how to remove incorrect information

+4 votes
On Melvina Petit dit Beauchemin  no 27, I entered the incorrect spouce and child.  How do I remove that entry?


The spouce and child belong to Elmira Petit dit Beauchemin and have been correctly entered on the file for that person.


I am sorry if I missed entering anything in the correct places but I have a visibility problem and it is very hard to see black print on green and white on green.  I find it easier to see black on yellow.


Thank you for your help,

Micheline Gadbois MacDonald
in WikiTree Tech by Living Gadbois G2G2 (2.2k points)
retagged by Doug Lockwood
You should be able to click on the tab that says "Edit", and from there you should see on the right hand side a link below the spouse's name that says "add/remove a spouse." That will open up a new page where you can click on "remove this spouse."

It will work similarly for the incorrect child. I hope that helps!
Thank you for the information on how to remove wrong spouce and child.  So easy when you know how.  Works very well.

That's what is so nice about Wikitree, everyone helping everyone.

Have a nice christmas.

Micheline Gadbois MacDonald

You too! smiley

1 Answer

+1 vote
also remember to click on the "save changes" button down on bottom of page AND then refresh the the page for good measure
by Deborah Sargent G2G6 Mach 1 (10.0k points)

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