and time) is limited. Regardless, I'd like to contribute however I can, when I can, and look forward to hearing how we can improve and expand our family tree together.

by Natalie Cotton G2G2 (2.4k points)

That's great, Natalie! You can always have project members help with translations. I hope you can join us in Discord for text-based chat! Would you also like to be badged for Latin America so you can help us with notables?

Apologies for the lateness! I will join the Discord shortly. And yes, the Latin America badge would be great so that I can help out where possible. Thank you!
+8 votes
Sounds like it might be interesting. Please include me.

I currently specialize in Mexican based cases for Search Angels. I'm multi-lingual. I'm an avid student of Mexican history.
by Howard Jones G2G Crew (930 points)

Welcome to the project, Howard! What a wonderful use of your expertise. I really hope you can join us in Discord. Would you like to also be added to the Latin American project, so you can join us in adding Mexican Notables?

Is the "Latin American" project different from the "México" project?
+9 votes
I would like to join the Mexico Project.
by Thomas Bruce G2G6 (9.0k points)

That's great, Thomas! Do you have a particular area of interest? I really hope you can join us in Discord. Would you like to also be added to the Latin American project, so you can join us in adding Mexican Notables?

Yes i would like to be added to the latin american project as well.

my main areas of interest in mexico are Puebla followed, Veracruz, and Oaxaca.
+8 votes
Si, me gustaria participar en el Projecto México aunque todavía no tengo mucha experiancia usando WikiTree. Mi esposa es mexicana, por eso mi interés.
by Paul Maes G2G Crew (560 points)
¡Bienvenido Paul! Todos aprendemos unos de otros, por lo que nos complace ayudarlo a aprender más sobre WikiTree.
+8 votes
I am interested in joining the Mexico project and happy to help in any way I can. Thanks,

Secilia Clifford
by S Clifford G2G Crew (740 points)

That's great, Secilia! Do you have a particular area of interest? I really hope you can join us in Discord. Would you like to also be added to the Latin American project, so you can join us in adding Mexican Notables?

My mother's grandparents were from Zacatecas so I have some experience going through church records there but I am happy to help wherever you need me to. I am on Discord and waiting for verification. Also, I'd be glad to help with the Latin America project if needed.
+8 votes
Hola Mindy, I am very much interested in volunteering for this project. Looking forward to your response.

Thanks, Dylvia Martinez
by Sylvia Martinez G2G Crew (440 points)

Welcome Sylvia! Do you have an idea of where in Mexico your ancestors came from? FamilySearch is a great site to get records for Mexico. I lived in Mesa, Arizona for a short time as a teen, lol. Great city, hot summers!

I really hope you can join us in Discord. Would you like to also be added to the Latin American project, so you can join us in adding Mexican Notables?

+8 votes
Tengo ancestros quién vinieron a México y Nueva España. Me gustaría participar in este grupo.
by S Bechman G2G6 (7.4k points)

¡Bienvenido S! Nos encantaría que nos ayudaras a agregar perfiles en español. Espero que puedas unirte a nosotros en Discord. (Ayuda de Discord solo en inglés)

+7 votes

Moving down here:

I am interested in joining. I am most interested in categorizing cemeteries in Mexico, if I am able to do so.

commented 4 hours ago by Lynden Rodriguez

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
+8 votes
Hi Mindy.

My natural inclination upon reading your post was to join you. I am a joiner. I love to help! And I LOVE Mexican genealogy. But I have to admit, I still have bit of a bitter taste in my mouth….

I’ve been working on Mexican genealogy, tracing my father-in-law’s and mother-in-law’s family for 30 years and have put much of it here on WIkitree for them (now in their 80s and early 90s) to follow and enjoy and take pride in their heritage - as well as generations of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

But when I found that the Mexico project was taking my years of hard work and changing it into Spanish, a language neither of my in-laws can read, (and I don’t speak) without so much as a word to me, (and deleting the Engle version) I found that extremely rude and overbearing.  (Maybe it comes from my years of being a teacher settling playground fights. You don’t walk into the middle of somebody else’s art studio and pour tar all over their work so it will suit you purpose better!)

I would like to make a recommendation to your team that if you all are going to be in the practice of commandeering other peoples’ hard work from now on and translating it into Spanish without so much as consulting the author of the research, at least leave the original English version as well as the Spanish translation, so non-Spanish readers can enjoy the fruits of the labor as was intended as well.  Just food for thought.

