The Return of the Super Tree!

+56 votes

After a brief hiatus from the Tree Apps collection, the Super Tree has now returned!  There have been some updates under the hood, and some tweaks needed to jive with the latest API changes.

(Choose SUPER TREE from the Tree App drop down list, if it's not already chosen, enter a WikiTree ID, then click GO)

First change - the official name has been shortened to just Super Tree (though, you can still call it the Super Big Family Tree if you'd like ... I do ...).

The purpose of the Super Tree app is to allow you to create any type of family tree you want with as many branches and generations as desired.  You can go back 7 generations of ancestors, and forward in time to 7 generations of descendants, and at each of those levels, you can branch out to display up to 3rd cousins.  You can also display the parents-in-law of people who marry into the family!

Here is a simple example of a Super Tree - only goes back 3 generations, but shows the siblings of all the direct ancestors (the aunt/uncles / or great-aunts & great-uncles).

Super Tree showing 3 generations of ancestors, plus (great) aunts/uncles, and 1 generation of descendants

NOTE: There isn't a dedicated Print icon, but if you click the RESIZE icon Resize icon, then do a CTRL + P (on Windows) or CMD + P (on Mac), you can print or save as PDF.  Choose the largest paper possible - or save as PDF and send to a specialty printer.   ALSO - that Resize Icon actually cycles through multiple zoom levels, including a custom one you can set yourself - so keep clicking it so you can zoom in, or zoom out to see the whole tree at once.

The logic to display the connecting lines has been revamped, and you'll see that the lines connecting direct ancestors have a coloured background so they stand out a bit more.  That also helps you decipher when there are lots of lines going back and forth.  Connecting lines for multiple spouses has also been updated.

Final Note:  Who you see in your Super Tree depends on their privacy setting and your login and your permissions.  Keep that in mind when sharing with others - they may not be seeing exactly the same as you.  There is also the Privatize option, which will hide all Private people, and Public but Living people will be anonymized with the word "LIVING".

This is the first full release of the Super Tree and there are some major updates planned for later this year to allow even more flexibility (hiding select branches / dealing with repeated people in the tree to name just a few ...).  Please let me know if you find bugs or strange things happening in your Super Tree! (And don't forget to check out the Free Space page that gives full details about the app!)

Glad to be back!


in The Tree House by Greg Clarke G2G6 Pilot (115k points)
edited by Greg Clarke
This is fantastic tha k you greg

Is it possible to print the Ahnentafel pedigree on a laptop ? I am trying to doing it but I only get the first page printing. Any suggestions ??


Hi there William - I'm not sure exactly which question you're asking, so here are two answers for you:

(1) If you're asking if you can print the PEDIGREE ONLY option from the SUPER TREE on one page, then, YES, but you do have to click the Zoom To Fit icon first, that sets up something internally in the app that allows printing to default to one full page

(2) If you're asking about using the AHNENTAFEL ANCESTOR LIST app from the TREE APPS collection, then, again, YES, you can do it - but - if you're not seeing the full page when you go to CTRL + P, you should open up your Advanced Printing settings and change the SCALE from default to Custom Scaling, and lower the scale.  When I reduce it to 70% (and choose longer paper), I can see everything.

Hope one of those helps!

Thanks for the answers to my question.

I managed to figure it out for myself before I reviewed your answers. The answer may be useful to other WT members however.

Have a nice day !!
Wow!!! This is amazing, Greg! I’ve only spent about 5 minutes playing with it, and I’m already blown away. Thank you so much!

15 Answers

+15 votes
This app might be the most visually impressing tree I have ever seen! It is not perfect, but laying out the spider webs of our ancestor is a very very complicated task that even a human would not always succeed with.

I have seen a few clear bugs, such as missing lines, but there are also some features I miss from the Fan chart app: the coloring per location, and "Colourize repeat ancestors" even though I often disable that, it took a while to see my endogamous loops!
by John Bäckstrand G2G6 Mach 1 (12.4k points)
Thanks John!  If you can send me a direct message with the lines that are missing, I can investigate.  It might have to do with privacy, and people the app can't retrieve - or - it could very well be a bug, though I've tested lots of permutations and combinations - there are still some I may have missed!

As for those missing options for colouring and highlighting - I intend to eventually bring all of those over, but as you can imagine, this is a bit more complex than the Fan Chart, so will take some time.  Thanks in advance for your patience - but - thanks also for suggesting that you do want these options too!
+11 votes
This is great! Thank you.

There is a glitch. When I open my tree in a browser, and open generations, then extend the browser horizontally, the tree view does not expand with it. So no matter how wide your browser/monitor, the tree will not fill the available space. I hope this makes sense ...
by John Machell G2G6 (7.4k points)
Hi there John,

The way the app works is that it takes the height and width of the screen when it first opens up, and then starts populating that. If you change the screen size AFTER the app has started building, it doesn't redimension itself.  Since it's already very calculation-heavy with so much going on, I didn't want to slow it down with constant redraws every time you nudge the window size - it would quickly get unusable at that point.

SO ... the solution is - size your window first - then start the app - OR - if it has already started drawing, re-size the window to how you want it, and then reload the Super Tree by clicking the REFRESH icon in the browser.  On a Mac, you can use CMD + SHIFT + R to force a redraw, on Windows the key combo is CTRL + F5 (I think ... someone can correct me if I've googled that wrong ..)

