Southern Super Sweepers G2G "2021" Clean-a-Thon Team chat page!

+19 votes

2021 Spring Clean-a-Thon Mid April! Sign up page is now up!!

This is our team's place to ask questions, give advice, see updates and cheer each other on. Our team captains are Laura Bozzay, and myself, Dorothy Barry! 

                   Southern Super Sweepers Clean-Up

This will be our "fifth" three-day Spring Clean-a-Thon !! SAVE THE DATES: The cleaning will start on Friday, April 23, at 8 AM (EDT) and run until Monday, April 26, at 8 AM (EDT).

Here is the Spring Clean-a-Thon Help and info page:

Sign up page is up, go here and sign up please:

Simply post an answer saying "Yes, I'd like to participate" along with what team you'd prefer (which we hope is the Southern Super Sweepers"!!

So welcome to those who volunteered to help and signed up for our team!!! I can't say enough how much I appreciate your help during this endeavor to "knock the cobwebs out of WikiTree"!! 

WikiTree profile: Space:Southern_Super_Sweepers
in The Tree House by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Ok, maybe it's my "post stoke" brain, but I can't find a link to the spreadsheet where we post what we're working on and what we're done with. It also contains the links to the code list -I think! A little help please?
Thank you Dorothy!
Thank you! I thought it was just me who couldn't find the link. I just kept clicking and hoping.
HELP - I am still confused on how to show the work I've done. i have changed the status on the profiles after I made the corrections, but am I supposed to show what I have done in some sort of spread sheet?   This is the first time I've seen this type of challenge.  Thanks for anyone's answers, and links.  If I make a spread sheet, how does it then get posted?
I'm not working on a specific project, but instead I clicked on the Suggestions in my own tree and am working on cleaning up some of those issues.  Some are hard, like the elder brother of my great-grandfather who changed his birth year several times during his life...  I am seeing the status change, but I'm not sure my work is being counted for the team.
Agree with Beverly's comment
I am with you and doing it from my smart phone...after fixing many suggestions I found out they don't count if done under our own name but have to be done by the team and I feel I have failed you guys...I apologize and want to get it fixed so any help is appreciated.

Cheers! Becky Elizabeth

70 Answers

+15 votes
Best answer

Well another Clean-A-Thon is completed and guess what: Super Sweepers came in 3rd place!!!!  (unofficial right now but looks good to go). 

..........So CONGRATUATIONS Team!!!!!

              image3rd place

We had completed 21,384  corrections with 8 people going past the 1,000 contributions mark! Pip of course is in the Lead (#1 spot). Way to go PIP;  and special thank you's go out to: Kathy, Virginia, Lisa, John, Nan, me and  Margaret, our other seven people that went over 1,000!!!!!!!

But without the rest of you, we wouldn't have gone into the third place spot so pat yourself on the back as well and Thank You for all you have done this weekend. 

I bet most of you didn't get much sleep. I know I didn't. So get some rest and the official tally will be posted later on today for all the teams. 

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
selected by Sandra Davidson
I am so happy to be part of this great team!  We ROCK!
After a greet shift at 9 p.m. last night I started working at 10 and worked through to 8 a.m. this morning.

I'm BEAT, but I have a three hour greet shift starting at 9 a.m.!!!!
Way to go, Pip!! I wimped out after midnight here - could not go any farther. Fun week-end. Congratulations for being the high scorer for our Team!
Thanks, Ginny. As soon as my greeter’s shift is done I am going to crash! I am really worn out.
Awesome job you all! Sorry I couldn't do more.
Pip you are a star
What a great team.  3 is my favorite number. It is parents and a child. Now it’s time for wine and chocolate. You all deserve to reward yourselves for a job well done.   Hope everyone  had fun
Everything helps, Sandra!
+14 votes

Done signed up and ready to sweep!

Finished 10th out of 35 team participants.

Finished 102nd out of 647 overall participants.

Total suggestions corrected: 732

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
edited by Tommy Buch

Thank you Tommy for joining us again this year. Go Super Sweepers Go!!!