Liz Rosas

P. S. But don’t get me wrong, Mindy!  I just adore YOU and admire greatly the work you do and the tireless, unending efforts you put in to support this great community. I don’t know what we would do without you!!
by Liz Carson G2G5 (5.6k points)
edited by Liz Carson
I am so horrified to read that, Liz! When members use their language skills to add a translated version of the biography it is supposed to be just that - an addition to the biography in another language. The primary work should never be deleted.

I have just taken this project over, and would love to discuss this more in private if you are willing. I want to make sure that the current path I am leading the project on is a successful one. Any and all ideas on how to improve the project or the profiles are welcome!!
I have had this same experience.
+7 votes
hi i am interested to join the project and I have Mexican Ancestry from my maternal grandmother from estados Tamulipas and Nuevo leon,
by Raj Sidhu G2G6 (9.5k points)

Welcome Raj! Would you also like to be badged for the Latin America project? This doesn't obligate you for anything, but it does allow you to chat with other members in Discord that may be interested in the same area as you.

+7 votes
I would be willing to help some. I'm fairly good at reading and understanding documents in Spanish, and there seem to be a lot of them to be found both on Ancestry and on FamilySearch.
by anonymous G2G2 (2.8k points)

Hello Richard! I'm so sorry I didn't see this over the holidays. We would love to have you in the project. If you need any help finding your way around WikiTree, just let me know! Would you also like to be badged for the Latin America project? This doesn't obligate you for anything, but it does allow you to chat with other members in Discord that may be interested in the same area as you.

+7 votes
I would like to join the Mexico project. Gracias.
by Kim Collins G2G6 Mach 1 (10.6k points)

Hi Kim! I missed this at the top of the page, so sorry! Welcome to the project. I'm going to badge you for Latin America as well so you can join in the conversations in the WikiTree Discord server. 

+7 votes
Yes, please add me to the Mexico project. thank you
by T Dennis G2G1 (1.0k points)

Welcome T! Would you also like to be badged for the Latin America project? This doesn't obligate you for anything, but it does allow you to chat with other members in Discord that may be interested in the same area as you.

+8 votes
I do still technically have the badge for Project Mexico, but I’d like to be more involved if possible. Not to mention the sheer number of Mexican profiles I’ve accumulated in the Torres Name Study that need some work. Let me know what I can do to help, and if there’s a better way to communicate - the Google group seems pretty dead.
by Gael Tomlinson G2G6 (8.4k points)

Hello Gael! The project chat is now held in Discord. We'd love to have you join us there! Let me know if you want to be badged for Latin America also, as those projects get together in that chat and talk about notables, categories, etc.

Sure, sign me up!
+7 votes
I'm interested in joining. I have a lot of extensive research on the northeastern part of Mexico. Maybe I'm thinking of doing a sub group. My MTDNA is K2a8 which means my mother line originated from Spain/Italy.  I traced my great x13 grandmother to Mexico from Spain in the 1500s per my family tree.
by Melissa Amaro G2G Crew (470 points)

Welcome Melissa! I hope you can join us in Discord. Would you like to be badged for Latin America as well so you can collaborate on the Notables?

+7 votes
I am interested in Mexico Project. I am new to Ancestry and Wiki Tree but am very enthusiastic.   I have a working knowledge of Spanish so however I can be useful.

by Leticia Reyna G2G Crew (310 points)

Welcome to the project Leticia. I'm going to badge you for Latin America as well so you can join in the conversations in the WikiTree Discord server. 

+8 votes
I am interested in joining the project. I am mexican so I think I might be of help and I am also looking to help others with their family trees if I can
by Alejandro HerediaOrtiz G2G1 (1.2k points)

Welcome to the project Alejandro. I'm going to badge you for Latin America as well so you can join in the conversations in the WikiTree Discord server. 

+6 votes
I would love to be a part of the Mexico project.  My husband's paternal side comes from Mexico, primarily Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon.  I've made it back to his 7th great grandparents on most of the lines and I would love to add them all here with sources as I haven't found any of them in WikiTree yet.  I am excited to collaborate and also fill in some of the blanks and questions in my Mexico research and in WikiTree
by Joy Trevino G2G4 (4.2k points)
Welcome to the project Joy! We chat in the WikiTree Discord server. There is a Mexico channel, but also a very active Latin America channel. I will badge you for both.

Thank you for documenting your husband's ancestors on WikiTree!
+7 votes
Please add me to the Mexico Project!  Thank you!
by Lauren Ledesma G2G3 (3.1k points)

Welcome to the project Lauren! We chat in the WikiTree Discord server. There is a Mexico channel, but also a very active Latin America channel. I will badge you for both.

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