What is the procedure to have an individual that has been yDNA tested displayed on his father's profile?

+2 votes
Help! On my ancestors profile under DNA Connections is a yDNA tested person's MRCA  that was born 1525 that supposedly matches my yDNA. The problem is how do I get my name to be displayed under DNA Connections also.  I have entered all my yDNA information. I have confirmed my father's DNA under edit, and he is listed under my DNA relatives, but my name does not display on his profile like the individual mentioned above.  Thanking you in advance for your help.
in WikiTree Help by Larry Payton G2G4 (4.9k points)

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Your Y-DNA is showing on your father's profile as it should be. In order for your DNA to show on profiles going on back, you have to first enter your ancestors - create a profile for each of your ancestors. Once you create profiles for your male ancestors, it will take a day or two for your DNA to populate each of their profiles.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Larry Payton
Thank you, Larry. I hope my answer helped.
Hi, Virginia! Your answer makes sense now.  If it wasn't noted somewhere, suggest it be noted that this would take a day or two to populate. You expect everything like dates and names to be immediate. Since, I do have some IT experience I should of thought of that myself instead of wasting time trying to make it happen immediately.

Thank you very much. Larry
lol, almost this same question is asked every other day.  There are many examples of infinitely repeated questions.

In the "Help" drop down box (upper right), click on "Help Index" and scroll down to DNA for explanations. This section is farther down but here is the link:


+1 vote
Hi Larry,

There's one more step you need to do when you use yDNA to confirm your male line. Each profile with a paternal relationship marked 'confirmed with DNA' needs to include a statement explaining how the two matching yDNA tests were used for the confirmation. See these instructions: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Y-Chromosome_DNA_Confirmation
by Kay Wilson G2G6 Pilot (221k points)

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