Interested in joining the Mayflower Project in 2022? Look here... [closed]

+21 votes

Are you interested in improving the profiles of Mayflower passengers and their families?

The Mayflower Project currently covers the passengers of the Mayflower, their spouses, and their descendants for two generations or born before 1700, whichever is more inclusive. Please note that all Mayflower passengers and most of their family members already have profiles on WikiTree and should not be duplicated. If you cannot find yours, please ask. 

Anyone who has signed the Honor Code, has the Pre-1700 badge and is willing to assist the project in its goals is invited to join. 

To Join - Please carefully follow these Directions:

  1. Read the Project page. 
  2. Ask yourself: Do I actively want to participate in the project and contribute to the  Mayflower Project goals? See Project FAQ.
  3. Add and maintain Mayflower in your Followed Tags on your profile. This is a requirement of membership.
  4. Post an answer (not a comment) below, introducing yourself, and sharing why you are interested in the Mayflower Project, who your ancestor is (if you know that you have one), and what you plan to contribute to the project.  Comments that don't specify a request to join the project will be removed to avoid confusion.
  5. Add yourself to the participants list
  6. You'll need to remain active on WikiTree and respond to check-in requests. If you are barely active, you may be removed from the project.  

Upon joining the Project, you will be asked to co-manage a project profile. You may choose a profile that needs a co-manager, but the profile will need approval by the leaders. You'll be expected to research and write a basic biography for that profile, with help from the leaders if needed. You'll then be expected to co-manage the Project profile using the follwing guidelines:

  • leading collaboration
  • improving profiles
  • watching over profiles to see that incorrect information doesn't creep in, reverting when needed
  • responding to trusted list requests
  • approving/completing merges

If you simply want to acknowledge that you are the descendant of a Mayflower passenger and honor that passenger, Mayflower has a Sticker you can add to your profile. 

NOTE: Please click the Answer this post  button to join. Comments will be removed after a response is made. Please keep this thread to its intended subject: joining the Project. For other subjects, please start a new post, using the Mayflower tag.  

WikiTree profile: Mayflower Project WikiTree
closed with the note: New join thread exists, this one is closed.
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Bobbie Hall G2G6 Pilot (356k points)
closed by Bobbie Hall
If you have questions about the qualifications needed to join this Project, please feel free to reach out to me via private message through my profile.
I wish to join this project as a researcher of the Warren family and as a descendant of Richard Warren. I can be if assistance during this research project and have lots of data available for source information.

Thank you for your consideration.

39 Answers

+10 votes
Yes, I wish to continue to be part of the Mayflower project. My 11 great grandfather was the boy who fell off and survived.
by Katrina Graham G2G6 Mach 3 (31.0k points)

Hi Katrina, 

You probably mean John Howland? I'll contact you via private message shortly, thank you for your interest in the project. 

+10 votes
I am interested in participating in the forum.  My research has found ancestry from Henry Samson a passenger on the Mayflower.
by anonymous G2G Crew (500 points)
Hi Faith,

I will leave you a message on your profile about upgrading to a full member.

All the best Janet

Thanks Janet. 

Faith, please feel free to post queries to G2G and tag them with Mayflower. Once you've worked on WikiTree a bit more and have qualified for your pre-1700 badge, please post again when you're ready to join the Project and can assist in managing & updating the Project's profiles. Best way to do that is to build your own tree, adding sources to each profile along the way towards your Mayflower ancestor. Please be very cautious not to create duplicate profiles, as all the Mayflower passengers and the majority of their pre-1700 descendants are already profiled on WikiTree. 

+11 votes
Very interested in reading more and contributing to the history of my ancestor Richard “Master” Warren and how eventually his descendants married into the French family who also came to New England few years after the Mayflower.
by Natalie French G2G Crew (530 points)
Thanks for your interest, Natalie. Please let me know when you've qualified for your pre-1700 badge as that is one of the requirements in order to develop our project's profiles. Please respond again once you've completed that step. Also note that you'll be co-managing a project profile, so it would be good to try to locate a few that fit the criteria (see the opening query for more details.)
+10 votes

I would like be part of the Mayflower project. I am a confirmed descendent from George Soule. I am also a likely descendent of William Bradford. Also, I have recently learned I may be descendent of Francis Eaton.

by Michael Whitaker G2G Crew (500 points)
Hi Michael,

You'll need to add Mayflower to your list of followed tags (see the opening query for a how-to link). Please reply here again when that's completed. If you would like to investigate your lineage on WikiTree, let me know if there is a pre-1700 profile of a Mayflower descendant that needs management and development. If you locate one, we can consider having you manage and develop it.

