I need help with DNA on WT

+4 votes

I need a little one to one help to better understand how DNA and WT work together. Both of my parents are deceased so apparently I cannot confirm my genetic relationship with them, even though I am genetically related. I am also confused about my DNA relationship to or lack of relationship to other test takers with whom I am related. 

PM me if you are willing to chat or email with me. I am a quick learner but some things go way over my head.


WikiTree profile: Gina Jarvi
in Genealogy Help by Gina Jarvi G2G6 Pilot (148k points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer



for you and your 3rd cousin Carter-13587 to create your DNA Confirmation statement.  With that app, use the option to create statements for each parent child relationship between you and the ancestor you share with Carter-13587.

by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (719k points)
selected by Gina Jarvi
Thank you Peter, that really helped.
+3 votes

Wikitree doesn't store or collect any actual DNA information, so the "DNA connections" you see are people who have taken DNA tests elsewhere and who, according to the profiles and connections here on Wikitree, are likely to share some DNA with the profiled person and perhaps with you as well.  You need to do an actual comparison on a third-party site like Gedmatch to find out if you actually share any DNA.

As far as marking a relationship "Confirmed with DNA" you can confirm a relationship without actually having DNA from that person.  For example, if both you and a sibling have tested, the test shows that you are full siblings, and you have documentation (such as birth certificates) that names your parents, you can mark them as "confirmed with DNA" after adding a statement something like 

  • Paternal and Maternal relationships are both confirmed by an autosomal [name of test]  match between [you] and [your sibling]. Their most-recent common ancestors are [your father] and [your mother] the parents of both [you] and [your sibling] Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: Sibling, based on sharing [xxx] cM across [xx] segments.
You can confirm other more distant relationships by matching DNA with first, second, or third cousins.  Here's a link to the Help page for Confirming with DNA: Help:DNA Confirmation (wikitree.com)
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (894k points)
Thanks Kathy. Is there another way to confirm my parents, as my only sibling also passed?
Yes, you can confirm with cousins, one from each side.

Gina, you might also want to take a look at the DNA Help category page. It shows all the DNA help that is available, and the How to Get Started with DNA page might help you gain some traction on your quest.

Thanks everyone!! I really appreciate all the help.

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