+13 votes
I'm also signed up and ready to work.
by Kathy Zipperer G2G6 Pilot (481k points)

Thank you Kathy for joining us again this year. Go Super Sweepers Go!!!

I'll be working on location errors in Georgia and Ohio.
+13 votes
Signed up this morning!
by Nan Starjak G2G6 Pilot (387k points)

Thank you Nan for joining us again this year. Go Super Sweepers Go!!!

+14 votes
I just signed up - looking forward to working with the Super Sweepers again!!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

Thank you Virginia for joining us again this year. Go Super Sweepers Go!!!

+15 votes
Just signed up with you guys this year, my former Bama team must have disbanded.  haha!

Look forward to SOURCING those pages without!!

GO TEAM!! And, of course, ROLL TIDE! :D
by Lisa Franklin G2G6 Mach 2 (26.3k points)

Thanks Lisa, got you covered. Go Super Sweepers Go!!!

Welcome to the team Lisa.
Roll Tide.
+13 votes

It is great to see all the names of the returning members of the Super Sweepers and seeing New Members. 

Remember, we are the FUN TEAM

by Loretta Corbin G2G6 Pilot (247k points)
+12 votes
im signed up and ready to sweep
by Ann-Marie Hamblett G2G6 Pilot (109k points)

Go Super Sweepers Go!!!

+13 votes
Signed up and ready to get started!!!
by Kaylee Robinson G2G6 Mach 2 (27.9k points)

Go Super Sweepers Go!!!

+14 votes

I'd like to sign up for this team, please.
by Amanda Patterson G2G4 (4.0k points)

Amanda, if you haven't signed up in G2G yet, here is the link.  Just say you want to participate and ask for the Southern Super Sweepers team.  Welcome to WikiTree!

Thanks Kathy for helping Amanda. Go Super Sweepers Go!!!

+14 votes
Hello Sweepers! I've been on the low down for several months (Mom died), but I'm making a come back!
by Victoria English G2G6 Mach 7 (77.8k points)
Victoria, so very sorry to hear about your mom.  Such a tough time.  Healing thoughts and prayers.
Belated condolences to you and your family. Losing a parent is hard.  Have you made a WikiTree profile in memory of her?
Genealogy was our team sport. Her death came on the heels of my father's death. They had been married 69 years. I had been their caregiver for 9 years. I wrote their obituaries. That might make creating their Wiki profiles much easier. Thank you! I need my Southern Sweepers!

Now, I'm dealing with my 101 year old genealogy partner and neighbor's recent fall. I was the first one busting through the door when her medical alert company called. She broke a hip.
Tight cyber hug.  Death is sad even when we are prepared that it is coming. Grief takes time. Keep busy with thing that make you happy and remember the good times with you Mom.  I lost my son in January he was 39 2 months 5 days and it is still hard to deal with
+13 votes
Do you know when we get the challenge badge added to our profile?
by Bonita McPherren G2G6 Mach 1 (19.7k points)

It's coming, just depends when you signed up.  We still have three weeks before the event. Go Super Sweepers Go!!!

+11 votes
by Ann-Marie Hamblett G2G6 Pilot (109k points)

Go Super Sweepers Go!!!

+12 votes

Well as luck would have it, I have to work an art show on Friday, Saturday I am all over the Super Sweepers, and on Sunday we leave for vacation. This really upsets me, because the Clean-a-thon is my favorite Thon!

In case y'all missed it, Melanie Paul and I had some fun yesterday. Check it out!

by Loretta Corbin G2G6 Pilot (247k points)
Cute badges. Love the rabbit hole one!!
I have earned a lot of those Rabbit Hole Badges lately. lol
+13 votes
Yes, I've joined you and hope I can add enough to compensate for my slow speed. I love cleaning up profiles.
by Judy Bramlage G2G6 Pilot (219k points)
+13 votes

Greetings Super Sweepers... 

We are on our last five days before the "Clean-A-Thon". I hope you all get rested up because this weekend we will be super busy doing our sweeping and cleaning!!!  Last year we shared some strategies that were helpful to the team so I want to share them again this year. 