Done. let me look at the profiles to George, William and Francis. I have no objection to helping to police and enhance these profiles, or their parents', children's / grandchildren's, where useful. Just remember please, I am a bit of a rookie on this site. smiley  

Thanks Michael, I'll send you a private message with more.
+10 votes
Greetings.  I am Garald K. Robinson, a member of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants (GSMD) through my ancestor Richard Warren, and currently the Vice Governor of the William Bradford Colony.  I also can trace back to Francis Cooke and his son John, Edward Fuller and his son Samuel.  I have been to Scrooby, England, and other places where many of the Mayflower passengers came from.  I am very involved in genealogy and have given several presentations about the Speedwell, the Mayflower, and the following three ships to Plimouth Colony--the Fortune, the Anne, and the Little James.  I am very interested in perpetuating information about our early ancestors and their struggles to colonize early America.
by Garald Robinson G2G1 (1.5k points)

Greetings Garald,

We'd love to have your expertise to help with the Project here on WikiTree. To keep up to date on Mayflower posts, you'll first need to add Mayflower to your list of followed tags (see the opening query for a how-to link). Please reply here again when that's completed. 

If you would like to investigate your own lineage on WikiTree, let me know if there is a pre-1700 profile of a Mayflower descendant that needs management and development. If you locate one, we can consider having you manage and develop it.

+10 votes
I think I have an ancestor that was on the Mayflower. I am in the process of going backwards. I am definitely related to Jeremiah Johns one of the Florida pioneers. There is a Johns on the Mayflower who may be related to him because my Johns came from the north. I am in the process of getting a Jeremiah Johns book that has been published.
by Misty Geiser G2G2 (2.3k points)
Hi Misty,

You'll need to join WikiTree as a full member, signing our Honor Code, and then earn your pre-1700 badge before joining. Please reply again when you've completed all the requirements listed above in the opening query.
+10 votes
My name is Yvonne Dumont - 718 and I would like to join the Mayflower Project.  I am GSMD certified, John Howland is my 13th great grandfather.  I enjoy researching and helping others looking for Mayflower descendants.  I have been able to trace my maternal family to Robert the Bruce VII, King of Scotland, as my 18th great grandfather.

Elizabeth Tilley Howland, John Tilley and Joan Hurst are all my ancestors who arrived on the Mayflower in 1620.
by Yvonne Dumont G2G Crew (650 points)
Hi Yvonne,

Welcome to WikiTree. To join the project, you'll need to qualify for your pre-1700 badge and add Mayflower tag to your followed tags (see the opening query for more info).  Please comment here again when those items have been accomplished.
+9 votes
I would love to be a part of the Mayflower Project. I am the 10th great grandchild of Samuel Fuller, John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley.
by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (430k points)
Thank you for your interest in the Mayflower Project, Shonda. I've sent you a private message with more information.
Thank you, Bobbie. I'll go have a look. I'm honored to be a part of the project!
Me too
+9 votes

Hello, and thank you for asking me to identify myself and to express my interest in joining the WikiTree Mayflower project. I am a direct descendant of George1 Soule and am a member of both the Massachusetts Society and General Society of Mayflower Descendants (MSMD 13312 and GSMS 98550, respectively). My primary interests in joining the Mayflower Project are to learn more of my George1 Soule line, to learn whether I have connections to other Mayflower passengers, and to contribute the research results that I have thus far accumulated. You will find my preliminary post-1700 WikiTree profile as Bouliane-30 and my Ancestry family tree at Thanks again for your review.

by Tom Bouliane G2G1 (1.6k points)

Hi Tom, 

Thank you very much for your interest in the Mayflower Project. You're encouraged to work with us to develop your lineage here on WikiTee to show your connections to the passengers. You will first need to complete the requirements for your Pre-1700 badge (as mentioned above), since all the project's profiles are from that era. Please comment here again once you've done that and we can work on the next steps.

+8 votes
I would like to join the Mayflower Projects, I believe that I may be a descendant of the Rogers Family from Watford Village, Northamptonshire, England, NOT to be Confused with the Town of the same name, which is Watford, in the County of Hertfordshire, England.
by John Harrigan G2G6 (7.4k points)
We'd love to have you join us, John. You'll need to qualify for your Pre-1700 badge, (see opening post) and reply again here when you have. You'll also need to identify Project profiles you'd be willing to manage, but we can discuss that further later.
+8 votes
Thank you very much to the people who have responded to me and mention that I have to pass the pre 1700 check, however, I’m afraid that I’m not 100% of what I have to do next. If anyone could help and advise or guide me along with this procedure I would be greatly appreciative. As I have Parkinson’s I’m a little slow using the keypad so any help, advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely and with best wishes and regards to all

John (Arry) Harrigan.
by John Harrigan G2G6 (7.4k points)

Hi John, 

Here is the page about pre-1700 requirements: 

Pre-1700 Profiles

The last item on the page will be the self-certification quiz, which is one requirement of the project. We rely heavily on the rules there regarding sources & styles.

Let me know if you need more help.

+7 votes
Hello my name is Wendy, I am from Canada. I've been working on my family tree for over 20 years. The Mayflower project interests me because I may have more than one ancestor that was on that vessel. One that I do know I am related to is Richard Warren, his daughter Anna Warren who married Thomas Little is my 9th Great Grandmother, their daughter Hannah Little who married Stephen Tilden are my 8th Great Grandparents. I come from this line with the Tilden's, I am directly related to them through my Dad. I am hoping to be involved in this project if there is a need somewhere.


