
Star Trek TOS Season 2

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Date: 15 Sep 1967 to 29 Mar 1968
Location: [unknown]
Profile manager: Gil Davis private message [send private message]
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The Enterprise crew finds witches, black cats, and haunted castles on a distant planet.[1]


Guest star

  • Antoinette Bower [2] as Sylvia




On an isolated asteroid, Kirk finds Zefram Cochrane, inventor of the warp drive, who has been missing for 150 years.[6]


Also starring

Guest stars


Friday's Child

The Enterprise becomes involved in a local power struggle on planet Capella IV, where the Klingons want mining rights.[8]


Also starring

Guest star


Who Mourns for Adonais?

The Enterprise is captured by an alien claiming to be Apollo, the Greek god of the sun.[12]


Also starring

Guest stars

  • Michael Forest [13] as Apollo
  • Leslie Parrish [14] as Carolyn


Amok Time

Suffering through his first infliction of pon farr, the Vulcan biological mating urge, Spock must return to Vulcan to marry his betrothed or he will die. However, when the Enterprise arrives at Vulcan, complications at the ceremony may endanger Captain Kirk as well.[15]


Also starring

Guest star


The Doomsday Machine

The Enterprise discovers a weapon capable of destroying entire planets, and a Starfleet flag officer whose crew was killed by the machine jeopardizes the crew on a crazed mission of revenge.[16]


Also starring

Guest star


Wolf in the Fold

Scott is suspected of killing several women while on shore leave on Argelius II. However, a more sinister force may provide a connection between this murder and many previous around the galaxy, including a rampage on ancient Earth.[19]


Also starring

Guest star


The Changeling

The Enterprise finds an ancient interstellar probe from Earth, missing for 265 years, which has somehow mutated into a powerful and intelligent machine bent on sterilizing entire populations that do not meet its standards of perfection.[25]


Also starring


The Apple

The Enterprise crew discovers an Eden-like paradise on Gamma Trianguli VI, controlled by a machine that is revered by the local humanoid primitives as a god.[29]


Also starring

Guest star


  • Celeste Yarnall [30] as Yeoman Martha Landon


Mirror, Mirror

A transporter malfunction sends Kirk, McCoy, Scotty, and Uhura into a parallel universe where the Federation is replaced by an evil Empire, Kirk is a despot, and Spock is a cunning henchman.[35]


Guest star

  • Barbara Luna [36] as Marlena Moreau (mirror)/Marlena Moreau


The Deadly Years

The Enterprise discovers a colony full of rapidly-aging scientists. Whatever caused the rapid aging afflicts the ship´s landing party as well. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Scott are shocked to discover they are aging decades each day and will soon die unless a cure can be found. The unaffected Chekov may be their only hope for survival.[38]


Guest star

Also starring


I, Mudd

Harry Mudd, now ruler of a planet of androids, captures the Enterprise and attempts to imprison Kirk for revenge.[41]


Guest star



The Trouble with Tribbles

A dispute over control of a planet brings the Enterprise to a space station, where they must deal with Klingons, edgy Federation officials, and a previously-unknown species of small, unbearably cute, voraciously hungry, and rapidly-multiplying furry creatures.[43]


Also starring



Bread and Circuses

Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are captured on a planet that resembles a Roman Empire with 20th century technology. They are set to die at the hands of gladiators for the sake of public spectacle.[46]


Also starring

Guest star

  • William Smithers [47] as Merik



Journey to Babel

As the Enterprise comes under attack on the way to a diplomatic conference on Babel, one of the alien dignitaries is murdered, and Spock's estranged father Sarek is the prime suspect – but he is also deathly ill, and only Spock can save him.[50]


Also starring

Guest stars


A Private Little War

On a planet with a primitive civilization, the Enterprise discovers that the Klingons are providing a Stone Age society with increasingly-advanced weaponry.[54]


Also starring

Guest stars


The Gamesters of Triskelion

Kirk, Uhura, and Chekov are kidnapped by aliens and forced to fight other aliens so that a mentally superior race can gamble on the winner.[58]


Also starring

Guest star




A survey of Argus X brings the Enterprise crew in confrontation with a vampiric cloud that killed a crew Kirk was on years ago, captained by the father of an ensign currently assigned to the ship.[61]


