Question of the Week: Do you have any actors in your family tree?

+30 votes

imageDo you have any actors in your family? 

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in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
Marilyn Monroe is my 10th cousin. There's a few more sprinkled in there: Lucille Ball , Shirley Temple, Katherine Hepburn, Elvis.
Hi Char, we must be related.  Marilyn Monroe is my 8th cousin and Elvis is my 10th cousin.  I have all of the others you mentioned, too!  Oh, and I'm told Barbara Feldon is my 2nd cousin, although I have not been able to track it.  So fascinating!
It is isn't it? I am fascinated, as mom was never forthcoming about her family, and dads is just all over the place, never knew much of either until i started digging a few years ago.

Well now I'll have to dig for Barbara :D.    

Nice too meet you likely cousin!

72 Answers

+12 votes
My father's cousin is an actress.  Her name is Marlene Sidaway.  Although she is not very well known herself she has had small parts in numerous famous productions, such as Pride & Prejudice (the Colin Firth one), Good night Mr Tom, Coronation Street, Midsummer Murders, Mum, Shakespeare & Hathaway, Wallander ...  See
by Judith Brooksbank G2G6 Mach 1 (17.8k points)
+12 votes
I have a few cousins who are movie stars.  But my father known as Herb Buck was a television and radio personality in Florida in the late 1950s, Windy West on WTVT Tampa, and Hillbilly Herb on radio WIRA in Ft. Pierce.  He moved to Washington D.C. in the 1960s where he performed in many appearances with the American Light Opera Company.  And also, at the Theater in Strawberry Banks, Va.  Herb also appeared in many TV commercials which were award winners.
by Sherrie Buck G2G2 (2.1k points)
+13 votes
These are a few of my acting cousins.
Clint Eastwood 10th Cousin
Lucille Ball 9th Cousin
Steve McQueen 14th Cousin 3XR
John Wayne 7th Cousin 3XR
Betty White 7th Cousin 2XR
Patrick Swayze 10th Cousin 1XR
Elvis Presley 10C 2XR
by Hal Smith G2G6 Mach 1 (14.5k points)
+12 votes
I am 2C3R to Arthur Lake known for his portrayal of Dagwood Bumstead.
by Curtis Jones G2G Crew (710 points)
+12 votes

Burt Young, a.k.a. Richard Morea who played Paulie in the Rocky movies, is my paternal 5C1R.

Maternal 2C1R, Michael Ira Small, was married to Darlanne Fluegel

Maternal 2C1R, Eli Guralnick is a retired actress.

Jordan Lund, maternal 3rd cousin has been in a couple of Star Trek episodes and SO many other things!

by Jennifer Nani G2G6 (8.0k points)
edited by Jennifer Nani
+12 votes
Both of our daughters are actors in university and community theater.  You didn't specify where.   :)

Now, onto more famous people...I don't know if she has ever acted or not, but Candace Bushnell, the writer for Sex and the City, is my husband's 2nd cousin, through his mother and Candace's father.
by Suzanne McClendon G2G6 Mach 3 (33.4k points)
edited by Suzanne McClendon
+12 votes
My paternal grandmother Marie Lockhart was cousin to actress June Lockhart. I believe they are cousins?
by Randy Meyer G2G1 (1.1k points)
+12 votes
Through WikiTree, learned this week that Tom Cruise is my 9th cousin, once removed. Common ancestor Jean Jacques Dahlmann lived to be 91 years old(!), lived in Alsace.

Also distantly related to Johnny Depp, 9th cousin 2x removed, via Lake family of Gravesend (early NYC).
by Craig Kanalley G2G6 Mach 1 (13.4k points)
+12 votes

Actually I am a singer-actor, and so is my daughter. Curiously the only celebrity/actress I have found so far that is distantly related is Paris Hilton who is an 11th cousin twice removed.

by Mark Williams G2G6 Pilot (475k points)
+12 votes
Forrest Tucker and my maternal grandmother were third cousins.
by Heather Ford G2G4 (4.0k points)
+12 votes


My paternal aunt was Marcia Lewis, primarily of Broadway fame: Hello Dolly, Annie, Fiddler on the Roof, Grease (Tony Nomination), and Chicago (Tony Nomination). After 9/11, she retired to live in TN with her new husband. She passed away in 2010 from lung cancer. We miss her terribly.

by Jennifer Lewis G2G Crew (560 points)
+12 votes

Marlon Brando 9th cousin via Dayton family 

Robert Duvall 9th x 2, via Pitt family 

Robert De Niro 15th x 3, via Sutton family 

by Susan Ellen Smith G2G6 Mach 7 (79.1k points)
+12 votes
Here are a few actors in my family tree.

Brad Pitt-8C, 1XR

Glenn Close-7C,4XR

Marlon Brando-7C,4XR

Carrie Fisher-12C,2XR

Billie Lourd-13C,1XR
by Julie Thornberry G2G Crew (560 points)
+11 votes
Marlon Brando's 4xGreat Grandfather, Peter Ruby the Second, is my 6xGreat.
by Brad Rinehart G2G Crew (530 points)
+11 votes
Leon Ames is my paternal Great Uncle
by Kathryn Hale G2G6 Mach 1 (12.1k points)
+11 votes
Linda Darnell, birth name, Monetta Eloyse DARNALL, is my 2nd cousin, twice removed.  She was famous for movies and television series in the 1940s and 50s.  She was born in 1923 in Dallas, Texas, and died tragically in a fire in 1965.  Any time I see her in the credits, I am compelled to watch the show.
by Wayne Anderson G2G6 Mach 2 (22.7k points)
+10 votes

Jessica Capshaw (Grey's Anatomy) is my 4th cousin once removed. Her mother and my 4th cousin, Kate Nail Capshaw (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom), is married to director Steven Spielberg. The connection is via our BURNELL line, who immigrated from Exton, Somerset, England to Illinois. 

by Lisa Ball G2G1 (1.8k points)
+11 votes
Gloria Blake, an actress who was on the soap All My Children several years ago is a 2nd or 3rd cousin by way of my aunt Leola Peeples Kitchens.  The British actor Michael Kitchen of Foyle's War on PBS is a very likely distant cousin as he looks like my father and grandfather. We, Kitchens,  all have that one right ear that protrudes.
by Allegra Kitchens G2G1 (1.1k points)
+11 votes

My paternal grandmother's brother, William Reeves Sheridan, was a Vaudeville actor who used the stage name Billy Reeves.  His wife, Ethel Evelyn Transfield, was known as Cissie Evelyn Transfielddaughter of Thomas George Transfield, British Circus Proprietor. She and her sister Florence were part of Billy Reeves' troupe.

Also, I believe Diana Riggs is a third or fourth cousin.

by Bonnie Carlson G2G1 (1.3k points)
+11 votes
My husband’s 3rd cousin was Barbara Hale - best known for her role as Della Street on Perry Mason, also her son William Katt - best known for his role as The Greatest American Hero. His father was Bill Williams (Kit Carson).
by v. Wilson G2G6 Mach 2 (23.2k points)

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