Wendy Tilden Quick
by Quick Tilden G2G1 (1.2k points)
Hi Wendy,

Thanks for your interest in the Mayflower Project. I'll be in contact via private message shortly.
+7 votes
I am a proven descendant of Gov. William Bradford, see GSMD APP WILLIAM BRADFORD TO ELLEN MYERS #101794, I am also a descendant of John Alden, Priscilla Mullins, William Mullins, William Pabodie and Thomas Rogers so far.
by Ellen Myers G2G4 (5.0k points)

Thank you for your apparent interest in the project, Ellen. If you'd like to join the project as a participating member, please see the opening query for the steps needed. 

+7 votes
I am an active member of GSMD, joined through Edward Fuller. I help people daily in their quest to prove their family lines and become members.
by Elizabeth Needham G2G Crew (410 points)
We would love to have you join us Elizabeth. Let me know when you've completed all the requirements above and we can look for appropriate profiles for you to develope and manage.
+7 votes
I’m Jack Marshall and am interested in the project due to its connection to the colonial period. My ancestor is William Mullins, 1st cousin 16x removed. I hope to bring something new to the project but am only just starting my genealogical journey.
by Jack Marshall G2G Crew (990 points)

Hi Jack,

You'll need to add Mayflower to your list of followed tags (see the opening query for a how-to link). Please reply here again when that's completed. If you would like to work on your lineage on WikiTree, let me know if there is a pre-1700 profile of a Mullins Mayflower descendant that needs management and development. If you locate one, we can consider having you manage and develop it. The best candidates are profiles that currently have no manager besides the project.

Please feel free to reach out to me via my profile page here on WikiTree. 

+6 votes
Hello, My name is Libby Foster. I’m a member of the GSMD via Francis Cooke with Alden and Standish supplementals. My great uncle was a member via John Howland. I also descend from George Soule, Stephen Hopkins, Richard Warren and Edward Fuller.
by Elizabeth Foster G2G Crew (750 points)
Hi Libby,

If you are interested in joining the Mayflower Project here on WikiTree we'd certainly welcome you. If you would like to investigate some of your lines here and see if there are any profiles that you'd like to manage & develop. We're always looking for active participants who will help manage our pre-1700 lines. The best candidates are profiles that currently have no manager besides the project.

Please feel free to reach out to me via my profile page here on WikiTree.
+6 votes
I want to help research the Mayflower project.  I know I have family in the colony, but from later arrivals.   I don't know if I am a descendant of Mayflower passengers but I think the best way of finding out is to help with the research.  I am willing to help in areas of great need and fell I have an hour or two a week to devote to this task.  I hope you will accept me and give me something to do.
by Leslie Nay G2G Crew (750 points)

Hi Leslie,

That's a generous offer. Would you like to start by taking a look through the Mayflower Family Worklist categories? You might be able to identify a family that interests you, and a profile or two that doesn't have a manager besides the Mayflower Project. Those are often profiles that need work and need someone to keep an eye on them. 

Please feel free to reach out to me via my profile page here on WikiTree. 

Good Afternoon:

I’ll check it out and see if I can find a potential family match.


+5 votes
I'm a descendant of John Howland Sr, William Brewster, Stephen Hopkins, and Priscilla Mullins.
by Shirleen Beland G2G6 (8.9k points)

Hi Shirleen, 

Thank you for your interest in the Mayflower Project. Please note in the opening statement we mention that you'll need to self-certify for the pre-1700 badge. I notice you're fairly new to WikiTree, so I'll suggest that you work on creating profiles for your ancestors that connect you to the Mayflower passengers. While doing that, you'll have a chance to learn how to cite sources fully, create biograpies, and generally learn how WikiTree works. If you have questions or problems, please use G2G to get any help you might need. As a way to learn how the site works and create great profiles, consider joining the Profile Improvements Voyage

+5 votes
Hello, I would love to join the Mayflower Project! As well as I can remember (my Ahnentafel & files are buried in a closer), they include Mary Chilton & Samuel Eaton, Be well, Jack MacDonald-Hilton
by Jack Hilton G2G6 Mach 3 (39.2k points)

Hi Jack, 

Thank you for your interest in the Mayflower Project. Please note in the opening statement we mention that you'll need to self-certify for the pre-1700 badge. I notice you're fairly new to WikiTree, so I'll suggest that you work on creating profiles for your ancestors that connect you to the Mayflower passengers. While doing that, you'll have a chance to learn how to cite sources fully, create biograpies, and generally learn how WikiTree works. If you have questions or problems, please use G2G to get any help you might need. As a way to learn how the site works and create great profiles, consider joining the Profile Improvements Voyage

+5 votes
Jack again, I meant to add that in total I had 18 ancestors on the ship.
by Jack Hilton G2G6 Mach 3 (39.2k points)

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