Information for Charles Lalor, England?

+3 votes
The information provided on this profile was from an Ancestry family tree that cites two sources.  I only have a library access to ancestry and can't see in those records. No luck finding them separately.  Could someone from the England project see what could be verified?

He's the father of a Filles du Roi.
WikiTree profile: Charles Lalore
in Genealogy Help by Cindy Cooper G2G6 Pilot (338k points)
just linked the source that names him and his wife, which I found after working on this last time.

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
selected by Cindy Cooper
That burial record also lists the parents, which suggests it is the burial of a child, not a man with children of his own.
I agree Nic, it was however on Charles Lalore tree on Ancestry, which just goes to show ‘trees’ have very limited use.
Thank you, was there anything to that link in the Bristol, England archives?  I couldn't find him there, but maybe someone with better access or more experience using those records could.

The Bristol Archives  reference P/StJB/R/1a corresponds to a record in the  earliest parish register for  the parish of St John the Baptist, Bristol. [code very common in English Archives, P or PAR for parish, initial letters for parish name, R or RE for register( there are other  types or parish records with other codes)   followed by the volume.] 

 It is for the burial of a Charles, son of William and Mary bur  16 Feb 1673 ( so probably a child and the clerk forgot his surname  or just missed entering it)

Everything you are all saying about this is a child then definitely wouldn't go with the Charles Lawlor who married and had a daughter.  I'll remove it from the profile.  Thank you for your help.

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