Historical place names for parishes on Île-Jésus - Laval

+3 votes

I would like help to write the right historical place names for parishes on today's Laval territory, using the convention of my ancestors that had lived there since Nouvelle-France. And have the missing categories added as well.

I am refering to: Saint-Dorothée, Saint-François-de-Sales-de-l'Île-Jésus, Saint-Martin, Sainte-Rose-de-Lima, Saint-Vincent-de-Paul.

Thank you
in Policy and Style by Jonathan Boyer G2G6 Mach 2 (25.5k points)

1 Answer

+6 votes
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Saint-François-de-Sales, Île Jésus, starts in 1702

Saint-Martin, Île Jésus, split off from Saint-François-de-Sales in 1774

Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Île Jésus, starts 1744

Sainte-Rose, Île Jésus starts 1745 (Sainte-Rose-de-Lima is the parish name as opposed to village name)

Sainte-Dorothée, Île Jésus, starts 1869 (parts split off from Ste-Rose & St-Martin to create it)

https://originis.ca/paroisses/p_alpha/p_l/ Originis is reference for this

Chomedey got created in 1961, englobing St-Martin and other villages created in the 20th century.

The city of Laval as such took in everything on the island, created in 1965

Categories for most of these are already in place, process ongoing to get everything created.


This page gives you exact dates on switches from one nomenclature to another

by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (684k points)
selected by Living Boudreau

I just realised I read Jonathan's post completely wrong! frown

Thank you Danielle for your answer. It helps me, a lot. I understand I need to put Île Jésus in the location field as well. I wasn't sure, and wasn't sure if it was Île-Jésus or Île Jésus. 

For category, if my input can help, here's my confusion: 

  • For Province de Québec:
    • Sainte-Rose is in "Province de Québec", 
    • Saint-François-de-Sales, Saint-Martin, Saint-Vincent-de-Paul are in "Province of Québec"
  • For Bas-Canada:
Again, thank you for your great support, as usual!
Hi Jonathan,

The category for Sainte-Rose hasn't been created as there were no profiles to add to it. We tend to not create empty categories, and only put them up as needed. If you have profiles for Sainte-Rose, I'll gladly create it for you.

As for Saint-François, that's an oupsie from my part.. I'll correct the category for it to reflect: Saint-François-de-Sales, Île-Jésus, Bas-Canada

Also note that the "something, Bas-Canada" is only for the period 1791-1841.

If you need a category for the period 1841-1867, then it would become "something, Bas-Canada aussi Canada-Est 1841-1867"

Just let me know which one you need, and I'll create them for you.
hi Jonathan, Île Jésus or Île-Jésus, I see it written either way in various sources, but it's the name of an island as opposed to a place name as such, so would not take a hyphen.  Just as I see people writing Île-de-Montréal, which is another piece of misunderstanding on someone's part.  It is Île de Montréal, and doesn't need to be in location fields, as it's actually a fairly big island, all things considered.

As for whether or not to include Île Jésus, yes, it has to be there, just as Île d'Orléans has to be there for the various locations on that island.  Otherwise can lead to confusion, there's more than one place named Saint-Martin for instance, the other being in Beauce region.   https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Martin_(Qu%C3%A9bec)

Hi Andréa,

Duly noted for the 1841-1867 historical period!

I am really surprised there were no profiles yet categorized in Sainte-Rose, Bas-Canada! Let my 4x gg-parents be the first: Robert-2489 and Gravel-797.

Thank you for you support, greatly appreciated!

Hi Danielle,

We are on the same page.

The rule in Canada is usually to put a hyphen when it's a administrative place name rather than the geographical/natural place name. There might have been confusion with Seigneurie de l'Île-Jésus and the island itself.

Thank you for having taking the time to reply!

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