1. Suggestion 603,  633 and 663 USA too early in birth, death or marriage location  just remove United States from any birth dates or death dates that is before July 4th 1776

2. Suggestion 631, Wrong word in death location, this usually means copy and paste the cemetery name in the bio and deleting it from the death location. See Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas.

3. Suggestion 835, Local File Reference, This is a sticky one, local file references must be removed because no one can see these. May require an long explanation to the profile manager. But there are a plethora of these, 500 to 1500 per state. Be prepared for backlash from profile managers.

4. Suggestion 868, Just paste in <references /> directly below ==Sources==, there are between 204 to 598 in all states.

5. Suggestion 851, Gedcom uncleaned interpret date. This one is a little more difficult because you have to read through all the Gedcom data and find and delete Interpret Date. 

6. Suggestion 802, Empty Profile, you just need to past in the following:
<references />

7. Suggestions 611 and 641, birth or death location in lowercase. All that needs to be done to these is capitalized the first letter of the place name. But there are only 10 to 30 of these per State.

These are just some basic tips to easy clean-up of our southern states. Please share if you have some others that will help our members get the best results from their efforts this year!!  Be ready to "go Super Sweepers Go" !!!

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
On suggestion 835, local file reference, you can remove the part that says c: and leave the rest, which is what triggers the error.  I think this suggestion can be involved, as there are usually several on one profile and you have to fix all of them.

Suggestion 853 GedCom Junk is fairly easy also, just let the app do the work for you. :)

Thanks for that tip! I've always wondered how to clean up Gedcom junk.
When you hit the AGC button, it automatically fills in the explanation too! It also formats whe information that is left in the profile.

If a Yellow box pops up on the upper right, skip that suggestion and move on to the next. It takes a while to manually clean up 853's.

If you are feeling real generous and have the time, you can hit the Auto biography button.  

I have been working on 853's for several months and there are still over 20,000 left to do. :)
+13 votes
Another set of suggestions you might want to concentrate on are locations that are abbreviated or missing commas between state and United States.  Most of the time 615,616, 617 birth locations and 645,646, 647 death locations are pretty quick to fix.  There are more than enough to go around.  

Approx. numbers:

Alabama -- 4K, Florida 3K, Georgia - 5500, Kentucky - 14K, Mississippi -- 4K, North Carolina -- 10K, South Carolina - 4500, Tennessee -- 13K, Virginia 15 K, West Virginia 8K.  There are nearly 20K in Ohio where I will also be working, besides Georgia.  Please keep in mind, West Virginia was formed in 1863.

It's easier to stick to profiles after 1800 because the answers can be trickier before then.  If you do fix any prior to July 4, 1776, please use "Province of" for states South & North Carolina, Georgia, Maryland and "Colony of" for Virginia.  Those are the designations decided by the US Southern Colonies project.  The drop down locations for pre-July 4, 1776 are not to be used for the southern colonies.
by Kathy Zipperer G2G6 Pilot (481k points)
Thanks Kathy for the tip!!!
Thanks for that tip, Kathy!
Thanks Kathy!
Thanks, Kathy! Working on my phone with limited capability, so not sure how to note my area of cleaning. But I'm tackling GA/616-646/1800. Cheers!
+14 votes
Hi! Can you confirm I'm registered and on the Southern team? I think I signed up but the post has so many comments I'm having a hard time finding mine.
by Kathryn Black G2G6 Mach 1 (18.2k points)

Yes Kathryn, you are signed up, badged and ready to go. Thank you for joining the Super Sweepers Team!! 

Go Super Sweepers Go!!!

+12 votes
I will be working on over 8000 suggestions related to profiles I manage.  Most are setting status buttons.  I said sign me up for performance improvement suggestions snd went from 1 to over 1100 overnight. Rmember we are not restricted to southern Us states. Go super sweepers
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (844k points)
edited by Laura Bozzay

I signed up for that, too.  Not sure I would have if I'd seen the numbers first!   cheeky

+10 votes
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (844k points)
2021 hasn't started yet, it will be up and running on Friday!
duh I hought it was Friday..  i'm in a time warp warp...     Ok so today i Wednessday  I just did several suggstions

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