What's happening around WikiTree in September 2023?

+51 votes

In the community, there are lots of ways to get involved, learn things, reach beyond your own branches, or just do something fun. Check out all these things going on in September.

(continued in comments)

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
retagged by Julie Ricketts

3 Answers

+20 votes

Date Claimer — Australia Project Countrywide Cleanup 
Australia's Father's Day weekend — Friday 1st September until Monday 4th September — 8 am until 8 am no matter where you are in the world so times will be staggered.

by Melanie Paul G2G6 Pilot (426k points)
+21 votes

Thanks for continuing to keep us all up-to-date with so all the stuff around here Eowynsmiley

by Marty Franke G2G6 Pilot (798k points)
+18 votes
I think there is a Source a Thon on September 29th?
by Melissa Maynard G2G6 Mach 4 (43.7k points)
Yes, you are correct!

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