Having trouble creating a free space profile for unknown photos.

+5 votes
I have been trying to create a space on wikitree where I can post 30 Swedish photos, from our photo collection. One or two are actually labeled with a name of someone in the family. Other I have guesses. All are 1830 to 1880. Some are royalty, or probably bishops or other religious leaders.

First try (in 2018) I gave up: I think I only uploaded one photo at that time. Url I think is


Second try - today, here is the url of one of the 3 I uploaded: https://www.wikitree.com/photo/jpg/Collection_of_unidentified_photos_from_Gustaf_Olof_Barck_1804-1885-3


1. uploading today I was trying to create a free space profile. Did I succeed?  What is the url that would get me to the overview of that free space where presumably I could see how many photos I have uploaded and a list of them?

2. I dont know if my first try uploaded 1 photo or many photos. Or whether that created a free space profile or not.

3. My uploads of the 3 photos today, each time complained that this might be the same photo I had uploaded before (for the first photo that was true, for the 2nd and 3rd it was not.

4. Can someone delete my first attempt so that it will stop warning me and making me upload each photo twice?

5. In the 3 photos I uploaded today, it called them image1, image2, image3, thats fine. Then it made the urls ending with image-1 image-3 image-5 -- that is very confusing.

6. What is the best way to continue so that I can get image names and image urls that use the same numbers 1,2,3 etc? Should I delete both attempts and start over? If so, how can I delete one or both of these free spaces?

in WikiTree Tech by Tom Blumer G2G5 (5.7k points)
edited by Tom Blumer
Hey, Tom, I'm not really an expert, although I have uploaded quite a few images, and created some FSPs.  It would probably help you if you edited your question to add the tags "images" and "free-space_profiles" (without the quotes).

1 Answer

+3 votes
Tom, several issues here.

First, yes you did create a new FSP today.  You can use that for all your uploads.  Do you know how to find it again?  You can get to it from your watchlist, which has a separate section for FSPs, or, if you are not doing a huge volume of edits, it should be easy to find from your contributions list.

Don't worry about the URLs.  You can name your images whatever you like.  Just click on each one and edit the title.

You can consolidate your images on one FSP.  You don't need to delete the other one.  It won't hurt anything.  For each image, you can click on it, then scroll down until you find the spot to add other profiles or FSPs.

I hope that's a start.  Good luck!
by Living Kelts G2G6 Pilot (555k points)
Thanks, that helps. But the remaining problem is that it complains about the existance of the 2018 free space profile every time I try to upload to the new free space profile that I created today. Why is it doing that? Just because the titles are similar?  Or because the only photo in the 2018 space was identical to the first one that I uploaded today? Even so, why did it complain when I uploaded the 2nd and 3rd photos?

Thats why I need to delete that first attempt with 1 photo in it, because it is confusing the system, and causing me to do twice as much work.
I don't think it's complaining about the FSP.  I think it's complaining about the particular image.  Can you give me an example?
This is the only photo in the first collection (2018)


This is the first photo in the second collection (today)


Same photo, I am not surprised that it complained about not wanting duplicates, I just want to prevent it from warning me every time I upload a new photo (which it now does for every new photo that I try to upload. According to my FS watchlist these are the only 2 FS profiles I have.

Thats why I want to delete the old FS profile. Is that possible?
Looks like you can merge them.  I've never tried it.

It's not much different from merging people profiles.
Tom, it appears that you have created two free-space pages.  You created a page on 20 Sep 2018 and uploaded six photos to it.  If you click on your first link above, just to the right of the image you'll see "In this image:" with another link shown below it.  That link takes you to the actual FSP, and there you'll see the six images.  The changes log for the FSP shows the chronology of what you did.  Then on 30 Mar 2021 you created a new free-space page and uploaded three photos, all of which appear to me to be duplicates of the 2018 photos.  Same scenario, the link to the right will take you to the actual FSP and show you the three photos and the sequence of events.

I would suggest back-pedaling a little bit and trying to get this organized the way you want it.  First I'd suggest deleting any of the 2021 photos that actually are duplicates of 2018 photos.  Then, if any remain, I would add them to the 2018 FSP (using the 'People & Things in the Image' box under the image).  Then remove them from the 2021 page (using the same box).  At that point you should have all the photos you have uploaded on the 2018 page, and the 2021 page should be empty.  Then I would merge the 2021 page into the 2018 page.  (I will see if I can find the instructions for merging FSPs while you are scratching your head over all the above.)

I think your numbering scheme is OK, but just be careful that everything has a unique number.  The system will assign its own URLs, but as Julie said, you can rename your photos later to make all that consistent if you wish.  If you have more questions or need a hand with some of those steps, post here again and somebody will help.
Aah, saved, Julie found the merge instructions while I was typing.
Maybe Melanie can tell us whether it is necessary to delete duplicate images before merging.  Won't the merge take care of them?
I think my space pages were empty when I merged them.

BUT, if there are duplicated images, one should be deleted.  If they are both attached to people profiles, then it may be necessary to add and remove, until only one image is attached and the other has no attachments - which is when the unattached duplicate can be marked for removal from the database.

Thanks for all the comments, very helpful. I did merge my 2 FS pages.  There are several issues however:

(1) looking at 3 different urls for the resulting merged FS, there are differences:

Profile (private view)


(says 6 images at top, shows 5 of them) ERROR?

Profile (public view)


(says 6 images at top, shows 5 of them) ERROR?

click Images button-- I get this link (from either public or private view)


(shows 6 out of 6 images) GOOD RESULT

Note that the first 2 urls say 6 images, and display 5, the 3rd url says 6 images, displays 6 as expected. (all 6 images are different, so this is not due to removing duplicates)

2. After clicking the Images button on the FS I do see an option "Remove from image" -- that wording is confusing, I expect perhaps "Remove image" or "Remove image from collection" or "Remove image from Free Space"

3. Minor point about the different FS urls above: note that the first 2 urls (private and public) treated the open/close parenthesis characters differently, could cause some problems.

4. I realize now that because of (3.) I would rather not use the parenthesis characters in the FS name, is there a way of renaming an existing FS?

I think you're looking at three different versions of the same page.

For the one that only displays five images, scroll down to the last image and click View All.

I would not worry about the parentheses.  No, you can't change the URL, which is where they are.

Yes, the wording is confusing.  You remove the page from the image instead of the image from the page.
I agree with Julie, are you sure you have completed the merging?  I think you still have multiple free-space pages.  They all have all six images though, just click on the 'View All' tab at the bottom.
Tom should be able to see at a glance from his Watchlist.
Thanks.  Merge was definitely completed, FS watchlist listed my 2 FS before the merge, and 1 FS immediately after the merge.

Julie's recent comments were correct - I just missed the "view all" button in the public and private views of the FS.  Its different in the "image button" view which happily displays all 6 images, as opposed to public / private views that display 5 images + a "view all" button.

thanks for comments!

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