What's happening around WikiTree in January 2024?

+46 votes

In the community, there are lots of ways to get involved, learn things, reach beyond your own branches, or just do something fun. Check out all these things going on in January.

(continued in comments)

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Eowyn, the link to Google calendar takes me to my own google calendar. How does one access WikiTree's google calendar?
Hi Jillaine,

Did you get the Google Calendar sorted out?  On mine, I had to view my Google Calendar on Google.   On the left, there is "Other Calendars" and I had to subscribe/add the URL that Eowyn gives above.   Hope that helps.
Nope; doesn't work with a URL. To subscribe to another calendar, it's looking for an email address, not a URL.
Ah... figured it out. If I click on that link above, in Safari on a MacBook, it asks me if I want to add the calendar. This does not work on an iPad with Chrome (ironic since Chrome is a google product...)
AHH Trickery.  I was using Chrome on my iMac.   That's great you were able to do it and thanks for posting the tips so others can use it too!

4 Answers

+15 votes
Happy New Year Eowyn.  There is so much to do in January and thank you for keeping us informed.  It was nice to meet you in person at the Secret Santa kick off.
by Jacqueline Dobson G2G6 Mach 5 (50.1k points)
+12 votes

des Adventures Exponentielles vous Attendent !! .. Boom Boom .. Janvier 2024 !

by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+12 votes

The surnames I'm working on this month are Miller and Nickel.

For each surname, I tally up the current state of profiles with that surname, including:

  • how many people with that surname from several datasets (the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, ThePeerage.com, the Veterans Legacy Memorial, Wikipedia, the previous four generations from my wife's family tree and my own, and any surname-specific web sites I find) have profiles on WikiTree
  • how many profiles are connected to the main tree
  • how many profiles are sourced (and how well sourced they are)
  • how many profiles have images of the person
  • how many profiles link back to other sites where they're listed

Then I try to improve those numbers. (Although there are so many Millers that I'll probably still be tallying them years from now.)

If this sounds like fun to you, feel free to join in. (Or do the same thing for surnames from your family tree.)

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (696k points)
+6 votes
HI My sister in law is a profession ice skater, She almost made the West  German Olympic team her parents were born in Munich But she had an an accident that finished her hopes. She is now is a international ice skate teacher first at Ice Castles with Robin Cousins who is a very nice person to meet, Then she moved with her family to a suburb in LA. She is still a ice skate instructor but closer to her home. So I will help with an  John Curry. connection
by Anne Fiordalisi G2G6 Mach 6 (69.3k points)

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