Project: Connectors

Categories: Connectors Project

The Connectors Project is focused on connecting all the disconnected individuals and branches across WikiTree to the Global Family Tree.

86.65% of WikiTree profiles are connected to each other!


How To Join

Are you interested in the Connectors Project?connectors.gif


The primary goal of the Connectors Project is to eventually have every WikiTree profile connected to the Global WikiTree. In the process, we like to see profiles improved, duplicate profiles merged, additional family members added, emphasizing collaboration and community involvement via challenges.


Our member sticker is {{Member|Connectors}}

Once you have joined the Project, you may place this sticker on your personal profile below the ==Biography line==

Task List

The following is a list of tasks that volunteers can do to help us:

  • Check your own Unconnected list and connect those profiles.
  • A searchable list of Unconnected profiles on WikiTree.
  • Help those people who ask for help in G2G find their connection to the main tree. Be sure you have connectors as a tag there to see when help is asked for. Often people will use "unconnected" as the tag to ask for help.
  • Participate in the current challenge to connect folks to the tree, like the Connectors Challenge.
  • Check the Places to find unconnected profiles page for other ways to find unconnected profiles.
  • Check your own connection step by step for errors. Try doing this with all the connections you make.
  • Check for possible duplicates. A lot of trees can be connected once merges are complete.
  • There are several gedcoms from the past that imported but did not remain connected. A sub-project has been formed to work on piecing these back together, which would help connect them to the bigger Tree. Check out the Lost and Found Project if you're interested in helping.
Monthly Connectors Challenge


Please, keep in mind, in all connections you work on, use only high quality Sources. That does not include copying from other people's trees, or speculations from FindAGrave (there are plenty of excellent FindAGrave posts, though, that are totally acceptable), or books that have been proven to be erroneous. Always include a link to any internet sources, and try to set up your source according to the recommendations on the Sources help page.


Current Sub-Projects and Free-Space Projects

The Connectors Connect page is a Portal for all the sub-projects of Connectors Project. You will find these listed page and many more!
  • Connectors Chat, coordinated by Carol Keeling, a place to offer help to others in making connections, let others know what areas we can help in/are working on, talk about connections, etc.
  • The Lost and Found Project, coordinated by Carol Keeling and Greg Slade, focuses on piecing back together gedcoms that were blown apart upon import and then connecting those branches back to the main Tree.
  • The Outer Rim of the Global Tree, coordinated by Bernard Vatant as part of his 100 Circles project. The Outer Rim are profiles that form some of the longest connection chains to the nominal "center" of the tree. What can be done to bring these profiles closer to the center?

Suggestions welcome! If you're interested in being Project Coordinator for one, let the Leader know and we'll get started on setting things up.

WikiTree Resources

Remember a lot of questions can be answered by referring to the help pages link at the top right of pages.

Project Video

For more information on the Connectors Challenge, click on the image to watch the Connectors Project video with Abby Glann:

Connectors Project

This page was last modified 18:43, 4 June 2024. This page has been accessed 25,686 times.