Also starring

Guest star


The Immunity Syndrome

After Spock senses the destruction of the Vulcan-manned starship Intrepid, the Enterprise encounters an enormous single-celled organism that feeds on energy which threatens the galaxy as it prepares to reproduce.[62]


Also starring


A Piece of the Action

Returning to a planet last visited by an Earth ship 100 years earlier, the Enterprise finds a planet that has based its culture on the Chicago gangsters of the 1920s.[63]


Also starring

Guest star



By Any Other Name

Extragalactic aliens hijack the Enterprise and turn the crew into inert solids, leaving the four senior officers on their own to exploit their captors' weaknesses.[69]


Also starring

Guest star


  • Barbara Bouchet [70] as Kelinda


Return to Tomorrow

Three survivors from a race that died half a million years ago "borrow" the bodies of Enterprise crew members so they can build android bodies for themselves.[74]


Also starring

Guest stars

Patterns of Force

The Enterprise, searching for a missing Federation historian, discovers that the historian has apparently contaminated the cultural development of the planet where he was assigned as a cultural observer to have it follow the societal path of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and '40s.[76]


Guest stars


The Ultimate Computer

The Enterprise tests a computer that, if successful, could replace Kirk as the captain.[84]


Also starring

Guest stars


The Omega Glory

The Enterprise discovers the derelict starship Exeter drifting in space, its entire crew killed by an unknown plague and her captain missing.[86]


Also starring

Guest star

  • Morgan Woodward [87] as Captain Tracey

Also starring

Assignment: Earth

The Enterprise travels back in time to 1968, where the crew encounters the mysterious Gary Seven who claims to be sent by advanced beings trying to help Earth.[90]


Also starring

Guest star


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  1. Catspaw
  2. Antoinette Bower
  3. Michael Barrier
  4. Rhodie Cogan
  5. 5.0 5.1 Jay Jones
  6. Metamorphosis
  7. Elinor Donahue
  8. Friday's Child
  9. Michael Dante
  10. Kirk Raymone
  11. Bob Bralver
  12. Who Mourns for Adonais?
  13. Michael Forest
  14. Leslie Parrish
  15. Amok Time
  16. The Doomsday Machine
  17. John Copage
  18. Tim Burns
  19. Wolf in the Fold
  20. Charles Dierkop
  21. Tania_Lemani
  22. Virginia Aldridge
  23. Judith McConnell
  24. Judi Sherven
  25. The Changeling
  26. Barbara Gates
  27. Meade Martin
  28. Arnold Lessing
  29. The Apple
  30. Celeste Yarnall
  31. David Soul
  32. Jerry Daniels
  33. Mal Friedman
  34. Shari Nims
  35. Mirror, Mirror
  36. BarBara Luna
  37. Garth Pillsbury
  38. The Deadly Years
  39. Carolyn Nelson
  40. Beverly Washburn
  41. I, Mudd
  42. Mike Howden
  43. The Trouble with Tribbles
  44. Charlie Brill
  45. 45.0 45.1 David L Ross
  46. Bread and Circuses
  47. William Smithers
  48. Max Kleven
  49. Lois Jewell
  50. Journey to Babel
  51. William O'Connell
  52. John Wheeler
  53. James X Mitchell
  54. A Private Little War
  55. Nancy Kovack
  56. Ned Romero
  57. Gary Pillar
  58. The Gamesters of Triskelion
  59. Jane Ross
  60. Victoria_George
  61. Obsession
  62. The Immunity Syndrome
  63. A Piece of the Action
  64. Lee Delano
  65. Sheldon Collins
  66. Dyanne Thorne
  67. Sharyn Hillyer
  68. Steven Marlo
  69. By Any Other Name
  70. Barbara Bouchet
  71. Lezlie Dalton
  72. Carl Byrd
  73. Julie Cobb
  74. Return to Tomorrow
  75. Cindy Lou
  76. Patterns of Force
  77. Richard Evans
  78. Valora Noland
  79. Patrick Horgan
  80. William Wintersole
  81. Ralph Maurer
  82. Peter Canon
  83. Chuck Courtney
  84. The Ultimate Computer
  85. Sean Morgan
  86. The Omega Glory
  87. Morgan Woodward
  88. Irene Kelly
  89. Frank Atienza
  90. Assignment: Earth
  91. Teri Garr
  92. Lincoln Demyan
  93. Bruce Mars
  94. Ted Gehring

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