Happy Birthday Chris “WikiTree” =15,000,000 = Well done Folks = Not yet September ! Blink again -

+39 votes

If you blink again - you will miss it again  - - - -  09:28 GMT - Friday

Our shared tree includes these from around the world :

14,010,240 profiles edited by 421,080 genealogists . (asked May 8th)

14,283,143 profiles edited by 430,113 genealogists   (June 8th : 11:00 GMT)

14,523,439 profiles edited by 435,532 genealogists   (July 2nd : 11:00 GMT)

14,753,566 profiles edited by 442,490 genealogists  (July 29th : 03:00 GMT)

15,000,003 profiles edited by 449,694 genealogists. (Aug 25th : 09:28 GMT – 17:28pm Friday in Perth)

WikiTree'ers all - we have added another 250,000 +/- profiles in 4 weeks - - - - the ? now is , will we have 18,000,000 profiles by Sept 1st 2018 ? ? - Enjoy the day we are now in our tenth year ! - - - cheers.

in Appreciation by John Andrewartha G2G6 Pilot (116k points)
recategorized by Dorothy Barry
Yes, it does look like we have been adding about 250,000 a month, roughly.  So a million profiles every four months and thus 3 million a year.  Even with a good purge, I would not be surprised to see 18 Million in Sept 2018.
Outstanding news John, thank you for posting this!
I love WikiTree!  Sigh
Thanks for posting this, John!

You are correct that WikiTree is coming up on its 10-year birthday. It was around this time, the fall of 2007, that I started working on it full-time. I think we'll celebrate in 2018, though, since there was nothing public until 2008.
Wow - thank you Chris for your dedication.  I am very honored to be part of this family.
Is there a growth chart?

I found that Growth Chart you were looking for:



BTW, does anyone have an idea of how many of us could be considered "active"?  Myself I'm pretty active but still only have created about 2000 profiles after 1.75 years.  I did just pass 13,000 contributions and I do try to minimize the number of contributions per profile as I source them.
Cute! Was hoping for a hockey stick plot of number of profiles over time.

5 Answers

+32 votes
Best answer


 Way to go Chris and our WIKITREERS!!

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
selected by Charlotte Shockey
Woo Hoo...we've never been stonger!  Go WikiTree!!
Thanks Charlotte for Best Answer!! Way to go WikiTreers!!
+16 votes
Bright Ideas invite bright and passionate people. So glad you decided to work your genealogy for your bride.

Thank you all you wonderful bright and passionate WikiTreer's!

by Mags Gaulden G2G6 Pilot (651k points)
+15 votes
I do love WikiTree. I love the people, the concept and the ability to help others find their way to their genealogy family.

Thank you so much, Chris, for bringing your dream to life so that we all benefit from it.
by Shirley Dalton G2G6 Pilot (537k points)
+10 votes
Oh how thrilling!!  I look at it as 15,000,000 possible profiles to connect to! That gets me very excited.  I love WikiTree and I am glad so many are watering it and making it grow.  It just keeps getting better and better!
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

thanks Emma - - for over the last 25 hrs - the snapshot now : 10:28 GMT =

15,007,814 profiles edited by 449,990 genealogists, so we need +10 more G's to crack 450,000  - - hope you enjoy round numbers - - - - cheers - john.a

edit - here it is Emma : 11:59 GMT = 26hrs : 30mins

15,008,139 profiles edited by 450,000 genealogists = enjoy - ja

Thank you John.  I absolutely love round numbers :-)
+10 votes
Amazing wow way to go Chris wikkitree are amazing even a Dane like me could work it out with help from amazing wonderful outstandings wikkitreer that was there to help out.
by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)

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