Hope that helps!
Thank you Greg. I have exploring and found this out. It is simple enough to select screen size first, so thank you again for a great app.
+7 votes
Oooooh this is just awesome! I ran it first on my adopted tree. (Small tree) it handled well!
by Bonnie Day G2G6 Mach 1 (17.0k points)
+9 votes
Such beautiful work, Greg! I love it! Thank you!
by Barb Furman G2G5 (5.9k points)
+8 votes

This is going to be wonderful, but right now I get the following error:
svg.append(...).append(...).attrs is not a function


by Maria Lundholm G2G6 Pilot (232k points)
Same in fan chart and couples dynamic tree, did not check other. I'm sure it's a temporary bug.
Hmm ... that's interesting Maria.  The Fan Chart and the SuperTree do share some of the same code / logic but the Couples Dynamic is from a different programmer, and it is unlikely it would fail in the exact same way in that Tree App.

Try refreshing the webpage - CMD + SHIFT + R on a Mac, or CTRL + F5 on a Windows machine (I think ...) and see if that error persists.  It might be a cache issue - you could try to clear your cache and see if that fixes it.

Otherwise ... I'm not sure ... when I try loading your SuperTree, it works for me with no errors.

Yes, my first thing to do was a shift reload but it didn't change anything. I will try another browser tomorrow.
I'm on another computer today and I have no problem with seeing this wonderful app. It was the "menu part" (yellow/orange above the window where the tree is shown) that was replaced by the error message yesterday, as I can see now.
@Greg, I must admit I didn't think about the fact that I was using a javascript blocker, but with several external sites already allowed, so I think it was just a component of the menu that I hadn't allowed, which made it display the error instead.
+10 votes

that's another excellent app Greg - much appreciated smiley

by David Moss G2G6 Pilot (121k points)
+9 votes
Very cool. Thanks, Greg! No bugs that I can see.
by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+8 votes
The app is a lot of fun, but I didn't find a key to the colored boxes (multiple profiles) next to the names.  What do they mean?
by John Carollo G2G2 (2.4k points)
Hi John, I'm not sure which coloured boxes you're referring to ...

If you're talking about the Colour Scheme in general, that can be changed in the SETTINGS by clicking on the gear icon in the button bar up top (to the right side).  The default is to colour each Ancestor and Descendant cluster a unique colour to help you visually distinguish each section of people in the tree.  BUT, you have other options to colour the people differently - and - more options to come in future updates.
Thanks for answering.  The app is a smash hit.  I'll have to play with it.

+7 votes
This is amazing!! I can definitely see how I can use this in the future and I'm anxious to play with it!  

That said - Is there a way to choose to print it on multiple pages, so when I actually print (not save to pdf) I can read it? OR to be able to have it print in a banner?
by Karen Wall G2G5 (5.9k points)
That would be great Karen, but, alas, I don't know how to make that work currently.  Maybe one of my fellow programmers can help me out? The fact that it works currently as it does is already thanks to Jonathan Duke, one of the apps group.  Love the idea Karen!
I believe save to pdf is the actual solution, since Adobe seems to support poster printing:

You just need to print from the downloaded pdf using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Thanks John, I was totally unaware of this print feature in Acrobat.  I will have to experiment with it.

Thanks Greg for your response. I still think this app is amazing!!
+7 votes
Greg, thank you for your efforts in making Super Tree an amazing App.  I have played with it some and it is very helpful in visualizing the many connections in our family.  This is especially useful when I look at older branches where I am not as familiar with the individuals in the tree.  Again, Thank You!!!!
by Robert Clark G2G6 Pilot (963k points)
+6 votes
When I click the Super Tree link I get a page titled Tree Apps, but the Tree App drop down selector box is empty. I can type my ID, but that gets me nowhere.

I'm assuming it's because I'm running Firefox on a Ubuntu system? I assume it's the OS that's not supported; I can't be the only person using Firefox on WikiTree.
by George Fagin G2G1 (1.8k points)
I must confess, I don't always test on FireFox first - but - it does seem to work for me.  You may want to restart your browser again, or computer even.  I don't have a Linux system, so can't speak to that wrinkle, but on my Mac, using Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, the SuperTree loads properly for me.  Anyone else use Linux that can help out here ?
I've tried rebooting and restarting my browser, even cleared my cache and deleted my cookies, but still see the same results.

My computer is 6 years old, a Dell XPS-13 with 7th gen Intlel core i5-7200u, running 64 bit Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. It has all the updates, and runs most of the other WikiTree apps with no problem.

It's been a great machine, but at some point I'm going to have to bite the bullet and buy a new one.
+6 votes
Thank you so much.
by Rita Barrett G2G3 (3.4k points)
+5 votes
Wow!!! Congrats
by Anne Fiordalisi G2G6 Mach 6 (69.5k points)
+4 votes
Congratulations, Greg !
by James Smith G2G6 (6.9k points)
+3 votes

Thanks for the update

I will have a look at the app after I finish typing this reply to your thread. 

Cheers !! 


by William Maher G2G6 Pilot (645k points)

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